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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. This is what few of us mentioned already, instead of complaining about high soi Twilight's prices utilize nearby alternatives in soi 6, more clients , more boys will look for opportunities there and if one is tired with twinks -Tawan is right there too. I like selection presented above , not exactly my types but all nice bodied enough to be considered offable, Super A boy in jeans I find particularly sexy. lucky you floridarob.
  2. Vessye I'm glad you found your consolator J in your hour of need.
  3. old advice not to discuss politics , religion and sex, however cursory, with strangers had proved it's value again. I'm going to Thailand for shopping and see temples, i'm in Thailand to shop and see temples and I was in Thailand shopping and visiting temples, this is version I stick to when talking to strangers. Only sex related subject I can tough with strangers in LOS is to point how to get to Nana Plaza or soi Cowboy or what BTS station is closest to the Patpong. Even when sitting at Maxi's or Dick's in soi Twilight and chatted by other patrons I steer clear from those subjects, inside of Go-go it's another story, there I feel on my territory.
  4. yes you have live cows right in the BKK centre
  5. great twist to your adventures and nice catch - you are moving in the right direction !
  6. visit snake farm right across the street from soi Twilight, two different shows daily, than off few steps to see Wat Halampong with live cows, than back to BBB Inn or one of Soi Twilight massages for a massage
  7. I like watching evening procession of Chinese tours through Boyztown, they clearly look uncomfortable and out of place, most of them don't even look sideways but if they do they smile knowingly.
  8. Bamboo bar in Jomtien can be utilized during daytime but you are right, other than massages no bar opportunities during day
  9. take a trip to the Grand Palace and Wat Po by the boat from Saphan Taksin BTS, in the evening grand tour of Silom and Soi Twilight,have a masdsage at Arena , attend show at Jupiter than go to Screwboys and off bed warmer for the night, sound like a plan?
  10. and this is all that counts
  11. thank you for warning, it means conditions needs to be firmly negotiated when offing him but fortunately he makes impression he is worth the trouble although he may be out of reach for me - opposite to brall3 I almost always off long time, I like morning gymnastics. I also hate guys leaving early and it's why I always negotiate time. Sometimes they still trying their excuses and I try to install some guilt by saying 'if you don't like me just go " but let them go with reduced tip and definitely cross them off my list although I may make an exception for one of Tawan boys who left under 'parking in wrong spot 'excuse.
  12. I like your attitude, this is exactly my way of thinking when there and sometimes I'm even surprised how little I sleep on Thai vacations. Get over with your flu fast ! It's very unhealthy to be sick
  13. I like him and agree about perfect body. As for accident scratches - it seem 1 in 3 boys has them. Once being massaged by Bee at Narcissus my wandering hand felt big scar on his leg and asked if that's from motorbike accident . He comfirmed than moved my hand toward his erection and said " but nothing wrong here" , my laugh was probably heard on the soi.
  14. vinapu


    this happened to me once at Fundoshi but I asked guy from reception 'what about you" and bingo ! He turned fabulous
  15. I'm not so sure and can't confirm using my personal experience but what do I know? It's still BKK for me
  16. this would cover workers in any service industry in the whole wide world
  17. gee, one learns something new every day but it makes sense I guess
  18. I never neither trust nor pay attention to the pictures on the websites , surprisingly perhaps because most boys I found much more attractive in the flesh than their pictures on the sites are showing
  19. If you are talking about Pong I'd pay premium but not because dick size but overall good masculine look. Not all porn stars are that demanding, I found M at Senso great masseur with great body and not talking about tip at all / tipped him handsomely though but because I wanted not because he requested anything/ .
  20. You sound like latin from SGT forum. Not to say boy shouldn't but best outcome is when both sides are grateful , boy to us choosing him and us to boy for giving us good time. When at Hero in May I was warned by guy I was with not to take one of their boys because he demanded the same premium for the same reason so obviously some boys are pricing themselves by the inch. Nothing wrong as long as somebody is willing to pay such a premium for such a reason - not me.
  21. XSize offer occasionally promotional drink price of 200 baht , but that does not apply to boy's drink. Dreamboys was my favorite bar in soi for a while but on recent visit I liked XSize better even if some boys on stage were fully or half dressed.
  22. try to save picture somewhere on your computer , then under ' more reply options" chose 'attach file ', upload picture and it should load. great reports, keep them coming. Cute waiter from Serene should be available for OFF
  23. I'd rather speak to the boy instead
  24. I recall seeing signs with price at Dreamboys and XSize but never saw one at Classic
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