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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. don't worry about cyclone, just go. Worry only if plane will not depart on time
  2. I was in Malaysia for 3 nights just before Christmas and absolutely love it for reasons described by all above. Wouldn't call their room spartan, I'd say basic with quite a few trimmings - two beds -big and smaller, clean , spacious and airy, there's refrigerator and TV , desk , closed, nothing spartan here, rather , along with Om Yim best value for a money. All that 875 / night at Christmas time ! No problems with visitors, desk will call you when guest leaves. No longer moneyboys in the coffee shop in 3 days and nights did not see any unless already with farang. No safe in the room, only on reception which I prefer despite an inconvenience as once I waked up at night at Cafe Royale and discovered room safe opened to my horror. Nothing missing , I simply forgot to close but still remember doubtful thrill. You are charged 500 baht deposit for safe at Malaysia, is placed in special pocket on top of the box and returned to you at departure, book early as this is very popular hotel.
  3. Day 19 . last one Since it was my full last night in BKK with Boy already left and me feeling a bit hungry but still not sleepy I did night round along Suriwong to soi Twilight where some boys were still hanging out drinking with their friends, went to Foodland in Patpong 2 for a very early breakfast, at 2.30 full of working girls and few boys having their late supper. Than to emptying Patpong 1 and Silom for a walk to Rama 4 and back. On Silom on my way I was smiled at by Mr. Nice Smile going in the opposite direction, fine. At Rama 4 turned back walking slowly and enjoying night sights and goods on the stalls for the last time this trip. Roughly just past Silom 6 who was walking even slower? Mr Nice Smile who smiled at me just 20 minutes ago. Where you going asked he, to My room answered I, and you? to my room , said he. I don't remember who was brave one to ask important question but by time we reached soi 8 we agreed that he will go with me. I really was not in mood but what the heck it was 3.15 only so after checking ID, born 1990 I did not see reason to sleep alone. A bit strange as it's good while I picked up street trade, and never took boy from street to my room using Suiriwong's short time room instead but it;'s first time for everything and actually I'm glad I did. Nice warm body which was clinging to me till well past 10 a.m, not a bad last night. He was in no rush to leave but just before 11.00 I made suggestion he can go. No money was ever discussed, not sure he was moneyboy or just an opportunist but I asked him if he wants some money for taxi, he said yes so gave him 2000. Probably half of that would suffice judging by his reaction but 7 hrs. is quite a time. For those curious minds I can answer, no , none of us got off. It was just pure skin to skin contact , we even did not talked much but I found it calm fun. Than I did tourist part going to Golden Mount by khlong boat and thjan by taxi to Grand Palace area , did not enter palace itself because at that time it was pure mayhem there with halk Thais and 10 million tourist at the same time gathered but did pleasant walk through the adjacent market and returned by Choa Praya River taxi to Saphan Taksin where I took BTS for final Arena visit, 7th this trip , again with my favourite from there, Dit. I bought 1 liter 100Pipers whisky and gave to the boys to enjoy end of day today for all of good time I had with them this trip. Jet lag is setting in so I will continue next year / still 2 hrs of 2014 here /
  4. day 18 continued, my appologies about delay in reporting but I'm back home already so obviously did not type anything in the airports nor on the plane. On arrival on Sukhumvit I realised drived dropped me almost in front of Korean Plaza where Uniman is located so climbed upstairs greeted in the lobby by about 10 smiling boys , all of them my type, older muscular hunks, one was smiling particularly nice so I grab him for a usual 1.5 hr massage at 650. In the room when I asked his name - Art , I realized he is the same boy I had on the last day on my last year trip. He was thrilled I still had his phone number on me. Tall , muscular guy with very little hair, exactly what I like. Showered separately but he was nude from the start and delivered one of the best massages I had this trip, strong , fast strokes and he was only one other than Tao from Banana who massages with his feet. literally walked over my carcass. Very invigorating, Usual 1500 tip. I should ask him for overnight but my designs today were on Tawan so I did not and should rot in hell for it. He by the way should hire two gun men to shot guy who did his photo from their website and another one who placed it there as he absolutely doesn't look like one there but much much better. Upon return to Silom , went to Screwboys asked mamasan to make sure One, boy I already offed 5 times will be waiting for me at 7 tomorrow, slipped her 100 for memory loss prevention. With my hotel steps from Tawan and fact that I never offed boy from there tonight was my night for correction so went there just in time of 10.30 show to start, drink 400, off fee 500. Hoped Mekhin will be there, famous guy and I have good report on him form somebody who offed him 3 times but this was not going to happen as he was cruising Chinese girl sitting in first row and after his number sat with her for a while , exchanging even some kisses and after a while they went to the back but did not spent much time there, after few minutes she