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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I confirm it and it's quite pleasant feeling having boy who draws all that attention so Tom , don't be shy
  2. I booked through Agoda at 75 USD with all taxes incuded but when booking got offer for bigger room with separate living area whatever they call it , I guess 'executive' for 85 USD tax included and I went for it. All with breakfast for two. But my friend / xiluzer/ who posts here from time to time /who was staying there at the same time booked earlier and paid 1500 baht only , breakfast included , he told me agoda has often very good promotions for them and it obviously pays to hunt . Firecat may be right, booking.com may be even cheaper, Advice from my friend about Agoda is keep checking even twice a day, he stay there many times and never paid more than 1800 if I recall. Not only location is excellent but also is the hotel and I rarely splurge on accommodation but gladly do on both Raya and Tarntawan. If you left Jupiter and are crossing Suriwong at mouth of Jupiter soi to get to soi Twilight you are doing it right across Raya.
  3. Great reporting, you are putting Shameless Mack to shame!
  4. Others need to chip in to compare all three as I know only LeCafe Royal, all three are in the same soi 10 meters apart. I like Le Cafe , cheapest of all three , never stay in another hotel in PTY. Rooms are not very big but comfortable enough with working A/C and safes , never problems with noise seeping into the room, but others complained about noise I imagine Copa would be the same as in the past both were the same hotel, later divided. Ambiance is probably more spacious/luxurious with higher prices, no idea about noise as they are right above BoyzBoyzBoyz, Thailand's best bar at the moment in my opinion. Both Copa and Ambiance have an advantage of having massage shop right there on premises . Le Cafe has advantage of not having massage shop, depending of how you look at it/ passing massage boys every time you enter or leave hotel may be eye pleasing but also intimidating/.
  5. not only you but all of us here are hopeful that drugs will shrink that damn tumor, fingers crossed !
  6. I wouldn't either but see below You are right about me walking plenty but actually I made taxi suggestion in good faith for the following reasons: - while some of us travel light , others are not and walking even such a short distance with 2 suitcases on crowded Suriowong's sidewalks is not fun - I had a case when boy offed from Dreamboys suggested taxi to Tarntawan / the same distance for those not familiar with BKK/, I refused and then when walking I realized that he probably did not want to be seen walking with farang twice his age as he clearly was trying to be well ahead of me - Asian patron in Tawan once warned me about one of their boys who refused to walk from bar to the Suriwongse hotel / again the same distance / demanding taxi so clearly for some using legs to change location from A to B is exotic idea
  7. Raya is new and more modern and you may have some view from the window but Tarntawan is more homey IMHO. Both comfortable , after all how much time you are spending in the hotel? Tarntawan will check your boy's ID and will call you when he will be leaving to check if everything is OK, in short they know what's going on. In Raya access is through the card, reception is on 5th floor so if your room is say on floor 4, 6 or 7 you and your guest may go unnoticed at all - more privacy but less secure? Tarntawan is around the corner from Tawan, Raya from soi Twilight. For the same price I'd opt for Raya otherwise I'd go for cheaper option, you will be happy in both. Why not to book few nights here and few there and see for yourself ? It's short walk or taxi hop between two
  8. I may be wrong but I don't recall any credible report from boards about successful off of one those boys. I like their performances on stage though.
  9. would you guys stop this scaremongering ? Crossing Suriwong at 9.p.m. from Soi Twilight to Jupiter is dangerous not taking flight or train to Chiang Mai
  10. I wonder how things are going there DivineMadman?
  11. hopefully doctor's suspicions were wrong. It seems more we are tested more sick we become
  12. vinapu

    Mandalay & Bagan

    how much they want now? I paid 195 USD back in 2001 and considered money well spent with bonus of balloon landing right in front of my hotel!
  13. vinapu


