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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Long live Scooby ! Gentlemen , why we don't call a truce as things get out of hand IMNSHO. Careful reader not familiar with subject of this thread would be perplexed about all the fuss - claims are made that some maps are wrong but no single example of infraction is provided like "Arena should be marked on Silom , not Rama IV "etc / I made this example up / .
  2. Yes , I used one between Patpongs and good to know that there's another one nearby. Next time I have dental problem I use it as excuse to jump on the plane to BKK. As side note, one of dentists at Silom location is real hunk who would not be out of place on the Tawan's scene, he probably is able to extract the teeth by hand. As for your question , Love Thailand wrapped it nicely. I go not only for the massage but whole theater around it : will he be naked, when he undresses, who will touch whom THERE first ? and so on. After massage and the rest I like a bit of quiet time of body contact and feeling each other, it's why I go for 1.5 hr session so nothing is too rushed. Gladly pay more for the privilege in comparison to standard places where it's more lottery like, one may get full service but also fully dressed boy who would not let you to tough him at all. / theory for me but know from others it happens/. Fact is that some boys even in gay places will not let you to tough them until massage is over, fine with me. I'm low maintenance guy and those moments are times of my indulgences. As for expense I still think massage is better value for money than offing go-go boy, I tip the same but cost of massage is usually less than drinks for me , boy and off fee.
  3. certainly it would be not unpleasant task to repeat your visit there to survey boy's name , number and possibly even possession if doing that in bar is your thing
  4. like every post this one is like talk in social situation, starts with something serious and goes whenever participants will take it. Sooner or later subject of boys tips should emerge / oops , it already did .LOL /
  5. thank you for your kind comment right after reading firecat's announcement and before your post I had exactly the same impression : 'childish '.
  6. that's childish, I suspected from beginning of the thread from some comments that there's more into it that just slightly inaccurate maps in OUT magazine. Inflated egos or boredom perhaps? If you are banned just look at bright side - more time to post here and on Gaybutton's.
  7. Late or early , you are welcome ! all is correct although I gather Michael doesn't own site anymore / correct me if I'm wrong / . Nothing wrong with other forums owners, moderators and members participating here. One only can hope that problems and animosities arising in other forums will not be imported here
  8. you better visit some pharmacy on your way to Dongtan and pick up some pills as it's very unhealthy thing to be sick
  9. May be it was inappropriate but I read GB responses as bit too belligerent in proportion to subject in question and it's why I expressed my opinion as above , I still stick to it if you will. I'm humble clumsy nobody and present my view hoping that it will be treated the same way I treat other's points, some I agree with, some I don't and some I find irrelevant. No need to be careful, if somebody skin is too sensitive regular cold shower will help. I read and enjoy all three forums regularly but due to religious reason decided to post only here / God gave me only 60 minutes for every hour and just 24 hours a day so time to post only here /
  10. no, you are not blind. I'd rather say some posters overuse magnifying glass and see things much bigger than they are.
  11. No , I had massage in the standard room but I had Jacuzzi treatment in both Shape spa in Thonburi and Waternest in Sukhumvit soi 39. It was fun with boy inserted, that's for sure and I can recommend both places. As for Prince you are right, place looks very nice , when comes to ambiance is by some distance best of all massage places places I visited in BKK and PTY and I visited quite a few so pamper yourself , this is what Thailand is for.
  12. this can be sorted out easily by tossing a coin - heads I win, tails you lose / or other way around /, LOL
  13. less you sleep during vacations longer they seem to be. If you are in Central Pattaya you don't need really venture too far to have a fun and we hope you will share your adventures with us
  14. if our paths will cross in Thailand we can arrange for all the above plus subsequent bar tour. I will pay for your dinner and you will pay for mine / chicken with cashew nuts if you did not read my posts, LOL /
  15. certainly you have a fun there in LOS
  16. You are good guy and your forum is very informative and well maintained if a bit of heavyhandedly at times but you must have your reason for that. Your outburst here seems to be out of proportion like you have personal beef with James , OUT or both ? Those are Bangkok and Pattaya maps, not ones pointing to the only well in Sahara desert.
  17. even faster, last Dec in the beginning of my 19 days trip I received a flyer for Fun CLub from their guy on Silom and offed boy from Zeus, several days later both places were out of business. Zeus door were left even wide open so Christian and me managed to explore vacated space when we passed by the soi. And by the way, such heated discussion about accuracy of maps in the OUT but honestly when was last time you guys need to use their map to reach place of your interest ? I had problem finding S52 spa because map on spa's own website was pointing it on wrong side of the soi / they don't have a sign at all /, mentioned it there and 1moRussian hasted with proper directions so help is always here in our hour of need.
  18. Keep your eyes off my boy, LOL This is good that we have different tastes , keeps more boys occupied. I'm not so sure that we who prefer bigger boys are such minority. On the forum rather yes but when I looked around of who is offed and who is walking with the farang or squeezing into taxi I'm of opinion that distribution is more balanced. Sometimes are surprises - I was dining with firecat at Maxi around Christmas and with our opposite preferences we agreed immediately of who is most attractive of Bangkok Massage boys. As for complains about unattractive boys, pricey drinks and offs, noise and smoke they seem to be immortal but this is not to say they are not warranted, depending of one's point of view and depth of pocket. Times are changing and so do we. I noticed with age I'm less tolerant of noise but more of smoke. Boys may be unappealing but one attractive is enough for bar to shine for me. As for prices I never complained since for me vacations are to spent and rest of year to penny pinch but recent increases surprised me to discover that I have my internal limit and while can tolerate drink price up to 400 / beer at 7/11 times 10/ everything above I may consider out of my range. The same goes with off fees and tips, there's mental limit above which I would not go unless boy would be tested superstar. So while I'm not in complainer camp / yet? / I say I have some understanding why some are.
  19. Gee, what a storm ! Did heat wave already arrived ? You have very engaged readers James. Nothing wrong in asking readers to point some inaccuracies. It's not that OUT maps are pointing Hero to soi Convent and placing Senso in front of Ari BTS. As for professionalism or lack of it comments, don't you guys remember that Titanic was built by professionals ?
  20. Resurrecting this old thread as I found it interesting to find that all this doom and gloom prophesies about bars we read in forums are as old as bars itself it sems. Those were days when we thought 250 / drink was expensive, now Dreamboys and Tawan are charging 400 and there are still takers
  21. I could access it no problem by clicking the link above so may be site is blocked in Thailand?
  22. we are waiting for next report
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