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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. vinapu

    hotel fee

    Nantra Silom is definitely NOT charging any guest fees, in fact they don't care at all whom you bring and when. You will be charged 200 baht if you request an additional towel which will be a case of threesome or if you bring another guest on the same day and you want him to have a fresh towel. Firecat is right, chances of having fee problem are minimal as long as you pay for double room . Those hotels who charge such a fee should be publicly shamed here so we will not be supporting them.
  2. vinapu

    Asia Guys Blog

    hey, good luck with your good luck !
  3. it was self-depreciating joke of great lady
  4. great idea, my aunt, God let her rest in peace , used to say ' take picture with me , one always looks good with ruins in the background"
  5. yes but his attendance is spotty. During my early Dec trip I visited bar at least 6 times and saw him only on my last visit. Looked great as always
  6. you summarized it nicely, I couldn't say it better and agree wholeheartedly, I'm intrigued by your Screwboys report , muscly hunks there , hurrah!
  7. Wow, your reports are true treat, thank you. Did not have a chance to read them earlier and devoured whole series in one go. Waiting for more impatiently
  8. crowds yes but prices not necessarily as Bangkok is infested with hotels all over which helps to keep prices in check
  9. it must be my poor English but this is exactly what I wanted to say in my previous post. While Jupiter boys seem to be a bit high-nosed, Tawan boys are friendly and by my experience much more interested in client satisfatction. So do what I'm doing from time to time, go to Jupiter for the show and after show march to Tawan to get a boy for the night.
  10. are you sure? they used to have it and I loved it but when there in December all boys were gone and no massages offered . As for an OP question if you shy talking about your dream to mamasan try that with a boy who is massaging you. He will tell you if he has friend in the place who will be will be willing to either top him or bottom for him. But as all others said - boys and mamasans heard it all before and probably much more .but in my opinion it would be better to talk directly to the boy or boys involved. I recommend Banana Club, Kevin, owner there is very helpful and knows why you are there
  11. consider Raya, new hotel of similar standard like two mentioned above, no problem with overnight or in fact any guests. Access with the card so you may bypass reception area altogether unless you are on 5th floor where reception is. And it's right beside soi Twilight , across the street from Jupiter
  12. nothing wrong with Jupiter boys bodies , it's just that you have much better chance of landing friendly and much more customer oriented service from Tawan boys.
  13. vinapu

    Asia Guys Blog

    I'd not worry what locals pay but if price we need to pay offers good value. Dual pricing for many services are not unknown in many poor countries and foreigners price after all still offers substantial price advantage over what we pay at home.
  14. it they moved to BKK probably soon somebody will report their sightings in one of the bars. We just wait and see
  15. thread carefully there as visiting bar with your boy may lead to awkward situations. Not to mention offing another boy in his presence - make sure your boy is OK with an idea, not just you. Yes, you hired him and you pay for everything but still it's better if both of you travelling together are happy. Speaking from experience.
  16. WHAT ? Better finish your coffee and start reporting, I'm pretty sure plenty of established members can't wait for reports and there are tons of readers lurking , too shy to contribute who are devouring those reports as well.
  17. last time I offed boy from Jupiter in May 2013, off fee was 400 and he wanted 2000 for short time . left before time agreed claiming he is tired and still asked for taxi money on departure. Great body though and nice personality but certainly not client oriented. Now works as massage boy at Prince and after his shift there he may be seen and available at Screwboys Ever since I go there every trip but just for the show and look at boys / # 60 looks semi-god /. May give them a try again since my friend whose opinion I trust had a great encounter with one of the boys there at end of last year. He also paid 2000 Actually even those two may provide an opportunity, I saw one in Classic on my last trip , actually veteran there -he was top when they had fuck shows. Not big guy but hunky enough. In X-Boys they had or may be even still have one coyote who was very well built and only reason he did not land beside me was that I was with boy already. Screwboys is worth checking as well.
  18. that sounds better
  19. What you don't like about guys from Planetromeo? I don't use it but I'm pretty sure one can find object if deep breathing over there easily. All go-go in BKK are upsacle as there are few places like that in the whole world. Selection varies from time to time and bar full of great bodies now may turn less interesting half a year later or other way around. Start with Jupiter if you are looking upscale and hunks or with Classic if you are looking upscale and twinks. Don't be scary by all the talk about mamasans, very few are really that pushy you need some strength to push them off. Best way to shake them off is to tell them your wife or boyfriend is waiting in the hotel and you just killing time. In Tawan mamasans are leaving you alone but boys may be approaching you with advantage that they are undressed , not uniformed to you can have a feel of the skin at least on the initial approach. Remember just one boy you like makes bar upscale and worth visit and all the shine is useless if you don't see anybody worth taking home.
  20. Verso , good luck with #72 ! I share your opinion about BBB bar News from HERO disturbing, empty lobby at peak time? Where are day when one was forced to wait 1 hr for empty room? Hopefully it's just statistic blip but shutting off hot water?
  21. I recall very well that before my first trip to LOS back in 2001 I was warned about pesky mamasans from quite a few sources. But on my first visit in my first ever bar in BKK i found mamasan being very helpfull. He instantly recognized me as newbie, explained process , picked a boy for me and send us off . Without his guidance I 'd probably chicken out and left empty handed. Ever since somehow I tolerate mamasans
  22. Sorry to disappoint you, nothing sensational but you guessed correctly, Story involves driver / me , sober / and his passenger heavily drunk with urge to puke so I turned to dark park alley. Seconds later cop appeared form nowhere but my friend was already relieved, fortunately outside of car.
  23. again I 'd say that car driving to darkened public park at that hour would attract attention of police everywhere not just in Malaysia and not necessarily to nab just people having sex in that car
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