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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I'm on losing end of all this since I like to fly at the end of aircraft so obviously I'm one of the last in line . But there's benefit of this , luggage is usually waiting already and lines for taxi are short with all people gone already
  2. by the time it happens I will be eaten by the worms so not overly concerned and I wish Thailand the best for a future. I don't know Dutch prices but famous red light district in Amsterdam exists for nothing so ma be prices are higher but trade is doing well I guess. ( I don't even mention twinks and short time - not my area of expertise thank God )
  3. shockingly perhaps for some looking at America through Hollywood pictures you are soooo right. Lots of people are left behind in the USA and they are very visible
  4. there's plenty of poor people in rich countries and so it will be if Thailand will become rich - don't think too much, it causes headache only
  5. what kind of boyfriend you are if you are spying on your own boyfriend and admitting it in the open? If your boyfriend works in the bar of massage you expect him to work the same way you'd expect if he were working as railway conductor or burger flipper at McDonald, right?
  6. they do change, last December best line up in soi was Dreamboys, in May it changed to XSize, this time as we will learn soon I liked Hot Male the best. Let us know how you liked it, keep in mind my accolades about those two bars are what I liked, my disapointment with Dreamboys line may be actually a boon for ChristianPFC , z909 and the likes who are not into beefier and older men. Even boys are changing and ones looked for excuse to leave early in the past now are in no rush to leave as I discovered to my joy in day 5 , soon to be reported.
  7. Day 4 Lazy Sunday. In the morning I dressed myself in newly acquired , now ubiquitous , “Bike for Dad” polo shirt and went for morning stroll through Lumpini Park , spotted lizard, at the gym one of Tawan boys , regular there was already exercising. Then tourist program continued to Wat Hualampong , short walk from soi Twilight. Admission to the sanctuary 20 baht, that’s the temple with live cows, right at the centre of the big city. Then one stop by MRT / subway, metro / to Hualampong station, Bangkok’s main to check schedules for planned tomorrow’s trip to Ayuthaya. They have actually separate ticket office for foreigners with English speaking staff. It may help some who find Thai script hard to navigate. Looked at the trains being train fan since time immemorial, I just like train stations atmosphere almost as much as soi Twilight go –go bars. Speaking about soi Twilight , from station returned there for a lunch of ‘riz Casimir ‘ / chicken with marasquino cherries / at Dick’s. They open early and this is my favourite dish there I’m pigging on at least once on every trip. At 5 p.m. I was expecting Tiger from last night but he did not show up. I was a bit of disappointed but not totally surprised knowing Thai boys / actually he is Lao/ reliability when comes to keeping appointments. As agreed yesterday at 6 I left and marched to Senso again. Those who suspect that now I’m on Senso/Tawan monodiet are not entirely wrong. This being Sunday not many boys on offer this afternoon and all new faces. Actually there was one familiar – Tik I had in May but at time of my entry he was booked by young farang inside already so all I could do is to scream “ you are in good hands” earning smiles for both farang and Tik. Picked up one of those newbies for 1 hr. unrushed session I so enjoy. This time actually I was in rush because at 8 I was expecting Tao from Banana to visit me at the hotel. On departure from Senso I noticed that M, resident star there known from appearances in few GThai series movies is present so I asked him when he is working next time / Tuesday/ and promised to see him then – his massage was one of best I ever had and we kind of hit it as well then. Walked to Raya and surprisingly for some perhaps at 8 on the dot Tao was in the lobby. Some intimacies and somehow I got an idea of arranging for threesome but instead of listening to his suggestion to go to Jupiter to find suitable company I suggested XSize, out of politeness he agreed and off we went in time for a show. Show was kind of standard but we both enjoyed it , invited one of boys Tao suggested to sit with us , of course tipped few big cock show participants customary 100 baht tip but somehow boys did not hit in on and Tao suggested we go to Jupiter after all, only now explaining that he knows boy who ‘will do everything ‘ there and his skills were tested by his farang boyfriend who visited few weeks earlier and they were taking a third boy from different bar every night. Now I realized how clumsily I went about the whole idea, should listen to Tao at first place but as it turned boy did not work today. Sunday seems to be day when quite a few boys are taking time off and on another hand quite a few new ones are trying their market power. As usual at Jupiter, lots of eye candy but Tao was somehow fixated on that absent boy and whole threesome idea was trashed. Not that I was disappointed – I’m not fan of being on any side of sandwich but from time to time is nice to put some spice on the plate. Tao alone is good enough for that though, one of those I truly like to be with. As an experiment I gave him his tip right up front in the room just to see if he will be trying to take an advantage and leave earlier but hell, no. Quite opposite he was not in rush to leave at all. Actually I was as I wanted to go to Ayuthaya after breakfast. So I finished day 4 in the morning marching with him to BBB Inn around the corner since he left his bike there and I was scheduled to move there today anyways. They told me I can do it anytime.
