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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. it was discussion about racism in Thailand while ago on SGT forum, Bucknaway resident contributor there , frequent visitor to LOS and also Black_American waded in but I don't recall him referring to any drastic incidents like one described above. Not saying that racism is not well and alive in Thailand, probably to the same extend like everywhere else, try to be white and enter bar in some Caribbean Island , you will see kind of attention your friend received, speaking from personal experience. If Pattaya farangs constantly are complaining about influx of Russians everywhere and Arabs invading Sunee Plaza, doesn't that imply racism? Very interesting article in The Economist from Oct 4-10 about Zambian vice-president / white / . When introduced to G.W Bush as vice -president, George clearly thought this is a joke. / page 58 of North -American issue / , is Bush racist too?
  2. I don't mouthwash will prevent anybody from getting cold or worse but certainly makes kissing more pleasant so I always carry bottle with me when out, one never know when cute massage boy will derail him. Bottles provided at places usually have liquid diluted not to mention small risk Alexx mentioned above
  3. vinapu


    It will be a while before other countries in the region will have Thailand's go-go infrastructure if ever
  4. it's very unhealthy thing to get sick
  5. are you going home after around the Asia trip or returning to Thailand ?
  6. vinapu


    You did , I remember reading it. I agree that boys at Jupiter are best looking go-gos at least for those who like them on hunky side. Show is one the best although no nudity and I found mamasans there least intrusive. So bar is worth visiting but this is best done with boy from somewhere else in tow already. As to Willie comments above, my best offs weren't faces nor bodies but smiles, those even when faked indicate at least some interest so usually I go for them.
  7. vinapu


    Despite of fact that my last experience with them was bad / dud, still in the rush to leave and asked for taxi money / , I'm still willing to give Jupiter a chance , no rush though. I recently received some favorable feedbacks so may be not all lost with Jupiter boys. I like their shows so drink cost for eye candy on the stage is a fair price.
  8. vinapu


    I'd say Jupiter boys will be closer to the said thread quality although when I was in the soi last November Dreamboys had the best line-up with Zeus the second and rest quite far back, but this is just and only my opinion for my use. As for off price, yes 650 was and is far more than other bars are charging but as sweetener neither big cock nor fuck show participants were soliciting tips among us voyeurs unlike everywhere else. Since I always tip 100 each , 200 saved lowers effectively off fee to 450 which is almost in line with what others in the soi are charging. You are right with 5000, drink mine and boy's , off fee, tip for waiter and mamasan , dinner at Maxi on the way to hotel , boy's tip=4780 according to my books, expensive ? , yes, worth it ? can't wait for another chance to try first boy, second one was disaster so turned out much , much cheaper but I rather spent 4800 than waste 2000.
  9. Everybody is welcome but I found it fascinating that quite a few members decided to start being active on the forum just to join commotion in this thread instead of usual travel and boy's tip questions. Perhaps you with membership dating back to 2006 can shed some light of what 's the reason.
  10. I hope to make detailed head count in couple of weeks and promise to post it here. I don't pretend to be any expert on bars as I hunt massage boys but still make a point of visiting bar every night just for a fun
  11. vinapu


    while subject is well rehearsed and discussed we need to note that nothing is ridiculous in those prices if bar is still full. While it may be ridiculous to us to pay that much I'd not to call those who are paying them stupid if they see value for their money one way or another / even higher domestic prices and non-existing go-go bar scene for example /. As long as we still have an alternative and as you noticed it's plenty of it all is good. Last year in that very soi Twilight you could have 1 hr Thai massage for 500 with 500 minimum tip and it was still up to you who was massaging whom and what muscle was devoted special attention to. So clearly there's choice / still /
  12. I don't think so, feel free to entertain us here as not everybody reads all forums. I don't have a feeling Asians replaced us in soi Twilight but true , they make big chunk of clientele. Only bar i truly feel like visible minority was Jupiter. Whoever visits it's good as keeps bars running, I hope they discover soi 6 as soi Twilight could use some competition IMHO
  13. vinapu


    Dreamboys off fee is the same like last year, drinks went up by 20 baht but 2500 tip seems like steep increase , last year I was quoted 1500 short time by both boy and mamasan. One hired long time wanted 3000 in the morning but I gladly paid since he worked hard to earn it. Obviously Dreamboys is doing something right if they manage to pack the room, I'm not surprised. Year ago I found their selection the best by far as long as my preferences go. Chinese girls misbehaved at ToyBoys, now farangs at Dreamboys BKK, good to know that fun still is to be had in LOS
  14. I still appreciate fact that you read and even respond to my posts even if you don't have reason to read them / I know how to use multiquote but rarely use it as I feel that responding to each post separately is more conversation like so you not alone in not using it /
  15. I still strongly believe that is better to be too trusting than spoil one's vacation with paranoia about possible theft. Possibly fact that for any trip anywhere I never take anything I couldn't lose helps.
  16. I think things are turning nasty here and appeal to moderates to delete this all thread vinapu
  17. I think it was you who while ago reported on SGT theft in one of massage places near Tukcom and some posters were trying to floor you by putting blame on you for being careless. Am I right or dementia is setting in ?
  18. I like this point you made. Once at BBB Inn I saw boy leaving room after very loud commotion with farang inside. I liked boy so hired him, he did not want to tell me what was the reason other than ' no good farang' but I did not have any problem with the boy and his compensation so my guess would be it's was farang fault. Disclaimer: this story has nothing to do with credibility of OP as I have no opinion about it, just posted it to reinforce Gaybutton statement above, I think I mentioned this story already somewhere here.
  19. It's why I'm surprised you guys are planning quiet first day and night. I usually arrive late at night / early in the morning when bars and massages are closed but not using this as excuse, making my first stay at BBB Inn where they have boys on duty practically 7/24. There's nothing as warm body beside on the first night after long fast and grueling trip.
  20. And we imagine we will be on the receiving end of your trip reports filed regularly , time permitting.
  21. This statement is not fair, do you have any reason to doubt veracity of a447a posts or you are just heated under the collar due to dispute above?
  22. Start posting and have a fun seeing how fast you will be domesticated here. I joined 15 month ago after years of lurking and never ever since anybody demanded to reveal more than I decided to publish, not even in PM / private messages / . It's quite a difference between people being curious and asking questions and being invasive and demanding private details. It's understandable if somebody states that was robbed at knife-point in Bangkok, members will be asking where it was and at what time of day / night as obviously nobody expects to be robbed at broad daylight on SalaDaeng station but its rather possible if person was drunk and wandered into dark alley in the some God forgotten corner of Thonburi. This is reason some were incensed by the kind of cryptic OP I guess.
  23. it was noted many times that cameras are not kind to Thai males and almost always they look older on cameras than in flesh.
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