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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. perhaps because even water was more wet in days of old
  2. I remember fondly few occasions when I announced or even presented to ChristianPFC my actual favorite boy and comment invariably was ' too fat', what's wrong with that? I felt secure enough with my choice without any need to be defensive with a bonus of not worrying about boy being snatched from me
  3. if I'm keeping boy for the whole show I give him 200, sometimes more if he initiates some intimacies other than hand holding but I do not like those activities in the open so don't partake but may compensate him for trying. I make sure he knows that I will not be offing him and he can leave if he sees potential with other patron. if you off him during bar hours just for company I think he still deserves at least short time tip as you depriving him a chance of getting one. Outside of bar hours I'd negotiate 300-500 depending on length of time and if no intimacies other than discrete hand holding are extracted from the boy. It may be just me but for type 3. activities I'd off only boy I offed or at least had sitting with me before, not a total novice for me
  4. may be no need but still great pleasure
  5. but it does contribute to conversation when they comment they like photo or a guy? If somebody says " best bar in BKK is Super A" and chorus of 'yes' will follow , not much conversation it will create. But it would start if somebody says 'yes" and a next person will ask ' are you both for real?'
  6. Perhaps you can tell us who is your favorite man at Tawan as sure way of getting back on track?
  7. vinapu

    Porn star Oliver

    " Humpback from Notre Dame" perhaps?
  8. I haste to add that charms of Madrid Tavern pizzas were introduced to me by Christian PFC who once suggested meeting there
  9. If one is for bit of luxury at HERO room-wise there are VIP room available for 2 hr sessions and those are pretty well appointed
  10. read it already , it is great report, thank you , waiting for next installment
  11. good to know you are heading to Pattaya and hope for reports from there as well Have fun !
  12. yes, I confirm I said this and it's somewhere in writing on this forum. Bars have their smells and none of them is unpleasant , it's just matching an environment
  13. I 'm joining chorus of those who consider HERO best massage place in Thailand due to selection masseurs available. Never have problem with boy's attitude there although in the name of fairness I need to say that service was more than rushed on few occasions and boys needed to be reminded that I still have purchased time available , problem which never occurred in say, Senso, Arena or soi Twilight massages. This may not bother others but I like my time with boys and don't see reason to shorten it. What is less known about HERO is their restaurant which not only provides good value tasty meals but also dining area is adjacent to the boys enclosure so one feasts not only on food but on view as well. To summarize - HERO is a must and a watch is a must while at HERO.
  14. some members are very opinionated about other's choices and some don't understand that if somebody expressed negative opinion about their preferences he is not their enemy, just likes different sort and says it loudly. I hate pizza , this doesn't make me enemy of pizza lovers, it just lowers chances we will share the same dish at the dinner / Madrid Tavern in Patpong 1 and their pizza exempted from contempt /
  15. all boys available have their takers, I remember my surprise once at BBB Pattaya when during show lots of cute and handsome boys were sitting alone but all chubby out of shape daddies were keeping company to somebody. Probably all of us witnessed situation in the bar when somebody was offing boy we consider least attractive in the line.
  16. better try all three DivineMadman mentioned, you will find your type in all of them
  17. vinapu


    bite the bullet and book online
  18. Hi name is Kevin and I agree with post above, I can't imagine him condoning any theft there,
  19. did they bring them back? I did not see any ladyboys in the show there other than lip-sync singing for good while
  20. vinapu

    Asia Guys Blog

    Happy Easter to you and other readers too
  21. and they will appreciate your business probably more than those stars offed almost daily, I never paid more than 3000 for long time with Tawan men and never been disappointed with long time with them / short time -another story though /
  22. No, he was not part of the show , I was once sitting beside him watching show at XSize but he did not seem inclined to talk
  23. Christian interested in Tawan men ! Is hell freezing over or what?
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