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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. day 10 continued sitting at X-Size at one point I knew I will not leave it empty handed, with 3 boys firm candidates some choices to ponder but since it was me I decided on quite masculine and tall Mat, poochai with sense of fun so we hit it on right away. Usual round of questions, we agreed on long time , he wanted to 5 but I said at least till 6 and he agreed, price also negotiated to 2500 and off we went.I left to him to negotiate tuk-tuk to Malaysia Hotel and reimbursed him 80 baht in the room where we landed about 11.30. Very nice buy with some real muscle , was training thai boxing , it's why.Man man, had even some hair on his chest, barely visible but still. Good one hour on hugging , caressing and wrestling but at 12.30 all of the sudden and out of blue he announced that he has motorbike parked at Silom and needs to pick it up and will be back at 2 for our fun til 6 and he wanted kind of advance money of 1500. I was kind of surprised as we seemed to had good fun but finally gave up and let him go but gave him 1000 only stressing that rest will be paid in the morning. He wanted also some small money for taxi but reminded him that I just gave him 80 baht in 20-s for tuk-tuk this way. Seconds after departure reception called to confirm that all is Ok and not being naive that he will be back I went to sleep alone for first time this trip but who knows , may be i needed it since I slept without any interruption till 9.30 and so day 11 started. Funny thing , in 10 trips I had only twice long time boys cutting arangement to short one in in both cases it was in Malaysia. Also twice I had short timers offering to stay longer and in both cases it was in Niagara hotel. May be after all there's something like genius loci of the places. I should be upset or disappointed perhaps with such a development but I'm not, just a bit sad because we really hit it on and I liked the boy. I guess he wanted to secure his appointment so agreed on long time without any intention of keeping it up forfeiting 1500 on the way, oh well at least I had a good sleep and I needed it which was shown by waking time. I 'm early riser so 9.30 is like noon for me.
  2. Definitely I'm confirming it's closed, passed by last evening and door shut dead at 9 p.m. RIP FunClub
  3. Day 10 was a Sunday so after we had breakfast together I asked my night companion who has a motorbike to give me a lift to , you guessed rightly , a church. Pattaya is probably one place in the whole world when you partner in sin at night still can drive to a temple in the morning , but why to give him money I otherwise would pay anyways. Unpon return to the hotel I packed and took 100 baht motorsai to the Bus station. After my first visit I was not impressed with PTY that much but decided to give her a chance and I'm glad I did this trip. Sad farangs aimlessly wandering streets somehow did not bother me that much, i never had problems with Russians there so this part was ok too, bars were interesting, plenty of warm boys- from what I saw I could off at least 20, so enough to keep bed warm for 3 weeks with different boy every night. Chances are next time I still add 1 more day for Pattaya. Nevertheless I was glad to return to my beloved BKK. Arrived at 10.45, at 11.30 I was already on the bus , with light traffic it took us only 1.45 hr. to reach Ekkamai, nice conversation with British guy sitting beside and chance to see some countryside, very pleasant trip. Hop on the BTS, then cgange at Asok to Suhumvit MRT and from Lumpini station short drive with motorsai to Malaysia hotel. I could walk but handle of my suitcase broke and was so happy top see motorsai that I gave hom 40 for the life doubling his price. After settling in in what I think is best value for money of all BKK hotels - 800 baht for spacious and sunny room I can think about anything better for the price. Internet needs to be paid and breakfast is not included but they need to make money on something. After dark I venured out taking very circular way for a Prince in Suan Plu soi 4, nice stroll through less known parts of BKK. Prince itself is very easy to find, well posted from main road and in the soi and by far is the most classy and impressive massage place of them all I saw so far. Prices are reflecting this but I don't mind. Lobby is very airy and boys enclosure is far bigger than at Hero or VClub. Probably 20-25 boys on duty,you can toss a coin and still be winner. I was hoping to see certain Pong but he was not there , instead I noticed Bom from Adonis, my longest off ever 10p.m. -12p.m. next day was working there so I arranged for a reunion. He did not recall me immediately but did later remembering hotel we went to and that we actually walked there from Adonis. 1.5 hr oil massage 1100, minimum tip 1000 / hr, 1500 / 1.5 hr, 2000 / 2hr which is waht I pay wanyways so no shock value. 