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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. and this is part which Esteemed Firecat doesn't get
  2. what we say around dinner table can be expected to be repeated elsewhere but we hope that it will be not because we are around of decent people
  3. no doubt about it , no doubt. there's difference between posting photo of somebody with comment 'this is farang I spot in the Lumpini this morning' and posting the same photo with comment ' this is farang I spot fucking the goat behind the gym in Lumpini this morning". I believe even those who are posting photos of cocks , asses etc in apps have full right to expect their photos to stay where they were posted the same way we expect what we post on this forum to stay here and what we share by way of PM to stay in PM department .
  4. Nirish , you are my hero ! Can't agree more with you.
  5. biguyby's comment above made me missing Good Boys, they may not be most handsome but understand what it is client service matter of factly
  6. forget about lap dance in the bar in a western sense. In some bars may be room upstairs where you can take a boy / boy means anybody available in the bar and in some bars "boys" may be well past prime but still will be called boys and they have their takers still /. Normal procedure is to off boy / ie. take him from the bar after paying 'off fee' / and either take him to your hotel or short time room where he can do lap dance or whatever you agree upon. Make sure he understands there are two of you, he will be expecting higher tip or outright refuse to go with both of you. If you need translation this is what 'mamasans' are for in the bar but if possible try to deal with the boy directly. buy him a drink and tell him what you want. Don't be shy, they heard it all before and much more and if you tell boy that you only need him for a private lap dance he will be still expecting full tip.
  7. only animals are drinking water, beer should be your water of choice
  8. No reason to be paranoid as food quality and safety in Thailand is good but as wise heads above stated one needs to get adjusted to local bacteria. First contact with Thai food should not be on the street but rather your first and second try should be in one of ubiquitous slightly westernized Thai restaurants, say Maxi's or Dick's in soi Twilight. Than when moving to street food start with sampling something vegetarian - fruits, banana pancake , rice with vegetables. Only then try one of those tasty snacks on the stick and you should be ok, Drink lots of beer and local non-alcoholic drinks, forget about western brands, you can infuse yourself with them at home I guess. Eat street food on busy streets where it has little chance of spoiling. Don't deprive yourself of all those treats out of fear of poisoning , just take it slowly. The same goes with bars and boys , you don't need to visit all bars in one night, soak in an atmosphere and remember this is your only chance to be there for a first time. After your first visit you will be expert dispensing your advice to new cohort of newbies right here on this forum as a way of repaying of what you got from here.
  9. I have a feeling you will learn shortly !
  10. Unless distance is very short I always ask them if they want walk or taxi , usually answer is 'up to you' which means walking for me. Sometimes I sense they feel not easy so let them to walk alone in front or behind me at their own pace. Thais are not big on walking, stroll along Suriwong from Arena to BBBInn seems like running half marathon for them.
  11. He looks as 'back to the school" material, so may be this is where he is now
  12. I wish them luck but from you said above they may be confused of who their potential audience will be. Thank you for venturing in for us and reporting back
  13. remember that tips are negotiable and even biggest stars are going home empty handed so may be accommodating price wise. Some may not be doing long time at all and some only on certain nights. More salivating you are they will stick to their quotation firmer. They know current market conditions better than you but if they sense you stick to your price as long as its reasonable they may accept it. Be friendly because they are and if your offer is rejected just try visit next night- if they smile at you or even better approach you to shake your hands you may be there !
  14. I understand this is an introduction to the incoming trip reports ? Have fun !
  15. vinapu

    hotel fee

    not when he walked in with me , possibly if boy will be coming alone but he will have access to floor 5 only where reception is . All other floors are accessible with card only. Security guard is absent quite often anyways
  16. as long as Copa massage stays open I'm happy, usually sexy men there from late morning. As for show BBB is the king right now IMnsHO
  17. vinapu

    On the way

    yes, but only at night
  18. vinapu

    On the way

    Enjoy your flight , waiting for first report, likely from Bonnys
  19. my personal maximum is 2000 , but even then I got nice conversation and useless but handsome body beside for about 50 minutes, still much better than bout of diarrhea, not to mention car crash
  20. Probably you are right. Most of us had a fabulous time there and would not risk spoiling that memories by instigating court case likly to be lost
  21. I'm not sentimental at all but can't confirm from my experience that they are particularly inclined to lie. Not much than we lie to them anyways. And those stories you mentioned- I heard about them in forums but actually very rarely from actual boys I was sharing time with. I know boys try but for me it seems not with everybody. May be staying in more spartan hotels has something to do with that? Perhaps I look like last sort of an asshole and they don't even try but I doubt. Even taxi money is being asked quite rarely like they can sense I don't like it. But I agree with you that and additional requests should set alarms .
  22. is called Natty Gems and has always the best rates as long as I can see, not open on Sundays though
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