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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I doubt having sex in a car in public park qualifies as ' behind the closed doors and privately' in any country, not only Malaysia
  2. get better fast, it's very unhealthy thing to be sick
  3. It doesn't not mean that he needs to go right after, although it happens, specially if offed early and has chance of going to the bar for another chance of off. My experience with short time is very limited since I prefer massage instead but even my short times were everything from said 30 minutes to conversion to full time on boy's initiative "I want slip wit you". I wonder if others had similar experiences It's not length of time I pay as much attention to but who is making motions to leave first - if it's him, this is kiss of death in my eyes and he won't be offed again / 1 exception so far and appropriate to the thread tittle- Tawan boy, proven that sometimes is better to forgive/
  4. In every venue it's mamasan's job to make sure boys are offed and fees paid, if you arrange off hours visit directly with boy than you will not pay off fee but if you run it officially like you did fee will be requested. On few occasions I was offing massage boys at closing time and they still wanted off fee to be paid although at Arena they skip it few times but only when I had massage there during day but even this seemed to depend on the whim. bar fine is term used in girly bars, off fee is boy bar term. Fee paid to boy is called tip. Short time is everything from 'you cum, I go' to 3 hrs which is length of time after which you will be asked to vacate short term room. Long time is overnight indeed, for me it's till breakfast and this is expectancy I present to prospective boy. I'd not be happy if boy would be leaving at 6 a.m. unless agreed in advance but some of us may be relieved to have bed to themselves to catch some sleep at least in the morning.
  5. don't over organize your first night and even whole trip for that matter and leave plenty of room for some unexpected fun, otherwise you will spend your vacation time checking watch and messages
  6. second time in as many days we have similar experience to share in respect of boys behavior. I noticed too then when I frankly told boy what I did not like last time / not right away but after some time / not only they offer improvement but given a chance, they deliver. Most rewarding is a case of one of my semi regulars after being told that I did not like him leaving too soon last time , now is not even making motions of departure until given clear hint to benefit of both of us since I have a man and man gets a more cash. And it seems boy telegraph spreaded news to his friends from bar since I noticed big improvement to time management discipline / one remains to be broken, failed twice already but there are exceptions I guess /. Since heat generating subject of tips resurfaced and my name was mentioned I can say that opposite to paulsf I always ask boy how much he expects. From those who answered / up to you seems to be still most popular option / for short time I had requests from 1000 to 3000 and for long time from 2000 to 5000. Actually paid for short time / rare for me like snow in Florida almost/ 1000 - 2000, once even 2500, for long time 2500 or 3000, once 3500. If this is on high end side only comment I can make is that I recall fondly those overpaid 2500 and 3500 meetings and rather forget all three 1000 ones in last few years.
  7. No a first time that straight boy performed better than one could expect. I'm glad you confirmed what I also noticed. I preach theory that lost of them are trying harder because they know they need to. Congratulations from me as well.
  8. you will get stamp for 30 days, yes it's a bit awkward that you will be leaving right away. If it was me I'd inform stamping officer right away that you are just in short transit , they may have another stamp for you
  9. good luck with boy from Fresh Boys tonight !
  10. Hopefully abang, our resident Singaporean will wade in into discussion
  11. Yes it does, simply instead of collecting money inside when you are ready to go , you pay 400 at the door, get the chit which you exchange for a drink. You can still purchase another drink and they will bring you check bin to the table. It seems they do this only on busy nights, likely they had problem of controlling patrons disappearing without payment or watching the show without purchase of drink. I don't mind this system, yes, they allowed me to peek inside without purchase but possibly because they recognized me from the day before.
  12. Don't read my comments as attempt of discouraging anybody from going to Hero which is still centrally located or any other place in vast area outside of central Bangkok. It's fun, just far away fun Only thing I was trying to point is , I repeat , that for some with limited time in BKK benefit of getting cheaper rate at some place away from Silom ghetto may not be worth of travel time and associated expense. If one doesn't like anybody at Senso, Playboy is no more than 5 minutes away, and there are 15 steps from Bonny to Bangkok, no such convenience in case of VClub / they are not even cheaper/, Hero , Jey etc. Hero is still in my opinion king of Thai gay massage places although recently it seems Prince is giving them some run for money. It's probably my personal bad luck that my experiences in both places were just above OK and not for lack of trying specially in Hero case, it's why I rushed to the defence of Silom ghetto. As for selection, yes, probability that among 30 we will find out gem is much higher then when only 5 are available but it's just probability, in both bars and massage places what we need is only 1 boy to shine in order to be happy - this was my case at far away Fundoshi in Dec 2014, only mamasan was on duty and turned out more than perfect. But what I'd say if that did not work?
