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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. my apologies but this is what I reported right after arrival there in my "Off to Thailand-November 2013" thread
  2. yah, yah, even water was more wet those days
  3. anonone found cure for that , he is partying whole night and sleeps day over, bonus- no need to fight jet lag. But I agree with you , in May on the fifth day I was glad I'm going back to BKK because I did not have an idea what to do if I stay longer but there's solution - take day trips to BKK
  4. that's very easy, just think about all your friends already six feet under and one immediately feels winner by being on the right side of the grass
  5. don't take it too personally, my impression was formed looking on main streets well before I steped in Sunee or even Boyztown
  6. Steve , I'm glad you liked it. it took some time investment every day when there so it's good others have some use of it, either as entertainment or source of information. When comes to boys in LOS it not only body contact but also whole theater around the trade. All those drinks , tips, shows. mamasans, deliberations who is the best looking and wondering if he will be of any use are making Thailand vacations fun and fulfilling. As stated before I'm not Rambo at all but truth is I get a kick when there and even surprise myself with energy I'm generating with very little sleep I still feel rested and on vacations. Even now, typing it I'm smiling to myself. We are wired differently, saunas and beer/host bars are not my scene. I'm still to visit Babylon and DJ Club and can't see what pull soi 4 has on all those crowds congregating there. I agree with your comments about cost of entry to the paradise. Your figure of 100$ per boy may be accurate if not underestimated if we take into account drinks, off or massage fees and of course tips, in my case almost always long time. Somebody may call it waste but I know plenty people careful with boy or girl spending but splurging money on hotels , restaurants , shopping and business class tickets so I guess we all have our indulgences. We in agreement of how '3000' should be placed. I'd not spend this on upgraded ticket even if related to Rotschild because I know I will not sleep on the plane heading to BKK out of excitement. I like being massaged, I don't need it but feel better and I like gradual build-up of tension and excitement. On economical side I'd rather spend money on being massaged than the same if not higher amount on drinks for me and a boy. Most importantly because I like muscly boys on manly rather than boyish side it's easier to find them among massage boys. As for STD I'm not naive, I know they are constantly exposed and some of them seem to be careless too so mentally I treat them all as HIV positive and infected with everything else. Full protection and no kidding, no sex is better than unprotected one. This is one of reasons I prefer massage places and go-go over street and internet trade. Half or almost naked boy with some kind of infection quite possibly would show it before you even look THERE. You don't try to stay away from unsafe sex , just STAY AWAY from it. If in doubt , just let it go. Hand holding session overnight at end of day may prove much more pleasurable than best fuck of your life
  7. what you did not like? just curious? My first impression when there first time in Nov 2013 was plenty of sad and lonely old farangs wandering or sitting aimlessly. But on next trip I somehow adjusted and did not notice them anymore, they still were but subconsciously I treated them as part of scenery I guess.
  8. you are not getting old / you are like all of us but it's not a point /. Sunee's location is such that only regulars will find it. When their number is dwindling due to biology or other offers plaza suffers and it will unless substantial marketing effort is raised which I doubt it happens. You better get a good night sleep to sleep over all this negativity, why you would be waiting for a decline? You are in paradise man ! Just keep smiling , not looking for bad things to happen
  9. I'm curious too about Japan's avoidance
  10. Go to Bangkok. Like firecat noticed above , if you don't try it you will never know what you are missing. Since we don't know you nor your favorite types of boys we can only advise based on what we are and what we like. Some will swear by Pattaya and never spend much time in BKK, there are others who are parking themselves in Bkk and visit Pattaya rarely or not at all. As for boys you may find your gem everywhere. But what is your gem? Skinny twinks in Vassa or Cupidol and Sunny Plaza but also in Classic , XBoys BKK or Screwboys. Looking for big boys ? Nothing beats Tawan , but if their boys are too big you will find decently muscled in Jupiter, Dream Boy or Hot Male as well as in BoysBoysBoys or ABomb. Shows are more ubiquitous in BKK but ones in BoysBoysBoys or Xboys Pattaya are as good as BKK ones. Massages are by far more popular in BKK and number of venues is in dozens but if you are there week you may have enough decent ones between Magnolia, Narcissus and Royal House and all three Pattayaland soi 3 ones. Since you mentioned you are coming for boys only what do you do during day? In Bangkok you can be occupied with shopping, sightseeing and boy hunting whole day. Pattaya is more compact and after few days everybody and his brother will know what you are looking for. I'm biased, visited Pattaya only on my 9th trip and