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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I like to take things slow and it's why I usually off long time, short timers are notorious , at least for me to rush things up and try to skip on time commitment even if negotiated. Now I firmly resolved that I will tell them up front in no uncertain terms that cutting on time will result halving of tip / done for boy from XSize already /
  2. Next time I will try deluxe room at Nantra as location is excellent with 8 or so massage places within 200 m radius, one can easily spend 1 week there without crossing the street in search of suitable company. I agree, one should invest in boy drink at Jupiter and talk to a boy a bit before taking him home . Truth is , they all look great with #43 and #72 leading the pack for me
  3. you will be happy at Malaysia, take it for granted, no joiners fees for sure, screw Pinnacle
  4. just walk like you own the place but since you need to pick up key from reception usually at that point they will ask your guest for ID. Some hotels are pretty strict and some quite lax, although if you longer time resident often they skip this request. When he will be leaving most likely they will call you to check if everything is OK, I usually walk with boy downstairs to prevent boys form any embarrassing comments or questions.
  5. not me but still brings best of memories ! thank you
  6. I usually buy some clothes in BKK, not because of price advantage although bargains are aplenty but because I like something I see. Last trip / actually only last Sunday / I bought of all things very nice down filled winter jacket at Central, Silom Centre. I did not even know they sell such things in Thailand. It came very handy when on arrival home I learned it's -8 Celsius outside. In last 4 days since arrival it worked well in frost , snow and rain. Wonder what's next - going to Greenland to buy bikinis?
  7. Problem with this approach is that even if you insist and boy gives up and does this or that, encounter still will not be enjoyable as all will be done under kind of pressure. I'm actually very tolerant and undemanding when comes to underperformace but hate with whole my heart and soul when boys tries to skip on negotiated time, doesn't matter how sweet he is as soon as he mentions that he wants to go I feel pissed of. This was my case with Boy from Tawan, truly great and enjoyable chap but story about parking car invented to get out earlier almost made me vomit so I gave up and let him go with negotiated tip. Thankfully as you noted staff is mostly reasonable and this type of incidents is mercifully rare / 2 out of 20 offs last trip tried successfully to cut negotiated time, in one case I cut his tip to 1000 from 2500 , in second one above I gave up but not immediately/. This never happened with massage boys, no wonder I have soft spot for them.
  8. I'm not avoiding Jupiter beacuse I like their show, mamasans are not pushy and all boys are eve candy but I'm one of those who had disapointments there in the past as well . My advice would be to negotiate with boy carefully including length of time and what he will and won't do. With your bad experience we at least know that boys are not discriminating against farangs here, I think they are just bit too full of themselves. They may be shooting themselves in the foot - one of night walking along Suriwong with xiluzer we met one of their best looking boys Ti #43 I had hots for coming after work. Because my last year's disappointment with his colleague it did not even cross my mind to take advantage of situation and hire him right there. Boy went home without off and so did I. I regret this and hope for correction in the future.
  9. Thank you very much Michael, good to know that all this typing was useful. Actually I enjoyed putting those reports together and I know that even I will read them form time to time in the future. Is only 4 days since I returned and I start missing LOS already
  10. Welcome to the forum, It would be interested to see how such hotel treats guests, my guess would be they just turn blind eye as long as boy is dressed properly and fortunately almost all of them are, it's us farangs who are sloppy dressers in LOS. One thing is sure - you will have a fun in BKK, wherever you stay
  11. I forgot to mention that on top of massage boys from massage places I had also real massage , no hanky panky involved by Jirapat, professional masseur in Pattaya. Session was impressive and I felt the difference but to be fair all those 5 mentioned above showed comparable skills and lots of skin as a bonus. Will see him again if ever in Pattaya, I hope.
  12. we are waiting for your posts but remember, you are on vacation first and posts are coming distant second, enjoy every minute in LOS just like I did recently.
