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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. very interesting piece of reporting. Don't worry about sex part ,it's good to know how things are post bombing with low season. It was to be expected and it's good that quite a few of us are heading that way to help the boys and gay venues to survive. Let us know how things are when you find a time.
  2. olala ! I guess eating crappy food prevents overfeeding and related benefits ,still can be enjoyable as long as one is dining in good company. exactly ! so why such a rant ? Did I step on your toe or mentioned your name in the contest? would somebody explain to me where I crossed the line ? abuse in 7 languages accepted
  3. hey, clearly you are on the roll.! Great reports, thank you
  4. no, you are not. if it thing which make it or break it for you, you are right, it mature thing to call it off than force yourself for company you don't enjoy. Some are looking for underwear style, facial or chest hair , skin dryness and temperature, smile , height, you name it so why not teeth. And by the way dental care in Thailand is not expensive and of good quality, this comes from eyewitness and subject of. If one really likes the boy , can treat him with dental correction instead of new phone etc.
  5. blessed are you. It's comforting to know that in our midst is somebody who never made wasteful spending decision. My comment you responded to was not directed at your accommodation spending habits but of general nature. Not long ago millions of your compatriots were taking mortgages they couldn't afford to buy a houses of size they did not need and subsequently were kicked out. Some are still licking their wounds. No doubt few of them when advised against the purchase by more sober friends and in-laws responded 'nobody can be right whether.... and how.....I...." Our boys spending tips to replace perfectly working smartphone with newer model , they too know better whether they are spending their money wisely or not. Sure I can be more wrong and I will.
  6. very few people would like to contract even easily treated and curable disease. There's always possibility that our body will not respond to the medicine doctors expect. Billions are devouring peanuts but there are still some who are alergic to it and in big trouble if not careful enough
  7. No idea about transmission but I'd not off any boy without asking him question if he kisses
  8. people can spend money on whatever gives them a kick and whatever their priorities are. Nothing wrong with spending to impress others or ourselves. But we need to accept fact that others may find it waste and may be even right.
  9. vinapu

    Keeping in Shape

    I don't exercise being afraid I may get tired and hurt myself. I walk plenty , Grand Palace to Saphan Taksin BTS by way of Charoen Krung - 2hr, Hero-BBB in even better at 1 hr. being my proudest achievements. In Bkk I'm not worried about gaining weight because in the heat I'm losing an appetite and eat may be twice a day only and how much weight one can get on chicken with cashew nuts mono-diet ? Probably beer is my biggest source of calories on vacations. At home I'm worried even less , due to uneven workload distribution over the year I'm guaranteed to lose weight in spring and in the fall. Not watching TV at all helps to keep balance too since for most people this is coupled with munching on some fattening snacks. No cold drinks other than beer on vacations only , soft drinks being more fattening than alcohol. you are kidding? only animals drink water
  10. Don't worry , actually your post enliven forum quite a bit , thank you. As for controversy it always seems that we human race are heated under the collar when talking about somebody else's money, this is how things are. Since everybody waded into discussion I feel urge to join in. First I need to say I agree with everybody because everybody has a valid point. Only thing I'm not so sure it that why we somehow assumed that boy was not happy with his tip. It could be case perhaps, but since it's low season quite possibly 800 tip after week or two of no off generally speaking may be more welcomed than 1500 one when boy is on the roll and it getting offed daily. Everybody who is shopping at the market at close will notice that some sellers are very anxious for a deal to get rid of merchandise or at least earn something while others satisfied with day's take are not that keen on price reduction. So boys poor performance may be related to tip but as firecat noticed may be due to lack of chemistry rather than money issue. back to general agreement 1.I agree with boy, if money was an issue boy was right by being upset that situation forced him to accept lower tip and decided to pay back with performing at bare minimum 2. If TD decided to bargain tip to 800 I don't see anything wrong with that. Yes he could choose to be generous as suggested by others but on another hand we have market forces at hand with poor season , boy could be happy with reduced tip as explained above and 800 while not generous at all is hardly extortionate in view of biguyby's quotations above , fact that Saranrom boys still quote 500 for the same service and I don't even go to the issue of how much participants of fuck shows in the bars are compensated. 3. Nirish is also correct that deal is a deal , tip was discussed and terms agreed. I'd go even as far as to say that Gospel with the story of laborers in the vineyard is supporting his argument . 4. Firecat and other supporting his noble rant is right too, we spent so much on other frills there and boys are giving us so much joy we should be generous not just transactional. They deserve it and we can afford it still getting good deal. so if everybody is right why TD and boy are not happy? Well that's the life. You buy first class ticket and still have sleepless flight because that other guy sleeps and snores like power saw. On personal note if any thread here boosted my self esteem , it was this one as I found myself both using all good advises dispensed above including mine own and found my own tipping habits not only keeping the line but often exceeding whatever was quoted here. And as a bonus I still consider that money well spent and wish everybody will feel the same.
  11. not a bad idea, recommended by me to everybody. How busy soi was tonight?
  12. since this is my favorite breakfast place in BKK you can assess correctly my level of sophistication. Thank you for translation. Now I know what countless boys I dragged there for a breakfast could think when invited there LOL On serious note while I found breakfast good deal ordinary menu items are not THAT cheap, still I just like the place
  13. and some stay because it's their lifestyle, others will stay because there's no other choice but still some will stay to boost self esteem , part of so called retail therapy the same goes with expensive cars, clothes or watches etc., few people buy 5000$ Rolex just to check what time it is some don't but I do
  14. it seems we are doing our best to lift boys out of recession since quite a few members are reporting arrival soon or already there,
  15. welcome to paradise, is Took Lae Dee one adjacent to Foodland in Patpong 2 ? have fun and don't forget about us
  16. you are right, I don't like staying in the same hotel more than 2-3 days and definitely don't need to stay in nice hotel to boost my self -esteem but understand some people do. Still think Om Yim is the best value for money as long as they make toilets flushing properly.
  17. Picture this, NewYork - Taipei nonstop with China Airlines back in 2002, my longest non-stop sector ever. All flight attendants are young men in late twenties, none shorter than 180 cm. Too bad they were dressed, I tell you. Still smiling at memory. Quite a few ladies among passengers asked to have their pictures taken with those hunks. Never before or after I saw passengers asking to get their picture with FA of either sex
  18. if it's any consolation , not only your heart is bleeding on the subject. I found the same , staying sober on the plane works the best , yuk !
  19. 2000 baht / night and they are calling it low prices, ChristianPFC did you hear that?
  20. all three mentioned in post #18 of this thread
  21. not disputing it but judging by Pattaya reputation I was expecting to see merry girls everywhere and I saw grumpy boys instead and this was before I even arrived at Dolphin roundabout
  22. For the same length of flight including connection time I'd fly cheaper line , saving 50$ would be worth indignity of alcohol deprivation and visual indignity of well fed attendants.
  23. don't you have any compassion? Rich people have their own set of problems LOL
  24. I, for one , always stay in LeCafe Royale. A/c and safe in the room working, no insects in sight, rooms on smaller side but I don't rollerblade in the room, invoices also on smaller side which I like the most. Some people are complaining about hard mattresses but they must know something I don't. Firecat is right that in Boyztown everybody knows your business but will they really care? Do you?
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