4 different standard of rooms available , I opted for cheapest / standard / , still very impressive and modern looking. Showered together, boy naked from the start, great massage and reunion , we both are big on hugging and body contact and almost missed time mark. I'm extremely satisfied even at those prices - one needs to pamper himself from time to time although I'm pampered here 10 days already one way or another. May pay repeat visit as definitely I liked an experience an every way. Soi Sual Plu is easy walk from Sathorn, almost opposite Convent so after massage I walked to Silom which on sundays now is closed to traffic and becomes one big open air market. Walked whole length and then past Tawan along Suriwong to soi Twilight with no specific aim, ensured Namu from Bangkok Massage that I will of him again before departure, got very sad news from mamasan at Dreamboys that #76 Yo departed from the bar few months ago and finally settled on X-size as show time was approaching. 20 or so boys parading on the stage ,all in individula choice underwear, According to mamasan who immediately clinged to me but that the one I can handle remembering her prom past visit, jeans thing is gone now. Quite a few boys to my liking, mostly twinks and got comfortable with an idea of picking up bed warmer for the night from there. In meantime 100 baht landed in the briefs of some dimunitve boy sporting quite a erection. No wonder later one he was in a big cock show. Show itself pretty standard , big cock show , participants circulating among an audience for a feel for the tip, I lost 400 this way plus another 100 tho the same samll boy I tipped before. Candle show, some other gyrating on the stage, I lked it as it was not overloaded , sexy and brief about 30-40 minutes giving boys a chance to present themselves on the stage later again.
  4. I must say quite a few showed an interest in me which is shame because those were exactly ones I'd consider offing if I haven't already booked Bank from BBB, he was mumber 1 by far of all boys I saw on all stages in my 3 days there in PTY.
  5. With exception of Good Boys in Sunee and Vassa and Freeman in BT I visited all go-go 's in PTY between 10-12 in last 3 days and sadly I must say that only time bar was more than 1/2 full is when we were at BBB for the show. I start developing an oppinion the may be there's too many bars and talent is spread too thin
  6. I must say that Boyzboyzboyz at this time is the bar with best boy selection and possibly best show of them all in Pattya with Xboys show close second, BBB bit more entertaining, X Boys bit more revealing.
  7. This is an idea which crossed my mind after he finished, it would be great to had such a massage right after arrival after hanging in the air for 18 hours.
  8. I came pretty late for the show and don't recall much of sexy parts - for this Xboys and BBB can't be beaten
  9. I'm not disputing anything about Funny Boys since I can't compare it to the past there's nothing I can lament demise of. What I'm saying I saw great bar with great selection certainly not much worse than ABomb and ToyBoys . As for free seats sadly most of bars had more free seats than occupied ones at least at time of my visit . Even BBB with it's biggest selection of them all was emptying fast after show
  10. don't be shy , after all you don't need to post anything about intimacies but we all gladly read about other's adventures and impressions, I found it fascinatiing to see how differently we observe the same things
  11. Now he is freelancer only I used his services two days ago and was impressed, great skill and since he is serious masseur there's no time wasting on hany-panky , all time you pay for is utilized . Can immagine it would be greatest to have such a massage right after long flight here, his first appointmenta are at noon
  12. Day 9 continued at 4.30 I have an appointment with JIrapat, professional masseur recommended on this and other sites, It was Moses here who helped me to locate his website He arrived promptly, I was warned thet he is professional, not an escort so made sure I behaved, I stay through the massage in underwear. No wandering hands etc. I wanted this to check how professional massage measures up against those we are subjected in various massage places. He did not waste a single minute , started at 4.30 and last stoke at 6. 03 At one point I must slept. Great experience worth 900 baht, 750 fee plus I gave him 150 extra. I'd order it next time as first thing after arrival to loose muscles after several hours on the plane. As for comparizon I' glad to report that massage boys in most places seem to be well trained but unfortunately they are distracted by our advances and their desires to increase a tip, here you got 1.5 hr of massage as strong as you wish. I felt the difference when went for a walk. Just berfore 8 returned to the soi and was immediately enticed by boy smiling knowingly at Body Club on the first floor of Ambiance hotel. Whta the heck I had only 1 massage today so why not . 