  13. I have 3 comments here: 1. I'm last one who would tell anybody that is tipping too much. As long as you are satisfied with the guy and figure out if was worth it , I consider your money well spent. Although 3000 is maximum tip I'd give for any length of time on last trip I exceeded it on few occasions by giving 100 of taxi money on my own incentive or giving 500 extra to boy for an excellent massage he provided. We may be spoiling them but at times so do them to us. 2. Speaking about duds, on my trip above in 19 days I did not see even one I can describe as dud even remotely. Yes 3 boys kind of pissed me off tiny bit but still they performed very well. With one from Magnolia for some reason we did not chemistry so excellent massage did not lead anywhere further . Boy from XSize was very good but reneged on long time and left after hour or so under parking excuse but I cut his tip to 1000 promising that he gets rest when he returns, he did not but then I realized that i really need some uninterrupted sleep that night so it worked for me , thank you. Tawan boy , I bargained him down not being sure if he keeps time and I guessed rightly as he was looking for excuse to leave earlier again under parking excuse, had he stay full time promised I'd give him what he wanted originally because he was good. So I consider this his loss, not mine. 3. speking about dud II I forgot I promised you story of African guy who chatted me up in the BBB Inn another morning. He had hots for #60 from Jupiter, one of the best looking guys there where all are very good looking and offed him short time, boy requested 2500 African did not mind to pay. But in the room boy not only did not do anything to him but even flatly refused to shower together and after 30 minutes or so sandbaging told African he wants to go back to the bar because his clients are waiting for him . Shocked guy paid negotiated tip but was visibly distraught and pissed off, rightly so. Since this reflects my own experience with Jupiter boy from May 2013 lesson from it is that with those boys, as great looking as they are we need to negotiate firmly and up front or leave them alone.
  14. Go-go bars in Bangkok Visited most of them, only missed are Super A, Be High and Fusion. While last time star for me was Dreamboys, this time it was Screwboys and I credit this to Christian PFC who dragged me there right after I arrived and we met. I saw boy I liked there and finished offing him 6 times, 5 of which were long time. This is rare for me as I prefer massage boys over go-gos big time since they usually are older and have more meat on their bones and this is type I'm hunting for. It looks that jeans are gone and boys in all bars visited other than Fresh Beach Boys are back to parading on the stage in underwear. For some reason boys at Fresh Beach Boys were still in jeans at least before show, possibly because this is ground floor bar and if they were in jeans bar could entice more clients by keeping door wide open. Zeus went out of business during my trip but I managed to get boy from there before it happened. All bars in soi Twilight, Jupiter and Tawan have shows, Golden Cock and Nature Boys don't and at Screwboys it varies so enquire locally if interested. Jupiter show is tame as always was with hardon sticking inside of underwear at times but all other shows feature all usual numbers with plenty of cock visible, always dressed in condom though. Sex shows are still absent although I'm not so sure what was going on at Fresh Beach Boys at end of my stay , some acrobatics under the veil in dimly lit bar were very promising. So it's only matter of time when acrobatics will start again. At Tawan shows ends with J/O contest as long as patrons keep feeding tips into glass As for quality of boys in bars of soi Twilight I still think Dreamboys have the best selection with all others more or less the same with somebody for everyone and the same goes with Screwboys . Jupiter are hunks only as always and Tawan bodybuilders actual and aspiring, again as always. Golden Cock and Nature Boys were disappointing when we were there with Christian but still at least one of boys was passable so no problem giving them a chance in a future. As for drinks price is climbing steadily reaching 400 at Dreamboys and Tawan . Most other bars charging 350, Screwboys 300 and Nature Boys and Golden Cock half of that. Off fees are 400-500 and 650 in Dreamboys. What I found new , now they quote expected tips more readily less than usual ; up to you ' answers but this is good and bad news, bad part being that some boys are quoting 2000 for short time and 3000 for long, boy from Dreamboys even told me that this is bar policy so make sure you polish your negotiating skills , still 1500 /short, 2500 / long seems to be a norm. My advice to myself would be to negotiate everything in advance in the bar to avoid future disputes and what is even worse, boy looking for ways to finish an appointment early, happened to me twice, no tragedy though. Some boys are trying their luck clearly, Tawan boy wanted 3000 for 1 hr appointmnet, stand your ground or give up depending of how you like that boy. It must be said that all negotiations were in good nature and I did not have any bast moments