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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. if I'm there they are pain but if I'm sitting home like right now I missed all that action and I wish to be subject to such a harassment on Silom's pavements. Several more weeks, sigh
  2. I found it by chance on youtube, since heard this tittle before decided to watch and liked it for eye flushing properties. Than thought some here may like it too so posted link. I'm glad you liked it, sorry to hear some had access problem
  3. thank you for an explantion as I was puzzled with bkkguy problems, now I understand, I' d be surprised is this was subject of Thai censorship as there's nothing drastic and no nudity / unfortunately I haste to add / in the movie but what do we know?
  4. we wouldn't mind to hear about your exploits firecat , your boy from #64 looks very kissable. I'm green with envy
  5. what do you mean ''video is not available ' I just watched it yesterday and clicked on the link above, movie is playing. Serious. Please check your settings as something may be blocking your access
  6. Great report and great to see you had good time in Bangkok. I like your writing style, makes for easy read. As for shortage of GWM you confirm what was said in various discussions here, demographic of visitors is changing with more Asians coming which is good sign for trade we are interested in. Travelers from far away places are more sensitive to swings in economic fortunes as is more difficult to find 2000 $ for air fare than 300$ for short hop from neighborhood. If so many people tell you you are cute , you must be. Hope you did something entertaining on your day
  7. I must say boy from # 58 is incredibly cute. Not my type of boys but for this I'd make an exception and gladly let him to corrupt me or other way around
  8. Excellent report, very entertaining, you are not boring us , quite opposite can't wait for a next installment. You started with biggies - Senso, Hero, Dreamboys, only Tawan seem to be missing yet from your adventure. After that will be easy and perhaps cheaper as Senso and Dreamboys are most expensive but in my opinion they can go away with their prices since quality of boys is superb. I'm glad you liked boys at Dreamboys since there were reports about changing line up at Dreamboys, glad it was just temp or rumor. Senso may be intimidating for selection as boys are very close but you did very well there it seems. Don't be intimidated by the mamasans and barkers / boys outside of bars trying to get you in /. I know is easy to say that but entering mayhem of soi twilight can be trying to newbies. Hero is sometimes busy so mamasan probably had good intention pushing you to speed as wait for room can be long up but there is the place you can take you time if you wish. If kissing or whatever is important to you try to clear that with mamasan or boy but if you like the boy take your chances and see where it will lead, some of them can be converted at least temporarily. Good luck and can't wait what your next adventures will be . While I second zombie's statement to uncover ' blah , blah ' meaning feel free to share with us only what you are comfortable with. We are blessed recently with few excellent and energizing trip reports , thank you all recent travelling contributors.
  9. vinapu


    that's brilliant point, often less experienced visitors look around in awe and some fast thinking asshole / it could be me as described above / is snatching dream boy from them. Yes , there are plenty boys on stage but at times you see just one your heart is speeding to , don't waste time and at least have him sitting with you / with a drink /.
  10. vinapu


    I would never either but I do not see it silly if somebody actually does it. This is what chemistry is all about. I can recall quite a few cases when I walked to massage or bar and in less than minute I knew whom I like, recall only one disappointment so almost always in those cases 'cold" pick up would would work for me. Still never did it since I actually like all those preliminaries before off , drinks, chats. etc
  11. vinapu


    In such a case if I would not have an intention to buy a drink his insistence can be easily softened by slipping him 50 baht and you will be left alone for a while. Just make sure this while is short one,. enough to look around , don't overstay your welcome , after all this is a bar. If drink is not bought get out from there .
  12. vinapu


