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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. How I missed them during my December 2014 Sunee survey is beyond me but promised to myself to correct it next time, rugged, masculine, sounds like something I'd fancy
  2. Genghis Khan popularly elected? That's the stretch. You forgot Alexander the Great in that list perhaps Hitler was elevated to power by quite fair election. Other guys mentioned made mistake of many dictators by not allowing for popular election looking for 100 % approval on paper instead of 55% sufficient to keep them in power by electoral means. In their best days many of them would be still elected by fair means if they allowed to. And so would Europe's last remaining dictator Lukashenka of Belarus. Placing Thaksin in the same league like guys you mentioned probably points to gall bladder problems. Not trying to be sarcastic but you went too far IMNSHO
  3. there's report on CFS forum that Nature Boy bar in soi 6 is in the dark and seems to be closed. Anybody in BKK now who can spy and update?
  4. rightly so , he seemed to receive in his days quite a firm mandate
  5. part 14 now available, nice tittle '50 shades of gay'
  6. I agree with your Dreamboys BKK assessmnet, highest prices but by far best boy selection at least for types I like. As a bonus neither fuck show nor big cock show participants are soliciting tips among an audience so highest drink and off prices are somehow mitigated for me by savings on those tips as I usually give 100 to both. But it needs to be said that slowly they are moving into non competitive category as far as I'm concerned and I noticed that I was kind of reluctant to climb their stairs seeing what they charge on the last trip in Dec. But this is market economy -if you are outpriced take you business elsewhere or bite a bullet I guess.
  7. While your idea has some merit we still would be complaining about drink prices on top of already inflated cover charge. As long as we are complaining and still paying those prices I doubt owners will change their policy and if they change prices it will be still suicidal move upward. New arrivals on short term visit will pay whatever is asked and still open mouth in awe seeing what's on offer in the stage. Old hands will find a way of avoiding charges by getting boy's phone number or waiting until bar is closed to spot boy marching on the street and grab him from there. And this is suicidal too - if we don't support bars they will go out of business and what we will do? Go to the next bar perhaps. I like what Tawan is doing on busy nights, selling entry tickets at the door and inside you get free drink in exchange. This way patrons know what they are paying for without annoying illusion that greedy owner is charging 200 baht for water costing 15 baht at 7/11. Not trying to defend pricing practices but best thing about bars in LOS is that we really have a choice, add 100 baht to Dreamboys drink price , cross the soi and you have 1 hr massage at Bonnys is one of many suggested solutions. Sure one owes boy a tip of, say 1000 baht but he will be massaging you naked, not many places in the world will offer it for you for 30 USD.
  8. vinapu


    I'd treat original story as urban legend if I personally had not known policewoman who during early night patrol spotted lady urinating on the sidewalk. Offending lady turned out to be her mother and to this day she doesn't know what her mother was doing that late in that area. So life writes sometimes scenarios only sick mind would invent. As for original question answer is no, it's plain cheap, dirty and disgusting
  9. I'm not getting younger either but must say that I look at Pattaya opposite, I did not like it on my first visit in 2013, decided to give her a chance in 2014 and noticed I liked her a bit / credit to Bank from BBBoyz I guess / and now hope I will be able to see her illustrious shores at one point in future again. No substitute for Bangkok though
  10. Canada has a system where Senate members are appointed for life by Prime Minister. But similarly to UK real power lies with elected lower chamber, if 's why not much attention is piad in both countries to those unelected bodies IMHO.
  11. you are right , flying for half or whole day just to lay in the sand is not my idea of good time in LOS either but to each it's own
  12. You will not regret as both places are excellent and when comes to hunks only VClub and Senso can be compared but really it takes only one boy for venue to shine for us. I'm pleased you value my reports but keep in mind you may not be fond of everything I like and other way around - I find soi 4 boring and soi 2 not magnet either but like soi Twilight immensely.