  13. I, for one. would not even think about tipping somewhere else than in the room. I don't think other co-workers and perhaps owner / mamasan need to know and see if tip was given and how much. If boy wants to reveal it , his choice. Some boys will try for more , some are happy with they got or too shy to ask. Never hurts to try I guess on the first and possibly only encounter. I never has such a requests from boys I had seen before. I don't think ' just say 'no' is universal advice, what if we are extremely happy with boy ? He may be too greedy but if just provided us with time or our life or even a day, why not to succumb to his greed. As for Silom ghetto avoidance comment, I can't agree with pong. You must be resident or frequent visitor on long trips. While places far from ghetto are offering lower prices and the same quality of massage every patron needs to decide if long trek to say, M101, Fundoshi, S52 or Body Club is really worth it. For adventurous types , yes. Good opportunity to see unexplored parts of Bangkok but ghetto places are a plenty and from my experience selection of boys available is much bigger. So trading savings of , say, 700 baht / 200 in cost of massage and 500 in lower tip / for time spent travelling and searching a place may not appeal to everybody, in particular if one arrives and finds only 5 boys to choose from as opposite to 15 sitting in front of Bangkok Massage soi Twilight. Paufsf just reported spending 1.5 to get by taxi from Suriwong to Hero, both very central, I walked there in less time. Don't read those comments above as discouragement from going to places out of way , rather as warning that Bangkok is so vast that place looking close on the map may be literally hours away, no matter what mode of transport one chooses and often price advantage is leveled by cost of going there. ie. paulsf reported taxi fare 150 one way , times 2 = 300 plus cost of 1 hr massage at Hero 700 = 1000, exactly what expensive Senso is charging, 3 mins walk from Silom
  14. single entry visa , one you get in the airport is valid for single entry , no matter how long you stay up to visa validity, so unfortunately upon return you are back in the line unless there's something I don't know
  15. I think this is Thong, Mr. Thailand two years ago, #1 is Mekhin , #2 is boy you saw at Lumpini gym, i think his name is Nom
  16. sooner the better I'm curious how you rate overall your trip in respect of gay experience you tasted
  17. THE SPOON with my left hand a bit lower
  18. for customers yes, but for owners? So far I 'm digesting those rising prices because my trip are short but probably at 500 I'd stop patronizing bar at all
  19. usually in such a case I remind boys that we have so and so more minutes so we can have a bit of rest together and they oblige , only exceptions I recall were at Sun and Hero but I reduced tip accordingly, I universally tip 1500 for 1.5 hr but only if time was fully used, otherwise it's just 1000.
  20. If I meet boy outside of bar hours i.e. during day or after bar is closed, wouldn't even think about paying off fee. If I arrange with boy to see me during bar hours I'd give boy off fee and I'm not concerned if he pockets money or will use it to pay to the bar - my part is done. Yes, I'm trusting them and quite a few times I gave off money to the boy previous night asking him to show up in my room again, I don't know who got money but never had no -show in such a circumstance . In fact if boy is trying to tell me ," no you will give me money for off when I come tomorrow " this would be hint that he may have a second thought and not show up .
  21. I agree with anddy in respect of Tawan boys, boys are there to be offed , money speaks , some may not be willing to go long time but again , some may call wife / girfriend and get permission to stay at work till morning. All we need to do is to ask and negotiate fee.Wife will be probably much happier if her man spends night with another man instead of another girl The same goes with stars , they are as available as anybody else , they may be offed more often but sometimes are going home empty handed as well and may be willing to get some business, long time or short. ""The only thing I could think of was more cuddling during sleep. But that actually was quite uncomfortable for an extended period of time. My arms will be numb and I couldn’t really fall asleep with someone breathing so close to me and I could feel his heart beat"" it's funny how different we all are, what you find uncomfortable is precisely reason for long time offs I prefer LOL. As for Sokchai at Bonny no need to ask which one is him - he has his name tattooed across his stomach in big Gothic letters. thank you for umpteen time for an excellent trip report
  22. you not only one who missed him , I never had a pleasure of being massaged by him but I know few people who expressed the same opinion like you
  23. I almost always go for 1.5 hr, time for massage, happy endings and then hugs and cuddles and feeling the company. Works in most cases but from time to time boy seems to be impatient and for me this seems to be almost always case at Hero unfortunately
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