was back and soon after he showed up but this time grabbed by two Arab or Italian looking guys and I even overheard negotiations as he said , 'two guys , double tip' or something to this effect. I was cruised by few boys all big , but Tawan boys are a bit too big for me so was left with two choices # 15 , smallest and leanest of them all in relative sense or #39 , one who pretends to bottoms in the shows from time to time, heavily tattoed, short but well built guy. # 15 was better positioned so I motioned him over, he arrived , Lao named Boy / not the same guy , also named Boy from Sun massaage/ . I did a mistake of only asking him if he goes with me and did not enter into any particulars about length of session nor tip. This part we did when we were walking to the Nantra. Of course he wanted just 1 hr and 3000 but eventually we settled on 2500 for 2 hrs , still way too much but I was in generous mood that i finally got Tawan boy so it was OK.with me. Not disappointing, great body of frame exactly I like so almost worth it for me , " almost" part comes from his motions to get out just after 1.5 hr which I resisted for 15 minutes but finally gave up. So my first time with Tawan boy was good but bit disappointing due to these antics. And this is how day 18 finished and day 19 started
  5. Question I don't mind and it's kind of expected anyways. Answer to second part you don't get since I don't report on subject when not sure if boy would consent to disclosure and I'm sure I'd wouldn't. But lets say it , I'm not Rambo nor Conan the Barbarian so answer is no, forget about getting off three times in one evening, not in my age, hehehe. So no I don't have that much stamina nor need for it. I like massage itself and drama unwinding to see what happens. I 'd probably enjoy massages more if they were more spaced but since my time is limited I try to grab what I can while I'm there and fact is I like to be massaged, it's why I'm not big on go-gos.
  6. all the best for all in 2015 with at least one great trip to LOS included
  7. day 18, second last At noon left BBB Inn and room 302 I'm so domesticated in and moved to Nantra Silom hotel in silom soi 8 , steps from Tawan. Room very modern but small, half of BBB Inn one, safe in my room not working, since I run out of funds this was not my concern at all. Internet in the lobby very fast, in the morning they provide continental breakfast / tea, coffee, jam , toast, cornflakes/ , not opulent but I got quite filled. Will at one point make comparison of all places I slept in this trip for benefit of future travellers. After setting in BTS to National Stadium and short walk to the khlong boat pier, went to Mall Bangkapi pier, boat pretty crowded. During mandatory boat change at Pratunem pier my day pack somehow fell into water but fortunately I was able to retrieve it, noting precious inside other than key to the padlock for my suitcase / I'm using ordinary padlock / . Khlong boats are not fo mobility challenged as stops are very brief and boarding requires some gymnastics but otherwise are very efficient way to get to this quite far away part of BKK. Did not go to the mall but wandered around the Ramkhamhaeng sois , checked soi 89/2 where Wave club is located, visited even very run down shop with male porn, had banana pancake for 30 baht / in Silom is 40 / and returned by the boat to the Nana pier with intention to visit Fundoshi Spa as encouraged by one of the readers. This took a lot of walking but afternoon was pleasant, first fairly long walk from pier to Sukhumvit MRT, went to Ratchadapisek station, noticed that sois 26 and 28 are very close to each other so assumed it will be short walk to soi 36 where Fundoshi is located, I was not wrong , I was fucking totally wrong as it took 2.6 km walk, past Lad Prao Rd sois are very spread so my advice to visitors would be to take taxi from Ratchadapisek or Lad Prao MRT to the mouth of soi 36, should cost no more than 50-60, walk is sensless as area is very modern and not interested at all. From mouth of soi 36 there's short walk to the Fundoshi and map on their website is 100 % accurate, don't be discouraged by all those bends and twists, it probably total of only 5 minutes to get to the gate with big "Fundoshi " sign. Arrived at 6 p.m., and unfortunately only 1 boy was on duty but quite presentable so took him and glad I did. They doin't have a line, boys are presented on the smartphone. Good for the shy types , bad for those like me who are not good reading pictures. Showered separately at both ends of session, boy showed in the room dressed in some kind of tunic like terribly inconvenient as it was shed after just few minutes. Massage on light side with all trimmings , 1.5 hr 650 , minimum tip 1000, I gave my usual 1500.Both boy and me happy. Decided to go back to Sukhumvit by taxi which was stupid as taxi was stuck in the traffic a bit. In Bkk fastest way is to take taxi to nearest BTS ot MRT / in this case Lad Prao / and get by the system from there. Savings in monetary terms are minor but time wise substantial due to traffic. Day 18 to be continued as still happened quite a bit
  8. day 17 forgotten report After parting with Christian and picking up boy for the night I went alone to Fresh Beach Boys to see the show, house half full , had Vietnamese boy sitting throughout and tipped him 200 for his trouble. For some reason Boys at Fresh Beach boys are still in jeans but show was pretty in your face with quite a few cocks visible and one scene where I'm not entirely sure that sex under cover of weill was really only simulated if you know what I mean. Got a word from my boy that all boys from Zeus went to XBoys.
