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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. and this is perfect, only point I'm trying to make is that any recommendation must be taken with caution for the reason stated by you. It looks that both ChristianPFC and me had good time last night even if we did not like each other's election. And is not even worth deliberating about right and wrong because this is not an issue. It only means for readers of this thread that not neccessarily my recommendations will work for them and places/boys I did not like they may find endearing. Fresh input to discussion will be my next post from Shape Spa I just returned from happy
  2. Day 2 continued, I just noticed that Christian posted his impressions from last night but decided to create some fun for readers and will post this before I will read his account. We will see how different eyes are looking at the same thing at the same time. I'm curious too to see comparison. But first on my way to Banana I went to see Guy Spa in soi 19 and truly I'm comfirniming that place is closed and lobby already demolished although sign in still hanging on the building. Walked to Banana which is in the same soi 11 where Hero is. More boys on display than on two previous visits but I did not care as I went to see Tao. Last time he delivered one of best 3 massages I had / other two being at Magic Hands and Sun/ . He is trained at Wat Po itself and let me tell you , it shows. Allowed him to mutilate me but really felt difference, originally ordered 1.5 hr become 2 as I needed some caressing time, one can suffer only that much but it was truly great massage and repeat is in the cards. Two hours massage 800, I tipped 2000 which is probably twice of their minimum tip for that time frame but has feeling that I got plenty for my buck so let him have it as they say. Kevin, owner there is great and informative guy, I already said it before that place is underrated. Than back to Tarntawan for previously announced meeeting with Christian PFC. Made some arangements with instructions of how he will recognize me but actually it was not neccesary. First things first , we went to Patpong to have a dinner, place is called Madrid / correct me Christian if I'm wrong / and is surprisingly decent with even better food considering location in very Patpong soi 1 , not normally considered for gourment food. Again proven that quality of food depends of ingredients and cook , not address and ambiance. Short stroll to Screwboys but no activities as it was too early, Christian had eyes on some boys seen previously and I was hopping to see number 2 I missed last year, I don't remember why I was hunting for him but certainly I was. But he was late for work on tat day and it was day of my departure. So we went to Nature boys taking longer route through soi twilight. At Nature Boys same same , too early. It's never too early fot Golden Cock, our next stop. 3 boys on the stage, few more entertaining eledrly farang, a bit youger one arrived shorlty after us , must be regular because fly zip entertainment started almost as soon as he sat down. I found one boy a bit attractive if pressed for a tryst but generally none apealed to me so it be a while before I visit I guess. But with drink prices half of soi Twilight certainly place has some appeal certified by it's longevity. Returned to Nature Boys, first visit for me since 2002 I guess . Three boys on duty, one clearly overfed , may appeal for chasers of chubbies but nothing for me even if he tried to show his assets through underwear , even smile did not help. Another one plain vanilla and of age , again no appealing , third one may be would do but did not even bother to undress and show on the stage and it lokks that most attractive of the bunch was mamasan. Drinks 150 , same price like Golden Cock but both bars that night were time wasters for me, not that I'm trying to discourage anybody from trying, lesson learned shortly after where we went back to Screwboys and realized that we see the same boys through different glasses. So one's boredom may be somebody else fun and that's beauty of life, certainly I'm in no rush to return to those two bars. Upon retun things at Screwboys were picking up, several boys rotating on the stage, few clients, one entertained from both sides by two boys and I mean adventurously entertained , definitely they managed to get erection from him and hopefully corresponding tips. Christian was ogling two boys, skiny twinks I wouldn't look at, I while waiting for nr 2 who never showed up placed my designs on nr 41, stocky and muscly, my type of boy . Christian charitable comment on him was "waaay to fat for me ". So now we see first hand what recommendations are worth, doesn't matter who says what you need to see for yourself. I'm glad I did and hope Christian said the same / still did not read his account /. I meantime Christian being split betwen his two twinks, I'm focusing on 41 and noticed that 34 is foccusing on me. That's not pleasant situation , nothing wrong with 34, handsome and slender but I want 41 who I had impression is trying to avoid my eyes while 34 is hoisting his smile upon me. At least we are spoilt for choice / I'd consider at least 5 boys offable on top of those two / Finally Christian decided to count bones on number 89 leaving 67 in the dust, they left me to measure fat count on 41and show started. Mamasan pressing me to choose / good luck to him , I already did / , suggested one of the boys but deal was cooked , 41 looked at me and smiled, I waved him over and had company to watch the show. In meantime clared with the boy that he kisses and is available for long time, all