did not even liked it but encouraged by some here decided to give her a chance and it worked, returning ever since and adding 1 more day to each subsequent stay but if forced to choose it would be BKK no doubt, but it's just me. Price wise Pattaya seems to be cheaper on almost every account - hotels, restaurants , bar and massage fees, drinks and tips but are you really going for vacation to worry about 30 baht difference of breakfast price or 100-150 in cost of drinks and off fees? Yes it adds up over week or two but wouldn't be cheaper to stay home than sweat over your wallet 7/24 ? Bangkok has solution for it too- Saranrom boys are charging uniform 500, soi 6 bar boys will go with you for 1000 ST and drinks are 100-150. Acting on paulsf advice above I recommend Bangkok because gay scene is more varied and there's no danger of boredom for me during day.
  11. they are waiting until we get horny after peeking here and there?
  12. I always maintain that one attractive boy is what one needs. Sure , crowd on the stage is better as it helps with selection but if you see boy you like that's good enough even if he is only one in the bar. Since Boyztowns seems to be deserted BBB boys probably decided not to bother with their 9 p.m. clapping and singing in front of bar. Happen once when I was there in May as well.
  13. usually open 9-1 don't look at websites as most of them are out of date when comes to boy's photos and even if they are not no guarantee the boy you desire will be available on day of your visit. Best thing to do it just go and see for yourself of what is availble and hope somebody will take your and your wife's fancy
  14. make sure you spend those savings on boys , that's almost short time GR tip
  15. from what i know only single rooms at Nantra are windowless. / and 2.5 times cheaper than DVaree /
  16. Have a nice trip, hope for full report as always
  17. Generally tips are not expected in Thailand but in tourist areas and people working in tourist industry may actually expect a small tip and always appreciate it. My tipping habits are: street food, none restaurants : under 100, rounded to the following 10, ie. check is 77 I give 90 100-300, flat 20bht ; 300-600, flat 40, 600-1000, flat 60, over 1000 , happened only once and gave 100 hotels, 40 baht under the pillow in the morning if I'm also staying following night, nothing on the day of departure bus boy escorting me to the room on arrival 40, at BBB Inn sometimes 100 if I like boy and ask him for a hug. taxi drivers - the same like restaurants bars, drinks -20 baht per serving, if I'm with company and order drinks for both at the same time , still 20 only, if repeat, 20 again big cock show - 100 for at least one of participants, fuck show couple - 100, boy sitting with me 100, if invites me to inspect his goods - 200, if off him subsequently, nothing on departure 100 for best looking boy in line or second best in towing best looking with me J/o show at Tawan , I contribute 100 to second round, not the first mamasans, rarely but if helpful or entertaining 50-100 massage places mamasans, the same as above with 2 exceptions , Art at Arena always get 100, at Bangkok Massage soi Twilight if Yut or Lek are on duty, both muscular, I extract hug from them and tip 100 just for fun. Always place tip in servers hand with exception of restaurant at Foodland Patpong where always few people are bringing goods and Oasis on Suriwong where they share tips anyways.
  18. BoysBoysBoys , XBoys have a show, Wild WestBoys used to have but not sure it's still a case Timing is well posted at front , usually 10.30 and 12.00 You can director your own show at Eros and Good Boys at any time, just pay
  19. what did you drink today koko? while I found mooks weird somehow I can tolerate them but silicone dick enhancements are positively vomity awful. There's one at XBoysPattaya for the curious, I also had misfortune of hiring one of BBB Inn masseurs deformed that way back on 2013, he's no longer there thanks God although massage itself was on very good side.
  20. max 98% , you were soldiering on greatly when we visited XBoys Pattaya and music was deafening.
  21. start with any go-go in the Boyztown, soi 3 / BBB or Funny or Toy /
  22. vinapu

    Early Retirement

    that helps big time. We in consumer societies are working too hard to buy stuff we don't need , for money we don't have , to impress people we don't like. This is often quoted and still the same mistakes is repeated over and over. This is as excessive as sacrificing today hoping to be happier in the future. But I guess everybody must make decision based on their priorities, advice obtained often reflects priorities of giver , not needs of receiver
  23. vinapu

    Early Retirement

    travelling together broke many a friendships, specially when hardship on the road are involved. If friend is sharing my interests I actually prefer to travel with somebody as is cheaper and entertaining. But not all friends need to be fond of everything we are. In such a case it's better to travel alone instead of dragging them along. For me biggest advantage of travelling alone is time savings. I can finish my breakfast in 10 minutes and be on the road. Try that if there are 4 of you, there will be always somebody who forgot something upstairs, needs to go to toilet or orders something which did not even arrive when you finished your plate. in short - your best friend is not necessarily your best travel companion
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