in those 19 days. Go-go in Pattaya visited all go-go in Sunee plaza other than Good Boys against advice of everybody claiming that boys there are not my type and they were right, all twinks, some very nice but not my area of interest. Under age problem is cleaned out it seems but sleaze in the bars still present so be prepared, drinks 120-180. In Boyztown missed only Vassa and Freeman but definitely best selection was in BoysBoysBoys with A-bomb, Toyboys and FunnyBoys trailing a bit behind. In every bar visited was at least one boy I'd take so no loser as far as I'm concerned. As for shows, one at Copa and Wild West Boys did not impress me , XBoys was much better and only one with full on sex including tip parade among us , voyeurs. BoysBoysBoys show was by far the best and so was their selection and no wonder that out of 3 nights in PTY one axe murderer faced from there helped to warm my bed for 2 of them. There's no doubt in my mind that this is the best bar at the moment out of all I visited both in PTY and BKK this trip. Do not miss their 9.p.m. outside show when boys are outside singing and flag waving for a 10 minutes or so. Massages I love those, this is my reason to be there and had at least 2 a day. I see benefit in well being and massage boys are usully closer to my desired type, older and muscly. Visited all wellknown places and scores less popular , some in peripheral areas of BKK. Liked Pattaya places as well although had a bit of disappointment in Magnolia, still the best place there but something did not work between me and a boy this time. Everywhere massage itself was at last good with quite a few of excellent. In every place you can and will get more, either because you will initiate intention or boy will do it first. It's up to you of how much of purchased time you want to devote to massage but if you interested in getting one I suggest do not be too fast as boy may skip on that part according to your wishes. If you are shy type , don't be afraid , gentle scratch of boys knee at some point will be sufficient to signalize you want more and let him take a lead. Quite a few of them don't like to be derailed and want to finish massage before better part starts, M at Senso even clearly told me when I will be able to tough him and it actually made a lot of sense. As for top/ bottom problem , only in one place /Shape / question was asked right away so if that's important make sure you ask first. Prices for 1 hr oil varies from 400 to as much as 800-900 depending of place, minimum tip start from 500 to 2000 for 2 hr. session at VClub and Prince. In some places tip depends of length of session in other is just uniform. The same goers with boy being dressed or not, my preference is when he starts dressed and I just wait for moment when he will not be. Places vary from very basic / Health / and in need of good scrub /Arena, Uniman/ to classy and spotless /Prince, Senso, VClub/ but it needs to be stated strongly that ambiance has nothing to do with quality of both boys on offer and massage - Arena is still my # 1 place full of friendly hunks. As for selection in every place you either pick up boy from line /Arena, Bangkok Massage, Bonny / or behind the glass / Hero, VClub, Prince / and in many places boys are invisible and you will chose from picture album / Baan Tewa , Shape/ or iPad / S52,Magnolia/. So adventure is there since each place has something different than other. I visited few places in far away areas of Bangkok and will do so in the future. Ivariably question arises if that is worth the trouble of travelling sometimes pretty far / Man101, Fundoshi / . Answer is yes and no. Yes because you get out from traditional Silom/ Sukhumvit ghetto. Some of those places are in quite interesting areas of the city, prices are lower and so expected tips although cost of getting there must be taken into consideration. Some English was spoken everywhere and I was welcomed in all places. Some of them like Shape or Jay seem to be far away while in fact you can be there in 20-30 minutes from Silom thanks to BTS. Only risk you are taking is that selection may be very limited. In most of those places with notable exception of VClub and Jay Spa number of boys on offer was 1-4. / Waternest, Fundoshi, S52, Shape, Man 101 /. May be I had just bad luck or arrived in wrong time as those are places catering to locals rather that tourists and their timing may be different than that of leisurely tourists. I had good luck that always I liked what I saw but somebody may be disappointed that hunk seen on the website may not be actually there so either take your chance and just go or call ahead and make sure he is there. My best massages were in no particular order: Tao from Banana One from Screwboys / yes, go-go boy / Fay or Fi / spelling? / from Arena, M from Senso, Art from Uniman all of them using different techniques and working very fast which made for very intensive massage experience
  15. Thank you , you way too kind. My first 8 trips were short ones / 5-7 / so I used to spent days in BKK very intensively and this habit seems to stuck with me even during longer trips like last two, truth is I sleep very little when in LOS and not only because I rarely sleep alone, for that I have home.
