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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I know but I have a good heart anyways
  2. To bring somebody for vacation you need to know that person very, very well. Like firecat I wouldn't worry about possible theft but having somebody as constant companion can be taxing at times and I don't mean money or goods. On another hand showing him your own country can be very entertaining and eye opening to you as we locals often overlook interesting sights in our backyard. My advice to anybody contemplating such a move would be to take guy off bar for 3-4 days and see how it works for both of you
  3. what kind of talk is that? this is how you talk to people? averaging currency fluctuations is smart idea though, this is how I gather my vacation funds - but 100 USD or 100 euro every paycheque
  4. May be he was one of those straights who will bottom for a guy, in true sense 'gay for pay"? His statement was off putting but if I truly liked a guy I'd give him a chance
  5. I could see four reasons - management order / my 'competitor" seemed to be well known in the bar/ or other guy pays much more that we agreed upon or simply boy liked other guy more than me for this or that reason or they had already an appointment and other guy did not show up so boy decided to go with any willing farang / me / and than his appointment showed up so he abandoned me. I was pissed off but on another hand did not see reason to get THAT upset having access to equally attractive body at the hotel. Yes you are right this was wrong for him to do and possibly unheard of but I saw it as still better outcome than boys promising long time and trying to leave after 1 hr - this is NO, NO for me and reason to place on NEVER AGAIN list. I rather be pissed off than cheated I guess. Reason I did not chalk guy off is his smile and a body, those are things I go to bar to enjoy, not to get even. But probably I should follow your advice and cross him out - we will see next trip.
  6. not just possible, it happened full story in my May 2015 trip report, day 7 http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/9953-may-2015-in-bangkok-and-pattaya-trip-report/page-2 As I said in report I'm not even upset,chalked if off to experience, bought him a drink few days later and may even off him in the future. Yes, he knew how much he will get and it was to be more than I ever paid for any off.
  7. extorting money from newcomers is age old and world wide phenomena and very few places world over are free from this disease. I don't even think Bangkok is particularly bad in this respect. It's why many cities are actually mandating flat rates from the airport to prevent tourists being skinned alive by taxi drivers As for limited budget - I always thought that travelers on limited budget don't even contemplate taking taxi unless all other options are non existing. They are waiting for the bus/train.
  8. I'm glad that is the case , bars should be taking care of their employees and not force then to take any occasional loony which may show at the door .After all we don't know whom we are taking to the room but also boys are taking great risk going with strangers. Although on personal level I'm not happy with your explanation due to incident I had at Tawan in May when after arrangement was sealed off all of the sudden boy announced that he must go with another customer. I was hoping his excuse was management pressure, now in view of what you said it looks he had greener pastures in mind. As for freelancers - it explains why sometimes when arranging subsequent visits with the offed guys they insist to give them off money so they will pay bar fines themselves ,even offering discount. Most likely they are pocketing money and simply not showing at the bar for work that night. Not a difference viewing from my pocket though.
  9. yes , but not just you
  10. is not easy to be pioneer I guess . In view of what happened to Australian baby with Down syndrome , story mentioned at end of article, I'm not surprised Thai government banned practice. In one day we will have international convention regulating issue but now each side of surrogacy seem to be at mercy of other
  11. 1. preparing for a trip and searching for an information can be as much fun as trip itself so I wouldn't make it too easy for prospective travelers depriving them part of pleasure, search feature works very well here 2. no joking , your drink and feast of chicken with cashew nuts is on me when we meet, you have it in writing here. Don't worry about fighting over the same man, I'm not competitive. I visited quite a few bars and massage places on couple of occasions with one our of members with the same taste and not even once we liked exactly the same guy, there's always something to make for tiny difference so peace is guaranteed. By the way those tours with other members are highlight of trip for me and always fun to find face behind the posts so we will figure something out to co-ordinate trip timing.
  12. I think in some places they may be pressed by management to go with any client, it why I always look for smile or at least eye contact to make sure he has some real or well faked interest in me.