    I'm tempted to make the rule that client can take boy off without paying off fee and wonder how it will go with the bar? just kidding Yes we are customers but even in bars there are some rules we should adhere too like not groping boys in the open, not to smoke if bar is non-smoking , not snatchng boys sitting with other customers already and so on. On a subject, I do very often exactly what you described, spy boy on earlier visit, walk in , if boy is there just call boy over , ask if he will go with me, pay off fee and we are gone. Even if waiting several minutes for boy to get ready I was never pressed to buy a drink. Just last year I did it three times in Dreamboys and once in Jupiter and no problem whatsoever. In A-bomb was planning to do the same but boy was late so I called another boy to sit with me , treated him with a drink and made my boy waiting when he showed up. After all what is better for bar- to charge 300 for drink and no off or to charge 400 for off and no drink? Only waiters will be unhappy unhappy but sometimes if in good mood I make up for that offering them a tip if they will hug me. Everybody has a good laugh and I have my hug
  13. vinapu

    Bangkok Cruising

    absolutely, tons of eye candy there so treat yourself with visual pleasure even if you are not looking for encounter when on the trains
  14. possibly mixture of upbringing , culture and a fact that country is less visited so foreigners are treated with more respect and curiosity than say Pattaya farangs.
  15. for this they certainly deserved generous tip but charging 1000 joiners fee even in more upscale hotel is over the board. In fact I think while cheaper hotels may somehow justify charging fee to compensate an additional usage of water or towel more expensive ones charge already plenty so shame on them for playing pimps with that kind of charges
  16. big and I mean BIG tear squeezer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q96RrlJr0E
  17. they must be trying to promote monogamous relationship for people on vacations. Thank you for warning , this is hotel's greed pure and simple. Thank God there's plenty of choice in PTY so they can prey on naive and horny first time visitors only
  18. It looks Toy Boys won competition hands down with Funny Boys. But boys from Funny will appear in another bars eventually. As long as there's good mix at ToyBoys I will find somebody there to my liking, In 9 weeks hopefully even some muscled part-time Apollo will appear there, visit firmly scheduled. With drink prices Pattaya truly is chasing Bangkok but as long as bars are staffed properly 200 baht is worth spending just to soothe eyes with all that warm skin exposed. Glad to hear you are on the roll.
  19. vinapu

    Bangkok Cruising

    have your eyes open when riding BTS / elevated subway / and MRT / underground /. Not strictly cruising areas but often you have your smiles returned and who knows where it will lead. Years ago/ I think in 2002 / happened to me, on disembarkation on stairs boy asked me where I'm going but stupid me I chickened out with some lie. But Guardian Angel was on my side , day or two later I spot this boy in now defunct Tomahawk bar in soi 6, thanks to him I discovered short time rooms in still standing Niagara Hotel in soi 9. Other than that can't help you since I prefer transactional encounters, seem to be cheaper option than free ones.
  20. I like your attitude. Chemistry is not there or sometimes it's just bad day for either side for some reason. I recall fee Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde cases. Wild animal one night and romantic huger few days later. I like kissers as well and always before off ask them if I can kiss them in the room / don't do this in the bars /. If boys says no and I like him anyways I'd still off him and at times with help of shoot of whisky and a bit of caressing I managed to convert them. What is nice surprise often very manly , likely straight guys are very good kissers. Lucky their wifes and a girlfriends.
  21. welcome to the forum you just take regular room at Serene or they have short time rooms?, It's big hotel and in the middle of BT but somehow rarely mentioned and never revieved so it's good we have finally some words about it. What are hotel's rates ?
  22. did you notice some wrinkles already appearing ?
  23. You are not lazy, you are just happy in Thailand like many of us are
  24. Nothing strange with that, some people pay big attention to dress they or others wear, other have strong opinion about type what boys they like , still others celebrate excessively what food they eat and and where , that is what makes life colorful as long as we accept that what is important to us is just trivial to others and other way arround
  25. reminds me an advice given while ago on this forum about joiners ' walk like you own the place and likely nobody will stop you'. Your report is great "Little guide book for gay traveler to East Asia", very informative. As for crossing Hanoi or Saigon streets it's scary at first I thought I will never see other side of street again but when I mastered procedure along "finally's " lines above / walk steady , don't stop , don't run/ I actually made is free thrill and was crossing the streets just for a fun, better than roller coaster. The same can be said about Cairo streets, waiting for next installments, no pressure
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