  16. Hotels I'm not looking for luxuries, like to stay close to an action in places where 's no fuss with visitors. Working A/c a must, I'm not sensitive to a noise and don't care about dining facilities and elevators. Used following: BBB Inn - right behind soi Twilight, Snake Farm across the street, no elevator, safety deposit box on reception, no blanket- always use big towel they provide instead, no dining facilities, usually have breakfast at Foodland, Patpong 2 when staying there, massage boys on duty 7/24 so you can get horny at any time, best A/C of them all., marble bathroom, free computer in the lobby. I love the place, always stay there at least for 2-3 nights although at 1320 a bit overpriced Tarntawan - steps from Tawan, tucked in a quiet alley. More luxurious than other I used and at 2000 better it will be, Treat myself over weekend just for fun.Free sumptuous breakfast included if you book for 2 your guest will get one as well.Safety box in the room did not work but I prefer one on reception anyways. Bathtub instead of just a shower, free computers in the lobby. For me top of luxury and much more than I need but will be back. Take A Nap - right beside BBB Inn, 900 / night, very nice and helpful staff, elevator working, cheap beer in the lobby at 40/baht , free computers in the lobby well positioned to check on passing eye candy, if you not a resident it cost 30 baht to use, no time limit it seams, safe deposit box in the room working, refrigerator provided for your provisions, visitors free to go in and out so you on your own if something gets wrong,rooms small with basic desk, breakfast included but very basic, A/c quiet but very slow, good enough in winter but I have my doubts about hotter months. Basic and affordable, not my first choice but still workable alternative. Le Cafe Royale, Boystown, Pattaya small place right at the center of the action so you are steps from everywhere and all soi will check on your guests, elevator, safety box in the room., A/C all working perfect, ,breakfast and 7.5% tax not included in the rate of 1100, restaurant on the first floor a bit costly but still affordable , if you want save some money, cheaper Boat bakery is just across the street, guests are leaving ID on reception, mini bar in the room. As long as I'm concerned great value for money and will return. Malaysia Hotel best value for money IMNSHO, 875 / night, breakfast not included but can be had in a restaurant downstairs open 7/24, computer access 40 / baht hr., 70/ 2 hrs. Spacious and airy room with a view, not just a wall, two beds- big and small, refrigerator in the room, safety deposit box on reception, need 500 baht refundable deposit, moneyboys gone, bathtub instead of just shower, visitors welcomed but with ID only, A/c good and well positioned / I hate when cold air blows directly on the bed/. Love the place and will be back , only disadvantage is a bit of distance from the action but you can be in Silom for 50 baht and motorsai from Lumpini MRT costs just 20 baht if you are too lazy to walk. Even with those extra expenses still cheap option. Om Yim very close contender for best value for money 1000/ night , breakfast not included but can be had in a restaurant downstairs, safety deposit box in the room working, no elevator, steps from Chong Nonsi BTS yet still very quiet., guest ID hold on reception, refrigerator provided, money changer with best rates very close and so is Arena. Easy walking distance to Silom and soi Twilight or short hop by taxi. If sentenced to staying in just one hotel this would be my choice. Cemetery behind, how convenient ! Nantra Silom in Silom soi 8 , close to Tawan. 1200/night, breakfast included, three free computers in the lobby with very fast connection, elevator working, safety deposit box in the room did not work but no problem at end of stay when one lives out of cash advances. Very clean and modern but room very small. A/c blowing directly on the bed. Staff from reception quite often absent so technically everybody can pick up your key from the counter and go to your room if you not there, keep it in mind. Not a bad option, room just bit of claustrophobic. will post my go-go and massage notes later, so watch this space if interested, need to go now