  8. For me an occasional dud is almost included in price. In massages I don't discuss any requirements with neither boy not captain so it's inevitable that sometimes I got boy not matching what I like and vice versa. When taking boy out I only discuss time and tip expectancy, nothing else , so my way of handling things again inevitably leads to some incompatibility from time to time. This is done for purpose - I like to see where thing will go instead of planning them. That's why I often repeat -listen to what others are saying but only way of knowing for sure it's just trying for ourselves, my dud my be your charm and dud today may be pick of the month sometime later as we will learn very soon in day 5.
  9. and if you happy stay where you are, don't try to scratch yourself if you don't feel any itching
  10. not to dispute your findings - I don't have good memories from Jupiter offs as well, but it needs to be noted that only reliable way to find if boy have an attitude or not is to try to off him. In course of this trip I met two boys I had report about an attitude from reliable sources / i.e. people I met in person not just know from exchanging post on the forum and ones sharing my preferences /. In both cases - Tiger described above ,another one one will be reported in day 9 I did not see any attitude, quite opposite both were highlights of this trip. Sometimes either party has bad day hence an attitude problem, sometimes it's just lack of chemistry which makes encounter wasted to nobody's fault. So bottom line is , listen to an advice but go with your guts if you see boy you fancy even if you were warned. If something did not go right, you have only yourself to blame for not listening , if it turns well then count your blessings but don't dismiss original warning as it cold be made in good faith.
  11. certainly things are picking up, I arrived on 2nd and as reported somewhere else lines were longest I saw in 12 trips even if it was 2 a.m.
  12. Day 3 In the morning I was anxious to find out from Xiluzer how it went yesterday at Screwboys, all three of us met in the breakfast room and I asked him right away. It turned out I was right, girls only wanted to talk so he outwaited them and took boy with him. This is where good news finished since while his face and body was impressive , attitude and service was not so and when he revealed than now he works at Prince but before he was in Jupiter I kind started recall why he seemed familiar somewhat. Anyways, Xiluzer said he was trying to rush things and extract an additional compensation, shortly , one of those artificial stars shining until approached. Breakfast at Raya is serious affair with decent variety of Farang and Asian offerings with few soups and hot dishes offered on top of usual breakfast fare. My boy was dining with us with no brews raised. Xiluzer and me decided to go together to Chatuchak in about 1.5 hr. , when returned to the room instead of sending Od home I somehow got a bit heated and we went for an additional session to enjoyment of him – he got additional 1000 and mine. I like that attitude ‘ if you happy I happy” he verbalized. When time came , gave him 100 baht for taxi / my idea, unnecessary spoiling him I guess / , he went his way and we took MRT to the market. As expected after few hours of wandering we lost each other but we agreed beforehand that if it happens we won’t be wasting time looking for each other , agreeing for evening trip to Prince in any case. I’m not big fan of Chatuchak and of retail therapy but bought shirt, wallet , shoes and massage oil and since if was not that hot I actually enjoyed that market probably first time ever. Returned home alone and since it was pretty early I decided to go to Hero. On my way there checked if Banana is still in the soi, it was. At Hero quite surprisingly for a Saturday afternoon in high season only 2 or 3 other clients. Usual assortment of boys flexing and smiling behind the glass , did not notice familiar faces but no shortage of hunks to choose from so I picked up one of the smiling ones for 1 hr. course. Well , in 20 minutes massage was over , boy was speeding up for a second part and I’m not Speedy Gonzales nor like ones so it was not particularly memorable experience for me, just ordinary for minimum tip of 1000 but no more. Had supper in their restaurant , good and cheap fare with full view of boys behind the glass, this alone worth of trek there. Just bit disappointed and undermassaged but well fed returned to Raya and shortly after Xiluzer and me were sitting in the taxi heading to Prince exchanging news from the day. Prince was busier than Hero and Xiluzer who visited both places in the summer confirmed that it was a case then as well. Time will show if this is just coincidence or we are seeing some trend here. Not that I saw much of difference , the same – lots of boys behind the glass but none at whom my heart jumped right away. Xiluzer’s last night stand from Screwboys was there as well and looking at him partially