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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. BANGKOK, During day you can do retail therapy at Chatuchak market or even take boy with you to help you to carry all that stuff you will buy for him and perhaps one or two items for yourself. Evenings / nights you will be winner in both places
  2. vinapu

    Pattaya Jan 2016

    thank you for great reports, I'm glad to hear Good Boys are still providing proper entertainment, bright spot for me in Sunee Plaza. Have a safe trip home, only way to return to LOS is to go home first and start dreaming about next trip
  3. it's nice to have it but I'm not coming to Bangkok or Pattaya to check my e-mails. For those in need there's still internet cafe on Silom beside Playboy massage.
  4. Thank you, as long as BoyZBoyZBoyZ and ABomb will be keeping their current standards I can imagine even 100% of say, 7 day trip to be spend in Pattaya but still my heart is parked firmly somewhere in Bangkok
  5. Raya, around the corner from soi Twilight, new and modern , big rooms with safe and wi-fi, no problems with visitors, great breakfast. Start hunting for good rates on Agoda, sometimes it can be had for as low as 50$ - this was rate one of our contributors I met in Dec got. Tarntawan is also great for reasons described above. Cheaper options are On Yim , BBB Inn and Nantra Silom but you need compromise on amentities for a price relief, all tested and visitors friendly.
  6. Promsak, I'm with you on that one. We have several threads about the Hero so why not about the men pictures?
  7. I used China Eastern in Dec 2014 and again in Dec 2015, nothing wrong with them, flights were on time, food passable and adequate. Only bad thing was plane too cold inside on one of the legs but I had it on other airlines as well like aforementioned China Air from Taiwan. It looks that transfer through Shanghai is streamlined now, no problem both times. I must have bad luck with Cathay, used twice and while service was great flight was late both times
  8. my commission is fun I always have there and with their men. Even those who piss me off are doing it charmingly and are forgiven not only yours, rest assured
  9. As for massage HERO is great but boys there trend to rush things to the next step, at least that's my experience. If you are looking for less rushed massage by muscular hunks I'd try Arena and Senso. about bars - I second opinions above, Tawan and Jupiter is your best choice but be prepared for an attitude problem at Jupiter sometimes. Tawan boys are friendly and will approach you. If boys plants himself beside you and you kind of like him, touch his thigh or knee and your hand may be moved THERE pretty fast, don't be shy
  10. without any exaggeration Madrid Tavern's pizza is only one I like in the entire world .I was introduced to the place by ChristianPFC, praise his name.
  11. I prefer something like 50% of Gin and 50% of Gin / no typo here ? /
  12. Thank you, unfortunately at this moment I have no idea when I will go there, Just 1 hr ago I come home from trip to Africa and after 17 hrs in the silver tube my only thought is how to get decent sleep
  13. enjoy your trip and don't forget to post your impressioons
  14. that's true , I was not so much amorous but just did not want to waste an opportuninty. You are right , 51 seems to be offed very often, I kind can see why.
  15. Day 10, last one To begin with I ‘m glad discussion developed above about merits of Pattaya vs. Bangkok. As we can see we have different priorities and cherish fun in different places. Sure Pattaya fans are missing plenty by bypassing Bangkok and Bangkok lovers are missing plenty by giving Pattaya a miss. But this is where we are and like twinks vs hunks divide everybody likely will stay at the same place even after longest and most heated discussion. And there’s even no need for that. Back to my adventures after my boy Boy left I went to Foodland Patpong for my last breakfast there and then wandered aimlessly along Suriowong and Silom, never boring exercise as far as I can see. Around 2 p.m. jumped on BTS and went to Asok station and then to soi 23 to visit Banana Club at new location, it on the same side Urban Male is just few units further on small intersection. I was impressed , place is big and newly renovated. On ground level there’s mixed area for foot massage, upstairs is the enclosed lobby where boys will be waiting for customers and clients will be pondering their choices. Today there was still altar since monks were invited to bless the place but few hunky boys were on duty already. For me it was easy choice because my favorite from there Tao greeted me on arrival so we did not waste too much time but went to showers area. As in old location they have lockers and showers are outside of rooms. Everything new and shiny, Tao told me I’m their first customer at new location so I hope to bring them good luck. As always showered together and then proceeded to my usual fun filled 1 ½ oil massage course. Actually today we focused more on massage than fun since ever superbly skilled Tao found some sore places in my calf muscles and subjected me to quite a painful mutilation but having