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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Nothing silly with that question, I believe park is open at 4.30 a.m. Definitely at 6 in the morning will be open, since I'm still around will check and update
  2. Did not get his phone number / forgot to ask, boy not very talkative / Check my day 15 , second part report. Looks ,face and body as well as massage itself impressive and very strong but passion was lacking I'd say. Highly skilled trade rather than artist. Top only and not a kisser. I'd rehire him repeatedly but not sure is matching your requirements.
  3. Day 15 continued, second day of Christmas, Boxing Day in some countries I kind of liked MBK , this is retail monster so managed to survey only 1 and 2 nd floors , still spent 1000 baht with not much to show for it/ 2 neckties, money belt, 3 fridge magnets, small picture, soap and 2 toothbrushes as I always provide those to my boys de night /. Since I hate shopping after 1.5 hr I got bored and left but may return. Went to Arena, recently I'm frequenting them daily because I like their boys and attitude. Today was James's turn , known muscular quality and fun personality. He pissed me a bit last year , wanted to go long time this trip but I told him I'm booked till end / half truth /. Massage strong and lots of fun we had, usual charge 890 for 1.5 hr aroma massage an usual tip 1500, he mentioned 2000 but I pointed out that minimum tip for 1 1/2 is 800 and this finished matter, don't blame boys for trying their luck though as wherever I turn, client seem to be scarce. Back at the hotel for usual chicken with cashew nuts lunch and off to soi Twilight ,a I got the word that boy whom amazingly firecat and me liked will start work at 4 , we both were spot on so took him immediately. Twink but of defined body quality and face bordering on angelic but still manly. His name is Kai. Massage strong and very long , probably longest I ever had sequence of body to body massage with very stimulating torso movements against my back. When I turned over noticed that his oiled body looked quite massive in dimmed light and hellishly sexy. But top only and not a kisser so he may not be what firecat is looking for. Face wise though most handsome of all pretty good looking Bangkok Massage pack. I was glad to double his minimum tip to 1500 and will cherish memories of his lustily glistening in the dark body Day 15 continues with some promise for a night
  4. Day 15 We finished our Christmas encounter before restaurant downstairs opened so boy went to his room after round of hughs and kisses and I took part in the ' know thy neighbour" program having moring stroll , coffee in hand, through Chinese graveyard behind the hotel. Upon return had breakfast and in the room I did some accounting for this trip discovering that my budget is blown with excess spending of 1.6 daily wrth of budgeted expenses. So even if it's only Friday morning, expense wise I'm already past midnight on Saturday. So tomorrow I need to make some hard choices, either cut on sinister actvities or draw some cash advances. No complain so far though as this trip was great with no single screw up in 2 weeks. Now 'm on my way to MBK, in 10 trips to BKK so far I never been in this retail temple so decided to see what noise is all about. Day 15 will continue
  5. Day 14 continued computers at Take A Nap are located at the windows so it's great eye candy viewning point. Had pleasant conversation with xiluzer there, typed this report an took off to Banana to see Tao again, first his massage is top of all I had, second he is warm and personalble gy, third I wanted to find out why our mestin on 16th did not materialize and as suspected , we did not iron timing properly. He was waiting for me from 7.30 on till about 8.30 when he gave up and than I arrived. Another great round of massage , I'm spoiling him and market with 2000 tip for 1.5 hr massage but really I'm getting my money worth from him IMNSHO. Than back to Silom , banana pancake for a supper and went to Screwboys to see if One is still there, he was waiting for me outside beaming very big smile on his rough face when he saw me coming exchanging greetings with working ladies as I approached. For those not familiar with setting-Screwboys is boy bar in the middle of dozen or so of ladies bars. Since bar was empty of clients at that time 10.00 p.m. I felt charitable, went inside, boy and I had drinks at 300 each, leaved 50 baht tip for each of two mamasans and 100 for best looking boy on stage as usual. Therew were only 6 boys "dancing" .This is my 5th off of One, where is the butterfly so long resident in me? We walked to the hotel and in 10 minutes fun started with usual massage. As noted previously he is delivering great one and I tip him separately for it. I'm talking about serious massage here. It's very unusual go-go boy gives such a good one but he does. It was great to have such a hot cake for a Christmas treat , yes, I'm counting my blessings. And this is how day 14, Christmas finished. .