undressed I suddenly solved a puzzle why he looked a bit familiar. This is the boy I took from Jupiter on my last day of my May 2013 trip who was great looking but of sandbag quality , one who had nerve of telling me he needs to leave earlier because he is tired and still ask for taxi money which he did not get. While he was standing out by the looks and smiling warmly neither of us for reason described above was interested. I choose Guy, who looks like half black and probably is, in the room I asked him if he had African ancestors , he just smiled. He is familiar face because before he was one of Senso stars and received plenty of excellent reviews on various forums but our encounter was just ordinary experience , while massage part itself was good somehow chemistry was missing which is nobody’s fault , it just happens from time to time. Second massage today, both in famous places and nothing to write to grandmother about. What’s even more important it was not last unmemorable thing today but day ended nevertheless with big bang so one never losing hope is right ! I was waiting for Xiluzer about 10 minutes and in that time no less than 7 clients showed up, all Asians, all much younger than me which bodes well for the trade in Thailand I guess. Xiluzer appeared very happy with his choice, we had our drinks watching proceedings and were both surprised and a bit vindicated that our Screwboys/Jupiter boy, even if probably best looking behind the glass was still there even with all that traffic. We had nice stroll to the Foodland Patpong where we caught light meals and decided to explore show at Dreamboys. As one could expect on Saturday night , house was packed but somehow we were offered first row seats. Visiting bars with somebody has not only advantage of having company and option of discussing boys virtues but also keeps mamasans away as they can be told that we are boyfriends to make easier for them to lose all hope. I was kind of always justifying their higher prices by quality of the show and what’s more important boys at the stage. Even on this forum is recorded that on one visit I found all boys with exception of 1 worth offing. Yo, one of my best ever was from there. Well , not today. I liked the show, blend of old and new numbers, one of most funny for an audience was when ladyboys took young Japanese looking boy from the first row and almost undressed him. I’m not sure he was so amused but was playing along well and had a body / and underwear / to show, that’s sure. As for boys presented many of our members would be thrilled with all those twinks but there was not even one I could slip my customary 100 baht departure tip for best looking boy. So no way I will pay 600 off fee there said I , Xiluzer agreed even more and left the bar before show even finished. So third night in row trek to Tawan to look for consolation. And I found one immediately, one of the boys on stage was Tiger, one of their Lao boys I so like. I had him sitting with me in May and had my sights on him even if reported by one of our reader that he was one of those who like fast dead and go. Good I did not got discouraged – that was not my experience at all Great body and as a bonus hairstyle I like / spiky hair /, showed accommodating attitude / I asked how much he wants as I always do and he said up to you/ , only disappointment was he did not want / could do long time but I decided to yield , he promised at least 2 hrs of time together. Soon we were seen on Suriwong marching to the hotel. Great man , great body , great massage , great attitude. Great you name it. Did I mention good kisser? He could do long time tomorrow but I have somebody already lined up but suggested he can come for another short time at 5 pm , he agreed but I warned him I will be waiting ½ hr only and if he doesn’t show up I’ll be gone. So after mutilating me I was left to sleep alone tonight but no harm done, I slept like a baby. Did not even think that’s it not over until it’s over. Two ordinary massages, not an eye candy in sight at Dreamboys and still day 3 finished on 5 + stars accord, thank you Tiger, thank you Tawan.
  13. you are right, please check your e-mail by the way
  14. I usually treated myself with Tarntawan for few nights but I think Raya gives them run for a money being new and more spacious. Tell this guy that if fem boys were only thing available in Thailand some of our readers would never step in there. Sometimes first timers are getting carried over and after few days they pretend to be an experts projecting their findings on everybody but with subsequent trips they become more humble.This is typical affliction and not limited to gay travelers and those forums. I will post some photos but not of boys , I don't take their pictures as a matter of fact despite temptation. Not that I mind if others do and post.
  15. he could be Tawan boy trying to get some catch from street. Some of them linger around the bar after closing. One of our readers caught Mekhin , most popular of them all this way.
