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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. we should remember that there's whole world beyond those boards and non-contributing guests /readers at any given time outnumber members 10-1 and there are tons of others who don't even know that hose forums exist. So obviously lot of goings, good and bad are never sipping into boards. again I'm not taking any sides in the controversy since I did not make my mind about it, certainly both sides have a points it why I like this thread , OP thank you again for instigating such a lively and yet gentlemanly discussion.
  2. you see, always look at bright side
  3. it seems everybody likes the same kind of boys like firecat, I feel like ugly orphan here but at least firecat remembers from time to time what I like and posts picture of some hunkier boy
  4. the same here. More than 1700 posts and so far treated gently by the members. Not taking sides in the dispute I can imagine that somebody may have a policy of not identifying his offs other than in general terms at least as long as one is still in Thailand for fear of some form of retribution or out of desire for privacy. I'd personally would report bad apple with full details since this is what forums are for. Then it's up to everybody to believe such an accusations or dismiss them. Still we should be thankful to OP for instigating quite an interesting discussion. I agree we should treat newcomers gently and sometimes trolling questions are generating informative responses as noted above. On another hand anybody posting should be prepared that his story or opinion may not be taken gently so no reason to be fast offended, place for primadonnas is in opera not on the forum with sex interest .
  5. absolutely yes, very entertaining and informative, thank you. In your tender age you are treating yourself with Zeagra or whatever ? I don't think it's necessary , give yourself some credit and live pills for us old folks.
  6. I think Nirish meant first boy in post # 17. I'm another one curious how he was, looks wise he is just gorgeous.
  7. I never heard this , thank you for a very good laugh Nirish ! you are not alone While I do not have any experience with GR , firecat is my authority in this respect and if he had doubts about credibility of OP he must be right as long as I'm concerned. But we should thank OP for creating an opportunity for such a lively discussion. As Italians say ' si non e vero , e ben trovato' / even if not true, at least well invented /
  8. you toughed very valid point and serious problem which many of us witnessed and plenty will experience themselves in due course, perish the thought. But still most of us prefer getting old to an alternative of dying young and for that we should be thankful for medicinal progress. I'm with Christian on this one
  9. this is exactly what crossed my mind last year when visiting Vinamek on very hot May day, thank God I'm not a king 100 years ago with all that heat and no A/C
  10. Great and uplifting speach Nirish, positives only. I read it twice . like this kind of attitude. No use to look what's in empty half of glass, better use full half and enjoy. Where you are taking boys from Bamboo, do they have rooms or there's short term hotel nearby? Gathering info for upcoming trip, last year I saw quite a few cuties in that bar. I hate beach though, any beach, but consider it duty of any gay visitor to PTY to at least walk the length and buy something just to keep it alive
  11. Happy Holidays to you ! Great report and still keeping us in suspense waiting for more. As for planning vacation, don't worry about overpaying from time to time due to flawed logistics. I found long time ago that best vacations are ones with little plan, just wake up and see what happens that day. You right about help of ignorance to spread HIV , exactly as described above.
  12. I'm glad you find him as great as always. If he charged you 100 Baht for a photo it shows he has his wits around him and I like that. He doesn't look as he is in trouble and looks more mature on the photo you took above than one from his profile. I need to defend boys from your remarks about being on time. I don't have experience of GR and such but quite often book boys in advance and bar one case I was never waiting for them to show. Possibly fact that I book them in person , eye to eye helps, I don't know. Don't worry about gout and force yourself to be happy as you are still on the roll.
  13. You are the prophet or something !!!
  14. Any change brings good and bad things and our comfort zone due to changes in technology is expanding and shrinking at the same time. Easiness and speed of communication is what I like. Thanks to internet more and more boys can communicate in English and even basic level helps to personalize encounters. Easy to get and verify information , find and grade places to sleep , shop, eat and entertain. Negative trends I see are 1. migration to info-sphere / somebody reported recently that boy was trying to be on the I-pad even during bed activities/, 2. easiness to spread misleading and false information. I may not be happy with bar selection / nothing to look at / or boy performance / dud / and post negative comments and some will tend to take my word while in fact it was just me who did not like boys on stage because they were skinny waifs, exactly ones somebody else may be salivating about and what is dud for me may be not be an problem for other because he is not conversationalist and can do not off long time for example. 3. and foremost, because of technology we can be spied all the time. We may be anonymous to each other here but when somebody needs to find us it will be very easy. Hitler and Stalin would be happy to have today's technology, not just us. I still firmly believe in what z909 said above - we have it very good . Just for fun I just checked - if I fancied, in 12 hours I can board the plane and 24 hours later find myself being mutilated by BBB Inn massage boy,
  15. and rightly so. I still can think about better place for gay sex tourist. Things changed and so did we. When I entered my first ever bar back in 2001 just in time for fuck show to start I thought I'l cum right away before I even called boy over. Now I can watch it still enjoying naked bodies on display hardly sporting any sign of excitement. I think often that its simply because I'm spoiled by subsequent trips and sights not because shows went downward. It's why I'm counting my blessings instead of complaining how good it it was then. When we go back to old posts from say 2006 or 2008 we can see the same complaints about beach, bars and shows we see nowadays, one can just copy and paste.
  16. always look for good side of things, the same goes with technological change. Yes, boys are paying more attention to their phones than clients but it means one can watch them without being pestered. Now you can sit at Maxi and make your selection of Bangkok Massage masseur undisturbed by their smiles and winks across the soi. Up2u is right about casualties of any change but we human can adapt and shedding tears for bygone days is not helping. Boys are migrating to the internet because they see value there , no need to put up with rude mamasans and flash their undies on the stage whole evening without off. Those working in bars well frequented will stay there as they see value - human interaction and ability to assess client, the same reason some of us prefer bars to GR and such. I'm not so sure about downward spiral but I can be missing something compare to more frequent visitors. Plenty of people were declaring distaste for the sex shows , now when those are gone some seem to be missing that sleaze factor. Yes , those living in technological dark ages are in the dark of what they are missing but what is the use of Kindle when one doesn't have time to read because constant need to check facebook,Line and tweet. One of joys of vacation for me is removal from technology although I gave up partially and since last year I check my e-mails while away and when in LOS still try to visit and write on this forum on daily basis. I rather watch passing eye candy than check who just called. But it's just me , not complaining about quality of vacation carved by and for myself.
  17. vinapu