  6. Thank you , I had truly Merry Christmas Arena will stay in the same building, my guess is they will take over former HIS masage location since it's vacated ever since they closed. I agree with you , when comes to quality of boys and friendliness I grade Arena close to the top. But now they are very dilapilated and in big need of renovation , hence move I guess
  7. vinapu


    welcome to the forum, any questions just ask, we are kind of polite here
  8. Day 14, Christmas day In the morning after breakfast we parted our ways , I will not see Dit this trip since he is going home for couple of days. In BTS on my way to the church lots of eye candies, like some angels went astray and landed in BKK. In pew in front of me was sitting gay couple, holding hands from time to time and giving themselves big hug at end of service. Sure there's possibility thet those were long-estranged brothers reunited unexpectedly but I don't believe it. Anyways did not notice any fuss from the audience. Christmas is normal working day here but you see Christmas trees here and there and some people are wearing even Santa's hats. At noon I was at Arena again. This time I had session with new boy there Wes, native of Khorat and recommended already to me even if he is there only 4 months. As usual greeted there by friendly mamasan and boys and upstairs we went. It's good that they are moving to new location in the New Year as place now looks very dilapilated , thanks God boys are making for what ambiance is lacking. Wes was absulutely a gem, while masasage was on lighter side he knew how to make client heated to boiling point. We extended our session from planned 1.5 to 2 hr but Arena did not charge me extra. I promised them I will be back tommorow for another treat. Than short stroll along Silom to exchange money and news with Namu in Bangkok massage , went to Take -a nap to type this report. day 14 , Christmas, continues
  9. Day 13 continued after Hero, time to start preparing for Christmas treat so went to Arena at 9.00 as promised and picked up Dit. We went for a supper to some japanese restaurant as I always try to feed my overnighters and then strolled through Patpong toward the soi. Christmas spirit settled abit on me so I bought Dit one of those fake designer watches they are selling there. At cost of 500 baht I couldn't make him happier, he was steering at it whole evening when we went to Hotmale for a show. Show quite decent, quite a few big cock performers, tipped one 100, another red note went to one boy from candle show and still another one traditionally to boy on stage I liked look the most. Since I was with the boy mamasans left me alone although one suggested we take another boy for a threesome but I extinguished him askinhg in he would be willing to go with us for threesome. After show we went back to Om Yim and had our own Christmas Eve celebrations. And this is how day 13 finished
  10. day 13 continued, since Om Yim is in the same block like Arena I went there wih aim to secure Dit from here for long tome tonight, it's Christmas after all and I don' want to take a chances tonight with unknown quality. Greeted as usual by friendly crew, even if I was not there since day 1 mamasan still seeing me screamed "Dit" so obviously I'm not anonymous there any more. But I had surprise for them, secured picking Dit at 9.p.m. and told them I want massage with somebody else and picked guy from the lie named Fi or Fay. I did not run far from Dit though as he turned out to be his older brother ! Not a bog boy but absolutely free of body fate, just muscle! And massage was fantastic , rght in line with 3 best I had so far. He was using different technique and circular rather than linear strokes and session bordered o oring me to do gymnastics but I enjoyed it immensly as he put his muscles to good use and I like strong massage . As usual there we showered togeter both before and after massage and he was nude throughout the session. For me Arena never disappoints and quality of his massage was exceeding even thier high starnadars IMHO. Nice surprise for Christmas Eve. 1.5 hr massage 890 , I tipped boy 1500, well above their stted 500 minimum tip but this is what I alwys tip a Arena anyways. At 5 I met xiluzer and we went by BTS to Hero where he is well known so immediately we were forced to fend off questions if we are boyfriends and some questions asked were even more investigative so we all had a good laugh. As always no pressure to pick up the boy and if one needs more time can simply order the meal in their small restaurant and watch the boys in glassed enclosure from there. Xiluzer went his way and I picked up muscled and tattooed boy named Nut or Nok, 100% poochai who when we were showering in no uncertain terms told me what he will do to me but I was in a mood to disapoint him. There were some customers but by no means place was packed, the times even there was no single client in the lobby , rare sight there. I managed to sow some confusion at the begining as I wanted my usual 1 