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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I don't think too many readers would be upset with your post, after all why? It looks we have a bit cheaper with exception of Dreamboys BKK possibly
  2. so we need to wait until they put proper sign
  3. enjoy your trip, did you find the elusive Body Club?
  4. update part 12 removed from the website, my suspicion is too much of cock visible in few scenes
  5. no need to wait until tomorrow, Nana or Asok BTS for Hero is only few stations away from Bang Chak for alleged new Body Club location
  6. actually I personally like an idea of infiltration and wouldn't mind to read insider report from girl bar with prices of drinks, off fees, tips expected just for sake of science and comparison. Probably can be found on some forum on internet but I'm too lazy to search
  7. I'm waiting impatiently for news about it since I couldn't find it last month. If you will you have my permission to call me names right here.
  8. vinapu

    Investment tip

    Actually I think you are speaking from "in the know" person's point of view. If one is newcomer and is not particularly sharp observer not looking for night's company may actually pass Silom on both sides without seeing any prostitute soliciting and if will not go deeper in Patpong sois person won't be suspecting of what's going on. The same goes with Sukhumvit and Nana Plaza and soi Cowboy although one can spot working lady here and there along Sukhumvit between Nana and Asok stations. This is beauty of Thai night life, it's there but not in your eye. I recall at least 2 situations when I was asked on Silom where Patpong is and those people weren't blind.
  9. Their very actions are certifying that they don't consider her dead animal, it's not vendetta rather attempt to neutralize her and her brother by creating 'legal' frame to prevent her from running for the office for a while.
  10. Zeus went out of business right after Christmas 2014, Christian PFC and me inspected empty premises on the day of closing. Word from soi boys was that boys from Zeus were transferred to X-Boys Resurrecting this old thread only because I noticed recently few readers looking into it
  11. vinapu

    Investment tip

    You may be on something, after all very few professionals predicted collapse of Lehman Brothers but I know pretty unsophisticated financially truck driver who sold very well his rental property just before of crash on gut feeling that mortgages are given too freely to all and sundry and this is not a good thing .
  12. You summed it very neatly.I like this very civilized discussion above. Calling rice pledging scheme socialist is not excessive, after all Obamacare was called socialist scheme by some and there are Americans who are calling Canada communist country because of her universal health care system. Communists were no better by calling capitalistic even most minor private enterprise. So labels are misleading at time. One bad rice harvest in some big producer country may turn now wasteful rice pledging scheme into very far sighted policy. Some may recall similar situation in the coffee market sometime in 90-ties. Bad harvest in South America was mitigated by good one in Africa and Vietnam or other way around.
  13. staying home she is thorn in old establishment asses, going away she would risk of being forgotten, she is probably following a lesson of Lady Aung in Myanmar
  14. I fairness to the boys I must say that it's very long time since boy planted himself beside me uninvited and even then he asked if he can sit with me before sat down. mamasans are different story but it's their job I guess to intimidate us to off their boys. Tawan is an exception as their modus operandi is that boys are circulating freely and often they are approaching patrons but in my limited experience they never ask for drink or off leaving that move to clients.
  15. hope you are right, unwillingly perhaps they are creating martyr
  16. May be I should take your advice and spend some evening at Jomtien but I just like hustle and bustle of BT area although liked Bamboo bar mid-day experience last Dec. Just sitting in the bar is not my thing unless it's go-go bar with boys in speedos on the stage.
  17. I think boys are used to not being picked up as only lucky few have off every night and even superstars go home empty handed from time to time. As for being too nice and polite from time to time I think you are right but at end of day I still rather force myself to being polite than create a scene over my only beef with some boys - reneging on time commitment and leaving too early under some stupid excuse like wrongly parked motorsai ( new invention as far as excuses go, heard twice last trip).
  18. I'm opposite, in the beginning pay attention to sides and as time passes I tend to forget where I am and start generating trouble when crossing streets or possibly subconsciously I start thinking about returning to 'normal' sided traffic
  19. I never had problem with either day or night staff and always stay there at least 2 nights on every trip. Fact that quite a few of them recognize me at least by the face probably helps. Only problem I can recall from last trip is that night shift receptionist did not have a clue of how much of all-inclusive price for massage actually goes to the boy but I worked that with the boy.
  20. I'd say look right and left, not other way around . Almost learned that lesson hard way while crossing Suriwong last trip, good thing I was with the boy who stopped me
  21. probably yes, as it goes on Sundays for a while, it was the same in Decmeber when I was there. Likely closing street om Sunday is partial compensation for clearing sidewalks during day
  22. Don't forget Tawan bar where you will find hunks with capital H
  23. before this happens proper schooling must be provided and facilitated. I'd not trust capitalists with that, this is what governments are for
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