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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. It was kind of unexpected to find myself back in Thailand only 5 months after previous and quite long, three weeks visit . While I had my ticked purchased at end of Jan literally till evening of the day of departure I was not sure I will be able to go due to some circumstances but heavens cleared and after many hours in the silver tube I landed in Swampy on Sunday morning. This time I decided to enjoy my vacations and not to post until return home since reporting is quite time consuming and I had only two weeks at disposal. This time I skipped BBB Inn and decided to camp at Nantra Silom in Silom soi 8, I like hotel's modern and airy ambiance and fact that they don't give a you know what about visitors. No more express train from airport, just regular City Link but some trains are using more upscale carriages from former express. As usual exchange rates uniform across the airport but last booth just before platform entry has better rates so make sure you do not rush exchanging until almost in the train. Great joy to walk along Silom and Suriong with all eye candy, despite the heat went for a stroll to Lumpini park where almost stepped on the giant monitor lizard crossing the walkway. We were both scarred for a few seconds. Going back couldn't hold anymore and turned to Playboy massage for my regular 1.5 hr massage with very adventurous boy and not shy at all, as soon as we were in the cubicle he took my hand and placed on his developing bulge using this gesture as a reason to suggest higher than minimum tip. Not that I resisted. Early evening I took motorsai to Sukhumvit soi 11 , you guessed wrongly , not for Hero but Banana Club where I was hoping Tao will be there and he was. I consider his massage the best of them all so took 2 hr course and I'm glad I did. Tao agreed to accompany me to a dinner tonight and few hours later we met again in Nantra Silom lobby. We went to Oasis on Suriwong , my favorite place and I ordered , you guessed it right, chicken with cashew nuts. Noticed quite few glances my boy received from ladies sitting at the table beside. On way back we went to Tawan to see the show and I was immediately recognized by Boy, boy who was my last off in Dec and first from Tawan ever at the same time. Unfortunately for him I had a company although he suggested that it may be place for three in my bed but I'm not that adventurous. No fuck show in Tawan but also no ladyboys just men, men and men all over the place. Looking around I was wondering what the hell it took me 10 trips until I visited that bar for a first place. Great night together although not that long as I 'd like since Tao wanted to leave at 5 , but he always does so it did not come unexpected. and so day 1 was over
  2. I can say only if there's no trust , there's no love. Would you like your boyfriend to use the same App to track what you are doing? Where world is going to I wonder, but what do I know?
  3. vinapu

    May 2015

    don't worry, some of Sunee Plaza boy types look too freaky for me for completely different reason
  4. check listings on Nicky Day Pattaya and you will see that's actually quite a bit of going on so stop badmouthing that refined city
  5. that seems to be gone because sign on reception says they are charging 100 baht towel fee four guest's visitors certainly I did not have any problem entering my friend's room at 1 a.m last night but for change friend is Thai and me, the visitor farang. My the way very nice , unheralded place at 20-25 $ a night close to it all
  6. I recommend chartering boat for 1 hr trip to Mingun , small village sporting both world's biggest bell into which you can go inside and unfinished stupa, world's biggest brick structure
  7. vinapu

    May 2015

    Me and nice guy ? that's illusion but thank you for being nice to me. I enjoyed our evening as well and report will be posted some time in not so distant future.
  8. Don't have any experience with this type of activities but 1000 certainly sounds very generous, shouldn't have problem to assembly gang at that price IMHO. Try to start with 500 and see where it leads. Can't imagine BBB Inn having any objection to that many visitors but more mainstream places may.
  9. You had extremely bad luck, don't buy any lottery tickets any time soon. Over the years I was comg and leaving this place at all hours of day and night and always there was somebody decent available
  10. as long as I know BBB charges 550 for short time room and time is 3 hrs strictly observed. They have quite impressive party room on 2 nd floor cost is probably about 3000 and definitely all OP's dream scan be arranged there easily with plenty in -house boys as well as all soi Twilight bars just around the corner. Just be prepared to pay as Gaybutton sensibly reminded.
  11. Nirish, it looks we share sober look at life
  12. hope condo is on on one of the higher floors an has balcony - hand if one must to jump to safety if need or police comes knocking
  13. I'm , reports will be coming but with delay. I found daily reporting a bit time consuming and eating into vacation time, short this May. Never short of time for handshaking / drink sharing meeting with fellow member present in BKK or PTY now. Actually off to PTY for 4 days this morning
  14. Arena almost ready to move to new location one floor up, actually some massage room are ready and work is on the rest and a lobby, they hope to complete moving by end of next week. Today's massage I had at new room already, boys friendly as always and certainly deserved better working conditions than in the old place.
  15. Thank you NIrish but I don't sleep with relatives
  16. Green is incredible on those photos
  17. I agree in multiply of 100% with post above and can add only one more thing : overall SE Asia is great value for a money. Even if something did not work which happens rarely but it does money wasted or underutilized for that reason is easier to digest. Be it noisy / dirty hotel , underperforming go-go or masseur not sticking to agreed time money wasted this way is extremely rare and still it is easier to digest validating those long treks in silver tube 10km in the skies.
  18. no, but I was trying to get proactive just in case you will
  19. vinapu

    Massage for Men

    I don't know that area of Bangkok but will find you at next opportunity I will be there.
  20. Nirish, I like your comment you left on another forum other day directed at some insensitive remarks about his disappearance some posters left there. Whatever reason of his absence is nobody should make fun of it until we know the facts / truth
  21. vinapu

    Massage for Men

    any directions/ website / map of where you are? I googled it but not sure it's the same soi where R3 is or in the main soi?
  22. My life is easy as I generally don't believe any ads and websites and am positively surprised if any dream boy from massage or bar's website would appear in the flesh in front of me. And I do not complain as quite a few of best boys I met were just assigned to me, recommended by the staff or simply were hired as the best from the bad bunch and somehow it worked up miraculously. We need only one boy to shine at the time unless one is into 4 hands or sandwich
  23. don't even try in future to complain that 4000 baht long time is excessive amount of money. By the way , Istanbul for me is most fascinating European city, beating easily Rome, Paris and what is it's name, London
  24. or they can report to their superiors that some action was undertaken and moral order restored
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