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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. better try all three DivineMadman mentioned, you will find your type in all of them
  2. vinapu


    bite the bullet and book online
  3. Hi name is Kevin and I agree with post above, I can't imagine him condoning any theft there,
  4. did they bring them back? I did not see any ladyboys in the show there other than lip-sync singing for good while
  5. vinapu

    Asia Guys Blog

    Happy Easter to you and other readers too
  6. and they will appreciate your business probably more than those stars offed almost daily, I never paid more than 3000 for long time with Tawan men and never been disappointed with long time with them / short time -another story though /
  7. No, he was not part of the show , I was once sitting beside him watching show at XSize but he did not seem inclined to talk
  8. Christian interested in Tawan men ! Is hell freezing over or what?
  9. I have good reason to believe that picture # 3- fully dressed is the most recent one
  10. sorry to disappoint you but I have no idea if he is still there, don't recall him from my Dec visit but this means nothing as I could miss him on his day off or he could be on short term assignment with his new admirer. If you like him I'm not surprised you'd pay that much for short time, is better to spent money on somebody we like than save on somebody we don't, after all we are talking vacations here
  11. don't read my comment as an invitation to war between admirers of twins vs. hunks. We all like what we like and no need for apologies or explanations, old Latin adage ' de gustibus non disputandum est' is still valid . Border between sexy and vomity is non existing and for every patron leaving bar screaming with horror is another one rushing into door salivating. All boys have their chance as well their older and younger brothers. Reading z909 comment on another thread I just got that idea though -there's one advantage men of Tawan have i.e. no uncertainty about the age
  12. While I wholeheartedly agree with your advice for newcomers , I personally don't like whole ID check business and find it discriminatory. On few occasions I hosted farang friends in the room / relax, just for a chat / and nobody asked them for ID and yet at the same hotel they asked boys special for that. As for phone call I have habit of walking boys down to the street after the meeting so it's no issue for me.
  13. ..........with loud scream here on the forum. Perhaps whole issue is relaxing, Siam Heritage was famous for no joiners policy and yet somebody reported on forums recently that did not have any problems there.
  14. perhaps their boys will be more client oriented and less self absorbed with thread of demise with more smiles by square meter.
  15. back then even water was more wet than is today as long as you miss Tawan and perhaps Jupiter you should be happy in any other bar
  16. definitely yes with Screwboys added to the mix
  17. Thank you xiluzer for putting Mekhin in proper light ! 1, 2 and 3
  18. in my 12 trips I have only one theft, 500 baht lifted from my pocked in the crowded BTS and even this I'm not 100% sure as it was possible I simply dropped it while picking money from pocket to buy a ticket
  19. I have the same experience with Nantra Silom - nobody pays any attention to visitors
  20. Friday and Saturday but only if there are enough patrons so sometimes second show is cancelled which actually happened during my Dec 2015 trip on one of those nights.
  21. yes, keep in mind this is to answer OP scenario - only one night in BKK, no time to economize.
  22. vinapu

    Adonis closed

    Disappointing, first FanClub , now Adonis, no gay massage on Convent anymore. Good memories for me from Adonis - my longest off ever was from there.
  23. I Pattaya I'd watch BBB show at 10.30 and then off boy and take him home, if no suitable boy there / highly unlikely / I'd run to Abomb for substitute. In BKK I 'd go to Jupiter for 10.30 show and after the show run to Tawan to try my luck with suitable off
  24. Saw him few times in the bar but never managed to get an eye contact so never offed him but hope springs eternal. I have good reports from trusted source who offed him so certainly plan to try my luck at earliest opportunity.
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