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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. vinapu

    Trip report

    Thank you for a new / for me at least / expression, never heard that and had a good laugh, I like OP tipping habits as I sense he had a good time in LOS and throwing money here and there is one of signs that on vacations we may act a bit on loose end. 50 weeks of stinginess per year may be enough for some including me, it's why we call vacations holidays Nothing wrong if some are trying to find company on the cheap as long as whatever price is agreed upon by both sides but on another hand nothing wrong in overgenerosity if we feel we get our money worth. Better to pay 3000 for fabulous short time than hire useless overnighter for 1500 just for the sake of cheap skin. I don't believe that those paying over going rate are spoiling market for others more than those paying 5000 for Ecco shoes are ruining it for those who will wait for months to get them on sale for 2500.
  2. vinapu

    Trip report

    no, because nobody comes to this forum to check price of the shoes, they go to www.priceofeccoshoesatcentral.com forum for that. But many users gladly ask questions about appropriate tip. This is always popular subject, at times generating very heated responses as prime example above shows is really 2200 / 70$ / over the board price for a good fuck?
  3. vinapu

    Trip report

    I like your report, condensed but still informative enough. If your tips were for short time certainly you will be popular and boys will cherish your memories. Disregard nasty comments, some people hate other's spending habits. I don't thing generous tip are spoiling market, boys are treating them windfall rather that future entitlement, they have plenty of statistic sample to know what acceptable tips are. Boys have good memories but it doesn't meant if next time you must tip the same, as long as you will be fair you 'll be OK, been there done that. Just make sure they don't treat you as walking ATM. I like idea of establishing price up front and usually do, rarely they don't keep their side of bargain even if they know what tip will be. At least this is my experience.
  4. vinapu

    Trip report

    Are you trying to imply you are fucking idiot grossly underpaying? Why such a strong language? Can't you just say that tips were too generous if you feel so instead of throwing double insults? This is what reports are all about, reporting. What he chose to pay may out of line for some but this is information others may be looking for. He clearly said that he was too generous and suggested what sufficient tip would be in his opinion. If your idea of fabulous vacation is penny pinching , nothing wrong with that but some may feel need to loose pure's strings a bit when holidaying and still have a feeling of getting their money's worth. Shame on you shamahan, my apologies for being blunt
  5. your English is good and certainly good enough to post some of your impressions from your trip, what you liked and what you did not and so on
  6. Trains to and from airport are running at 6 a.m. till midnight in both directions I use taxi to and from airport only when trains are not running
  7. Thank you for the link. Interesting remarks and observations. Certainly he was not eaten alive while there and so won't be you. Nothing wrong with refraining for travelling here and there for ethical reason but one can't be too sanctimonious about the issue. Many countries have skeletons in the closet and may be boycotted for that reason
  8. that's the problem with North Korea - we don't know anything about them and their life , only what our own capitalistic propaganda tells us. Not trying to whitewash heinous regime and sound as apologetic to red dictatorships , just pointing that we really have very few reliable sources about life there. In my travels I happened to visit China just after it opened in mid-eighties / province of Qinghai was still out of bounds for foreigners 10 months before my arrival / and Iran in 2000, what I saw was completely different of what I expected based on what we were feed at home. Another eye opened was late evening arrival by train to New York in 1988, last thing I expected to see in glorious USA know to me from movies only was sea of derelict of Harlem including fires on the street in the middle of that fabulous city. This is joy of traveling - eye opening for the wolds charms. GoldMember, just go and behave and you will be fine
  9. I think last train is just past midnight, you may be correct about the last PTY bus. For some reason almost all North America's connecting flights arrive around midnight and depart at ungodly 6 a.m. to add to 18 hrs in the air misery
  10. as for heavy luggage remember this old traveller's advice '' take half of things and twice as much money"
  11. OmYim, Nantra Silom, Take-a-Nap, Niagara Hotel, Sathorn Inn and Pavillion Place will be all gay friendly, close to Silom and BTS and with rooms at 1000 or less if you don't need a window. Malaysia Hotel even cheaper and better value for money but you need to factor in cost of getting to Silom 20-150 depending on how and when
  12. it's called fun of travelling newalaan. Not disputing your spending logic though, I live practically walking distance from the airport and taxi fare would be about 750 baht so 1200/1500 to PTY would be almost free in comparizon of distance. As for death traps, small van and big car are the same steel coffins if you had bad luck of landing insane driver. Certainly taxi fares are extremely good value in Thailand whether we are using them or not, even ChrstianPFC not exactly famous for lavish spending is praising and using them
  13. vinapu