1 hr 900 includes 500 tip for a boy who informed me about this with remark and wink ' It will be more if we have more' So we had at additional expense of 1000 but fun I had , it's why I added 1000 instaed of 500 which should be sufficient. Finished just in time for boys from BoysBoySBoys to start singing and flag waving in front of their bar. Quite a scene with all those naked torsos. Shortly after z909 showed up so we enjoyed beer at Copa terrace opposite. Bank, boy I offed 2 days ago was a bit late for singing but shoved shorly after so I went inside to pay 500 baht off fee / it 400 if you have a drink in the bar but today I did not/ and promised to pick him up at midnight . That's the boy firecat thought is axe murderer because of his rough, manly face. Ater that z909 andf I went to Cupidol , he liked more boys than me as all of them were twinks but I found one I could give 100 baht departing tip. Several boys and no more than that clients. Drink 160. Then I lost z909 on way across the soi to XBoys just in time for a 10 p.m. show. Bar pretty ful but not crowded at all. Show is all Bangkok shows were before moral campain plus BBoys with their acrobatics although sex show was rather vanilla type, no acrobatic number like in days of temporary old. Five participants in big cock show one of them not even sporting erection and in full undies, but still cute owing his honorary membership in ths segmant likely to the fact he is bottom in sex show later. BBOys were not in complete assembly, twins were missing and few others too for one reason or other. Sex show duo circulated audience for a tips still coupled. Drinks 240 , 100 tips went to BBoys, sex show duo and usually cutest boy in the line . Than short hop one door over to Dreamboys, drinks 170, one boy tipped, mostly twinks , dozen client at the most. Next stop Funny Boys. Some Pattaya old hands are lamenting downhill slope bar is in since former mamasan Rose left but I 'm vioicing votum separatum. Never been in that bar before but did not see anything wrong - refreshing towel is provided, small dish of peanuts given with drink / 160 /, boys on bigger side , next door type rather than skinny twinks , three of them were given 100 tip instead of just one as is my habit so it says something . If I did not have boy for tonight already definitely would take one from there. So I don't see any reason for doom and gloom about the place but what do know? Next stop to Wild West Boys to cath their show already in progress, only few people in audience , drink 250, only one boy worth departing tip but as people say , it takes only one boy for bar to shine for us. General observation, if this is high season and Saturday night and bars are more empty than full it's probably bad sign, may be it's just too many of them or whatever, I wonder what is going on in say, May or September. Than back to the first soi to visit Kawaii boys where I was only one client at 11.15, drink 110, on eboy worth my departing tip and right beside to Lucky 7, again I'm only one customer but found 2 boys worth departing tip. One boy on the scene looked as this was his first night on the job, barely moved like scared by the experience. As midnight was approaching went back top Copa to cath last minutes of the show, again , famous show bar and only 10 spectators. Did not have capacity for another drink so got this bright idea and instead buying drink for myself, bought one for waiter. This way bar has drink sold, waiter is happy and I'm left alone. Naxt time when saturated with drinks in all visiting bars will take the same approach. After show only 2 of us left but me not for long , found one boy to force my tip on and went accross the soi to pick up my # 65 Bank, muscly poochai with disarming smile from BBB. He was hungry so bought him some food in the soi and some fruit drinks at family Mart in the corner. Another great time with him, since we knew each other better after first meeting two nights ago even more funny. Not an axe murderer at all, firecat LOL. And so day 9 finished
  13. believe me , I will miss them too, today I reached mid-time but financially already past that point so need to start watching spending more carefully
  14. missed Good Boys completely , did not even notice it as I would peek inside for sure , not sure though I missed it like whole Sunee, definitely not my part and parcel
  15. enjoy while it lasts, from tomorrow noon I'm past mediana of my vacation,