    Gays are everywhere but not everywhere gays are in jails. When Tangier was free port it could be Sodomy but those days are long gone it seems. Morocco is great for sightseeing but I'd look for gays in more relaxed environment like one named in our Board tittle.
  14. I join the chorus above - where an idea of them having horrible safety records is coming from? For just a weekend plane is much more sensible option although I wouldn't worry about cockroaches on the train either. just go and have fun !
  15. and don't listen to any boyfriend stories, after all guests shouldn't care who does cleaning and why, all we care is that room should be clean, preferably by somebody invisible
  16. I always stay at Le Cafe when in PTY, obviously I like it since I'm returning every time. I like being at the center of the goings although it also means whole soi knows who are going in with as noted above, but really who cares. They also collect visitors ID. I did not have any problems with upkeep or noise at Le Cafe, simply chose them over Ambiance or Copa because they are cheaper.
  17. That's good news, it means best things are ahead. Being nervous is understandable but keep in mind whole scene in BKK and PTY is well attuned to people like you . Any bar and massage place you go to has captain or mamasan who heard it all and you can ask him which boy does what, no need to be shy , he heard it all before and in his younger years most likely participated. If you are looking for boys not afraid of kissing or caressing any named in the thread above would do big time - as you may be noticed I'm offing long time and believe me , we don't spent all those hours knitting. Win certainly will not disappoint you. But you must make your own choice -recommendations are great but they are not fool proof, one man's treasure is another one's rubbish. Visit XBoys Pattya for real fuck show to give you vibe of the place. Since you are not into twinks, Boyztown is your hunting ground-BoyzBoyzBoyz, Funny Boys, Toy Boys and ABomb. If you are looking for top all four are good, if you looking for bottom I'd start at Toy Boys. Before you visit bar take massage in one of Boystown shops, even if you will not get lucky it gives you proper introduction since your masseur most certainly will be naked. When picking up masseur or boy in the bar make sure you have eye contact with boy or even better that he smiles at you. This ensures at least some degree of chemistry, no use of most beautiful boy who don't even want to look at you. In Bangkok if you are looking for top I'd start with one of massage places in soi Twilight- you can have a drink across the soi while ogling boys parked outside to find one you may fancy or if you want big boys go straight to Tawan. If you looking for bottom any bar in soi Twilight would do with possible exception of Dreamboys due to their predatory pricing not suitable for newbies. Or make trek to soi 23 , find Banana Club. Owner there , Kevin will find you boy with your specifications. If he will fix you with Tao you will get superb, no rush massage by 100% gay boy who will introduce you to the rest of flesh pleasures. After all is set and done, don't forget to report here how did you do.
  18. Welcome to the forum Tom. It looks both me and 1moRussian did good job spreading Win's fame with our posts in this thread. As for top/bottom question I leave it unanswered , if you read my posts you noticed I leave out under-the-sheets graphics for both principal and practical reason. Principal because I like to have some part of my Thailand's joys left just to myself and my companion. Not that is anything wrong with your question or with those who prefer to be more graphic, it's just me. Practical reason is that in real life lines are kind of blurred for many boys. Strict tops are becoming less sure if they get to know their clients better either giving up a bit to their charms or tips promised. Total bottoms are getting horny and change their minds too. True professional have their preferences but often will do what customer wants. So my advice is simple - make sure you like the boy and discuss with him your preferences if that's important to you. Or do what I do-make sure you like boy , take him home and see what happens. You may have more fun than you expect. I only discuss tip and length of time before we walk out. Surprisingly perhaps very rarely boy is asking what we will be doing as well so likely they too like to see what happens. As for tip, old Pattaya hands are claiming long time in Pattaya is 1500-2000 which I can confirm, did not have any problem securing one from Toy Boys for 2000 in Dec 2014. At end gave him a bit more but it was my idea just because, boy was happy with agreed sum. Transcript of my conversation with Win is accurate, but by speed of going down from 5000 to 3000 clearly he was just trying his luck. Nothing stops you from offering even less , I think 2500 is generous for Pattaya but BoyzBoyzBoyz personnel may be more demanding than boys from other bars. Truth is I ruin market for others because I don't use "Pattaya discount" and tip the same in BKK and PTY. If you like me prefer long time good news about Win is that he was not in rush to leave in the morning so he has proper understanding what long time means
  19. vinapu

    Mandalay & Bagan

    Did you go to Mt. Popa?
  20. That's true that all three : Super A, Nature Boys and Golden Cock are steps from Tawan and are charging 100-150 for drink but this is limited alternative. While soda , cola or beer are the same , boys on offer are of different type from Tawan ones
  21. My God, I'm surprised he is still remembered . For younger crowd - U Thant, Burmese, was UN General Secretary in 60ties
  22. welcome to the forum, good you liked Banana Club, one of my favorites too
  23. you have a good heart !. thank you anonone
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