1/2hr session and they offer 1 or 2 hrs but not 1.5, but I insisted and they figured out price to be 1150 , pretty exepensive compare to what I pay elswhere ut this is Hero so I can pay. We showered togeteher and again boy was nude from the beginning, delivered another strong session bordering on mutilation and I loved it. Finally sore spots I had in two places after all those treatments are gone , hope for good, still some neck poblems though since before it comes to this stage usualy fun start. This time I decided to exploit his massage skills in full, after intiial dissapponitment mentioned above he enjoyed my comments about his sklls and body and did some flexing for me so we both had a good time and 1500 tip well deserved and received. There were few boys / at least 10/ I liked in the enclosure so quite possible I will go for repeats, even with the same boy. After massage xluzer and me had dnner in their restaurant, meal was prety good , thank you xliluzer for pickin up the tab. We had company of his resident boyfriend there and my hansomness attracted attention of one of their waiters who gave mt pretty good and long neck massage , tippe him 50 baht an most important , we all had fun. Day 13 to be continued
  11. Safe trip home firecat and Merry Christmas to you this Christmas morning with no trace of snow here in BKK
  12. he was not there yesterday but not forgotten, I need to plant myself at Maxi for another dinner to spy him on,
  13. Day 13 after boy left I updated this report, packed my meager belongings and took taxi to Om Yim. Taffic in Sathorn was so horrific that it took us 30 minutes to reach hotel which probably it would be enough time for me just to walk the distance , even with luggage . Settled nicely at noon Om Yim being the same category of best value for money as Malaysia Hotel. Nice and spacious room well insulated from Narathiwat street noise, fridge ,A/C and safe working and modern 50 inch TV taking almost whole wall, all in all nice treat for Christmas just for 1000. I noticed that restaurant was very busy. Since today is Chrismas Eve I wish all of members and readers of this forum Merry Christmas wherever you are. Day 13 to be continued with more fun as xiluzer and me have some trip to take in the afternoon.
  14. day 12 continued so second bar visited and no bed warmer for the night yet. Show's last number which xiluzer found disgusting with 3 boys jerking off for a tip, first one took about 700-800, second one 200 , no takers for third one. Shorlty after end of show we left for soi Twilight , on our way we passed few boys from Jupiter going from bar off-less. Among them was # 43, Ti which I found one of the best and #1 candidate for my 100 customary tip. Since I did not give it to him in the bar I gave him now and still can't stop wondering how stupid I was not to try to arrange meeting with him right away. My guess it be that after two bad offs in the past I simply did not even consider in my mind offing anybody from there but really why not? Rule says ' three stikes and out" not two. Damage done , realized much later anyways.. Went to soi Twilight where we parted our was and I went to Dreamboys. It was just past midnight and second show started, much shorter than first one but still with ladyboys parade and big cock show followed by usual boy's parade , this being their last chance for an off they hoped. Spied few to my liking although at that time it was visible that best were taken already, one of them clearly tried to avoid my eyes so I chalked him off in meantime being subjected to smiling directed at me by some twink # 91 clearly to my type but rather one firecat, z909 or Christian would be interested in, Even mamasan noticed his advances but I told him I like big boys so he gave up. Finally managed to catch attention of hulkier #97 and motioned him over, he confirmed that he want's to go with me , informed me immediately that he is top only, no problem but when asked if he is doing long time he firmly said no, so dismissed him with 100 for his trouble and things started looking desperate since Namu from Bangkok Massage was with client and bars about to close . So decided to take deep plunge three gentlemen mentioned above would be proud of me and after mamasan confirmed that smiling # 91 is willing to go for long time and offed him at cost of 650. Both mamasan and boy told me that long time tip expected by bar employees is 3000 which I don't mind paying but many others may. Tying to take taxi from Suriwong proved a bit tough as first few firmly quoted 150 so I sent they away since meter is 71. But this being Bangkok saturated with taxis fourth one quoted 100with I can live with and we were on our way. In hotel I bought boy the supper since he was hungry and we went to room for a night of fun and fun it was but I'd still prefer somebody bigger . Nevertheless this boy was sweet and fun to be with so my good luck this trip with all encounters great or better continues. There were few minor grinds but really nothing damaging so far. In the morning it was actually me rushing things in a sense and at 9 invited sleeping boy for a breakfast. He would probably stay much longer as was in no rush to leave. And this is how Day 12 finished