  16. Day 9 At noon jumped into baht bus to Jomtien, 10 baht. I hate the beach but walked whole lenghth of Dongtan from police booth to the end and back. Lots of sunbathers , all behaving, Idiot who removed umbrellas from Phuket baeches did not appear here, all normal , lots of massages given, food and drinks are sold/ tray of fruits 30 baht, 4 spring rolls 40/. Gay section busy , did not see any unattached wanderers but to early may be. Russian nation had the same overweight problems Americans do. No noises from music ot loud talk , in short very decent beach and beach crowd , unfortunately nothing there for me to do. Never in my times in Thailand been to MBK and never also offed boy from host bar so had this urge to try one from Bamboo bar in the corner. First in line of stools looked decent, name Noi. Actually all boys at the time lokked offable .Brought me my Singha, I asked him if he wants a drink, yes whisky so things were moving fast. Than I learned that off fee is 300, room can be had in the next door Sawatdee Inn for 300 and that he is looking for 1000 baht compensation. Off we went for some fun, what the heck ! Lady in the hotel did not even blink an eye. She gave us normal room,no short time one. Boy was pretty fast pressing issues at hand and wanted to go right after but I had surprise for him and told him he is hired for 1 hour, no problem going but my wallett will not open until then so we continued with some hugging and looking for ticklish spots. Shower, exchange money for kiss nda bye , bye , true professional. Did not even wait for me to tie my sandals. Over all, encounter pleasant , boy nice although sporting shaved pubes which I don't like but this rushed atmosphere is not what I like but others may not care, total cost 1800,/ drinks 180, tip 20, off fee 300, room 300, boy's tip 1000 /, highly ineffective way off spending whoring money but at least I tried and now I know. Walked through Jomtien Complex , sleepy at the time but lots of businesses and few vacancies so obviously they are coping. Former Derby massage is now mixed place , 3 good looking guys and 1 maching them girl on the duty outside. to be continued
  17. day 8 continued, sadly realized that on Sunday at 1p.m. my trip will be half way but that's the problem only untill I check last lotto draw. First step after dark was Royal House massage to the left of Tukcom coming from South Pattaya Rd . You selecting from line up but by time all boys gathered among them two incredible hunks one twink seduced me with his smile and off we went fo 1.5 hr , 600 baht oil massage withminimum tip of 800. Place is spacious but a bit dilapilated, room is not closed when you shower so I'd not bo there with a lot of money, boy was waiting for me outside of the room until I shower. Another great experience, massage a bit of light side for a change but boy undressed from the start and made sure I can tough him here and there by proper positioning of his slender frame even if he is straight anmd it showed ,or rather did not show, you know what I mean. But still great huggable and caressable body, Tipped him 1500, I will ruin market with this overtipping but I'm not using 'Pattaya discount' in tips. As mentioned previously they have great selection of bodies and if longer could be their permanent customer to run through most of those I saw including on of axe murderer quality firecat was so surprised I'm chasing. Straight from there decided to do grand tour of Sunee bars to check once if all those who advised me not to waste my time there due to different type of boys on offer. Happy Boys was first place, few customers all of them with boy either caressing them or them carressing boys in semi discreet way - one can see where hand is but nothing popping out from ther pants. Few boys dancing in boxers with slit so merchandise can be accessed easily, one of them sporting erection. One of boys looked as Thai-African. Clients typical to Sunee bars which I learned in course of this trip, old , overweight with unability to smile, drink 140 , boy's drink 130 or other way arround. Wishing not to stand out I invited one of the boys to sit with me , yes , checked his merchandise for a while , say to no effect in increasing it's size. Noticed that boy is interested in my shirt pocket, fortunately velcroed and empty of money at tat - money from that pocket went to boy at Royal Massage already. Tipped 100 dancing boy with erection and 300 one I subjected to search under the boxers and left. Tar, boy Christian was so happy with recently is no longer there - I asked where he could be , but boy did not know. Verdict - if really pressed and short of funds may go there for some quick fix but likely not any time soon. Doomsayers were right , not my type of boys although most of them with prettty faces.One of them sniffing glue. Than off to Eros in Sunee proper, scene the same , only more. About half boys sitting with farangs already. Boys undernourished, hugging one of them is way to get bruises and lawsiut for crushing boys' bones. One blonde was dancing on the podest in front of me so gave him 100, drinks 115. Customer base the same , hope thay are gratefull that still such a bar exists so they can feel desired once more. Nice