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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. entrance fee = drink, 400 on weekeends, 350 weekdays off fee 500 short time room in adjacent Sun massage 500 but better take boy to your hotel short time tip - try to get 1500 but likely they may be looking for bit more , most popular may even quote 2500 long time , try to get 2500, I always pay 3000 but my long times are long times. Don't be surprised it they quote more, once I agreed to 3500 and boy still dumped me before we even left the bar. They are friendly but try to seal conditions before off , otherwise you may be overpaying
  2. Tawan and Jupiter, no nudity in Jupiter though, there were reports that f..k show may be back in Tawan
  3. Hope you will be close to MRT or railway station as your connectors to civilisation
  4. whatever time I go to bed in Thailand I'm up by 8 if not earlier, I don't travel that far to sleep. Often when cleaning lady knocks to the door I tell her I don't need any cleaning but bring me fresh towels so whole cleaning is not an issue for me. Neither me nor any of my boys ever made a pigsty from the room and changing sheets daily I consider waste of resources. What I do though, I always leave 20-30 baht under the pillow in the morning .
  5. idea of ping pong balls I like but I personally prefer just to stick 100 in briefs of the best looking boy , bar get enough from me in drink price
  6. you still have a chance till 31 st, do it so you will not regret you missed an opportunity
  7. hope you are right because last time I was in Prince selection while vast was not as eye pleasing for me as Hero one. And boy I liked look the most was one I got negative feedback from very reliable source so did not even consider taking him. Surpsiringly perhaps for some I will not only miss Hero boys but also their restaurant where cheap and tasty meal could be consumed with full view of boys in the glass enclosure.
  8. in December one of granddaddies from BBB kept pestering me for tip from the stage so to get rid of him I dropped 10 baht coin in his briefs and he was not offended at all, we had good laugh
  9. HERO did not massage us but her boys did. I'm sure they find employment is some other place, question is where?
  10. nothing wrong with either tip IMHO, 20 baht is not much but neither is 15 seconds so it's fair. 100 baht for temporary company at the bar seems to be standard. When leaving bar I always leave 100 in the briefs of best looking boy on the stage who did not receive other tip from me ( for sitting with me of participation in fuck/big cock show ) is this raising somebody's blood pressure?
  11. It looks that it will be permanent closure, not just for a day. I hope I'm wrong. Perhaps they will be resurrected in some new location. It was always impressive that Hero had so much business without even having website and with zero advertising
  12. that would be Copa hotel, I never stay there but took some massages with their boys and place looked good . May be your friend stay at Serene, one in the corner, that one looks less inviting.
  13. were you looking in the mirror when typing this? this is theory you choose to believe but it's not necessary truth. Those who are buying boys gold chains, iphones, motorbikes are screwing market as well? What about those who are paying acceptable minimum and no satang more - aren't they screwing market by keeping afloat boys who should be rather on the farm than on the scene. Nobody is ruining market more than those jerking off to a TV porn as they deprive boys their living forcing them to drop from the scene. That's the beauty of the market - prime looking specimens are requesting and at times getting higher prices , those less attractive are content with fewer offs for a low tip and still staying fed , dressed and watered. OP was not taken for a ride, he had chosen great guy and got his money worth . How do I know? Boy in question is only one I ever paid more that 3000 for a long time / 3500 / and I think I got my money worth. Next time do not get so excited about other's people money and how they finance their hoolidays. Many are not spending hours in the plane in order to try to squeeze last drop of coke from empty glass , they take time off from money worries and it's why we call it vacations. I'm glad you got so upset about the issue, hope you remember where your blood pressure pills are. And next time you don't agree with somebody just say so but don't call them names, do you fucking understand?
  14. wherever it leads to we wish you good luck and peace of mind, whatever tests results will be
  15. Love and infatuation used to create relationships but it seems to be replaced by positive results of health screening for couples. What's next? allergy test for each others sweat?
  16. Great report and enjoyable to read. I'm glad quasi -boyfriend experience with T worked out for you. Reading your report made me missing Bangkok more and more with every sentence. Funny thing , you seem to be keen on sitting at front of the plane while I prefer one of the last two rows. Like you, I find shorter but action packed trip worth suffering jetlag more than slow moving , longer one.
  17. vinapu

    Lumpini Park

    old man once complained to his doctor that all his life he maintained healthy lifestyle hoping he will live 20 years longer than the average but now he is all in pain and barely can lift his hands. Doctor nod knowingly and said " well, those are your extra 20 years"
  18. vinapu

    Lumpini Park

    late morning.. One of Tawan boys is a fixture at the gym but last trip I spot one of Bonny masseurs there as well
  19. vinapu

    Lumpini Park

    I like morning stroll through the park and do it very often , sometimes in the evening too but exercising? I'd get tired, LOL Watching men lifting weights in the outdoor gym make me sweat already
  20. have fun and please prepare yourself mentally to write a report of your impressions
  21. great report, made me missing all the places you mentioned
  22. stop talking about me, I'm shy of publicity
  23. on another hand when they had that system of offering 100 baht discount from off fee if you had a drink in the bar they informed me about it without me asking , so not all are crooks
  24. I never paid more than 3500 for long time and even that much only once but like 1moRussian I'd find better value in overpaid 4000 long time as long as boy tries to meet specifications than rushed 1000/1 hr encounter. Simply because I like morning gymnastics and long time serves that purpose well . Overpaying boy is lesser sin. On another hand, bar trying to charge 800 off fee deserves only middle finger and I still think BBB tried just to scam extra 300.
  25. try their approach - you smile at them and stare at boy you fancy trying to establish eye contact. If you note he still avoids your stare just give up on him. At Tawan if you sit alone sooner or later you will be approached by one of the boys, if you don't like him just shake your head , if you not sure have him to sit with you and see where it leads. They are used to rejection but also they know lots of clients are shy and need some encouragement to have things moving. Some may be very adventurous and you may find your hand placed in some strategic position by the boy. Don't think to much about whole process , just go and see what happens but use your guts. If you really don't fancy boy don't let him to intimidate you into off, "no, thanks" should suffice. If not, just tell them you have a boyfriend already in your room. Yes it's a bit intimidating for uninitiated but only way of getting over it it's just to go to the bar and live an experience , after third visit you will be expert and if you had succesful off you may be object of some advances by other boys. and no, don't wave banknote at them, you will have more pleasure if you will slip it discreetly deep into his underwear, then you will get a smile , rest assured. When leaving bar, with boy or alone I have a habit of slipping a note into undies of boy I consider most attractive. This is a way to get his attention if desired on my next visit in the bar-they have good memories so it may even work for you next trip. Another way of overcoming shyness is to visit with somebody, than you can always say that your companion is your boyfriend so they leave you alone. One of my best memories are bar visits with members of this forum and exchanging our impressions on the spot.
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