  13. I agree with Bob that this is just theater, but very cynical at that. Sooner or late it will backfire since I doubt it's much room for paternalistic power in the age of internet unless heavy repression is employed
  14. As far as I'm concerned this is the best show and the best bar in PTY. Fun starts early , at 9 pm with semi dressed boys clapping and singing in front of bar. Off fee is 500 but reduced to 400 if you had a drink in the bar that evening, I like an idea. Well built boys mostly , no wonder I like it
  15. bar not for the faint hearts, boys very adventurous and better looking than on the website but only if you are fond of skinny twinks. Not my type of boys but must admit one of most lively bars on PTY
  16. I visited them in Dec 2014 and was not impressed neither with show nor line up of local talent, hope new owner will have some ideas of how to put some life into that bar
  17. not trying to defend any nasty regimes but can't help to notice that overthrowing bums in power in Iraq and Libya so far did not seem to improve lot of ordinary people in both countries and Secret Polices were less murderous than unruly zealots who replaced them. Sometimes it seems it takes years for freedom to bear it's fruits
  18. Don't forget I was there in second half of Dec blessed with very pleasant weather. You are right , boy hunting is very energizing.
  19. I don't see reason for age discrimination, if you like the boy tip him accordingly. If he behaves, is not rushing to the door as soon as deed is done and stays longer than 2 hours I'd give 2000 if I sense this is prospective future off as well. If I like him but don't think I 'll be taking him again 1500-1600 should suffice but he may ask you for taxi money. Those are my guidelines for myself, you may find he will be satisfied with 1000 if you picked him up from internet or the street but go-go and massage boys from parlors will expect 1500 short time in BKK likely, ChristianPFC is doing OK with 1000 with bar boys but he is much younger and is cashing in on age premium so to speak. General rule should be that boy don't feel exploited and you don't feel being taken advantage of . Guidelines from z909 links are pretty accurate. If boy is reneging on promises made earlier in respect of agreed time , leaving say , in 1 hour while agreed to 2 don't be shy to voice your displeasure both verbally and by tip reduction. as for strict sex I'd be more forgiving since he may promise to bottom but gets scared if you are too big for him or promised to top you and will not because will not find you attractive enough to stand to attention. In such a case I'd tip normal and chalk loss to the experience. Since you seem to like the same type of boys I do , masculine and older, word of warning: if our paths will cross grab your boy fast as I'm one of those speedy acting farangs and if I like a boy usually in minute or two may wave him over.
  20. Koko, don't forget nothing enlivens forums more that money discussion. Busy Sunday for me but i will try to wade in later
  21. for some reason I remember that day when I was 9 and my mother 32 and this was even before Harold Wilson became Prime Minister. She seemed so ancient and ever since to this day I consider everybody over that age old . This approach has advantages - any boy over 32 I consider almost my age, whaever his is.
  22. what about boys of say, Tawan,Jupiter, BoyzBoyZBoyZ or ABomb, over 30 and looking it , still looking bored while etc.... but certainly knowing what they are up to due to years of experience on stage. And they are your / and mine / type and age bracket we both like Do you find it demeaning on their behalf ? If you find such a scene sad why you are tormenting yourself partaking in it? Nothing wrong with connecting on social network and basically we all are in one of two camps, those who prefer social sites on internet and those who like to see what they hire in flesh. Both approaches have advantages and adherents the same way coffee and tea have and one can't say one is better than another , it's just matter of preference, just as you said. Gem can be found anywhere and by any means, one of my best boys was simply assigned to me as masseur by the mamasan without even asking me , another one was in pains in the bar to avoid my eye as long as he could but finally gave up , smiled and we had 5 long time offs and one short in 3 weeks, quite unusual for me , the former butterfly. Quite a few of those 'massage boys' are actually very good at giving proper massage , believe you me I mean it literally . One of best I had was by go-go, one of 6 offs above, not even a massage boy.
  23. 125 % agreed, specially if hawkers are well built cuties in singlets and shorts
  24. yes, today is first day THIS YEAR with temperature just above zero Celcius but I still hate Bangkok's heat and humidity sapping all energy from me
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