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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. undesirables are feasting on that system since 17 y.o age is given as 18. It's why it's so important to check ID if somebody likes their companions looking on younger side.
  2. Super great piece of gay travel reporting , thank you. My apologies you felt pressured by me to complete this report but I don't think I'm only one reading it and feeling like following your steps. Good to know Royal House is keeping their standards and Good Boys did not disappoint you- quite a bit different experience than other bars. As for #99 from Funny it's good that you followed gold rule of not taking guy who doesn't seem interested even if he is most beautiful in the whole soi. Let him have his fun and no need to spoil your own and at a price at that.
  3. my underline above, nothing made me more curious about going to CM than your statemnet quoted. It's good we have so different tastes - all boys are being fed this way
  4. not everybody, I'm one of those unfortunates with short paid vacation time but stick to my job because in certain periods of year /May to mid Aug and from mid Nov till end of year/ I can get leave-of-absence very easily and without fuss enabling me to take time off more than once per year. Since money seems to be always in short supply no matter how much one makes I learnt not too worry whether time off is paid or not. It what lines of credit are invented for.
  5. I'm taking my gin straight, that's why, tonic slows me down only.LOL I rather see you bragging about landing on the moon than spreading conspiracy theories. Don't even try to take our ' small step for man but huge one for humanity' from us
  6. That's capitalistic propaganda echoing communist one : "do you think that a country that put Gagarin as first man in space is the land of poverty ?" Short stroll through south Chicago, Harlem or Detroit's downtown if you brave enough to venture / I agree that is much safer that it looks though/ makes you wonder to what degree kokopelli is right there. But this is another subject
  7. I used to come every year or two short 5-7 days trips on my way to or from somewhere in the region / Burma, Laos, Cambodia,Indonesia /. In 2013 short trip in May between Bali and Laos legs and 2 weeks in Nov, ever since one 2-3 weeks long trip every year, hope for another short jump at end of this year, likely none next year. I think I like more frequent but shorter trips anonone's style despite long flights I need to endure. What is killing me is jet lag on return and my ruinous spending habits while in LOS, shorter trip, shorter leash ! Two gentleman above kokopelli's post would you please move you Christian PFC gossip to PM level ?
  8. you got it right! I live at most 10 minutes drive from the airport and just met my neighbor leaving taxi with suitcase up front. Out of curiosity since I always take a bus I asked him how much was meter , at today's rate equivalent of 715.50 baht , 500 more and one is in Pattaya. By the way , Indonesia has also great value taxis i.e. Ubud to airport /Bali / ~20 USD
  9. I hope bkkmfj will shortly treat us with Pattaya part of report so we can move from the bridge to the steady ground
  10. Cecil death is not completely in vain as it triggered worldwide uproar against such a senseless slaughter. Future ' adventurers' may have more than a second thought before they will contemplate similar pursuit. After all trophy hunters are usually affluent people who may not want to ruin their names and careers over this - you may recall similar case of Spanish king few years ago
  11. no , one with arrow straight cock, hairless body and tattoos on both arms
  12. like my friend on his 50th birthday, he told me 'yesterday I was forty something, tomorrow I will be almost 60"
  13. my idea of bar in paradise - I get my beer and I'm left free to contemplate the scene uninterrupted by ' you want a boy? ' and other questions. Try that in soi Twilight bars. In Bangkok only Jupiter is one still leaving me alone to a great degree. I'm not saying one approach is better than another though . For shy newbies probably an intrusive mamasan is better because it helps them to move in right direction. On my first BKK bar visit ever if not mamasan telling me ' take this boy, he is very popular , he knows short time room nearby " I'd be leaving empty handed but he forced on me an introduction on Bangkok charms for which I'm grateful to this day and hope he married rich.
  14. There's an information on another forum that Banana is planning relocating to soi 23 where Urban Male is located. Those in Bangkok and heading to HERO please keep an eye on developments
  15. I like this expression ' spinning yarn', never heard this before, one learns whole life and dies still stupid I guess. Don't see anything wrong with mentioning names and numbers, after all this is public information , number is visible and boy will tell you his name before you ask anyways. This may help good boys to get more custom. How we treat this information is another thing. What one poster says is not a gospel , it's just his impression which may be colored by his personal preferences, boy's look and behavior, alcohol intake, moon's phase, you name it. His fabulous time with most handsome boy from the line may turn to be average date with ordinary looking boy for you. Guy lazy and too fat for some / almost always if I'm in the bar with Christian and point to boy I like comment is : 'too fat', I love it, comment , not fat guys / may be exactly what others are looking for. So don't haste to act on such an information, use it as a base to your own judgement, you know what you are looking for, be it skinny twink with massive cock or beefy hunk with tiny ass. Even reports of drastic behavior like violence or stealing needs to be taken with grain of salt as in many cases, 'stolen' money is found in another pocket and telephone under the laundry. Like Jasper commented above I'd love to hear about boys I know. To illustrate point above is not reveling any secret that while ago we exchanged PM's about one of Tawan boys and our impressions weren't exactly the same even if both of us seem to like him.
  16. no idea how long bridge is, I never been there but I'd be careful in just quoting internet sites since due to the nature of net lots of BS tends to replicate very fast. May be those who actually been there wade into discussion with their estimation of Mon bridge length, it's quite a difference and easy to assess between 450 and 850 whether it's bridge length or off fee
  17. thank you for a great report. Reminds me my first impression of Pattaya - I did not like the place, yet after returning home , digesting experience I start looking to bright side and returning there ever since. It seems you are saying Chiang May is great for the sights , not necessarily for the boys. Reading your report from Adam's Apple I smiled, usually we hear complains about mamasans being too overbearing, now we have opposite case of mamasan too absent. As for looks, I would not be so sure if boy is exclusive top or bottom just by looking at him, better to get acquainted and find out, there are surprises out there. Waiting impatiently for next installment
  18. Swedish tourist who hanged himself there in December, not sure on what floor though.
  19. and what they were buying needs to be asked, golden watches or just an ice cream? You are bringing valid point as there's always lag between retail and economy over all situation. People are still buying if their situation is deteriorating / usually on credit / and if it improves they are not exactly rushing to the stores right away / because they have those credits to pay /
  20. another conclusion would be that gap between BKK 'haves' and 'have nots' is widening which seems to be a case in many developed countries as well. Siam Paragon is hardly representative statistic sample of Thai retail and it's clients are not good statistic sample of BKK population as a whole. It doesn't mean your conclusion is wrong but comparison of local markets would be more indicative IMO. Thailand is one of those countries where capital city weighs disproportionately in nation's economy along with Hungary , Chile and such and this creates own sort of problems - self absorbing center may overlook rest of country troubles until it's too late. This is how Roman Empire in the west collapsed and most colonial powers lost their colonies.
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