in sight 24 hour trip home I did not mind if some acid will be dissolved before sitting for so long. Kissing good bye till next time , walk to BTS and back in hotel where at 5 I was expecting to see again #14 Od from Tawan , another boy I have soft spot for with great body and attitude ‘if you happy I happy”. I do short times rarely but on the last day I decided to speed things a bit. He showed almost on time and great time we had with quite a bit of conversation about his work and customers. Then he left and I started packing ad it was getting dark already but ever experienced with this task I did good job in no time and found desire to spent some time in my favorite spot this trip, you guessed rightly , Tawan. At 9 Saturday night place was packed with both boys and customers. Being somewhat familiar face there recently I was greeted quite warmly by boys I offed this trip, Bos, Od and Boy but I had other designs I n mind so slipped each of them 100 baht , did the same to # 47 , another Lao boy never offed but often tipped by me and knowing time is short I start pondering my last boy choices. I wanted somebody new to me and had two in sight : Mekhin , one with Superman tattoo on his chest and #51 Tip I have designs since last Dec. Then he was always with customer, in May as some of you may recall he was one who agreed for the off and when I was paying fee to the bar suddenly announced he needs to go with another customer. I was in forgiving mood then and so today as well and more curious than horny I just sat beside him. Not what I normally do as my advice to myself and everybody is to look for boys smiling at you but we need to try something new from time to time. Shortly we were marching to Nantra around the corner. This is another Lao boy I have so much good luck with as on top of great body and smile he turned out to be great kisser, no doubt trained by some girlfriend. I like his hairstyle / spiky one / as well. He treated me very well but price for not waiting for a smile needed to be paid – before 1 hour elapsed he was in rush to go back to the bar. No big deal since I had may be ½ hr left but still I firmly believe than it should be me making god bye motions. No big deal though this time. This was exact repeat of situation with Boy last December and since I found method of extracting three no rush long times from Boy, future with Tip looks bright I hope. So I will give him a third chance , only question is when? Soon after I was marching to Sala Daeng BTS , caught second last airport train / 45 baht / from Phaya Thai. Smooth check-in, spent last couple hundred baht in airport pharmacy on my blood pressure drug , less than ½ of my home price, last 29 baht from my pocket was given to passing by cleaning lady. Free of money worries, empty pocketed I embarked for long trip home from Bangkok for 12th time in my long life. It was smooth return and nice surprise on arrival. For some reason no jet lag at all this time. With age I noticed that I’m taking long flights better and better but jet lags are getting worse and worse. Thanks God, not this time. All those kisses from Tip perhaps? Some doubt if suffering such a grueling flights for sake of just 10 days in Thailand are making sense. My answer is actually big YES. Part of this comes from necessity – due to some commitments I couldn’t leave even day earlier. Returning even later was an option but at a steep price jump of almost 400$ , thank you , no, my benchmark is 100/day but no more. I liked every single hour of my stay. With longer trips sometimes what was excitement on shorter ones becomes just routine. Budget was much easier to control as well , not that was not busted but if was controlled explosion. Highlight of this trip were meetings with many of our members: Xiluzer, ChristianPFC, z909, bruceny, paulsf and 1moRussian were cheerful and interesting travel mates. As for boys all 8 long times off were 5.5/5 if not better, Tiger on night 3 fits there as well although we were together only 2 hr but is was arranged in advance that way so no disappointment. In massage department Senso was king for me this time, Hero and Prince were lacking excitement this time surprisingly perhaps. Banana and Bonny - my regular boys stick to their highest standards. I did not visit Arena and Bangkok Massage for first time in years so I can miss them before next trip even more. I liked all three Pattaya massages experiences , missing Narcissus this time but tried Blue House and it’s soapies for a first time and liked it, looking for repeat in future. I wish all of readers of this thread Happy New Year 2016 , see you all in Bangkok or Pattaya.
  16. I need to notice respectfully that by your comments here and there there are quite a few things you will never get.
  17. Dec 2014 trip 3 days out of 19 = 15.78 % May 2015 trip 4 days out of 14 = 28.57 % Dec 2015 trip 2 days out of 10 = 20.00 % as you see claim of being absolutely correct is somewhat exaggerated thank your for 3rd time for trying to sign me up to Pattaya fun club of which I'm member of Boyztown section only. There are things which are killing me but certainly it's not counting percentage of my days in Pattaya as a total of time spent in Thailand.