  17. For those who find my day to day account in an 'Off to Thailand again " thread http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/9774-off-to-thailand-again-december-2014-trip/page-9 boring and/ or too long below are my notes and information you may find usefull. Getting from/to airport cheapest and depending on time of day even fastest way is City Link train to Phaya Thai BTS / elevated railway / station.Train runs every 15 minutes and it takes about 30 minutes to get there with 6 station on the way. It costs 45 baht. Those with staying at Nasa Vegas hotel - it just across the street from RamKamhaeng station. At Makkasan station you can transfer / separate ticket necessary / to MRT / underground/ Petchaburi station via covered walkway, well posted. To transfer to BTS you need separate ticket as well. all three- City Link, MRT and BTS run 6-24 only so for those , mainly North Americans, arriving past midnight and departing early taxi are only option. Taxi system is well organized at the airport, line up , you will get ticket with stand number , go to taxi waiting there and off you go. Mete to Silom area should be about 260 baht plus 50 bah airport supplement payable to the driver and if you wish to go via tollway 70 bahts in tolls payable by you. Getting around best way is BTS and MRT as taxis are notoriously stuck in traffic. You can transfer from one to other but need to buy separate ticket. I used few times BTS day ticket which costs 130 bath but it makes sense only if you are making at least 4 trips that day. This ticket is valid on day of purchase only so don't even try to buy in advance. Best way to get to more remote areas is to go as far as possible by either one and than take a taxi or mototaxi to get to your destination. You not necessarily save money that way but certainly time. Traffic is horrendous in BKK. Very scenic and to some destinations practical are Chao Praya River Express boat, best way to get to Grand Palace and khlong ( canal) Saen Saeb boats - best to get to Bangkapi and Golden Mount temple, tickets on the board. Taxis are cheap and plentifull, if driver refuses to use meter , get out and next on will show up in 2-3 minutes the most. Mototaxis are fun but can be dangerous, I love them, not practical for longer diostances but ideal for short hops like Silom-Sukhumvit ot from BTS to your destination Getting to/from Pattaya there's train at 6.55, scenic but slow most practical are either vans from Victory Monument or buses from Ekkamai station , both very close to BTS Van is cheaper at 100 baht, departs every 20 or so minutes , will get you to Wat Chai area, walking distance to Boyztown and Sunee but can be cramped and not suitable if you have a big luggage also nothing stops you from buying 2 seats if you don't want to keep your suitcase on you knees, after all 100 baht is only 3$. Bus is also frequent, every 30-60 minutes, costs 124 baht, more comfortable than van but in Pattaya you may take a taxi or songtaew to your destination as bus station is a bit far. Pattaya is walkable city, only Jomtien and bus a station are too far to walk, take songtaew or motorsai. Hotels
  18. remember an old saying ' take half things and twice as much of money'
  19. Dec13-14 , Tarnawan 2000 / night Dec 21-23, Malaysia 875 / night, my last trip
  20. I rather spent 800 in bar or go-go than on extra conveniences I don't use anyways. I Malaysia there's some view behind the window. In Tarntawan I had dirty wall. I like Tarntawan still because location and treat myself with 2 nights of stay on every trip but value for money for Malaysia is better. Free WiFi and breakfast in not worth of extra 1150 / this was difference in price per day I paid in Dec between two / , but this is just me may be
  21. As for carpet I agree 100%, it's difficult to maintain it clean at home and in public space even much worse regardless of how often is vacuumed. As for Malaysia / or other hotels charges for that matter / we should not be doctrinaires but look at broad picture i.e. total price paid. I still believe it's better to get a room for 1000 and pay service charges and say 100 baht /day for Wi Fi that get both of them for free and pay 1500 for a similar experience.