surprise - cross eyed boy who looks very ugly on the website is actually qute nice loooking. Only way I can see myself inside again would be if somebody shy needs the guide an companion. Boys totally not my type but I was glad to see thet they seemed to have good time still. Right beside is Sunny Boys, quite busy , dozen or more boys 'dancing', again one in front of me got 100. Slighlty better looking then ones at Eros but I don't recall anybody I'd fancy even drunk, all small framed. Drinks 135 or so .No display of client/boy affection in audience Did not sit long there, with half drink finished left for the next step - Power boys, few customers and only 4 boys dancing, one with impressive erection and quite bulky , I'd remotely consider him but lost interest when noiticed glue sniffing, still gave him 100 for his efforts. Other three typical to Sunee. No display of client/boy affection in audience.Drink 145 if I recall. Right beside in Nice Boys , my next stop and biggest surprise. Quite busy with clients coming and going and several boys on display, quite of few of them considerable by my standards, one even very considerable so customary 100 went to him. Drink also 145. This bar I may visit in future also probably still not a competition to BT bars. No display of client/boy affection in audience Gran finale of the tour at newly opened Krazy Dragon , big place , only 4 boys dancing , typical Sunee stature but at least one of them truly dancing. Each of them got my 100 baht for good begining. Drink only 70 baht, I had some juice so thay may be getting promotional price. 6 or 7 customers , two of them speaking Russian and then kissing, first time in my life I saw kissing Russian boys! Both handsome but still no match to Thais. Place looks promising and hope customers will give them a chance. No display of client/boy affection in audience, not much an audience anyways but I must say I liked what I saw. So thank you to all of those who warned me not to waste my time on Sunee, you were right gentlemen ! As midnight was approaching returned back to BoysTown as I had designs on some boy from Toy Boys but unfortunately he was gone already. But other suitable talent was smiling at me so decided so park myself a bit at cost of drink of 200 and finally after long delibaration for my standards / about 10 minutes / waved # 54 over. Bought him a drink, asked usual questions, long time OK, kissing yes, not hungry, up to me tip and so on. Next door boy type with skin even more smooth than allowed by legislation, no trace of pimples or anythingh, one would suspect seeing his naked picture that it was photoshoped. Top boy , not very active but fully clingable and this was what I wanted for tonight so again sun shone on me with great companion, I could caress him till midday but unfortunately he was hungry and so was I so we were forced to close session at 9 for breakfast. Decided to test the waters and gave him 2000 which was accepted with smile but few minutes later after extracting last kiss and slide into his pants I slipped him another 500. and so day 9 started
  18. likely tomorrow which starts in 1 minute, just returned from grand tour of Sunee Plaza , since is midnight time to look for this night's pillow with dick
  19. Day 8 after boy left I made grand tour of Sunee Plaza and Tukcom area, think I neglected last time. Bars are closed , sure but at least now I know what is where. It looks that Krazy Dragon is open - peeked through open door , no sign of renovation pending so it must be done. In the early afternoon wandered to Pattayaland soi 1, on where Dreamboys and X boys are located and was unexpectedlu lured into Narcissus Massage by Bee, boy type Christian or Firecat would like rather than me but there was something enthusiastic in his voice so I took a chance. After all what I can lose , I was not murdered last night as firecat suspected so hoped for lucky strak to continue and it did. 1.5 hr oil massage 700, minimum tip for 1 hr 500 , longer or with sexual context 1000. Showered alone before , together after. massage cubicle has a mirror. As it's often a case smail framed boys are delivering quite strong massages and sporting quite a piece of manhood too. Both cases proved in this one. Proper order , first massage then the rest. Liked his sense of humor - he has quite a scar from motorbike accident caused by lady driving car while texting apparently. When my wandering hand found it , he slided my hand a bit higher so toughed his erection and said ' but nothing wrong here'. Would be afraid of God's wrath if tipped him only 1000 so gave him well earned 1500, not that he rejected. Great session, sweet yet smart boy, Narcissus is undiscovered gem probably. Most of boys there a of cute rather than hunky type. When leaving guy was seeting his stand with street food, for 50 baht had great and tasty meal as well. Getting dark so off to joys of Pattaya nightlife.