  9. boys are wearing briefs, jeans are gone with exception of Fresh Beach Boys for some reason
  10. day 17 continued Christian wanted to survey rooms at BBB Inn so we managed to see one which was empty and open , chatted a bit in my room, after a while xiluzer arrived for more chat and stories. Thay Christian and me went to food stalls at Wat Hualampong for a supper of Thai soup, returned to the soi Twilight and entered emopty bar space where Zeus was located and went out of business just now. It looked very sad , we talk a bit with owner of Dreamboys who said that is tough to run a bat those days. I feel a bit sad as last year that bar had best boy selection in the soi after Dreamboys IMNSHO. Than off to Screwboys where Christian had some desings on the boy for a evening. My One was in the open bar at front so we shamelessly exchanged some kisses, Christian's boy was called over, off they went and I went to Bangkok massage to pick up Namu as previously arranged. This traitor was sitting upstaris with newly arrived German friend, plewasant gentleman who did not object to the face that this night with Namu belongs to me. And so we went back to BBB Inn for pleasant meeting, unfortunately ended in disaster as we slept in and I was not able to say good bye to xiluzer at 7. a.m. as agreed yesteday since we did not wake up untill 7.55. So I guess I'm slowly starting kissing good bye to BKK, and so day 17 was over
  11. day 17 morning stroll through Lumpini Park, three monitor lozzards spotted, one quite sizable. Today is hot and humid in BKK so decided to cool myself down through a bit of retail therapy and went to Silom Center where yestarday I spotted of all things available in Thailand, true down filled winter jacket and was decided to buy it. Sun shined upon me again sinece today it was 30 % off , procrastination saved me 1500 baht , say short time off tip. Can immagince custom offices asking me what I bought in Thailand and my answer winter jacket, body search sure thing , I better shower before flight. Early afternoon customary trip to Arena,even boys there counted that I'm taking my 6 th boy there this month. What can I say? Today it was Kaoaw or something like that, smallish but well muscled boy in all departments, usual rather strong massage and fun after that. May even return as word is my favourite from there Dit is coming back tomorrow. Than return to the hotel, a bit of thinking what's next and Off I went to S52 Spa, one I couldn't find while ago but now I got better directions from 1moRussian so hope I found it and I did. It is actallu on opposite side of soi than website's map is showing. Go to On Nut station, take right hand exit in direction of train and soi 52 is the frirst one steps from stairs. After 200 m or so soi branches , ignore branch going straight and tale left turn, after 50 m branches again, again ignore straight going bvranch and take right turn. You will see on both sides 5 storey buildings and than townhomes section starts. First townhouse on your LEFT is number 39, there's no sign just number and weight lift in the minuscle garden. Sounds complex but in fact its all of 400 meters from BTS so 5 minutes walk is you know place. Entered lobby greeted with smile, was offered water, menu is pretty straightforward with 4 or 5 treatments available , all in Thai but in the bottom in English it says plainly ' minimum tip soft and hard 1000 baht'. Captain showed me pictures of boys on duty , picked one named Nine, not really my type but rather one Firecat or Christian would like but if you don't have what you like , you like what you have. I was left to shower alone. Place is new and very modern and clean, room big with mattrress on the floor and adjacent washroom. When returned to the room boy, still dressed was waitinh alerady, lights were dimmed and massage started. Bit on light side but more than passable, best part being way he was trying to assess what we will be doing after massage will be over. I adore those trial strokes and toughes here and there. I was no better and din the same so we had our share of fun and I mean it , loughs were probalbly heard downstaris. cost if 1.5 hr massage 700, tipped 1500. Typical local plaec catering to local , rather upscale area and even if seems to be to far , fact is I borded train at on Nut at 8.00 p.m. and at 8.32 was already at BBBInn including change at Siam and walk from Saladaeng. Day 17 to be continued as Christian PFC was waiting for me in the hotel's lobby.
