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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Welcome to the forum ! Don't be afraid , just buy a ticket and go. Thailand is one of easiest countries to travel with reasonable transport infrastructure, great value on hotels and plenty of other tourists around if you get lost. As in most countries , don't change too much money in the airport as rates are better in the city. Everything else will work out as long as you stay away from "good deals" on precious gems, most popular scam I guess. As for gay part this forum and other two have enough information and access to some fabulous traveling blogs to keep you informed.
  2. whatever triggered that rise, I liked it and boy liked his tip , we both won.
  3. and for creating such a nice illusion they deserve being compensated accordingly. We know they are not in love with us but they still may like us and that's our achievement.
  4. It's why they call it minimum tip, not just tip. I agree with you only caution being to make sure that one is overtiping on his initiative , not because boy senses you are soft spot and is trying to extract more.
  5. My experience is that in gay massage places they either point more or less discretely to the line on the menu indicating minimum tip or they tell, not universal but I'd say in most cases. Of course if they seem to recognize you as previous client rightly or wrongly they may not think it's necessary. If we know routine we may even not notice that they mentioned this. In regular places or pretending to be such , like all along Silom usually boy in the room indicates that extras are available at a such and such price sometimes doing it in an inventive way. / Boy at Playboy taken for usual 1.5 hr massage when in the room just grabbed my hand , placed on his trousers at considerable yet still soft bulge and said 1500, I counter offered 1000, with some reservation he agreed. By time he undressed soft part became NOT SOFT AT ALL so he earned his 1500 anyways because of my personal tipping system - I pay 500 bonus for stiffy without stimulation under illusion that it's my beauty which triggered it, LOL / I'm glad I'm not only one who got fooled by the tipping system as beginner, so now we know why farangs need enlightenment sometimes.
  6. And it's not always customer fault as some may not have a clue. Ordinary travel guides are not giving instructions in the matter, not everybody is searching those forums and a lot of people are coming from not tipping cultures, they see price 600 baht and may think, oh 20 $ , cheap shag , long live Thailand ! This was my case when coming first time back in 2001 , I was landing at Don Muang with solid impression that off fee I knew about covers everything. Only in the bar I learned from mamasan that I need to tip boy, he quoted me long time rate and only after the meeting I learned about difference between short and long time tips. No need to add that boy was positively surprised with what he got.
  7. You are not complaining? are you?
  8. It looks I'm from different sub-category because I prefer to have financials set and minimum tip request don't bother me. on top of it if minimum tip is suggested it also means that extras are available and negotiable , there are no minimum tips in ordinary massage places
  9. I'm surprised nobody mentioned Narcissus in Pattayaland soi 1 beside XBoys, good massages and lots of fun , boys mostly twinkish. In Boyztown itself there are 3 , Copa , BoyzClub under Ambiance hotel and Scandic or whatever is the name at mouth of the soi from Pattaya 2nd rd. Enough hunks between those 3 to mutilate you for week or two. Royal House is my favourite in TukCom area and Magnolia is classiest of them all. Nothing like Hero, VClub or Prince in BKK but you have enough choices for 2-3 weeks vacations for sure. Consult NickyGayPattaya website for maps.
  10. I don't know about your noise tolerance but last 3 trips / Nov 2013, Dec 2014,May 2015 / I was staying in the cheapest ( standard ) rooms in LE CAFE ROYALE and definitely did not have any problems with night noise seeping into the room. I did not notice any karaoke bar in soi either and I doubt Ambiance all of the sudden become hetero hotel. In short - I recommend staying in the Boyztown with all gay life at your steps. Can't comment on wi-fi though
  11. I like your way of thinking, often we think we are superior when looking at the hookers forgetting than we are doing jobs we don't like just to make a living, smiling to co-workers and clients we hate and laughing at our bosses stupid jokes . It's why my father used to say about prostitution ' work like any other but less dust at least"
  12. vinapu

    Coming to Bangkok

    fear not , I don't think many money boys are reading those pages
  13. not only majestic ones. Apparently bees population is shrinking , if they will be gone who will fuck / sorry , pollinate / all those plants? drones? my underline above , thank you for bringing this up, human race started rehearsals already long time ago
  14. you are not killing prostitutes for fun, you are paying them so they can have fun as well. As for second part it's not only politically incorrect, it's plain disgusting. No doubt there are homophobes who will give order to lions for eating gays. It's about time you should start drinking. In distant future probably one of those Africans will be changing your diapers when you land in nursing home somewhere.
  15. it may be discriminatory but since rabbits are multiplying like rabbits chances they will become extinct are much smaller than a big game animals like kokopelli pointed above
  16. vinapu

    hi to everyone

    welcome to the forum ! It seems you will not be far from Dr. Bear massage, search this forum for more info
  17. now we can see where are farangs who used to sit in bars -staying home and Asians are talking their place for good and bad. Quite surprising North America is holding ground and better even if they have longest distance to fly
  18. everybody has own way but it it was me I'd off him for private adoration just to see what happens. Guy may turn to be everything between being more accommodating than we think all the way to be complete asshole but at least my curiosity be satisfied. I agree with you, it's almost like a pattern for me, best boy from one trip disappears on next but Thailand being what it is , always some next adorable specimen will appear.
  19. undesirables are feasting on that system since 17 y.o age is given as 18. It's why it's so important to check ID if somebody likes their companions looking on younger side.
  20. Super great piece of gay travel reporting , thank you. My apologies you felt pressured by me to complete this report but I don't think I'm only one reading it and feeling like following your steps. Good to know Royal House is keeping their standards and Good Boys did not disappoint you- quite a bit different experience than other bars. As for #99 from Funny it's good that you followed gold rule of not taking guy who doesn't seem interested even if he is most beautiful in the whole soi. Let him have his fun and no need to spoil your own and at a price at that.
  21. my underline above, nothing made me more curious about going to CM than your statemnet quoted. It's good we have so different tastes - all boys are being fed this way
  22. not everybody, I'm one of those unfortunates with short paid vacation time but stick to my job because in certain periods of year /May to mid Aug and from mid Nov till end of year/ I can get leave-of-absence very easily and without fuss enabling me to take time off more than once per year. Since money seems to be always in short supply no matter how much one makes I learnt not too worry whether time off is paid or not. It what lines of credit are invented for.
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