    My visit to S52

    after I landed this 'axe murderer ' when we surveyed BoyzBoyzBoyz last December, my Pattaya percentage may increase. Not being big fan of Pattaya I'm one of all 3 sois of Boyztown, including hotels and restaurants . I feel great there and there are boys for everybody from Vassa's skeletons to BBB daddies.
  14. vinapu

    My visit to S52

    don't go by the looks , some total bottoms are very manly so you may cut yourself short. If mamasan doesn't ask you about your preferences just ask, he will know who does what. Don't be shy, he heard it all already. As an alternative you can ask boy directly, either up front or during session . Some may do it for money and still some because they like or feel comfortable around you or both. I always ask boy about their preferences / girls/boys, top/bottom/ in course of conversation and sometimes answers are changing as session progresses or in subsequent session. Some tops guard their reputation and will not entertain an idea on the premises but may hint that if you take him out he may reconsider. If you like the boy I'd still take him, enjoy the massage and ask him which of his friends will bottom. You may be surprised what they know. Bottom line, just have a fun hunting , don't plan too much
  15. not to dispute your reasons but it's quite possible that when those slaves return home whatever leftovers they were paid may make them quite affluent in comparison to compatriots deprived that chance. It's often a case with workers from countries with controlled currencies working abroad that pittance they are making makes them rich when it's exchanged on the black market upon return. And yes , according to The Economist which published an article about North's economy few weeks ago, there's black market there
  16. to see places very few people were able to visit, that's reason good enough. In dirt poor country even visitor of modest means may feel pampered so there's good feeling factor also. Dictatorships are nasty but also mean that most of those countries are very safe for visitor. Iraq and Syria are war zones - no comparison to North Korea. GoldMember - just go !
  17. vinapu

    Emporium Bangkok

    You were exactly there - last townhouse on the left side of that small soi is Waternest , there is sign
  18. I was once part of such a crowd at Saphan Taksin BTS during 2014 Loy Krathong and never again, unpleasant and outright dangerous even in well behaving crowd like Thais. Thank you for a warning although for many reasons / heat , work load / I'd never consider visiting BKK at Songkran time.
  19. no, never. Never took picture of the boy itself either but once allowed boy to take picture with both of us / just faces / to discover more than year later he still has it on his phone. Those days there's no such thing like private use only and there's always danger that by acccident or design picture you took will find it's way past your camera or computer
  20. vinapu

    Emporium Bangkok

    if you are tired with all that shopping Waternest Spa is in soi 39 and Jey Spa in soi 41, both worth patronizing , believe me
  21. try Health Spa in Silom 64 building ,always few boys presenting themselves on the street level, ,mostly twinks but with quite a good massage skills. Oscar in silom soi 8 may have some fems. Definitely Arena is not for boys you are looking for as they are mostly better built and mid twenties types although they have few of lighter built / my favourite Dit for example/
  22. You right, it's horror but at least medical emergency is not excluded
  23. you go alone you have freedom of doing whatever you want but at times you mat get bored / easily cured by hiring consolator as I call them / you go with somebody you have a company but always need to compromise since rarely two people like the same or even are getting hungry at the same time. Week or two in LOS should cure your burns from last relationship as nothing soothes you burns better than warm Thai smile and smooth Thai skin
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