  12. In Soi Ngham Duplee, the same soi Malaysia Hotel is located , on your right coming from Lumpini MRT station. Ground level is restaurant, upstairs small hotel called 'Vincent 7 rooms" , can be booked through Agoda
  13. I had a dinner at his place another day, did not report on it as I pay little attention to what I eat but food there was good. Every trip I go there at least once. Nephew was not there I'd not overlook nice ass definitely.
  14. that's pretty easy, just returned from my stroll through and saw 3 of them , one quite big, small crocodile size
  15. day 16 continued In the afternoon met xiluzer for a dinner of , what else, chicken with cashew nuts in the Oasis restaurant on Suriwong. Thay make it a bit differently since chicken is crispy and I like their particular receipt for that my second favourite Asian dish after tea. I was ppondering options of goint to S52 in Sukhumvit Soi 52, one I couldn't find previously or Senso and lead by Gardian Angle I decided on Senso, great decision. Several boys in the line, all hunks , at least half of them smiling at me but most important Gthai part 5 movie start M was there so decision was made in split of the second as I was hunting him for a while and never had luck. In fact I gave mysleft this foray as last chance before hunt will be abandoned. I was a bit apprehensive since those porn stars and models have somehwat deserved reputation of being too full of themselves so decided to thread carefully and see what happens. 1.5 massage is 1300 and minimium tip 1500 , Senso has well deserved fame for being pricey but standard both of the house and boys is very high. Room spacious with attached big sized bathroom , no shower courtain though. M asked me to shower in no uncertain terms like I tried to resist or something and wait for him so I showered alone but hwne emmerged he was there and in Adam's dress, so I thought good so far. He also informed me that he fill fuck me with offer gently declined. I thought it's actually very good if right arrangements are mentioned up front so bottom can know what to expect in the end and top may settle for a doisppointment ot compensating activities. Massage was very good , one of the best I had this trip with long and fast strokes , both I like but are not too common among masseurs. In fact he worked very hard. I could see his body in the mirror, he was checking it also quite often but no interruption to the stokes. At one point I got a bit frozen when he told me not to tough him when he is massaging me but immediately offered that I can tough him after turnover. I had this quite a few times before so was not surprised, some probably don't like to be disctracted. In meantime we had quite pleasant conversation, he told me about his work now and before and that he likes countryside, not big cities and is not taking any more movie arrangements and realizes that his time in the trade is short as he is approaching 30. As most Thais doesn't look his age though. Allowed me to tough his distinct hairdo so ali in all, other than no toughing part, it was pleasant surprise to get very good massage and pleasant conversation as a bonus form somebody I was wxpecting may be bit alof but he was not. And it went better from there after turnover as you can immagine. Excellent and hairelss body with matching appendage, good kisser too. He was pleased with me kissing thoroughly his entire body and said I was his foirst cistomer who did so. Whatever truth is , my pleasure. Standing to attention in second part including shower together for which he accepted my invitation. Great session and nothing beats pleasure when service exceeds expectations. I upped his minimum tip to 2000 and we finished exactly on time. Left pleasantly surprised and by the way ladyboy mamasan Annie, annoying in the past quite a few including me was not present at the time. From there went straight to Arena to pick up Wes at 9 00 pm. as arranged previously. They were still open and this time , first in quite a few they charged me 800 off fee for taking him out but I let it go, after all I saved quite a few times in the past thanks to their generosity. Asked usual questions about dining together and going to the show but he was not interested in both so we went straight to the hotel by the 7/11 to stoke on beer , water and whisky. I sensed quite a discomfort, he was not the same cheerful person he is in Arena . Mystery was revealed when we were in the hotel. With Help of whisky even his limited English did not prevent us from having very interestin conversation about his and boys in general work and life. He is one of those boys who with proper schooling and if grew up in more upward mobile society could go quite far up. His discomfort was coming from fact thet he never went out with clinet and was regtetting his agreement to go but when asked around Arena boys encouraged him to go as I have a good heart and so on. He is straight top only but figured out that he can fuck men if he thinks he is a girl and said f he doesn't ;like something sometimes he just thinks about t as that's just a work. So again great and long conversation , in fact this evening from both boys I learned more about insights of their lives than ever before. He even told me that he liked to drink but when he disovered how much it costs he stopped and now he has money in the bank, I like that attitude. May be I sholuld learn from him and stop vacationing in Thailand? LOL Not that we were just yaking, no, no, no. All in all evening , night and morning were quite steamy but we managed to get some sleep as well. In fact it was funny to wake in middle of deep sleep due to his manipulations. In the morning we had breakfast together at Patpong Foodland and parted our ways, slipped him 100 for taxi because I knew that he will take BTS and save the rest. An now sun is shining on day 17
  16. I don't believe in any numerology but find it amazing that on several different occasions I was given the same room 302 sometimes with very advanced booking and sometimes just when I showed up at the door. as for saving yes but not enough, yesterday I was forced to withdrew cah advance from the card and kissed good bye to my exchange counter with last transaction. Who cares we are alive only once and we are not really talking about re-mortgaging home. Fact is I blew a lot of money for sinful activities and hope somebody up there will overlook that
  17. Tuesday is my last day, departing at 1.50 Wed morning so wiull be home God willing for midnight stroke. Nice idea with that collection , wish it 'd be true. But it must be not said but screamed loudly - I had great trip this year, no screw up of any meeting by sandbags of dickheads. Others had, will have some story from African I just talked to this morning in the hotel. Post it later in due course.