    Bangkok Cruising

    but now in quite a few progressive countries gays can take an advantage of this scam and sent their own invoices
  18. non-beach boys and drag them to the beach if you like beaching with company
  19. If you are flying every week to London and back I need to say I should be jealous but I'm not, tax deduction and business class or not. You brought another valid point. We know who we are for ourselves but sometimes it's hard to establish our identity for statistc purpose. Out of curiosity, do you consider yourself Thai or English ? / no need to answer if you think I'm nosy /. Once on the plane I chat with the guy, well in his 70ties who was born in Italy to Iranian parents and went to school there but spent all his adult life, good 50 years in Canada. To my surprise he told me that he considers himself Italian even if has no drop of Italian blood in him. We don't call our school years formative ones for nothing I guess.
  20. vinapu

    Bangkok Cruising

    My late father used to say ' love is light in our life, marriage is an invoice for this light" and this came from the guy happily married for 54 years.
  21. I feel sorry you are depraved pleasures of those 24 hour flights in cattle class feeding on Styrofoam food
  22. you are not kidding, boy I offed from Classic in May last year told me that he is going straight to play volleyball and he left about 1.30 a.m. Not beach related as it was in BKK but it looks boys are night owls big time working nights and sleeping days. As for lamenting Dongtan beach demise I suggest instead of dwelling on glories past connoisseurs should look for ways of substituting what is gone instead of shedding tears as it only stresses soul and deepens wrinkles.
  23. too hunky, I did not even know such term exists until now LOL Just kidding, obviously we have our different tastes and it's good as it helps to keep more boys and their friends fed
  24. You are right, airport pick up and guide price was rip off compare to what's available but I guess those prices are in sync with what you pay for an accommodation. If you are sleeping in 20 $ hotel , they likely arrange for 3-4 $ airport pick up and 15$ sightseeing. So don't feel ripped off, prices went with territory. Good to know that MEN 's massage is superb. I could spend week wandering around Angkor ruins but it's not for everybody , we all have our indulgences. Angkor ruins impress even people who do not like this type of sightseeing, truly unique place.
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