I need to know. Mamasan translated because his English is very limited unfortunately. As for show usual lip sync singing, two boys with erect cocks doing their semi-dance , first separately and in second number together, no sex , no oral but definitlely cock on display. All of 30-40 minutes so quite entertaining , not too long and long enough to warm up before taking off. Talked to mamasan about tips etc, very informative and did not try to avoid answers. Short time 2-3 hrs, long time at least till 6 a.m. short time tip 1500, long time 2500 and more if you like the boy. So common wisdom confirmed, nothing hew here but they are always newbies looking for that info. Screwboys off fee 450, Christian paid 550 as his choice was coyote dancer, if you ever call him cheap I gladly will be witness to his defence. Drinks 300 , boy drinks same. I tipped server 50 , mamasan 50 and unfortunate 34 100 baht for his smiles. Short stroll to Tarntawan and let me tell you I'm glad I took this boy, body adorable, not Tawan type hunk , rather farmer's son with manly face, strong muscles. I had my fun, boy had his tip increased to 3000 as he was sporting hard before I even joined him the shower - my customary tip fort that is 500. I liked way he was clinging to me whole night and this must be repeated soon.Only thing I was missing was conversation as his English is poor but he understood when I told him 'you are beautiful' and knew what to do. He left at 8 after breakfast at the hotel. First time ever I gave him 100 for taxi, he did not ask but I had this urge to do so. And then day 3 started. Now time to read Christian's post and I'm not here
  3. correction, not Nature but Health massage
  4. don't even try to ridicule my fun, it will be few, not really "try" as most of them I used already, watch this space for further developments as tomorrow I'm moving again
  5. vinapu


    Many things I can immagine but watching fireworks when cute twink is available beside is certainly wasting God's graces bestowed upon us, no offence intended as I understand people have own priorities but so do I.
  6. Day 2 int he morning traditionalitula of breakfast together and we parted our was temporarily. On return to BBB Inn I was greated by name by another boy I was shocked he remembered me, from last year, fuck , not only remembered but also show me our picture together still in his phone. This was only time I succumbed to boy's request for picture and see, permanent damege LOL. Picture is not compromising and can be shown to children and nursing mums, no problem. I also learned that my neighbours on both sides are 2 quite mature Russian straight couples, they did not looked shocked by the place so probably took hotel due to excellent location and did not care of what kind of hotel they are in. Left BBB Inn at noon and moved to Tarntawan, I like to treat myself with so called affordable luxury although deep in my herat I think this is waste of money but nice at that. Now on my way to Banana, than highest level secular meeting with certain resident farang
  7. Day 1 continued afternoon usual haj to Arena, passed through soi Twilight on my way, noticed post on X-Boys door 'drinks 350, so inflation set in. Up to now I was very sceptic about legends claiming extraordinary memory of Tai boys but nowI'm changing my mind rapidly. First Namu from Bangkok Massage recognized me immediately after more than 1 year. Asked him about sex shows in bars, he confirmed that now shows are cabaret style but offered to made sex show in my room, what a scandalous behavior ! Second on entry to Arena I was recognized by both boys I offed last year as well as by mamasan. Dit even remembered my name and where I'm from. Mamasan confirmed that they wille changing location within the building in not so distant future which helps as place shows usage big time. But this doesn't count for me as selection yesterday was superb , even if I know I will be taking Dit at fast glance it was several boys I liked and definitley feast for hunk lovers although they have quite a few slender boys on duty too. As always massage was enjoyable but since I lke the boy I wouldn't notice any shortcuts, it was rather me who was disctrcting him constantly by wandering hands. Arranged for an evening, since they are closing at 9.00 no off fee anyways. So at 9 p.m. we wnet for a dinner and than to Tawan. Now drink tickets are sole at front, likely to avoid non paying customers? Anyways drink is 350 which seems to be current standard ir seems. House was packed for 10.30 show with good blend of Asians and us farangs , surprisingly plenty young clients but also noticed old Asian lady who seemed to have a good time, no doubt. Happiness campain by the junta was barely noticable as plenty of erect cocks were visible with oral perforemd , only thing missing from days of ols was actual sex show. All traditional segments - candle, rubber whipping, big cock show, uncalled for sado-maso number and traditional finale- jerk off show with three participants, two of them managed to get off for tips with gusto but there were no tippers for last one so he gave up. No more ladyboys in show there just men men. As for boys Tawan is muscle kingdom so they appeal only to some but definitely if one is muscle lover can spend all inheritance on offs and tips there. I'm in hunk fan club but bodybuilders are not appealing to me much , still set my eyes on few very well built but not overdone boys and who knows what future brings. I never offed boy from there and will not live forever. Liked one with punk hairstyle with handome face and placed him into consideration. Show lasts about 75 mins and just before midnight we went for night of fun .