  15. day 12 comtinued with nice evening chill by BKK standards I decided to teke long walk from Malaysia Hotel to Baan Tewa which is located at end of Narathiwat soi 7, this is first soi of Narathiwat south of Sathorn so very short walk from Chong Nonsi station 5-7 minutes. There's sign "Baan Tewa" , boys were having dinner but on me making noises captain appeared, presented menu from which I picked up first item: Aromamasage 1 1/2 hr , 750 baht, them was presented boof with photos of boys so I can pick up. Hard decision because all of them 7 or 8 / appealed to me. Off upstairs we went with choosen one, handsome and hairless other than pubes. Showered alone before, together after. Good strong massage with ending fun. Boy stay in undies for most of session but those I managed easily to remove at some point. Place is niocely decorated and clean, shower is separate from room. Another satysfying experience , hence minimum tip of 1000 upped to 1500. Than slow walk thorogh the Silom and Patpong to Take A Nap where I met xiluzer, We recognized each other right away and Decided to go to Jupiter. Boys wise it's one of best bars but since I had two unsatysfying off from there I was not in the offing mood. Quite a few new boys , all hunks and aloffness gone . most of them smiling friendly. I was visible minority , for thw show bar was 80 % occupied downstairs but only a few farangs. Out of 20 or so boys parading I'd off at least 15 with # 43 and 72 leading the pack. But since none of us was in a offing mode yet shortly after show started we went to Jupiter to arrive for first sequence of their show. Usual muscle flexing , mild S/M number, some big cock presented and sucked, lips synch singing, all done in good nature with smiling performers having their fun. Xiluzer felt it was boring but he is frequent visitor there and on eof boys who came to sit with us for a while told me that almost all here are xiluzer's boyfriends. Mekhin truly was sexy like hell and sporting impressive appendage in one of the numbers. Boys there are invariably friendly, some of them parading though the bar naked . More later as I need to pack and move from Malaysia Hotel
  16. Because I like Bangkok betterr even with it's higher places. Next time will be in Pattaya 4 days , this time I left very happy, offs were perfect. yes , I'm impressed with dental care here, next time I have dental problem I will use it as excuse for some whoring. Honestly and without exageration what I saved on dental bill compare to home prices is equivalent of half on my airfare I paid so I feel like getting big discount and so does my pocket.
  17. day 12 day started with different treatmnet than usually on this trip. Day before my departure from home big chunk of my tooth broke and did not have a time to fix it so decided to take a chance and still go. On the way from Pattaya guy I was chatting with me was extolling virtues of Thai dental care so today I decided to fix the problem before it gets worse and glad I did. Eyed looking ultra modern "Smile" dental office on Silom between soi 4 and Patpong 2, went there , after masy be 20 minutes of waiting I was taken by the doctor who not only fixed whole tooth including repacing 40 years old filling in it but also suggested clean up. I less than 2 hours I was done at cost of 2900 baht, less than 100 $. At home for that price I'd get dentist hand shake only at the best . Next time I have some dental problem I will be on the plane the same day. My appologies for uncalled for details but I think readers should be aware about possibilities. Afternoon started with short walk to Magic Hands, massage place in soi Ngham Duplee where Malaysia hotel is located. Last trip I had one of best massages and after sessions so wanted to see if it still deliveres. Picked up one of boys sitting in front, ordered 1.5 oil massage for 700 and off we went upstairs to nicely decorated cubicle with massage table with head hole in it. Showered alone , boy was waiting for me. Massage was very sdtronh , way I like , boy remained dressed in t-shirt and shorts throughout but I did not lose a hope because lat time it was the same for most of massage. This time it lasted until very end when it was me who initiated some bold moves striking gold as boy was erect already, shedding shirt and undies was easy and rest followed prescribed course of fun. ot as fantastic like last year but still very nice session and 1500 tip accepted with big smile. By the way I did not notice and indication of minimum tip in the menu so probably would go away with less like 1000 but I did what I thought fair. rest of day looks promising as well as another member of the forum, one who likes the same type of boys like me just arrived in BKK and we are meeting later on. Stay tuned if you are still reading this thread, day 12 to be continued.