  22. aren't those things addictive? just curious as I'm blessed with good sleep
  23. They do although one in my room did not work when there in Dec.
  24. day 19 continued as sun was setting in and so was my trip on my way from Arena I dropped by to see who is soliciting clients at former Relax , now Health Spa in Silom 64 building as this trip I did not go to any of Silom's massage places. No big boys there but went for some skinny smile and took him for 1 hr oil massage. As happens quite often with those skinny boys it was quite surprisingly very strong. Boys there are always dressed for massage since this is mixed place and was surprisingly busy - I was waiting 10 minutes for room available although when leaving 1 hr later all rooms were empty already. At 7.p.m. went to Screwboys to pick up One for the 6 and last time this trip but he got stuck in traffic so for good 1/2 hr I had opportunity to see boys arriving for work, sharing some food and jokes. Last time 450 off fee, 50 for Mamasan for her help - she was helpful of few occasion so well deserved and we went to Oasis on Suriwong , farang owned little place where they made best chicken with cashew nuts for that signature dinner. Not a cheapest place but I like their food and dragged quite a few boys there. After that to Hotel for a final 3 hours with One, he was truly nr 1 on this trip and we got along very well. He did pretty good of me but I cherish every minute I spent with him so we both happy. Asked him to do his signature massage / he uses circular strokes / some hugging and caressing and time to pack. Left him some goodies I did not want to carry back with me. In 15 minutes I was done so we went to Silom where I wanted to buy some silk shirts from the stall at mouth of my soi. One did bargaining for me and whatever he saved me / 100 baht / I used to buy him silk boxers hoping that he will remember me at least for while. Last hugs and good bye. BTS to Phaya Thai, 45 baht Airport Link train and one more business to do - get Vat refund on the winter jacked I purchased on Sunday. I had paperwork from the store but still went to customs near gate 10 , smiling officer stamped paperwork and since cashier was on break she advised me that I can get my money from another counter past passport control. Very friendly and efficient service at both places. Got my 120 baht which landed in one of those worthy collection boxes along with few coins I still had and with empty pockets departed LOS for the 10th time in 12 years after longest trip there ever. My first 8 trips were 5-7 days , Nov 2013 was 2 weeks and now almost three, actually when counted door to door it was exactly 3 weeks. It took 24 hours airport to airport including pretty boring 4 hr wait at the Shanghai Pudong airport but at least this time there's was no need to pick up luggage and check it again like last year, this time it was checked directly all the way. At home airport somewhat nasty surprise as machine picked me up for a thorough control and officer took great care to comb through all my pockets and every single nook of my luggage including travel notes I had in my diary, I don't use English for those , he was even trying to find somebody to translate it for him , no idea if this was done but we had quite an open chat about what I was sightseeing there. Need + magazine gave him pretty good idea about my preferences. As expected he was concerned about underage thing but probably I sounded very sincere when I told him my interest is more in guys of his age than school aged ones, which is true big time, so he let me go without any further fuss. Only thing which annoyed me mildly was that he openly told me that he found strange that I don't have any camera on me like taking pictures abroad would be civic duty. I will make another post to summarize my impression but bottom line is: IT WAS ANOTHER GREAT TRIP without any hiccups whatsoever this time.
  25. There's usually one or 2 on duty in the internet cafe in soi Sri Bumphen checking Gay Romeo. I agree , it was better with merry boys around but it is what it is and we need to suffer in silence.
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