  8. I know the place, last year was nemed Relax, this year is called Nature massage, passed by yesterday, building is Silom 64 and has it's own passage from BTS thank you for tip about Noi, will investigate option of subjecting myself to his harassment.
  9. I'm already there, hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to butterfly religiously but now see an advantage of being in familiar arms at least from time to time so absolutely don't blame you for clinging to the Lao Boy, I'd say, enjoy while it lasts.You have fun and him steady income
  10. I'm not horny , I just like to be massaged to death by horny men LOL
  11. Day1, exhausted after very long flight. China Eastern have strange notion of what proper temperature on the plane should be and most of us were dressed for nothern winter outside, sweater, jackets and quite a few people also hats or hoods. Otherwise can't complain, feel sorry for people who pauide more than me, for 1150 Christmas ticket I can suffer plenty. Arrive BKK 1 a.m. immigration very busy but martil law can be felt for complete absence of taxi touts in the airport. No line up for public taxi, well organized, you get ticked with taxi stand number and off we go. Meter was on from begining, fare to Papong 251+50 airport surcharge+80 tolls which at that time can be avoided by taking streets fairy empty but for savings of 3 $ who would bother. Immediately feeling like in the paradise. Arrived in BBB Inn past 2, imediately receptionist mention they still have quite a few massage boys on duty , not that was was not prepared for that offer. Actually noticed that those present are much more attractive than what I saw last time in Nov 2013. Anyways went upstairs - for 4th time in row got the same room , feel there very at home, desoild myself after 24 hour on the road and went downstris pick up the boy. Thay advertise this 'Fashion" massage at premium but I'd say just don't bother , order regulr oil or cream or whatever suits you and you will be at the same place wth savings of 400-500. Being curious I took 2 hrs fashion one at 1700, ad says tht this is supposed to include boy's tip but when tried to find out how much of that 1700 goes to boy got elusive answers which pissed me off but after I cooled down I realized that reptionist my actuallu don't know - it may be arrangematnt between boss and boys. No hunks on duty but plenty smiles so took one i fancied the most and landed very well as we had very good time and he professed that he enjoys massaging men although he is straight with girlfriend and a strictly top. Very limited English but asked his what his tip for those 2 hours shoul be he answered minimum 1000. While front was fully accessible he clearly did not like me toughing his ass at all but after 90 minutes of trying I finally to our laugh managed to extract concession and could put my hand there. This was funny part. First time in long timee did not shower together, I understand it before massage but after we spent 2 hours naked not exactly watching TV I did not get this shy part. But he did not lie, after shower emmerged wrapped in towel and put his undies on in this attire. Since it looked natural I acually had good laugh at his expense. One earn whole life and still dies stupid, never had such case before but know others had. Unfortunately he couldn't stay after time bought as was rushing to his day time job or at least said so. Still since I had such a good time after 13 months fast from LOS I spoiled market by dboubling his request. So quite expensive 2 hrs but very good start to adventure so no regrets. After he left at 5,I went downstiars to check computer goings, tried to sleep but jet lag did not allow me to, so at 9.00 I was up again. Made brief tour of soi Twilight, Patpong and Silom, smiled at one of Bonny boys who just arrived to open place , noticed hat Prime masssge is renovated .I wonder where they moved . Quite a few places in Silom already open at 10 staffed by few inviting boys but I decided to be cellibate until afternoon when I do my usual visit to Arena, always first place to patronize. Instead , after 12 years of absence went to Kao San and must say place is spruced up and definitely expanded but I fail to see reason why so many people decide to camp there, not exaclty in the middle of the most attractive part of Bangkok. Junta removed stalls from Silom, now at 3.40 p.m. sidewalks are free but I missed an atmosphere aparently only after 7. 00 p.m all is back to normal. Rest of day to follow in due course
  12. Arrived and have first meeting behind me, will update later as jest lag is killing me, at least I kind of know how paradise looks like
  13. Speaking about meat on bones / I'm still here for another hour / issue was nicely summed by one of my long time offs - 'make better sleeping'. It's easy to fall for 40 or so Thais , some of them don't even look close to their age. Market for meaty and older boys must be bigger than we think - most crowded bars - Jupiter, Tawan, Dreamboys BKK or BoysBoysBoys have few few skinny twinks and even if they have it's probably just son , who wanted to see daddy at work, just kidding although not entirely - one of soi Twilight mamasans has his both sons working as waiters in soi's restaurants. It's why when somebody reports that found boys at this or that place unappealing I always take it with head-sized grain of salt. The some goes with my reports - my heaven not necessarily means anything good for somebody else, it's why is the best to go and check for ourselves. And really we need just this one pearl among 30-40 boys to have our trip to the bar worthwhile. Williewillie is correct , you don't need to ask me for report, I will do it so I have my own memoir and to repay to the readers. I always find trip reports from LOS very energizing.