  20. I still love Magnolia, just don't like boy to set a pace of advances and getting unhappy that I stop him. I know better what I want than him I suppose. Next trip will go there but for this one I'm not. Why do you mean 'long walk", it's 20 minutes, I'm on my foot whole day with exception of those times when I'm mutilated by masseurs. I would not tongue kiss boy in the bar, I even tough them very little unless thay are advancing and some are. I will be going to Dongtan and Jomtien likely tomorrow but not sure thing , I hate beach and the sun so don't expect too much from me in this respect
  21. Thank you for a good laugh, No , you are too easily scarred. Very sweet boy he is , at least by my standard of sweeteness. Great smile on this rough face, just scratch his knee or something anmd you see it. I can't immagine leaving Pattaya without offing him again. Hands are showing he is hard working guy. Smile was not deceiving, great boy. Long live BoyzBoyzBoyz !
  22. Day 7 Packed and decided to try to get to Pattaya using Victory Monument van. Easy to locate, van are departing every 20 mins so no need to worry about timetables , cost 100 baht. In 5 minutes I was already in. Chosed seat wisely- in the last , least popular row , seat beside me was onlu one vacate so could place my suitcase there. Disadvantage of vans is that there's no luggage space but still one can buy extra seat just for luggage. In 2.5 hr we arrived, heavy traffic on the highway even if that's mid-week and 10 a m only. One can see that Thailand is not an idle country and there's plenty of economic activity. Stupid enough did not leave van at Wat Chai, very close to Boyztown and took it till end which happens to be at Bali Hai pier of whatever is the name so another 80 baht went for motorbike taxi / I know it's too much but I can live with overpaying 30 baht. By coincidence I was given the same room I had last time at the hotel.. A/C and room safe work perfect, breakfast not included, price for 3 nights 3550 tax included. Room not very big but comfortable enough. Only thing I don't like are partition like bathroom door poorly preventing potentially embarassing bathroom noises but that's detail. Did errands arround the Boyztown and set off for Magnolia , It's about 20 minutes walk from hotel, weather perfect. Timing of arrivel was poor - few boys on lunch , few doing outcalls so only one on duty , nice and firm body so I did not mind there's no choice and ordered usual 90 minutes oil massage at 650, minimium tip is 600. Left to shower alone.Boy arrived wrapped in towel which was shed very soon. Masage great, one of three best this trip but he was a too fast going to happy ending with serious advances starting as soon as my first leg was done. This is not what I wanted and liked and unfortunately we did not met there. Shortly I was reprimanded ' why you are toughing my cock if I can't tough yours ' like I was depriving him some chunk of contractual obligation. Massage continued and still was great but we both were frustrated. Boy likely because he was trying so hard and did not understand what this stupid farang wants / first massage , we worry about the rest later /. I was not happy with speed of advances as I like slow approach to things intimate and never had a case boy did not get it. So something I anticipated highly turned into waitig for it to end ASAP. We finished on time though. I was left to shower alone, boy did not even wait for his tip, another first for me. Downstairs offered hot tea, tip of 1000 accepted matter of factly, no usual good bye wais , handshakes and hugs. Big contrast with last year when I was given ride back to town by the boss himself / absent today at time of my visit /. Still 24 hrs later I wonder WTF went wrong? Definitely he did not read me well which upset both of us. But I'm going there to have my pleasure , not pleasure boy at my expense. So no more Magnolia this trip, I was planning to go daily when in PTY . I wouldn't mind going still , massage was great but seeing potential for future aggravation I rather don't upset situation further since I did not grasp a fuss still. Strange ?!? Walked back wandering throughout TukCom area, quite a few hunks at various massage places. Back at the hotel at 8 for meeting with firecat. He reported his impression already in his thread. No problem recognizing each other. Casa Fellini