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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. Unfortunately for my pocket but fortunately for my joy of life you are right. For me cost of boys is biggest single item, almost always higher than airfare even on short trips. Highest airfare I ever paid was approx. 36000 baht / equivalent of 12-18 long time offs or 20-25 massages / I don't spend that much on hotels and would spend little on food if not my habit of dining nightly with my long time offs but trying not to spoil them in this respect either. To boys credit I must say it's extremely rare they suggest more expensive restaurants probably feeling a bit out of place there. Sightseeing is big line item for due to Thai habit of charging foreigner prices, on another hand I spent very little on shopping and if I do it's on utilitarian things I need and will use so I don't classify that as part of trip costs.
  2. That is usual problem if we off boy and show up in the bar / massage next day. He assumes that we are there for him and it takes a lot of people skills to balance our desire for a new adventure and to avoid him having bad feelings. Sometimes it felt very awkward so now in such a case I decided to be blunt and tell them they deserve good night sleep after last night's excesses and is their's friends turn. It looks they pretend well to understand.
  3. If one is looking for manly specimens in the Sunee Nice Boys and Good Boys would be first choices from what I saw in Sunee but still Boyztown is better option for that types. For 200 baht I'd enter if I were curious, after all this is not a sum which ruins anybody's budget. As colmx mentioned above they learned their lesson likely from hosting customers who did not order drinks, did not tip anybody and still enjoyed what is on offer at least visually and don't blame they for charging up front although this may be unacceptaable to some;
  4. This was always my experience there - not too many guys but all available are always 1st class. Prices are one of the highest in BKK but for my personal use I still consider good value for what was received and gladly pay what they charge. Never had bad experience there other than boy I was looking for was always somehow missing until I finally managed to hunt him down last Dec. Then I went against my own rules and picked him up even if he was not smiling at me , still it was one of best experiences ever. Great place and I can't imagine trip to BKK without paying them visit at least once.
  5. I'd not be that harsh, we can find those in other places too. One of my best offs ever and definitely the worst one were both with Dreamboys boys.
  6. You will like Nong Nooch gardens but I'm not sure afternoon visit is such good idea with all days heat accumulated already. I'd go in the morning. I don't recall hearing about any homophobic reaction from Sunee Plaza Arabs on any forum so they likely mind their own business perhaps to bad you got scared and missed that round of bar hopping but as consolation I'm also of opinion that Boyztown offers better altrernative
  7. I wonder what I have missing at Dreamboys but in last few years I'm visiting that bar more than once on every trip and I think that getting more than one off on one night it's extremely rare occurrence nowadays although may be I overlooked something. Fact is last Dec I had trouble to find boy willing to do long time and it was after midnight, almost at closing. When finally found somebody, he quoted me 3000 citing bar policy, I'm kidding you not. No problem for me and experience was very good without any sign of rushing out in the morning which I hate the most but I'm not surprised with 2000 short time request. But at this level they better have good line up as boys from other bars may not be THAT expectant providing the same if not better service and being as handsome. In fact in May I found I liked lineup at XSize much better that Dreamboys one, I agree though that even at 450 / drink it's good entertainment value and gladly pay it every time. In fact I like when boys seem to be a little bit picky, makes selection easy as I learned to skip even most beautiful specimen if he doesn't show interest in me.
  8. I did not see anything warranting any concern about boy's cleanliness. Those I have a pleasure to deal with they all were fine. Good boys is different experience than all other bars in LOS , bar Nature Boys possibly and is not for heart fainted as partition in the back separating activities area from the public is pretty light but it adds to the fun IMHO. I'm not fan of semi public sex excesses but way it's done at Good Boys I find it funny and certainly will visit again. Boys may be looking rough but I found then friendly and not pushy at all.
  9. Thank you for all the work you did putting this thread together for us.
  10. hopefully No will become No # 1 for you this trip
  11. In Pattaya you have three hotels right in the Boyztown, all should fit in your budget -Ambiance , Le Cafe Royale and Copa. I Bangkok BBB Inn is in the same block infamous soi Twilight is, You may check Agoda for deals on Raya - upscale place but often they have rooms at 1500, again in the same block. Across the street is Suriwongse Hotel, far from being upscale but good enough. If you want to be closer to Tawan and soi 6 -Nantra Silom and Glitz are your options as well as more expensive Tarntawan. Om Yim is a budget option short walk from there. Malaysia Hotel is very good value but a bit further away so you need to factor cost of taxi or MRT / subway, metro , tube/ + motorsai taxi / 40-60 baht one way from soi Twilight -main gay area, past midnight it may be as much as 100-150 if taxi driver will smell newbie to the BKK
  12. isn't he former Happy Boys employee ? I remember seeing one of mixed race there last Dec
  13. And this is how it should be done. I'm not advising to take vacation on credit , merely stating fact that often it's better to let hair loose a bit on vacations instead of worrying about every penny wasted. I still spend my vacations on low budget hence all those Om Yims and Malaysia hotels and gourmet dinnig at Foodland Patpong , indignity of flying cattle class etc but when comes to the boys I tend to overspend and i like it. When boy and I are parting ways we should be both smiling. On personal level unfortunately I finance most of my vacations by credit knowing how stupid it is. But my income stream is very unevenly distributed throughout the year so I take vacations during low income period when is easy to get time off work and pay them off when money is flowing faster. Wasteful a bit but it works for me.
  14. I'm part of majority who like Vessey's thread but must notice that your recent musings about other's posts being unimportant and meaning nothing are outright nasty and too frequent. Force yourself to be nice !
  15. last thing I would be considering is to leave boys' tip on credit card instead of cold cash in his palm. I'd be suspecting that part of his tip added to card would find way to owner's / mamasan's pocket. Hi tech is handy but also handy to screw people too
  16. My advice to all pondering 4 hands massage would be to pick up one guy and let him to pick up another one. this is general advice , not related to your experience above since you did not mention selection process. But you are right - for 4 hands massage room must be much more spacious like VIP rooms at Hero and table must be accessible from all sides.
  17. I, for one am gladly shackled in those traps but agree with you that on short vacation we should smile more and count money less as it's nothing worse than coming home thousands miles away and regretting missed off or being undermassaged. After all this is what lines of credits are for.
  18. sure it's cash, how you can sweep your card through boy's crack in order to tip him with all that sweat and oil there ? Try to have exact change, best way to get big bill changed are change counters on BTS stations
  19. Certainly I'm one of those "many" you mentioned and for the same reason. And is somebody is inclined toward long time massage boys are offable as well
  20. I'm not surprised, there's something in Thai boys that they look better in flesh that on the pictures. Was red haired one of the two you sampled?
  21. welcome to the forum there's sub forum / check on main page / " Gay Romeo, Grinder ....' where those reviews are posted, If copy and paste doesn't work- use different browser or change your settings
  22. thank you for a good laugh
  23. Hot tea is great idea when bar hopping, One can drink only that much of coke but it seems capacity for tea is much higher and less sugar too / not in my case though, I like it sweet / Great assembly at BBB ! This very picture even if dark, makes all those long hours spent on the flight worthwhile. Get better soon alkoe- it looks like you caught cold from all those A/C 's. Switch from those cooled bars to Good Boys for day or two- warm air entertainment behind the partition. Scene at Funny boys typical - we ponder our choices looking at the coolest guy than some guy comes, looks and in split second grabs him from the stage and we are left licking our wounded pride and counting money saved on unpaid tip.
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