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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. you don't need to wonder anymore - check your PM
  2. and in the morning watch them taking off in their new SUV
  3. glass insert under the dick skin, apparently pleasure enhancing
  4. and his name is Mekhin. #38 at Tawan
  5. me too, no mamasans to pester you for an off, sometimes boys are too clingy but it's all good natured.
  6. thank you , I read all reports on one go and I'm green with envy. Glad Fai at Arena keeps his highest standards
  7. I will miss your daily updates, XBoy boy look really cuddly! thank you for a great reports
  8. I'm glad he is still there, I have him among best masseurs I ever hired in BKK / and i like his brother Dit who also works at Arena/
  9. I also find that straights are trying harder to please perhaps because they know they must to in order to stay in the 'gay for pay ' business.
  10. thank you but I'd not put much weight to my hotel recommendations since I'm not very demanding in this area and have high tolerance for the noise facing multi lane highway at home. I like to stay in hotels close to places which are important to me at destination hence Silom area hotels in BKK and Boyztown ones in PTY, this takes precedence over quality of accomodation
  11. No, I gave him my normal tip. If you want to be sure he is there it's good idea to call ahead ,but I don't do that and like to try my luck .First time he was not there so I was disappointed but next two times time managed to catch him, then I spot him again but I was after massage so we just exchanged smiles. In Senso there's always somebody attractive to hire and to look at, not the cheapest place though.
  12. so most likely no longer suitable for single gay visitor with inclination to bring guests. You are right about declining standards, I used to stay there every trip but skipped last Dec after some unattended problems with toilet on the previous stay . But still wish them good luck, location close to perfection
  13. M is one with tattoo on his right shoulder. He works at Senso and is actually great masseur. He played in 3 episodes of Gthai movies Link is in the first post but in order to watch it you need to purchase access for 5$ per part, valid indefinitely
  14. love between you two is just overwhelming
  15. and rightly so, why dilute experience if you have your catch of known quality already
  16. new installment titled BROKEBLACK just added, nothing special but featuring M from Senso again
  17. tell pushy mamasan that you like girls , not boys , it should keep them at bay for a while
  18. Alizizou you did right thing that you negotiated price in advance and you are right that you did not want to create scene over money with big guy and former Mr. Thailand champion. It's either possible that he saw you so happy with him that he decided to cash in and upped his price but also it's not unknown that Tawan boys may request 3000 for short time, I heard this too, . so it may be misunderstanding and both of you are telling what you heard. Personally I think it was his moment of greed which is surprising , I never offed him but know very well few who did and nobody ever mentioned any problems with Thong Lesson learned , next time, like I do , use your fingers to support quotation of price. Since you seem to be happy and planning offing him again just chalk whole thing off to experience but next time negotiate price firmly and see what happens. My guess is he will go for less .3000 for short time seems to be steep and out of sync even for specimen like him. A 447 is raising valid point but considering that Thong is big guy which may be bit intimidating and alizizou still seems to be happy with him is probably better that he avoided confrontation. I had similar case with Arena boy back in 2013 who wanted 5000 for long time and I stood my ground giving him what i normally give but it was easier because it was not first time I met the boy. Boys know the going rates and while trying their luck for more and can't be blamed for it , they will accept reasonable offer if they are interested in off and you. Be firm but good natured about whole thing and don't be surprised if boy who rejected your offer on one day will approach you with acceptance 2 days later. Even most popular boys sometimes are going home empty handed few nights in row. And the last - do not allow to spoil your vacation experience over 1000 baht row.
  19. Axe murderer comment I liked then and I like now. If anyone would made disparaging comment about type I like, my standard answer would be" if you don't like men what are you doing on the gay forum? " I don't think comment like " your boy is to fem to my taste" or 'your boy is too butch for my taste ' is disparaging neither boy nor taste, no need for knife to be drawn. I must be masochist because I love each time I proudly present boy I like to ChristianPFC and he inevitably says "too fat"
  20. that's explains a bit waiting impatiently for day 11
  21. Am I only one who doesn't understand what this commotion is all about? Cold water anyone ?
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