dinner, truly good food and this comes from me not being big lover of italian cusine. Than we set for grand bar tour with Toy boys first where I was surprised by scarcity of clinets , may be 5 or 6 total . Quite a few boys on stage, eyed one with possiblity of offing him so indroduced myself by way of slipping 100 baht into his underwear just in case. Actually it was quite a few I'd consider. Next step Funny Boys where we stopped at the door, since firecat did not like what he saw we did not wander in. Than around the corner to ABomb, again almost no customers but stage populated by few of my types so left not one , but two traditional 100 tips to best looking boys. There's potential for me at thie place ! Timing of BoyzBoyzBoyz show approached so went there, boys were still parading on the stage with all types from young twinks to potbellied potential granddaddy. #22 had great body and liked as he knows it beacuse face was unsmiling . I'd consider him until #65 appeared, muscly with rugged face. Even firecat noticed that I 'm looking for trouble chasing all these rough looking hunks but thare's nothing like smile on manly rugged face . And when boy noticed my interest smile appeared and it was only matter of time contract will be sealed. 100 baht slipped in his underwers as initial offering. Show was great , lots of hard cocks on display , some of them attached to very light framed boys like to compensate here for there. BBoys were fantastic with both twins, high energy performance , gread body in the candle show, subtly erotic shower number. We both enjoyed it along with audience, with tips lavished on some boys. Bar was 3/4 if not more full but after the show most of patrons departed and so did us. After we parted our ways I went back to the bar, called boy over , made sure he goes long time and kisses. One of his friends heard that question and motioned me to kiss my boy right there but I did not not being sure boy would appreciate it. Asked how much he wants for long time he upped stake ast 3000 but I countered with 2500 and he agreed immediately so clearly my proposal was generous enough for Pattaya. \ Gently warned him that long time is till 8 at least, asked if he is hungry, he was so slipped him 100 to buy himself something , another 50 to mamasan for help translating. Paid off fee od 400 / if I did not purchase drink before it would be 500 / and advised boy that I will pick him up at 1 as I wanted to go to Walking street without parading boy with me. Walking street is quite a spectacle with girls , johns, drunks, oglers beggars , you name it , noisy like hell but not boring. Twice complemented by girls that I have ' nice ass mister ', probably first time in my life but better late than never. Immagine how it raises one's self esteem. At 1 grabbed boy , in the room laughed when he wanted me to shower first because he is shy, fine , fine. Nothing shy after lights went off , another great body with biceps to die for. As usual most activities moved to morning but certainly made for somewhat upsetting Magnolia experience. And of course my knees being weak I gave him that 3000 spoiling market again. No, he did not ask for anything. After we had breakfast together our ways were parted promised him to see him singing with boys at front of bat at 9.00 tonight and to off him once more which I will but don't know when . And now day 8 started
  23. will try to locate them again time permitting just out of curiosity of what I had missed. No, giving phone numbers . e-mail address etc to the boys is not going to happen. I'm not desperate and don't need any buffalo stories. In fact as soon as boys want anything from me they are blacklisted and to their credit I must say is happening rarely
  24. onbly thing I can say that I tried to locate them on Wednesday and did not find them anywhere that close, may be sign is missing and nobody was sitting at from either to lure me in
  25. I'm shocked since on Wednesday night they still distributed flyers on Silom. Will be back in BKK on Sunday and definitely will go and check in person. Cocksuckers who supported coup have their field day I guess. On another hand I remember owner was trying to sell it so may be whole harrasment is just haze and smoke to cover bowing out gracefully? One thing is sure, I will miss Man and Chang from there
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