  16. vinapu

    Exchanging Money

    the same here, never found better rate that at TT around the corner from Boyztown and they have bit better rates than best ones in BKK so for those heading to both places exchange your money in PTY
  17. vinapu

    Exchanging Money

    surprisingly perhaps when there earlier this month I noticed that exchange counter at Sala Daeng BTS is closely matching best rates offered in the area by Natty Gems at mouth of soi Twilight and jewellery shop in soi Thaniya on the left coming from Silom. If it makes sense to chase best rates it's for everybody to decide but as z909 noticed we are walking past so many traders so why not to check at least 3-4 on our way to get the best rate even if it saves only cost of Singha or Chang at 7/11 on 100$ exchange
  18. spent on the plane already, I left hotel 11 p.m. but rest assured doing laundry or knitting scarf was NOT last thing I did before departure,
  19. I had, but how sincere answers were no way of telling, some boys say 'both', some even : ' I don't know'. Sometimes on subsequent encounter answer changes, I presume they know me better and give more honest answer. After all it's hard to to imagine boy saying "I don't like boys" on the first meeting. The same goes with top/bottom question , they get to know us better more open they become. Since we both like the same types and even literally the same boys chances that they are 'gay for pay ' variety are great but I like them - they know they need to try better and they do. Some of the greatest kissers are boys who answer 'only girls , only top', no idea how it works but i know one thing -it works for me
  20. and let us know what how you will see it. Keep in mind you will not find twinks there but not all of boys are big bodybuilders, quite a few of them are just well built. Mamasans are not pestering you at all , boys there are taking care of themselves but I never found any pressure, at end of day I can say men over there are behaving like men. "You like me , take me , you don't like , you still welcome here" style, at least it's how I see it.
  21. Day 2 Thank you for all the ‘likes’ I received for a 1st day report, I think could be better written but on return I caught some cold and feel like used chewing gum at the moment so did not have energy to polish what I have written. Those who follow my adventures here know that I like to change hotels every 2-3 nights and true to form after Bos left I went downstairs to get some breakfast. It’s not big affair at Nantra but still one can get filled on toast , cereal , some fruit and tea / coffee. Then packed and rolled my suitcase down Suriwong to Raya, my first time there. Hotel is located just next to soi Twilight so location is very strategic and itself is an luxury affair with matching prices. In exchange for 85 $ prepaid back in June I got room of size of small apartment with a view , modern glassed bathroom , separate sitting area , two beds, big and small and even personalized wi-fi password unique to the room. Worth the splurge and sometimes good deals can be had on Agoda. Again I credit Xiluzer for an inspiration since he discovered that place for his previous trip and was kind enough to show me his room then. I’m not big on spending money on accommodation I spent so little time in but Raya was good value for me feeling more at home than at hotel chiefly due to a size of the room. Reception is on 5 th floor, only one with public access. Access to other floors is with the card only and it means that if you are bringing your guest to say, floor 7 room you are bypassing reception altogether and nobody knows who you are whoring, er discussing world affairs with. Only thing I found odd was that safety deposit box while hidden well in the closet is not bolted and can be removed by anybody , good luck with that as it was quite heavy and rest assured, not that my money added to it’s weight. Another thing less likable was that they did not permit to check in early as room was not released yet so I left my luggage with reception , received proper tags for it and went to realize tourist program to kill the waiting time. Namely I decided to visit Golden Mount temple. BTS to National Stadium , then short walk to Saen Saep canal, one with regular boat service , boat arrived in few minutes and after 4 stops we were at the end of line, short fun for 8 baht. From there it’s easy 10 minutes walk to Golden Mount, only hill of any size in the Bangkok topped with a stupa where nice panorama of the city can be seen and today air was pretty clear so view was quite fine. Entry was 20 baht and I recommend that visit to anybody, easy and cheap fun. On return I stepped out on the first stop to explore Talat market which is right on the canal’s bank and it’s of very manageable size. Since this is local affair prices are lower than in both Chatuchak and Silom / Sukhumvit ghetto. I treated myself by spending 100 baht on pocketed yellow / blue polo shirt with now ubiquitous in BKK motive of “Bike for Dad”, embroided , not printed. It seems half of the city is wearing those shirts so I blended in nicely. Gee, so much reading and no boy in sight so far. Upon return to the hotel I actually felled to blend of luxury and jet lag and felled asleep for good 4 hours, shame on me I slept alone with such a proximity of soi Twilight . Early evening marching to Senso, few boys on duty , as usual there all of them acceptable hunks , few familiar faces, few new, I took Nice who got good reports from some readers here and true to the form he turned out to be really nice, 1300 for the house , 1500 to the boy , worth every penny as far as I can see. Then straight to Oasis on Suriwong for my first treat of my favorite chicken with cashew nuts, their version I consider best of them all although today something was missing, not sure what, may be just fact that I was dining alone –rare there for me as this is my usual boy dragging place when I ask them if they want to eat. Later on I met Xiluzer who is at Raya as well for a trip to Screwboys just in time for their show. My favorite from last Dec trip – One left for good , mamasan even remember me being fond of him and greeted me at the door stating that One is gone. Had another boy sitting with me just for a fun, one who was my off in May. Bought him drink and slipped red note in his briefs but for a night I had my sights somewhere else. When we were ready to go then another boy appeared, even if fully dressed he looked very , very yummy. After short while he was grabbed by two ladies sitting in the back to great xiluzer’s disappointment as he clearly had his sights on him. Wisely, as it turned later, I advised him to wait a bit as see if girls will take the boy , left him there and marched to Tawan to find somebody to cling to at night. Show was over but not entirely. As usual few boys were flexing at the stage and in front row farang couple in late 30 ties /early 40 ties were sitting with lady having her legs raised quite a bit and I guess showing her jewels to the boys on the stage. It did not take long before one of them volunteered to step down and try his fingers there. Things were heated very fast and not before long he was fisting her in full view of audience, then evenly split between excited and curious and disgusted and disinterested. But live porn is was although before I left Tawan boy did not use his real tool yet. How is ended no idea because during all this I got reacquainted with Od#14, one I offed three times in May and decided to take him again. Great company even if his answer to my usual question ‘do you like boys or girls better” was ‘’I don’t like boys”, well may be but definitely we both liked each other. Not first time I found I have good treatment from the ‘gay for pay ‘ sector. And this is how second day finished.
