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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Even if they don't spend that much they are not burden to the economy, quite opposite. They need to eat , drink, wash their clothes and but all necessities like bread , butter and K-Lube
  2. he is young and can do visa runs easily, in my age I can do visa walk if I need to do one but run?, forget it. LOL
  3. I get the feeling some boy will get lucky in an hour or two
  4. great list Abang but I'd suggest to spend 1 weekend in Pattaya, sex tourist or not, Walking street at night and BoyzBoyzBoyz show are worth the trouble, Sanctuary of Truth and Tropical Gardens are worth trouble as well
  5. Here we seem more concerned with negotiating techniques than actual size of the tip. I like your label ' two week millionaires', hey , for some people it may be still affordable way to have some fun and feel affluent for day or two. Over years I witnessed patrons throwing money at the stage, tipping all the boys in line / looking in the mirror now, but they were only 7 at ABomb at the time thanks God/ as well as patron tipping 2000 Tawan boy just for sitting with him. As for negotiating some just paying going rate or whatever they consider fair but I'm in the camp who likes to ask boy how much he wants and I firmly state length of expected time so when we are leaving boy knows what he gets and I know when I will pay. This gives boy a chance to piss me of twice, by leaving earlier and demanding more money than agreed. Happens, but mercilessly rarely
  6. correct , but too much haggling may kill the fun unless one gets a kick out of squeezing last satang out of boy.
  7. not every boy available in a money boy, hairy old farang needs the money but handsome 30 y. o. Asian may score free at soi 4 , sanuna or DJ, not go-gos or massages of course. You right , little kindnes goes long way, boys can use money but also want to have some fun.
  8. Just curious, 2000 out of your generosity or this was suggested tip? I think minimum tip there was 1000. But from what you are telling us 2000 still money well spent I guess.
  9. This is your homework: go to HERO. Talk to mamasan , he may find you one who will bottom, not unheard of. Mamasans there are very helpfull , don't be shy telling them what you looking for. Even if you will not find boy you looking for , eye candy is a plenty there and at least you can have a dinner / supper in their restaurant with full view of the glass enclosure with boys inside.
  10. I second it , first twink in a while I really like look of.
  11. I wish you luck, even more I'm sure you will have fun, you are in for a ball and don't worry about the weather
  12. there are always winners and losers, water from heavy rain is mostly wasted, one from light but steady is blessing for the soil parched by the drought. Even vendors can see light in rain- in bad weather customers tend to make fast shopping decisions
  13. not food but desire to see The Donald and hear what he says caused your stomach problem
  14. I think they improved their website and now are showing exact location , good luck there, I was one who was looking for the place in Dec and couldn't find
  15. While I feel sorry for him I'd be rather interested in hearing that he is not in any show. Grotesque is the right word but should be written in all letters capital in his case. But no doubt there are fans of his appendage since he is still performing
  16. in such a case he will become fucked friend but still friend
  17. You may have a right move. After 3 weeks stay last December I realized that it's probably better to make more shorter trips than one long one, even with long flight inconvenience. During longer stay what originally is pure pleasure slowly becomes daily routine instead and excitement is fading away but one can't pause knowing that shortly all those treats will be far away and no opportunity should be wasted while then and there. Just my observation of my own reaction.
  18. there are 5 ways of how: 1. go to one of go-go bars, see the show,, find the boy you like , pay off fee and bring him in / I'd have a supper with him on my way from bar to the hotel / 2. find a boy you like in massage shop , have a massage or not , off him, rest is the same 3.if you on Gay Romeo, Grindr etc, arrange for your consolator to come to your hotel 4. there's street trade on Suriwong as well as Silom , have an eyes wide open and you will find them or they will smile at you 5. DJ Station and bars of Silom 4 may prove fruitful as well
  19. law possibly dosn't , but your explanation makes perfect sense
  20. all this screening is probably more for the show than to potentially weed out undesirables. Glad to hear you have a great time in BKK and patiently waiting for the next installment.
  21. and don't count on their loyalty when you ask them for discretion. In June I decided to celebrate my birthday with two boys, one from Super A and another being my quasi boyfriend. Super A boy was leaving us earlier and when other boy went for a few minutes to 7/11 for some supplies I gave him his tip a bit higher than agreed previously asking him to keep it to himself. we have drink or two and boy left as scheduled, next morning 'boyfriend ' strongly complained that I tipped other boy that much for a short time / not that short 6 p.m. to 1.30 a.m / . I had enough sense to remind him I spent my own money but lesson learned. They stick together and we are on losing position and I even like it.
  22. I'm sure you are right but then when some talk so much about their expensive hotels , fancy restaurants and first class airfares, etc, they give impression of bragging. Hence suspicion .
  23. vinapu

    Keeping in Shape

    I recommend SHAPE spa on Thonburi side, friendly service and one can stay in Shape for at least 1-2 hrs. 5 BTS stops from Silom plus walk
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