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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I think they, both boy/ I have a feeling I know who you are talking about / and captain tried to skin you alive seeing that you like a boy and hoping you will go for it. Last three trips / Dec 2014, Jun 2015, Dec 2015 / I offed boys from there and off fee was 500 if I did not have drink in the bar and 400 if I had drink already. No difference if I took a man before or after the show. And I don't recall others reporting such a high fee either. I got request for 4000 tip long time in Dec 2015 , settled at 3500 highest I ever paid but I doubt I will fall for it again although like you I think I got my money worth. Even 3000 seems generous in PTY in my opinion
  2. Yes and I'm glad you remember that. It's pretty obvious , even if he is faking and interest in us at least makes some effort to make himself visible. He may need off , may like you or heard good thing about you from his bar friends, doesn't matter, he is interested And there always will be those blank stares better to be avoided even if belonging to most beautiful specimen on the stage. After getting my lesson hard way from Jupiter and repeated by Dreamboys boys I follow this advice and preach it to everybody who listens. Seems to be working for me and should for everybody. It's why I prefer picking up prospective bedmate live and don't use apps and advise against getting hot about the boy just based on the picture on the website. But of course others may different experiences, fircecat is known of having good luck with boys from apps for example.
  3. really, what they should ask is they are interested in you and their English is limited? What is you opinion about possibility of a coup in Burundi? I don't think so Those questions, annoying as they are , are part of bar liturgy from time immemorial.
  4. Approach I'd be taking is to park myself for a night or two in some cheap hotel and then look around for a place. Makes sense if somebody is planning longer stay but if it's week or so better to book in advance and head straight to the BT after settling in.
  5. nothing wrong, Thais are usually pretty reserved when comes to public display of affection
  6. waiting impatiently
  7. if you are flying and worried about chance of being in the crash I'd say your time will be better used and nerves preserved by staying at home
  8. we all do but often due to language barrier what we think was agreed upon is not what boy thinks, particularly when no negotiations were made up front.
  9. what happens largely depends on what you agreed upon and chemistry between you both.Some of the boys are actually quite good at massage and certainly all I offed in the past were into kissing toughing and prolonged body contact. In my opinion straight boys are trying harder to please so I'm also attracted to them. As for your V-Club experience - it's always good to have exact money and not to count on getting change. After all we are giving them a tip , if they see 2000 they may assume it's all theirs Great report above , thank you
  10. and we hope you will report something
  11. Unfortunately, yes, closed. I also miss them due to good memories - my longest off ever was from there
  12. have fun and we are waiting for a next installment. It happens to all of us all the time-planning to go here and there but ending booking Thailand ticket anyways so you not alone and we all know why
  13. Walk along the Silom and you will find your typos aplenty, if you don't like what you see check soi Twilight offers. And read couple trip reorts on this forum to give you an idea what is available and where. 1 hr should run between 500-1000 for the shop and boy will be looking for about 1000 for massage with extras. What extras will be is open to negotiation
  14. one can only hope that they will not try to digitize transaction between bar boys / girls and their admirers
  15. what is your concern? you will be in heaven already
  16. wherever I travel I try to say close to the biggest attraction of the place . Since biggest / and for my private use I'd say only / attraction of Pattaya is Boyztown I always stay there in the Le Cafe Royale / because is cheapest / But for next trip I'm inclined to try Ambiance just for a fun to see if it's any difference.
  17. you not alone. for both fun and home use statistic purpose on my every foreign trip, not only Thailand ones, I use and compare 4 following methods of obtain local cash: 1. exchange USD cash purchased at home using domestic currency 2. exchange my domestic cash 3. take cash withdrawal from my bank account 4. take cash advance from my credit card not issued by the bank I have account with I gathered quite a sample over the years and while it varies depending of country and surprisingly perhaps, year of travel , I must say in 12 Thailand trips list above is in order of final advantage after accounting all fees, difference in exchange rates etc. While differences are not very big trend is clear for me, 11 out of 12 USD cash proved most advantageous beaten only once by my domestic currency cash. Plastic was always 3 and 4 th so I gladly remain dinosaur using plastic only if I bust my budget , again happened 11 times out of 12 with only 1 st trip within originally planned monetary frame . I don't want to inflame discussion, differences weren't that big and perhaps not worth of much a trouble to average 1-2 weeks vacationer but still worth trouble for me.
  18. since you are there, just go one evening , see and report back here please
  19. everybody can see what you are doing , who is your companion , where you are going with him and for how long etc.
  20. but there's always option one may escape from the ZOO
  21. .....because it looks good on the shelf and you have access to it anytime. Have a safe trip home
  22. you got it right, I'm not easily scarred by the press sensations. I guess living across the street from social housing and being survivor of both Romanian 1977 earthquake and Mexico City's 1985 one helps. Murders by drunks may happen everywhere but Thailand still remains very safe country.
  23. I like your attitude, instead of getting bitter over issue you still see best part of the story. Time will heal and even if you don't find such a wonderful BF again you will still have memories of those good days previous one beautified for you.
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