  22. thank you , you won't be waiting long , posting next installment right now
  23. After trip in May I did not plan another one this year but got an inspiration from one of our members – Xiluzer and since very attractive fare came my way I found myself landing at 1. 50 in the morning at Swampy again. This is my 12 trip and I never saw such a long line to immigration at BKK aiport. Fortunately they were well stuffed and line moved surprisingly fast. Down to the public taxi stand and in 20 odd minutes I was in Silom already. Both highway and streets completely deserted. Includin tip nad airport surcharge it cost me 360 + 70 baht for tolls. Since night was supposed to be short one I booked cheapest room at Nantra Silom but they upgraded me at no charge to more spacious one, not that I resisted. As always when arriving that late I had my customary stroll through Patpong , Suriwong , soi Twilight and soi 6 but no freelancers , no bar boys lingering somewhere, just empty streets. Very early breakfast at Foodland Patpong and few hours of sleep. In the morning another breakfast at the hotel – very , very basic one and I went for stroll to Lumpini Park hoping to catch glimpse of big lizards not to mention sweaty boys pumping iron at the gym. And a bingo ! Who was there right at front – Sokchai, my favorite masseur from Bonny Massage. Did not waste time weather talking – learned he will be at his work place in 2 hours I made sure I was there. Great massage and afters including some fun in the shower- no other clients at the place that early. 800 for the house for 1.5 hr treatment and 1500 for a boy. After long absence I always feel undermassaged so next step was hop in BTS and trip to Banana to see if they are still in the old soi 11 place. Yes but I was told by the guy filling for the owner that move is to be made any day. My regular there Tao was present so I requested 2 hr. course which they don’t offer, suggestion was made to take 2 time 1 hr. courses but at 650 / hr it seemed expensive so I offered 1000 for 2 hr to the shop and deal was sealed. Massaage by Tao is by some mile best of them all. He was trained at Wat Po and it shows, on top of this he is polite yet adventurous , good conversationalist but never lets my wandering hands to detract him from the task. Great body too and thanks God he stopped shaving his pubes which was only thing I hold against him in the past. Couldn’t go home easily as it was heavily raining but after ½ waiting it finally stopped and I could walk to BTS Nana. Did not want to be late because at 9.00 I was supposed to meet Xiluzer , my inspiration for a trip at Jupiter. At thet hour bar was not crowded , boys as usual looking with #60 looking best but I remember warning that he is fond of rushing things and on demanding side so neither of us entertained option of offing him . Danger of bar hopping with Xiluzer is that we like exactly the same types but so far avoided fights over picking up the same man. Then we went to Tawan, bar I ignored for years but now my favorite by the mile. We caught some show, # 14 which I offed 3 times in May was in one of numbers but hidden behind sunglasses , I did not spot him but surely he did. For a first night I hoped to off # 15, Boy , one of their smallest men but he was absent for some time, apparently went home to Laos. But new star, young but pretty massive Bos # 23 caught my eye, waved him over, he agreed to the long time till 6.30 and shortly Xiluzer was marching home with his big boy and I in opposite direction with my newly found treasure. Great company for a first night – good sign for the whole trip as it showed at her end. In the morning asked for taxi money which I don’t like but on another hand I treat my boys with breakfast but he wanted to go home right away so I gave him that bonus, need to be said, well deserved. And so day 1 was over
  24. From what I saw on Saturday they may be more hunky boys on the menu than in the old location
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