  13. vinapu


    traffic yes but taxis? You must have a bad luck with them, use BTS , MRT and express boats, don't tempt bad luck
  14. what they quote for BKK-Pattaya trip ?, just curious I doubt it makes sense for average tourist to use UBER considering how abundant taxis are and how horrendous traffic is at daytime. It took me twice as long to get from Ekkamai to Sala Daeng by taxi at 11 a.m. than reverse direction by BTS 1 hour earlier, cost 42 BTS vs.106 taxi
  15. as so are mine, I also agree with firecat that taxis are such a good value in BKK that is not worth getting upset over small change in comparison to prices elsewhere. Few times succumbed to flat fare offers but they never were extortionate considering distance or circumstances. Only offer I always summarily reject is frequently quoted past midnight 150 from Suriwong to Malaysia Hotel / meter is about 60 / . If they won't accept 100 I wait whole 20 seconds for next taxi to appear.
  16. rest assured there's not even remotest chance of that thank you for great reports showing us parts of Thailand few of us venture in That guy may be spot on with beach observation. When reading forums we have guys proclaiming that they are not visiting bars anymore and then complaining about slim pickings in them longing for days of old when even water was more moist then is now
  17. I'm of opinion that when on vacation being in transit is not wasting time -rather is an opportunity to savor and experience environment I will be spending my vacations in. In Bangkok bonus is abundance of eye candy in the train. This , not opportunity to save money is reason I very rarely use taxis , usually only in the dead on night for lack of other options. But as you said above - everybody in making own choices. I admire steel nerves of those who are taking taxis for the final trip to the airport from PTY . I'd never put myself through what anonone just described , rather opt for final night in BKK. But I'm of high blood pressure already.
  18. I support firecat's assertion that taxis in BKK are very good value pricewise. Whether using them at day time saves time is debatable because of scandalic traffic jams throughout most of the day but at least one is sitting in air conditioned environment. Offer of medal should be withdrawn immediately though at 400 is quite reasonable, Meter from Sawmpy to BBBInn is 255, plus 70 tolls plus 50 airport surcharge for a total of 375, 400 is hardly extortion. I use taxis to/from airport very rarely but 2 years ago I paid 600 required without hesitation as I was hailing it at 3 a.m. during deluge
  19. and because your sizable and varied statistic sample I'd trust your assessment
  20. OP assertion is misplaced but at least discussion on the subject is lively
  21. My experience and not only with Thailand is if they have free room , hotels will let you to check in early without charge. Some travelers are trying to economize and nothing wrong with it as long as they prefer to sleep on the airport bench till morning in order to save.
  22. this time it was smart move to leave, if you don't see any interest from the boy they won't be chemistry and money will be wasted. Rule I observe for myself is - no smile exchange , no off. Nice to know muscle boys start shoving up in the Sunee.
  23. While I agree that this was dumb move by the bar and it happens from time to time in any bar was saving 150-200 baht really worth of getting upset and spoiling day of your vacations? Since you call boy over I assume you liked him so you missed possibly very nice off too. I'd say bar etiquette is if you call boy over to talk you buy him a drink. If you want just to off the boy just wave him over , ask if he wants to go with you, tell him to dress, pay off fee and off you go. But this is usually done if you know boy already , no need to sit and talk. Enjoy your vacation, loosen up a bit and never forget you are on vacations, smile a lot and don't get upset over cost of drinks in PTY, And welcome to the forum and report from time to time your adventures
  24. I wonder of how much truth is in that. My guess would be that this is impression of farangs spending too much time in Sunee Plaza. Since I share the bkkmfj's taste I must say I never feel somehow singled out when visiting bars or massages. I'm not disputing you may be correct but I find words "a-typical" and "immensely" misplaced in the context. What I agree with is that skinny twinks admirers are much more vocal on the forums thus creating an impression of being immense and typical majority.
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