  14. After 12 month of absence I'm taking off to Bangkok in several hours. This will be my 10th trip, also the longest. Will try to post regularly so if you are interested watch this space. If you are not, just ignore. I don't have any particular plans but definitely will be trying to visit some new, at least to me , massage places. Those who read my previous posts from 2013 trip know I'm fanatic of massages and very fond of massage boys. I like my boys to have some meat on their bones but end up with a lot of skinny twinks easily seduced by their smiles Not that I will shun go-go bars, not at all. Curious how recent moral campaign affected them and their shows. If members presently in Thailand would like to shake hands and share a drink please contact me through PM. Don't take any offence if I will be late responding, I like to spent my vacations low-tech but will try to log in to the forum at least once daily. I will jump for few days to Pattaya as well as last time I had feeling I did not give her enough chance. Now I go to the bed - hope this is my last night for a while I will sleep alone, I prefer long time off over short time big time, unfortunately from time to time, boys I like have an opposite preference. This is how I get pissed off, still better than being pissed on , right?
  15. or just pay up, enjoy the food and treat this as part of ' Christmas in Thailand ' experience, instead of complaining think about all this money you saved by missing Christmas at home with all those senseless spending on gifts nobody wants not appreciates
  16. vinapu


    this is where you should start and stay there, nothing sexy about fireworks IMNSHO
  17. you may have a point as on few occasions I noticed that HJ is considered part of whole massage experience. Arena even put this in writing on their webste ' shower, massage and a hand job " There's no question of agreement or disagreement as we have different needs and priorities and obviously everybody will place different price tag on services received. Some are looking for just a massage and will not care much about extra circular activities and other will not care about massage at all while looking just for an action. Most are somewhere in between those extremities. I personally place big premium on kissing, showering together where suitable and boy being naked at least for most part of massage and don't care about HJ, BJ, oral and full -on sex as those have place in the my room IMHO and tip accordingly to those points. But somebody else may not feel generous if HJ was absent or unsatisfactory or something else missing so really there's no way we can agree as of what warrants increase in tip and probably boys are in the same situation i.e.one may consider extra 500 for letting client to blow him generous tip and another may be dissapointed with the same amount.
  18. still raining at that time of the year ? I better take some umbrella with me
  19. No dispute here, my choice of words was sloppy, what I had in mind was compare to bar boys , massage boys are working much harder. On 1000 baht minimum I'm with you as stated. From my experience In gay massage places tip was never mentioned but in straight ones, like those lining Silom on both sides in few cases when my hand wandered where was not supposed to be compensation was mentioned and gladly paid , I haste to add.
  20. I'm not big fan of New Year celebration but in fact always I went somewhere to spent it with family or friends. This year I found new way of celebrating NYE - sitting on the plane and going home after manscapade in LOS. Difference in price of flying out on Dec last as opposite to Jan 1st was roughly equivalent of quite a few long time offs !!! so it was no brainer what to decide , I must be at work on Jan 2 nd anyways. But really for me New Year is just a date in calendar with guaranteed day off.
  21. Gnash your teeth and carry on, in fact discomfort may be coming from fact that you know it will be over soon and just can't wait for it to happen - to be liberated from oppression of work.
  22. I agree with every single word above and this is my practice as well, even in places like Soi Twilight or Arena which state minimum tip at less than 1000 / 500-700 /. My minimum requirement is guy naked and I was able to tough his cock, as with your experience something sexual always come even from straightest boys in supposed straight places., sometimes in deep conspiracy for added thrill. I let them to take a lead and see what happens. This is part of fun for me. Massage is hard physical work and I believe too that min .1000 is well deserved. To spoil the market and myself I have personal bonus system - if boy is undressing and is sporting hardon already before we even started session I give him 500 extra and tell him why. Another advantage of soi Twilight massage places is that one can ogle boys without pressure as they are parked outside and well visible to diners at either Maxi's or Dick Cafe. This is for those who don't like Senso/Arena/FanClub style of selection from line-up
  23. I have no problem with moderating here , we are behaving very well. After now departed tariq threw some mud at me I PM Scooby and he cleaned up premises promptly. I know z909 reported that too as indicated in post #7 so action was rater swift. Member do not need to agree on anything but purposely offensive name calling should be exterminated as it was done in that case.
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