  18. Day 11 comtinued met firecat at Maxi's in the soi Twilight, which was not as busy as you would expect in the height of the high season. Great conversation and dinner at Maxis. We both liked chicken cashew nuts they are making , two Singha's and ogling boys from Bangkok Massage directly across restaurant made for very enjoyable time. As firecat reported in his thread there was one boy we both liked, big surprise as last thing I'd expect is to be in competition for boys with firecat who is into twinks and thinks I'm into axe murdered faced poochais / not far from truth / . One of my regulars is from that place , now I must figure out how to have a cake / my regular, whom I like due to personality / and eat it / get aquanted with his beautifull collegue. As far as I'm concerned Bankok Massage is the place I could be on monodiet . I can toss a coin there and would be happy with whatever boy would land in my arms . Advantage of place is that you can sit across and make your pick without intimidation. We went to X-Boys just befor show started, drinks 350, several on stage and I was nicely surprised. Last year it was only bar in the soi I 'd not even think about offing anybody. They claen their act as long as I'm concerned, twinks still abound but so cute faced that I saw at least 3-5 offable, on eof them #17 got my customary 100 baht tip for a looks. Since we were heading for Screwboys , we did not spent much time there and left as soon as show started. By the way, jeans are definitely gone, hurah! although I found boys looking quite sexy in them anyways. Firecat wanted to see few boys reported on recently and I was hoping , One , # 47 I offed already 3 times this trip will be there, did not spot him but he spied me and definitely looked happy, certified by the kiss he planted on me right away . He is kisser but it was first time he actually initiated it so I did not waste any time , told mamasan to prepare departing invoice and being saturated with drinks already instead for me bought drink for her. This way bar has it's sales and I don't need to drink if I don't want to with bonus that this eliminates pestering from mamasan. Off fee 450, seeems to fluctuate beteen that and 500 .Drinks 300 , at least chepaer than in other bars in soi Twilight . Since firecat did not find any eyecandy he can hang his eyes on and I had my fix for the night soon we were on our way. Thank you for great evening firecat , we had good time surveying realm of boys land in both PTY and BKK. Since my boy is excellent with masage it's what we started with and I still rate his in best 3 I got this trip along with Tao from Banana and Jirapat , professional in Pattya I reported already on. One is strongest on them three and so is his massage which I like strong. No hanky panky during that I warned him. After that we had our fun with me hugging him tightly and him likely avaiting tip distribution in the morning. I tiped him 3000 as before and 500 extra for massage but I consider this money best spent, so rather spend 4000 off fee included for whole night with massage , then 1500 for just 1 hr like last night. And so day 12 rose in the morning.Weather continues to be perfect with nice refreshing breeze in the morning and the same genyle chill in the evenings, definitely best time to visit Bangkok weather wise.
  19. thank you firecat for another fun evening, enjoy your last few days of vacations here in BKK, weather can't be better.
  20. Day 11, since I woke up late by time I put things in order like breakfast and budget / every morning I'm doing trip accounting to see how I measure up to the budget, I'm sligtly over / it was noon already . Wandered a bit through the Silom which I can do round clock and decided to venture far. Today I went to check Men 101 Massage Lad Prao soi 101, hence name. Took MRT / subway/ to lat Prao station, 36 baht from Lumpini, than taxi to the mouth of the soi, 80 baht. Soi 101 is actuallu p[retty busy street with quite a few subsois but place is in the main soi, just keep walking checking signs on your left. There's discreete English sign in the door about 400 meters into the soi, If you go to their website and use GOOGLe street view it will point location in wrong place, closer to Lad Prao street, just walk a bit further. on opposite siede of the soi is some business with prominent sign ' 'something ' by the SUE ' if I recall correctly . Arrived on the dot at 4 00 p.m.which was not a good time since boys had their lunch and nobody was in the lobby but I had time and after 5 minutes somebody noticed me, boy spoke good English, appologized for delay and told me that at time there are 4 boys on duty and I was asked to choose one . All boy next door types so I went by hair style. One I get did not speak English but no problem , we managed to communicate efficiently, belive you me. I showered alone, than massage and fun started. 1.5 hr massage was 500 and minimium tip stated on the menu ' soft and hard 1000 baht'. This is typical local men to men massage place but don't be afraid to venture for a fun factor, I'm glad I did. After massage we showered together in different shower - it turned out that balcony of the room in converted into shower room it was both outside but still inside. Kind of fun showering naked with sweet boy and hearing street noises just below. Tipped boy 1300, 300 extra given for tickling treatment I 've given him. I like wrestle with boys who are trying to avoid tickling, it gives a lot of extra body contact no to mention laughs. Despite diostance I can recommend place whole heartedly. After massage walked through the local market nearby and was impressed with it cleaniness after whole day. I was deffinitely only farang there but did not attract any attention , after all this is Bangkok where farangs are not a curiosities. Returned the same way , actually walked quite a bit along Lad Prao as we have an ideal weather making for extremely pleasant evening stoll which I would probably do all the way to Lad Prao MRT 5. km away but at 8.30 we had scheduled meeting with firecat at Maxi's soi Twilight and I wanted to be on time. day 11 to be continued
  21. absolutely, in terms of ambiance it leaves all others in the dust and as far as boy selection is concerned only Hero and VClub can compete and I'm not sure who will be the winner
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