  18. Merry Christmas everyone! Day 9 Win proved not only to be great and warm company but also one of great appetite devouring no less than 2 servings for breakfast and breakfast at Le Café Royale is pretty sumptuous with matching prices. Certainly keeps me nourished till well into afternoon. I like having it there because Boyztown in the morning is completely different affair than 7 hours earlier. Nice conversation and I could look at his face for two more servings for sure. After breakfast we returned to the room for last hugs, Win left , I packed and shortly after Pattaya saw me on the back of motorsai heading to the bus station / 80 baht/. Again I had transfer luck, bus was about to depart with few seats available and in 10 minutes from arrival we were on the road. Fast arrival , no congestion on the road and transfer in BKK smooth as well so in no time I was checking in at Nantra Silom for my last night in BKK this trip. I’m glad I made it on time , had even few minutes to check the forum and e-mails because at 3 p.m. I was supposed to meet 1moRussian , another forum member in Thailand during my visit, today he was in transit from BKK to PTY and found time to meet. Always nice and exciting to meet members known from posts only, it was easy to recognize each other , short conversation about where we will go. He suggested Arena, I was keen on Senso and he graciously agreed and off we went. Few familiar faces there, M , my favourite was not present though. My eyes were on Jack, Chinese looking veteran there, very manly about whom I got warning from reliable source. ( For those inclined to ask what I call reliable source in terms of offing boys answer is : guy I met personally who was entertained by boy in question. So if we met and you tell me “boy # 55 from ShortCocked Boys bar is good, I had him last year and he was …….” – you are my reliable source, but if you tell me “ boy # 55 from SCB bar is good , my friend had him last year and he was….”, you are not my reliable source because of second hand opinion although your friend may be reliable source for you. This was just an explanation of terms not meant to offend or demean anybody. I use the same rule about travel destinations.) Anyways my eyes are on Jack but prayers were going higher up so 1moRussian will not pick him up since I promised him we will not be fighting about boys at Senso, remembering he wanted to go to Arena, Senso was my idea. It worked since he had his sights on Nice, my first boy from there this trip. Picked him instantly becoming my reliable source for Nice as per definition above. So Jack it is for me , curious how it will work. And probably I overprayed – he turned up excellent for me. Manly , strong , handsome, “take it slow” approach, great massage and even greater sense of humor it all worked for me as charm. At one point I asked him my customary question “ do you like girls or boys better?” answer was “ I like girls but I like your hand as well”, I forgot where my hand was at that moment but not on my wallet for sure because I don’t use wallet. So I liked every second of our 1 ½ hr course and now I have two most favorite boys at Senso , trouble for future is brewing I guess. When finished 1moRussian was already downstairs, we compared our impressions , I seemed a bit happier and we returned to the hotel where he picked up his suitcase and went to Pattaya, too bad we did not have more time to do more surveys but at least we met. Whatever he did in following days in Pattaya is his business but I’m happy he decided to be entertained by now famous #41 and seemed no less happy with the choice than I was. I’m glad I become reliable source for him in respect of that boy. Today was meeting day, after a bit of strolling through Silom and Patpong I went to soi Twilight where paulsf , our member I met briefly at midnight few days ago was already holding court in his favorite place HotMale 1 beer bar. I joined him for a bit of conversation and people watching and when time came for HoitMale go-go show we went upstairs to watch it. He is immensely popular and well known there with boys smiling at him from every corner. One of them I invited to sit with me throughout the show loyally advising him I have boyfriend already and I will not be offing tonight but compensated him for his trouble and warmth. Show was standard issue and not very long , may be 5 numbers , after the show we stay quite a bit to talk and watch the boys. Mostly twinks and lot of them in jeans which I find sexy and don’t mind . Many smiles and had I stay longer I saw hiring material but unfortunately for boys not tonight. I just missed Tawan after 2 days in Pattaya wilderness so before midnight I took off there and it did not take more than few seconds when #15 Boy spied me , sat beside and announced matter of factly “I sleep wit you tonight” , sure. Since was late I asked him to dress , in meantime secured #14 Od to short time tomorrow, my last day, then we took off. Boy wouldn’t be himself if he did not made some antics. He announced that at 1 he needs to leave for 1 hr because he needs to deliver a parcel for parents to somebody going tonight to his home town. Accepted but he also had a nerve to ask me for taxi money so he can return faster, half brained fool me agreed naively and but it needs to be said that time before he left was not spent idle by us. He left at 1 , I went to bed and fall asleep . I woke up a bit later , it was 3 and no knock to the door so far. Fuck I thought, dressed fast , went downstairs , asked in the knowing lobby if somebody was asking for me, no. Bit pissed off returned to bed , but at 4 knock wake me up. No sense of creating scene and even asking what the hell is going on, I was happy to see him back anyways. To make up for time lost my day 9 extended to 10 am next morning and it would be even longer but first time this trip I was actually me who decided that there’s time for dispensation of tip and start last day activities so I kissed him good bye. And day 10, the last one, started.
  19. Christmas may be time for conversions for some but not for me
  20. Thank you both for trying to convert me but I stick with Bangkok. I don't consider Sanctuary of Truth tourist trap though , I liked it , only admission seems steep for me but once so often it can be done. Thank you for a picture of #41, good , good boy he is.
  21. Try it because somehow very few gay places are offering soapies. Just don't be as stupid as I was and let guy to do his thing before you will start molesting him. I ruined massage, but not whole meeting , hell, no. Definitely will be back and next time will play dead wood for a massage part to enjoy it better
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