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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. too hunky, I did not even know such term exists until now LOL Just kidding, obviously we have our different tastes and it's good as it helps to keep more boys and their friends fed
  2. You are right, airport pick up and guide price was rip off compare to what's available but I guess those prices are in sync with what you pay for an accommodation. If you are sleeping in 20 $ hotel , they likely arrange for 3-4 $ airport pick up and 15$ sightseeing. So don't feel ripped off, prices went with territory. Good to know that MEN 's massage is superb. I could spend week wandering around Angkor ruins but it's not for everybody , we all have our indulgences. Angkor ruins impress even people who do not like this type of sightseeing, truly unique place.
  3. good looking and I like his smile
  4. isn't him a blond guy with mannaries we had discussion here about as some suspected him of being on his way to ladyboism?
  5. great catch your last boy, firecat
  6. until we look into books we don't know if economics are imaginary or not. Two years ago new management of my company decided that business is not about market share but about money. So they raised prices shedding some clients in the process but it turned out that this move just released employee's time to work on more lucrative assignments. So far it seems to work and I'm talking about listed company. As much as we are able to set upper limit on prices we will pay , both bars and boys will be trying to establish lower limit below which they will not see business. Look at Dreamboys BKK, highest prices in the soi for both drinks and offs and somehow they are most crowded bar day after day. But I like an idea of setting limit on prices we pay as it helps to keep disciplined budget and not to get carried away in sight of beautiful ass.
  7. I was staying in Pavillion Place in Patpong, above Screwboys but otherwise 100 % straight place and had no problems with visiting boys neither with staff with other guests. But I guess some owners or employees are trying to be sanctimonious. Better give them a miss and stay in places tested already for friendliness toward our boys and us.
  8. exactly , if straights have fun watching us in our bars why shouldn't we have similar fun watching and in funny way embarrassing them, exactly way you did, great idea with the note from behind !
  9. didn't I tell you it's BIG tear squeezer ? But at end it's still pretty uplifting It looks you landed nice specimen of boyfriend , count your blessings.
  10. very interesting and it looks there were handsome men even in years gone by
  11. this is what Christian reported recently, some BT boys are expecting 1500. I'm not surprised, last Nov was happy with A-Bomb boy and gave him 1500 expecting him to jump with joy but he accepted it matter-of-factly. I don't thing it's greed, rather free market at work. GR boys should be cheaper as thay do not need to parade in briefs on stage for hours on IMHO and clients are taking a bit more risk than when picking up visible value from the bar. Not sure about others but 2 hr spent with silky skinned boy is worth 1500 for me on short vacation. Residents and long timers may find it to expensive but since they have more time to find a bargain is easier for them to do so.
  12. nudity is very scarce at Jupiter so my guess will be somewhere else
  13. I agree with you, never been in such a situation as well and if I were probably I'd not move, just for sake of if and to see what happens.
  14. You have a good heart ! Thank you, you got it, this is my type and I like his smile too. Some don't like tattoos but I'm not bothered at all. Hope you have good time with him , a little change from your usual diet of twinks . I agree , a bit of conversation helps to personalize encounter. it's why lots of us are looking for boys with a bit of English.
  15. Great travel story continues, thank you. Sorry to hear about your misadventures at Boracay, it looks as you did not get enough paradise in paradise. Hope everything will work out and test will come clean. I like your attitude as shown in comments about hotel and sunscreen price . Very often we look for savings where they are minuscle and skip looking for bargains where it could save us plenty. Waiting impatiently for Cambodia installment
  16. you have a good heart. I do it often, give money to the boy and ask them to pay for meals or taxi. They like an idea I noticed, What may be surprising almost invariably they make an attempt to return change if fare was say 60 and I gave them 100 and they like part when I tell them to keep change. Elevated status and nice surprise for really peanuts. Sometimes I pay for their small purchases if we stop at 7/11 on the way to /from hotel but never for their smokes.
  17. very smart reminder that all travelers need to be aware of local laws and what we take for granted at home can be capital offence somewhere else i.e. gay sex in Uganda
  18. I need to say I agree with all posts above, rare phenomena for me. Ladies would not bother me but their screaming would but if they had a good time I guess I'd stay and watch what happens. No shortage of place in BT if one wants to leave. I used to hate ladies in our bars but after they complemented my choice of boys I don't mind and at times even I plant myself beside just to see their antics / and to land another complement about my boy/ As long as those girls bought drinks and they did no need to bar in stop them having fun at their own expense. When they were on stage I'd send my boy with 50 baht to tip one of his choice , just for a fun. Bigger problem would be visit of bunch of straight men who would not buy anything , made some derogatory comments about boys and customers and gays in general and left after several minutes. Apparently it happens from time to time, ,even it was mentioned on another board recently although I never witness that. At Classic last year I saw straight couple kissing passionately in the first row for quite a long time during show. But they offed boy, most attractive from a bunch I haste to say and he looked happy going with them so where's harm? We may be disturbed by such invasions but may be they help bars to stay in the business so ultimately we'd benefit.
  19. vinapu


    you are right , mamasans can be put to good use in cases you mentioned. I had one from Dreamboys spotting me sitting at Maxi's and running to announce that boy I'm hunting for for a few days arrived. Fact is he mixed the boys and brought me over one from night before but this was mistake I'm still one year later gratefull he made as this was fabulous boy and one I was hunting eventually turned disaster. So it looks mamasan knew better than me what I'd like.
  20. are you sure they are charging per hour? just asking as it seem cruel to expect to watch the watch that closely during romantic encounter. BBB Inn and Suriwong hotels in BKK are giving you 3 hours. rightly so , fuck them with such an attitude but colmx may be right- you may run into trouble with our hetero brothers whoring there I think I saw sign and was kind of surprised on one some motel like hotel in soi Sri Bumphen across from Malaysia Hotel saying something about same sex couple not being accepted, may be Christian can verify since he is camping in the area.
  21. nothing stops them here from lie and declare themselves as West Europeans for purpose of this pool. After all good people of Bavaria are calling their brothers from say, Saxony or Meklenburg just that - Ossies / Easterners /
  22. Looks that Canadians are on right side of equation and have fun. Americans have illegal immigration problem but also ready source of cheap house cleaners, baby sitters and burger flippers. The same story all over the world, only Somalis and Afghanis need to do it themselves as nobody in right mind would try their luck there unfortunately.
  23. Great and detailed report, thank you. Bar you did not notice name is X-Boys unless they changed name just recently. Good news is that erotic shows are returning, slowly but surely after post-coup hiatus. Bad news is that drink fees went up about 50 baht from last year, unfortunately as usual other bars are following lead of Dreamboys, too bad they don't have the same boy' s quality it seems. X-size trick with higher price for a boy's drink is old one but still pretty good deal. Sorry to hear about your disappointment with the boy but this happens over and over again from time to time to all of us no matter how many questions we ask and assurances we'll get. Chalk it to experience and move on just as you did. I start wondering if something is wrong with Cambodian boys, I had few disappointments with massage boys, massage was excellent but performance after off none. I thought it was just coincidence but started having my doubts after reading few reports here and there. Wonder what others have to say on the subject. Banking fees are going up faster than bar drinks , good thing we still have cash existing.
  24. and thank God for that, sorry Confederates
  25. This sounds like a great idea, certainly worth trying. But with recent reports of filthy water and floating debris I'd say it's no surprise beach is not attractive option unless one comes from great frozen north and is looking for some sun soaking, garbage or not.
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