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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. certainly it would be mother of all mistakes. LOL
  2. not a bad idea but I wouldn't count on it. After all they need to pay those guys who are trying to drag you inside not to mention those who are parading semi-naked on the stage. I like BoysBoysBoys Pattaya system when you are entiled to 100 baht discount on off fee if you had drink already, at the same time incentive to have a drink and to off the boy / I'd off most of their boys without any incentive anyways /
  3. I'm exactly of the same mind frame. While I understand motives of those who think prices there are too high for me it's just pure entertainment worth splurging and can't wait to have another chance. I love the whole gogo and massage experience, interaction with boys, mamasans and other customers and prefer it to lottery of social media the same way some instead of ordering pizza over phone rather go downstairs , buy and at times consume it where life is.
  4. It's from me but I did not invented this rule, actually picked it up from one of the boards, tested and it works like charm / I recall only one exception when smile proved somewhat fake /. Funny thing , it was actually at Senso last December when I spectacularly broke it and picked up M, the porn star who totally ignored me busy with his phone. But I was hunting for him few times and decided to give it a go. He turned up to be truly professional not only with massage and afters but also took pains to complement me and on top of it we had very pleasant conversation in meantime, definitely one of best massage encounters ever. Is good to follow rules but sometimes we should give a chance to gut feeling too. There were mixed reviews from Senso over years but I must say for me always worked as charm. I'm glad to hear forky had good time at Banana, another underrated place which never fails to deliver for me.
  5. go to Senso or VClub because we did not have report from those for a while
  6. vinapu

    My first off!

    that's the reason some of us still prefer to go and see boy in the flesh - can be sized up , talked to and looked in the eye to minimize possible disappointments. And there's whole bar atmosphere to soak in. But for shy, economizing and horny at non-standard hours types social media are of great help.
  7. are you sure? as long as I know drink price is a cover charge at Dreamboys and elsewhere. Complains about drink and off prices as well as tips are as old as Troy. Not to dismiss your concern but it seams there are only 3 ways of dealing with it : gnash your teeth and pay, do what you did - try to bargain price down or just give them a miss. There's also fourth way I'm using very often, instead taking boy from the bar , take one from massage. For price of drinks you will get 1-1.5 hr massage and extras, off fee and tips may be the same. If we complained about prices and gave bars a miss they would notice but this is not workable solution - there always will be those who at home pay much higher prices or simply don't even have this opportunities so steep price for one will be a bargain for the next guy. And tourists on short forays may be less concerned about price than those who are in for 3-4 weeks While I hate to pay those prices as much as everybody else and I remember them being much cheaper too, when drinks were at 200 complains were exactly the same. Scene is changing with social media and much more massage places than before so bars must make money somehow. I'd leave it to the market forces. Vote with your wallet , bars may notice our absence or may be just happy we made room for the next client And there's always soi 6 and Pattaya with lower prices, Super A or Nature Boys will not quote you 3000, rest assured.
  8. vinapu

    My first off!

    When saturated I'm not offering mamasans my drink , I tell them upfront that I don't want drink but buy one for them instead. They are always happy with the offer.
  9. vinapu

    My first off!

    and probably they are right unfortunately. Tourists are coming and going, very few stay long and frequent the same bar. Expats and residents are always complaining about prices so chances are they don'y frequent bars too often. So it leaves mamasans with ' grab what you can and run' option. Being pushy groping may have merit too - lots of first timers may be shy or don't know how to behave so being groped may tell them that boundaries inside are far from those outside of the bar. I kind of like them out of gratitude to my first one ever who explained me process step by step and suggested pick I still remember fondly. We need to remember , their job is to get us to off the boy
  10. Great report. I consider Prince , Hero , Senso an V Club upscale places with prices and ambiance to match but firmly believe we are getting value for money in all of them unless one has bad luck with boy chosen. For my use I consider Hero service friendlier but more rushed so I second your opinion about perfect tie between the two . While singing those accolades it needs to be said that perfect boy and perfect massage can be found in any place so detour to Arena or Adonis would not do any harm likely. Keep reporting , you made me smiling waiting for my turn patiently, thank you
  11. just Kuta area, rest of Bali is nice destination
  12. In such a case I'm not trying to out wait that other customer but either finish my drink fast and go or find suitable replacement from the line. No sense to stress myself out by waiting and watching them squeezing each other and even more painful will be seeing boy special leaving smiling with victorious competitor ! Learned that lesson years ago at Jupiter and will never heap such a humiliation on myself.
  13. vinapu

    My first off!

