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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. No reason to be paranoid as food quality and safety in Thailand is good but as wise heads above stated one needs to get adjusted to local bacteria. First contact with Thai food should not be on the street but rather your first and second try should be in one of ubiquitous slightly westernized Thai restaurants, say Maxi's or Dick's in soi Twilight. Than when moving to street food start with sampling something vegetarian - fruits, banana pancake , rice with vegetables. Only then try one of those tasty snacks on the stick and you should be ok, Drink lots of beer and local non-alcoholic drinks, forget about western brands, you can infuse yourself with them at home I guess. Eat street food on busy streets where it has little chance of spoiling. Don't deprive yourself of all those treats out of fear of poisoning , just take it slowly. The same goes with bars and boys , you don't need to visit all bars in one night, soak in an atmosphere and remember this is your only chance to be there for a first time. After your first visit you will be expert dispensing your advice to new cohort of newbies right here on this forum as a way of repaying of what you got from here.
  2. I have a feeling you will learn shortly !
  3. Unless distance is very short I always ask them if they want walk or taxi , usually answer is 'up to you' which means walking for me. Sometimes I sense they feel not easy so let them to walk alone in front or behind me at their own pace. Thais are not big on walking, stroll along Suriwong from Arena to BBBInn seems like running half marathon for them.
  4. He looks as 'back to the school" material, so may be this is where he is now
  5. I wish them luck but from you said above they may be confused of who their potential audience will be. Thank you for venturing in for us and reporting back
  6. remember that tips are negotiable and even biggest stars are going home empty handed so may be accommodating price wise. Some may not be doing long time at all and some only on certain nights. More salivating you are they will stick to their quotation firmer. They know current market conditions better than you but if they sense you stick to your price as long as its reasonable they may accept it. Be friendly because they are and if your offer is rejected just try visit next night- if they smile at you or even better approach you to shake your hands you may be there !
  7. I understand this is an introduction to the incoming trip reports ? Have fun !
  8. vinapu

    hotel fee

    not when he walked in with me , possibly if boy will be coming alone but he will have access to floor 5 only where reception is . All other floors are accessible with card only. Security guard is absent quite often anyways
  9. as long as Copa massage stays open I'm happy, usually sexy men there from late morning. As for show BBB is the king right now IMnsHO
  10. vinapu

    On the way

    yes, but only at night
  11. vinapu

    On the way

    Enjoy your flight , waiting for first report, likely from Bonnys
  12. my personal maximum is 2000 , but even then I got nice conversation and useless but handsome body beside for about 50 minutes, still much better than bout of diarrhea, not to mention car crash
  13. Probably you are right. Most of us had a fabulous time there and would not risk spoiling that memories by instigating court case likly to be lost
  14. I'm not sentimental at all but can't confirm from my experience that they are particularly inclined to lie. Not much than we lie to them anyways. And those stories you mentioned- I heard about them in forums but actually very rarely from actual boys I was sharing time with. I know boys try but for me it seems not with everybody. May be staying in more spartan hotels has something to do with that? Perhaps I look like last sort of an asshole and they don't even try but I doubt. Even taxi money is being asked quite rarely like they can sense I don't like it. But I agree with you that and additional requests should set alarms .
  15. is called Natty Gems and has always the best rates as long as I can see, not open on Sundays though
  16. vinapu


    or even for demanding types, gay go-go boy
  17. Tawan boys may use adjacent Sun Massage rooms for short time meetings, it will cost you 400 extra on top of off fee or use short time rooms in Patpong, BBB inn or Suriwong and Niagara hotels
  18. exactly, imagine situation that boy is taking picture of both of you semi dressed before the deed and then shares that picture with his next boyfriend who in turn posts it here. I may be wrong but have vague memory that it actually happened few yeras ago to one our our contributors, not sure on which forum though
  19. since I'm of similar disposition I think those two things may be co-related, smile a lot, tip a bit and an attitude will be one you like
  20. technically speaking farang paying boy for as little as stealing his kiss in committing a crime in Thailand and thanks God is getting away with it. Sure boy in OP case is cheating farang but so are our politicians and we still vote for them over broken promises so why to drag boy to a court?
  21. my advice would be to talk to boy directly during massage and arrange for him to visit you after hours or on his day off. Some massages are charging extortionate off fees and on top of that they may require to pay boy's tip in advance. On few occasions Arena did not charge me off fee when I was taking boy out at end of shift as long as I had paid massage during the same day but even this seemed to be at whim of mamasan , not their policy. Bangkok Massage soi Twilight always charged me 700 off fee / price of 1.5 hr massage / , Bonny was more extortionate , they wanted 1200 so I told boy see me after hours when you are done , it worked. Mercifully massages are closing earlier than bar so it easy to get a boy after hours which I did on many occasions.
  22. it was his contribution to April Fools Day perhaps
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