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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Don't get upset and keep posting, if you read responses you will see that quite a few of us liked it and this is what counts.
  2. when I saw you quoting me for a second I thought ' here it goes , second opinion about the place' so I'm kind of disapointed that it did not happen. while you are perfectly right above, there's big difference about every place in Thailand and world famous, cum soaked, quarter of Patpong . I venture is not unreasonable to expect that bar or massage place located in those few precious blocks between Silom and Surawong will provide some channel to the pleasures of the flesh. Hence OP decided to treat us with his report saying that it is not necessarily always a case. Report is balanced and fair, I'd not even say is critical and in no way of castigating. He just told us what you repeated after him - that not every place we think is sex massage place is in fact so. He just did it on much more digestible form that "Intolerable crap shooter" / or is it crap thrower? / from post #6 Buyer of lottery ticket has right to expect to be a winner, right not granted to those who did not buy such a ticket. Visitor to massage place on the " proper " side of Silom has reasonable right to hope that his sexual advances will not be summarily rejected. He does not have right to ask for them, even less to request, but certainly is not unreasonable to enter massage parlor there hoping for some thrill in nether regions. If it actually happens will depend of client , masseur or masseuse and policies of the place but I'd say visitor can be a bit surprised if such located a place will turn out to be just proper massage place and no more, just like one in the Oriental Hotel. I wish more of us would be coming with reports like OP from various places without a need of hearing pontifications.
  3. I must say often I have better experience with straight boys than gay ones. I guess it more depends on boy's business sense than actual sexual preference. After I landed one of my best boys by way of assignment at Bangkok Massage, soi Twilight I'm no longer averse to this method. Often fate knows better then us , it's why from time to time we are chasing dream boy who turns out to be dud, speaking from personal experience unfortunately.
  4. Short changing me for time rarely happens in massage places probably because I always make sure that boy knows I'm watching time, either by placing watch back on my wrist after shower or pointing at the clock on the wall and reminding we have 90 minutes / rarely I go for shorter run / . If we finish early , spare time will be used for some hugging , caressing etc.
  5. Thank you for your report and a warning. now I wonder if others had similar experience there since you possibly just picked up 'wrong ' guy. There's an advantage when we select boys from the line as we can see who is smiling at us and who is not
  6. Update : Part 12 now available and has already English subtitles
  7. I flew Tiger from Bangkok to Jakarta and back in May 2013 and it was not that bad at all and I'm not particularly tiny,
  8. no amount of "Vanish" can wash some dirty minds and he knows what local price will be. Dual pricing is not a Thai thing , it's pretty known all over the world. Not a pleasant thing but usually harm to our pocket is not that big as farmer017 noticed above. Sometimes I haggle just for fun and to see how low they go and still pay what was quoted at first place as long as it's reasonable. Difference between West and Third World is that in the Third World countries we are gouged as visitors and at home in the West we are gouged as locals, however we 'll turn ass is always behind.
  9. I like it too, it's like we are waiting at the airport for firecat to arrive with next installment of travel story in meantime killing time swapping ours. as for flying since I don't usually sleep on the plane I always take aisle seat as it's easier to get up and stretch the bones. I prefer middle section of seats at the rear as it's often less crowded allowing for more elbow space if nobody is seating beside. I also collect miles but never used them for Asian flights, each of 10 trips was with different carrier as I hunt lowest fare with fastest travel time and it seems always there's one airline with need to sell seats fast offering them at deep discount.
  10. vinapu


    great idea and never unpleasant
  11. vinapu


    never bad idea to keep guests on a short leash, LOL
  12. this is what happens when you drink gin without tonic
  13. what I noticed with age I take long flights better and better even if I don't sleep on the plane but jet lag becomes problem bigger and bigger, wonder it's just me or others have the same
  14. really? was Thailand short of rain this year?
  15. With people suffering discomfort of Business class I wonder if Christian PFC and me are only people alive who are still flying long distances in the comfort of cattle class?
  16. absolutely yes, please keep reporting. Always good to know what's going on in the wide world . Hope your gout went away
  17. Thank you for dropping by and reporting to us . I guess we need to wait and see. Rarely venue open is instant hit .Hope they survive till December
  18. vinapu


    that's the jump , from 400 to 600, either things are very good or very bad if they resort to such rises. When Dreamboy raised their off fee 650 we thought it crazy but somehow it work for them. While I found Dreamboys selection worth a price last November can't say this about Classic but it may be just me, not a big on twinks
  19. not trying to be sarcastic here , just looking in the mirror, 15 years ago we were likely much more attractive look wise , hence greater stress for transactional side of things
  20. possibly another attempt to resurrect Heart Beat Club in the same soi ?
  21. sensible comment by my Indian co-worker whose daughter married happily Mexican guy against both families wishes few years ago: "they were against because they were racists, we were against beacuse we prefer people of our own culture" insert any other nationality / tribe / race and you have the same all over the world
  22. enjoy your trip and hope you will have something to say / and show / about all those countries you plan to visit. Take care
  23. with all this whoring it would not be surprising , on another hand you make a lot of merits by saving so many boys of starvation so hopefully this somehow levels off.
  24. I think you hit the nail , whole problem may not be race based but product of ebola scare.
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