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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. since I'm not fan of beach areas, visited only for few hours in Dec and can attest that Bamboo bar is still in operation during day and has quite a few cute and willing boys on duty. Former Derby massage on the way to Jomtien Complex is now mixed massage place. Hope others will chip in with more info
  2. boy is supposed to have it, for us is optional since we are ATM we can afford not having one
  3. those eruptions I'd be leaving for later part in privacy of my or short time room, not in bar , even in Sunee
  4. some people are plain cheap but some simply are frozen by experience completely new for them and don't know how to behave in such a bar. Hope they do some research and loose up next visit. I recall my first ever visit in now defunct bar on Rama IV, did not have an idea what to expect inside and how to behave, to made matters worse / or better / fuck show participants started their circulation among audience just when I entered. So I felt like just getting heart attack in heaven's gate. Thanks God, mamasan sensed me up and explained goings and procedures. He even suggested which boy to take and where / Suriwong short rooms /. Only thing he did not explain is difference between short and long time so I tipped boy long time rate / 2000 then / for short time and still remember sound he made when got that much not to mention highest wai I ever saw. Since then I actually kind of like mamasans and don't consider then nuisance like some others. If I ever see uptight farangs in bar beside me I ask them if that's their first time and at least twice tried to be helpful with guidance to repay original debt.
  5. You are not cheap, 100 baht is fair amount, after all it buys two meals in the street stand. I was told that this is also all bottom in fuck shows were paid by the bar. But before we grope the boy we need to make sure this is approved practice in the bar. Customs in Nature Boy or Eros are not exactly the same like in Jupiter or BoyzBoyBoyz. No need to embarrass boy and ourselves
  6. It's not my custom to criticize other's tipping habits but if one is sitting with boy and gropes him I'm of very strong opinion that compensating tip / 100-300, depending on length of time and activities involved / must be paid because normally we don't grope strangers sitting beside us. If somebody doesn't he is not just cheap Charlie, it's just plain asshole. Boys don't have any duty to make themselves available for our dirty hands. If boy is invited to sit with us deserves tip even if we did not tough him as we may be prevent him from getting more generous customer. If he is planting beside on his own we are free to ignore him if we wish. Those sitting on their hands are absolved as long as I'm concerned as long as they can survive constant barrage by mamasans to buy a drink and off the boy as long as they keep their hands of. They are not helping anybody's bottom line other than his own but I'd say let them have it. They may be frequent visitors , temporary short of cash or shy newcomers who don't know how to behave in bar. Tawan recently prevented this kind of behavior by selling admission tickets at front which can inside be exchanged for a drink - I liked an idea
  7. showering in undies is very rare but known to science, may be he was just shy or new to farangs. Combined with no getting hard / very rare occurrence / my verdict would be he was straight so no bottom either. If you want top or bottom , ask for one but on another hand this would be hint that you are not interested in massage so boy may go to the business faster than you wish. From my experience best way to ensure you will get proper massage is to tell boy that you don't have sex with boys. Nothing stops you from changing your mind several minutes later and signal change of mind by toughing him where sun doesn't shine.
  8. This is not universal as I recall quite a few cases when boy was unreasonable, settled down on much lower rate than he originally requested / like half / and still kept his part of bargain after that. I don't mind them trying to skin me alive and probably at times they get some newbie who will pay whatever they want, thing I hate is when something is negotiated and than story is changing in order to leave earlier or not do what they promised to. But this is mercifully rare though.
  9. I must say that with massage boys I rarely if ever had problem with cutting time short, even if all was finished before time purchased elapsed they at least asked what we do now and always were willing to spend remaining time cuddling and feeling each other. With go-gos not so rosy and I agree with Christian that sometimes they try to maximize income and minimize time but to their credit I must say those short cutters are still rather small minority. Starting negotiations about time and money is rare but again I agree that this is hint that they may be too commercial although on few occasions boy asked how much I will give him, which I have no problem answering. To their credit again I don't recall situation that they tried to bargain , I on another hand quite often try to bargain them down. I usually ask them up front how much they want and need to say that old answer ' up to you ' slowly but surely is giving way to some monetary quotation and if they are trying too high I'm not shy to bargain. Rarely they are going over board though although I had Tawan boy who wanted 3000 for 1 hr and he was not top of their line. We settled down a bit lower / 2500 for 2 hr, still too much /, he was great but still tried to leave before negotiated end, which is not what I like. If you ask me , I'd prefer if numbers are discussed up front and wouldn't mind Japanese style of price list nailed somewhere in the bar.
  10. you hunt Caucasians in LOS and just feast on Thai eye candy for free?
  11. nothing wrong with that if that's what's one is looking for but it wouldn't be me for sure
  12. Me too and it's easy since I usually start at BBB Inn and they have massage boys on duty 7/24
  13. So if you tip 500 at Saranrom plus 200 cheapest short time room , boy costs you minimum 700 / hr. now I feel better, my shortest long time off last trip was 6 hrs / 11-5 /, no off fee, tip 3500 including massage , cost 583 / hr, I did not realize I'm so frugal .LOL
  14. from my last trip: BBB Inn - one boy requested to leave ID, two let go without, one was insider so no problem, ordinary guests not asked for ID Tarntawan - ID requested in both cases Take A Nap - nobody was bothered with ID Cafe Royale - ID requested in all 3 cases Malaysia - one boy ID requested and when left reception called to confirms I'm alive, two boys went in unmolested by reception, likely because I smile and wave at reception stuff any time I'm passing by during day Om Yim - ID requested in all three cases Nantra Silom - nobody bothered with ID
  15. me too and I always drink beer or juice straight from the bottle , I don't drink water, only animals do IMHO
  16. best cure for this homesickness is to book a ticket
  17. Since I almost exclusively off for long time in order to avoid early leavers I always warn them that I want long time. From time to time boy does short time only so we don't have a deal. In this trip I had only one boy offed knowing he will not do long time / from Tawan / and one who reneged on deal and left after 1.5 hr / fromXSize/. I also never had a boy asking if this will be short or long time but this is owing to fact that time question is usually my second right after ' do you want to go with me'. I agree that boy asking question how long it will take would be bad omen and offing him were courting disaster but few times when boy agreed on long time indicated up front that he must leave at certain hour in the morning which I don't mind as long as I'm warned up front. Even managed to squeeze extra hour from boy from Zeus who wanted to leave at 5 but I told him 'till six minimum' , he agreed and left at 6.03
  18. you have nerves made from steel, for me it's impossible to pass by Soi Twilight and not go in even in middle of dead night on my 15th night , not to mention first waiting impatiently for your reports
  19. Where you will be starting? My usual first stop is Arena
  20. Did not I tell you ' just go' Enjoy your trip and we are waiting impatiently for your updates / no pressure ,no /
  21. It like waiting at the airport for OP arrival and killing time with conversation on whatever subject will come in. Him and his stories should arrive shortly. Tipping habits discussion usually generates heated responses , this time we behaved again and again
  22. Stop swearing in long dead language, LOL
  23. We are talking different lifestyles here, 3000 for four =750 per person, certainly not my style of dining in LOS but we all have our little pleasures so why not. As abang noticed above 50 baht buys a meal in street stand so I'd not call such tip pittance
  24. I wonder if anybody when considering size of tip is really trying to buy boy's / or girl's / respect ? My line of thinking is: in my local bar boy will dance naked for me at the table for equivalent of 550 baht per song, song lasts 5-7 minutes and there are 3 songs in sequence so say, 20 minutes is 1650 baht. I rather don't go there , live chaste life and save money for LOS where twice of that amount will buy me whole night's company.
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