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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Elvis Presley is dead , not Gaybutton board. Don't spread false news just in attempt to enliven this forum
  2. agreed but firecat , I have feeling Cedirc is just teasing you
  3. I agree with your sentiments, murder it is and murder for sheer pleasure only, no one got feed by this I like finishing statement from the article you pointed "If you wish to adorn your home with proof of your own wanton avarice, drive a fucking Range Rover halfway through the wall of your stupid den and park it there" but for lion it's too late unfortunately
  4. I think Michael and firecat nailed it in last posts. Why to come to Bangkok if one doesn't like an experience? Or may be Cedric you like experience but still like to complain not knowing that this is how wrinkles are created? Look for full half of glass in any situation rather than empty one. As for massage all points above are valid : leg is carrying us whole day, has more muscles than other parts so needs more attention, boys are trained such way and most of them are lost when we try to derail their routine and if they start from leg by time they start moving up heat generates , groping and probing starts and massage very fast becomes after massage. Best guys actually will point to you that massage is not over yet and time for extras has not arrived yet - if that happens , appreciate it as mark of true professional. If your body needs attention in other parts than leg I have two advises : 1. tell this to masseur right away 2. keep your hands off him when he is doing his job. If you start manipulations inevitably he will read it as signal that it is not massage you are after. If you can't hold this , go to lady massage place to make things easier and make sure you are not converted in the process
  5. hope you did not forget about us and update from Chiang Mai and BKK-second round is in the works
  6. I hope you are not serious recommending walking without paying. What it can help with? It's just dishonest. Distinct feeling failed you big time at least when comes to posters to this thread, I had pleasure to meet and shake hands with three of them in Bangkok in the last 8 months , so obviously they have been in BKK in the last 30 years. What is obvious though that yours and other posters experience with BKK taxis are completely different .
  7. I see two explanations 1. they are trained to start with legs or 2. this is only part of client body where they see trace of muscle not covered by the fat or 3. both
  8. Like Christian I like to find my own way when travel but at times guide services are indispensable either to point to things easily overlooked, to open door which are always locked and to smooth logistic problems of getting there and back. Everybody looks at Sathorn Unique shell from Saphan Taksin platform but very few realize that knowing somebody who knows the way one can actually climb to the very top and even get bitten by wasps on his way
  9. this is what General Franco had in mind talking about "fifth column' '
  10. try another Taiwanese airline China Airlines, few years ago on New York -Taipei flight they had all male crew or I should say all male eye candy crew, not sure if it was coincidence or airline policy but definitely most pleasant long range flight I remember
  11. Thailand has more pressing spending needs that maintaining national airline 's unprofitable routes for selected few. My experience with them is very limited / 3 flights / and service was always very good but plane was never even close to being full.
  12. what about placing 100 baht in his butt pocket and keep your hand there until banknote warms up? Thank you for a fantastic report, I immersed myself in reading and almost burnt my unattended dinner roast. Gay travelers to Thailand are lucky to have your reports and Christian's blog as references. Did I mentioned this Non is the hell of handsome guy? oh yes , I did. Pattaya visitors lusting after photo taken with tiger can do it at Noom Noch Tropical Gardens for consideration of 100 but I agree with you , this is tacky and supporting maltreatment of animals at the same time. Waiting impatiently for Pattaya installment. Thank you for all efforts you made to put this report together but considering quality of company you had , not exactly unpleasant task I guess
  13. I wish I could comprehend of what fuss is all about but being stupid seems to be working for me
  14. how the hell you know what I'm doing?
  15. Now they added new part 15 called intriguingly "Jurassic Porn"
  16. and here is a judgement - you are good person. who you think we are? Thank you for a tip about bus from DMK and ticket top-up trick at destination . I'm surprised DMK taxis are so expensive, are you sure they did not try to milk you out? Don't be afraid being accused to advertise , if you like place tell us here, I second your opinion about Tarntawan being welcoming and non-judgmental place, I like treating myself to stay there for 2 nights on most trips and being more accustomed to places like Malaysia or Om Yim and the likes I treat it as ultimate luxury. Nothing wrong with your story telling abilities , give yourself a credit.
  17. Since so far we handled this controversy in civilized way let's call truce and move away from it.
  18. Sukhotai ruins are great but this Non is the hell of handsome guy. another great report from bkkmfj , waiting for more like all us here
  19. if there's typical Thai smile it must be one above,they should put it on the magnets and sell , I'd be first to buy
  20. Gaybutton clearly overreacted and I wonder what nerve this abidismaili's comment below toughed ?. " Most of your guys are pensioners who have 52 weeks holiday each year, or you inherited a fortune because your parents died early and can live for many years on that fortune cheap in Thailand. Or you faked a disability which made you can not work and receive this way a monthly income from your government and live good on it in Thailand" I fail to see anything insulting here , it was not directed at anybody and only part I have objection to is 'most of you guys are pensioners" as I 'm not sure this is a case with our membership here. That pensioner has 52 weeks of vacations and every day of week is Sunday is plain truth I heard from my grandmother back in 1970ties. Nobody says that those vacations must be particularly pleasant and one should go to the church daily, after all people are getting diseases or being shot on vacations too. But vacations they are , one can sleep till noon and if needs three days off there's no need to kiss bosses ass and lie about aunt Edna untimely and sudden demise. What part of the above is insulting? If somebody was unlucky to lose parents and at the same time lucky enough to inherit plenty one can be only jealous but those things happen and if one is beneficiary calling him lucky may be insensitive but hardly insulting. As for fake disability claims I venture abidismaili is from The Netherlands as at one point is was well known fact that substantial percentage of workforce there claimed back injury and extracted dole for that, it was well known fact band he clearly says 'in my country'. If you talk to farangs in cheaper digs in SE Asia you will meet those types but if you live in the condo or stay in Hiltons you may be insulated from them. Difference between North America and Europe is that Americans have bigger houses and cars, Europeans have bigger vacations, jealousy can go both ways depending on personal preferences. Nobody imputed that pensioners should be ashamed of, yes they earned it by working long hours over long years but next time you go to an institution and will be served by rude, slow and incompetent / I'm just looking in the mirror / employee think that in several years that asshole will be pensioned and crying how hard he or she used to work for such a meager benefit. No need for abidismaili to be so apologetic and I give him credit for trying to maintain peace on the forum but I don think pensioners deserved more respect that pupils , students and working people. We all deserve respect in the equal measure. After all somebody who spend honest life working hard, spending wisely, voting smart and staying sober in later years can more nasty and menacing as lazy spender always drunk, on the dole whole life. If one doubts just remember what you felt when news about Aunt Edna death reached you. Still few years for me to those 52 week vacations with 7 Sundays week but only few thanks God.
  21. my preferred way of dealing with abusive and insulting posters would be throwing even more abuse and insults back at them but I realize this would lead to my speedy termination. I hope Cedric will resume posting , not that I agree with his assessment of Bangkok taxi situation. I found his assertions on the taxi subject so close to fantasy that I was hoping next installment will include story about snow storm at Ekkamai last Songkran or so.
  22. welcome to the forum ! do not forget about us and report your impressions and adventures
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