  18. Day 16 started very early as we agreed boy will leave at 5.00. His is a great day today since he will be buying new motorbike and is whole excited, no wonder, 75000 baht to be paid over 2 years is quite a financial commitment for those boys. Had my morning stroll through pretty empty and cool street for early breakfast to Foodland Patpong, open 24 hrs and food in their restaurant is pretty good, American breakfast before 9 is 59 baht only. Than I packed my meagre wordly possesions and took taxi to BBB Inn. No problem with early checking in, I need to make up for the first night after arrival when I paid for a full day checking in only at 3 a.m. Always welcomed there with smile, and again for umpteen time I got the same room 302 . I like their rooms and very efficient airconditioning and always feel at home there although at 1320 baht definitely Malaysia and Om Yim are better value but location in the same block like soi Twilight can be beaten only by Take A Nap next door. Unpacked and at 9 headed for Chatuchak market, my first forray there since 2002. Even that early already pretty crowded, now even more than before since not only BTS but also MRT hjave stations right there. I like wandering through markets and getting lost there but after 2 hours or so I had enough. There are some good deals to be found - I bought fake Jack Wolfskin backpack for 199 = 6 $, good deal even if breaks after few months of use and nice terracota coffee mug , nicely packaged for 120. I'm not much of compulsive shopper but took precautions and took only 1000 with me and proudly carried back 500, 180 went for various snacks including great garlic bread and even better spring rolls. Money exchange in the middle of the market offers Silom rates so one can safely exchange money there. Many people are exploring market with map in hand but I think best is to just immense yourself into it without worrying about directions. Market is vast but not unmanaglable. Another piece of advice is that if you see something you really like to buy it ot at least note shop location as you may have problem locating shop again in the maze. Upon return was typing this report in BBB Inn to the tune of Christmas Carols played in the backround / go figure in such a place ! / when I noticed xiluzer passing by so we exhanged latest news and decided to go to Arena, where I hoped to land a massage with nobody less than captain itself. I thought he was jocking when he suggested it yesterday but no,it was serious suggestion so off we went right away leaving xiluzer in the lobby still weighing in his options. As expected from the boss massage was excellent, he was working as massage boy for few ueras and still from ti me to time does massage to keep his skills running. Great body too , he plays football / soccer / and it shows. So when next time in Arena and you are fancy captain by every mean go for it. His name is Art. Xiluzer was happy to with his choice so we both left satisfied, Arena never disappoints. Hope only they will be shining in their new location. Day 16 is not over yet, barely 4.30 p.m.
  19. day 15 next installment my appologies it comes in chunks but do what I can, after all vacations are coming first , duties distant second. Show at X boys was good , or I shoud say would be good if not for excessive noise from chatting client, music way too loud and mamasans constantly walking senslessly back and forth obstructing view. Lots of erect cock on display, some sported by dimunitive twinks , completely out of proportion , not that me or my boy were complaining. House was quite full for a show, at least 3/4 seats occupied. After show parade of boys on the stage , asked Tao to pick up boy he likes the most , gave him my customary 100, plus the same to one of coyotes, quite massive boy for XBoys standards and another 100 to boy from stage I liked , need to admit that I had a hard time to find suitable candidate but forced myself to. No, twinks are not my things. After distribution we walked to Om Yim for night of fun ending Christmas celebrations for this year, including real massage since as mentioned I like his massage style the most of them all. And so day 15 was done.
  20. day 15 continued most of afternoon and early evening spent wandering aroud Silim, Silom Center and Patpong which I can do round clock exchanging smiles with ladies, trying banana pancakes and surveying talent offering massages along the street. At 9.30 met Tao from Banana, provider of best massages I had on last trip and this. Went to Maxi's to observe life in the soi, exchanged friendly wais and handshakes with boys from Bangkok Massage, at 10.30 we crossed soi to see the show at XBoys. To be continued
  21. if everybody will be jogging, who will be watching TV ?
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