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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I think you did right thing, such a situations happened before and will happen from time to time in the future and in my opinion is better to chalk it off to experience than create scene which will lead to escalation and possibly unpleasant one - after all we are on their territory. And if you got access to his cock at least you get something to do instead of licking the wounded pride. In my worst encounter ever I did not even get to that point before kicking boy out.
  2. it looks that you got lucky as I have it on good authority of somebody who is in BKK right now that Uniman just recently closed and most boys migrated to Arena
  3. welcome to the forum, thank you for a nice comment about us, what about making some trip report ?
  4. Exactly this was how I read Christian comment and I'm surprised by such astron reaction. what is going on here recently? One poster is calling another Moron, then other again is advising another one to fuck his own mother, still another is calling somebody 'anal'? I thought only girls have hot flashes !
  5. as I mentioned recently in another thread, on the last trip I decided to experiment and actually gave whole tip to the boy in advance. I was expecting his excuses to leave early and was nicely surprised that not only it did not happen but he actually was not in rush to leave, rather it was me because of trip to Ayuthaya in the morning who released him to his freedom to go. But this was boy I offed few times before / and very one we met when both of us were dining at Wat Hualampong in Dec 2014 /.
  6. vinapu


    now you made me feeling stupid and rightly so, LOL
  7. you are right , when I was there last time in Dec at one point there were more boys then stage could hold so I hastily decided to ease that congestion by taking one away
  8. thank you for clarifying that. my take was exactly what you just described and I was perplexed what was wrong with calling an angel - an angel. After all Sophia called Rose 'moron ' too and they were friends and roommates, also in 80-ties of the LAST century / Golden Girls TV characters for those who did not start greying yet/
  9. and praise the Lord for good boys at Good Boys !
  10. no problem, I was called worse things by better people LOL
  11. English is not my first language so would somebody care to enlighten me what is actually disparaging in term 'fairy" warranting such heated response. We don't have members calling others ' Moron' with capital M every day , I'd say not even every month.
  12. not to BoyzBoyZBoyz nor ABomb though, thanks God,
  13. great and informative post, welcome to the forum. December 2016 in the tittle sound very forward looking LOL
  14. I did pay up front few times, never receipt was given but deal was always kept. Sometimes I wanted to pay in advance but bar did not want, again boy was waiting. It happend twice that I came for boy and he was still with client , both times in massages in soi Twilight and both times I told them in advance that if they will have client I will wait and I just did. Honestly I don't know what I would do in a case when I paid off fee and boy was not there but knowing me probably I'd select another boy instead of asking for refund. Last trip I started another experiment , paid boy's tip up front , right away when we entered room. Still he did not try any excuses and soldered on until late morning. But this was boy I offed before at least 2 times and had few massages with. In short neither boys nor bars screwed me ever on money , but they did on time few times / I hate when boy leaves before agreed time / you are correct but if you off them long time like I mostly do, they recover till morning gymnastics which I prefer by the way
  15. it may me different drug or people react differently to the same drug like an alcohol, after use some are getting sleepy , some aggressive and still some extremely merry
  16. i'd not be shy to name him or give his number here but you may have your own preference. I had a good laugh about room 224 comment , thank you
  17. rest assured not only yours ! You can take boys for overnight , it's called ' long time' but you need to make sure he is willing to do it , not all of them are doing long time / wife is waiting or they have day time job or whatever reason/. As firecat mentioned make sure you agree on terms beforehand, after all you don't want to face big man angry over under-tipping! They may want 2500-3500 if not more for long time, I never paid more than 3000 but had a boy we agreed on 3500 and he still dumped me and went with another customer. go to the bar, buy yourself a drink and start assessing who is right for you. Boys may be approaching you , if you are not interested just say ' not yet" or something to this effect and he will go away. They are very friendly and not pushy but for newbies due to their size may be intimidating at first time. If you see man you fancy you may wave him over or if you are shy ask mamasan to bring him to you. You may buy him a drink to have a small talk over it and a chance of 'accidentally' placing your hand on his bicep or thigh. If he means a business he may even move your hand THERE. Most popular boys may be taken early but sometimes they go home without off. If boy is sitting with you highly unlikely another customer will call him over, this is where drink comes handy. But if boy will sense you are reluctant to off him he may move to another customer. If you fast decision maker you may save on the whole drink ceremony, bring the boy over , discuss terms and off you go. If you are planning to off boy later in the evening I'd secure he will be waiting for you by paying off fee right away and telling him you will pick him up later on. When you are looking at the boys on the stage and not sure who is your dreamboy look who is smiling at you or at least making eye contact - this is indicator he may be interested in you or at least in your tip.
  18. they do , when I was there we took shower in the room in the bathroom made from converted balcony with all street noises clearly hearable for even more fun.
  19. vinapu


    Good to know , thank you . I saved the link just in case of need for tests or vaccines. I wonder , what the hell doctor is doing on gay romeo but I digress.
  20. Everybody so far seems to be pointing at boy but unless z909 himself is Farang B we don't know if fault is boy's or his. We know only story as seen by farang. Perhaps he wanted boy to do something he never asked boys before?. If boy all of the sudden started to behave erratically, why to assume farang wouldn't? Not trying to switch the blame but it looks we assume it's the boy who is at fault which may be as well but as jfarmer pointed we don't know enough. I had somewhat similar case in Nov 2013 described in my "Off to Thailand" thread, boy who looked and acted normally after dressed in somewhat feminine clothes started to behave erratically after we left the bar. We did not go even into smooching stage , not to mention naughty. After I did not manage even to touch him in good 20 minutes in the room I asked him to leave and he still demanded short time tip, called his mamasan etc, after a bit of drama I managed to get him out for consideration of 1000 baht in order to avoid an escalation. This is my erratic boy story. One of massage boys I try to see every trip told be about his adventure in Dec, He has European Quasi Boyfriend who comes for years at end every year in order to be pummeled by the boy. After week or so , well fucked, goes home to be seen next year in Nov or Dec again. Well behaving farang and I saw them together few times so I always ask boy how he is doing and it's why he told me a story. Last time though, all of the sudden he wanted to change roles and wanted to top the boy first time ever. No drama here as boy is gay , flexible and enjoys both ways but what would happen if he was not willing to bottom? May be we would hear another crazy boy story? That's my 3 pennies.
  21. enjoy your trip and don't forget to report here how you liked it
  22. Great and funny report, now we need to wait to see if furtune teller was right, ,longer you tangle , longer it may take to disentangle. Butterflying has own advantages.
  23. I confirm it and it's quite pleasant feeling having boy who draws all that attention so Tom , don't be shy
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