    This is most important. Boy was nice and cute and you had a good time. Don't be scared by the experience, with every visit you will be able to deal with mamasans better and better and at one point you will be able to reject their tip pleads smoothly. Treat all this as learning curve but never forget that sensible advice above : "leave your tips for the boys". I must admit sometimes I buy mamasans a drink - this is when I'm bar hopping and already saturated with drinks. This way bar has it's drink sold and mamasan is definitely off my chest. As for hugging and touching - never let them do it uninvited unless you happen to like him / I like Art, mamasan at Arena a lot , few at Dreamboys are helpfull and not too pushy as well/. Firm slam on the hand will do the trick. Keep whoring and reporting !
  14. vinapu

    Coming to Bangkok

    you can count on balmy weather
  15. was boy dressed or undressed for a massage? just curious, passed the place many times but never availed myself to their services
  16. you meant 'attracts' perhaps ? Board doesn't attack but members occasionally do
  17. ISIS are extremists , not me. I don't like guys too hairy , it's why I 'm into SE Asians but prefer if they don't try to correct their maker by padlocking their noses, chaining earlobes , deforming cocks with mooks and silicone and shaving down there so they can look like girl with dick. For historical reasons I accept ink though / my father was tattooed /
  18. it probably matches percentage of registered voters in democratic societies actually interested in politics to some degree
  19. Nirish, you never far away from the bed ! LOL
  20. Since this passage rised firecat's blood pressure to 320/190 here's my account on my first day in Kuta as a reason I'm not backing from what I said above. I strongly believe if was just accumulation of bad luck but Kuta will not have second chance to make first impression on me. 1. 2 days before arrival booked through Agoda room with A/C in small hotel close to airport due to late night landing. Cost twice of fan cooled room, 490000 vs. 250000. Room did not have A/C unit but at least had hole in the wall where unit once was. Spider web inside looked older than 2 days 2. In the morning hearing commotion over breakfast which was supposed to be included in price but hotel demanded payment from that guest. Not sure who was right , by time I came to the table it was settled and my breakfast was free. 3. knowing about money exchange scams decided to change 200 $ in two different counters. 100$ was roughly 1 000 000 , in first place all given in 20 000 notes which is good but instead of 50 of them there were 48 only next counter few blocks apart, this time change in 50 000, 19 only instead of 20. difference given without the fuss but neither 'mistake ' was coincidental because both places used electronic counter 4. there's shopping mall between the beach and main road in south Kuta, despite early hours group of four handsome but drunk already farangs run through screaming and almost naked - dicks barely covered but pubes in plan view. Not unpleasant sight for me but locals seem to be disgusted. Immediately I think about Bali bombing few years earlier and I'm a bit less surprised it happened than previously. 5. Arranging with taxi driver day tour to few temples . He has plan for 5 of them for 400 000, I suggest leaving only 2 but adding Ulu Watu which is in the opposite direction to the rest. I agree on the price quoted 450 000, upon return he demands 500 000. I'm paying gladly because I was planning on tipping him 100 000 but still feel cheated. At Ulu Watu finally bright spot - monkey is trying to steal my glasses but I'm fraction of second faster managing to hold on to my baseball cap with other hand at the same time. 6. In the evening arranging taxi to Seminyak to see the same bars firecat is aspiring to, 3 taxis quoting 70000 and not budging but I'm not paying armed with knowledge that it should be 30000, finally 4th was reasonable. Next morning went to Ubud inland and next 7 days went without a glitch in tropical paradise. If anybody disagrees with my right to assessmnet of Kuta quoted above feel free to, but don't even try to change my mind. And no , I'm not novice tourist easy to fleece and I visited plenty of places I can compare Kuta to including Pattaya , that paragon of honesty and modest behavior. Numbers taken from my travel diary and rounded for easier reading
  21. since quote is from me I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that I inserted words " I personally" , indicator good enough that this is my opinion for my personal use. Reader can take it for a face value, reject summarily or ask for reasons if interested but certainly not assume that somebody is trying to ruin his perceived opinion about the place like you did acting like part time board bully. My apologies if you read my responses as upsetting , which was never my intention. And I found your hostile reaction as undeserving and unnecessary. I don't think you targeted me , rather it's part of pattern we observe recently with some concern. People disagreeing with you are not your enemies , they are fellow board members with different preferences, be it cost of taxis, tipping habits or place of Kuta on world's map. you think somebody will be brave and naive enough? I will try
  22. from members of this forum I'd start with Xiluzer , ChristianPFC, you , z909 nad biguyby - all met in person as I tend to put more weight to what people I saw eye to eye have to say. Next would be contributors to this and others forums I read regularly. I don't put much weight on what unknown people have to say on TripAdvisors, hotel review sites etc
  23. What you need are not pills but some nice body warming your back overnight.
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