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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I will be posting general trip report at some time in the future , for now I'm busy vacationing and not posting. yesterday most on my favourites showed up so it looks they all took Sunday off.
  2. vinapu

    Hero closing

    I visited today Monday the 30th, Hero was very busy like in old days, no signs of packing. Many boys behind the glass and many customers in the lobby
  3. yesterday, Sunday , heavily jet lagged, nevertheless couldn't resist and went to Tawan to see what changed since last Dec. Not sure reason was Sunday or low season but it looks it changed plenty. Almost all familiar faces, in particular those I was longing for were absent, either on vacation or gone for good. Few veterans still there but mostly those I was not interested in. Few new boys were presenting themselves on the stage but I couldn't make an eye contact so it looked quite desperate for me. Show was also short, no j/o finale as usual, no more then 20 boys in the bar and about 30 patrons, mostly Asians but also 5 farangs including me. But at end of day fate had it for me, one of new boys, #20, in bar since mid April finally noticed my good looks, smiled, confirmed he kisses and is interested in long time off and turned out fabulous. And likely will be offed again in not so distant future. More detailed report will follow likely after I return. Today I will go again to see who will turn out
  4. You guys should have a duel and solve your problem once and for all otherwise high blood pressure pills invoices will ruin you
  5. "ggobkk" Mac was my guide in early May. Before I arrived we had worked out a plan of sights to see, then the heat wave hit. Mac was inventive in finding cooler alternatives and providing lots of details about sights. He was very attentive to his customers. It's not easy to find cooler alternatives in LOS with so many hot boys around
  6. " OMG Michael don't disagree with Willie. He never hesitates to slam photos or types of boys he does not like but has the gall to criticize someone for how he feels about other sites. Unbelievable!! " Isn't it what freedom of speech is all about? By the way I read all three forums but feel that contributing on one is time consuming enough so with great pleasure I have chosen this one. There's danger I will be posting another trip report soon since there were sightings of me heading back to wonderland.
  7. ..... or just wonder how those superhumans, our fathers, found the way from A to B without all this high tech help
  8. vinapu

    Lumpini Park

    I'm first in line
  9. vinapu

    Lumpini Park

    Fix your teeth at Thai Smile on Silom, they have very hunky dentist if this is your thing. He would not to be out of place in Jupiter or Tawan IMHO
  10. vinapu

    Hero closing

    it looks you will be travelling all the way to Bearing BTS station.
  11. well said. why to chase yesterday if we can dream about tomorrow ?
  12. I'm almost the same , I imagine myself alive somewhere in a corner of Tawan and I'm sure I'd be happy
  13. at least visit at new location can be combined with visit to Muang Boran. As long as they won't be too far from BTS they may be successful providing they keep current format IMHO
  14. for the same reason that Sunday can stay on forever and Monday with returning to work inevitably comes next. Getting old is fun, one still hears when they say 'take it ' but always can use excuse of poor hearing at old age when they say "give me"
  15. news is not from the boys, my friend visited yesterday and got a word
  16. vinapu

    Asia Guys Blog

  17. vinapu

    Asia Guys Blog

    now ,that's what I call successful fishing, congratulations !
  18. This may finally entice me to visit that mall , never been there despite few Pattaya visits already
  19. not quite RIP, I have it on good authority that they will be moving , not closing forever.
  20. vinapu

    Asia Guys Blog

    great and informative article about Aranyaprathet / Poipet border crossing. I like your boyfriend's new jeans and no doubt what they are covering is interested as well
  21. I could just copy and paste what forky said above and add bar since I visit at least one daily. For me it's going away from it all, changing scenery and daily routines completely. I never go to bars at home so spent a lot of time in them in LOS, phone at work rings constantly so I don't use phone in Thailand at all and so on. Men , their beauty and availability is deciding but not only one factor making me so relaxed and rested while vacationing there. As for abdismaili's theory I have my doubts. From discussion in models and other threads it's plainly visible that each of us has own top 10% is attracted to and there's no universal formula as what it makes us attracted to others sex wise. Hunky bods arousing some are making others running with scream , skinny twinks of barely legal age chased by some aren't deserving second look by others with everything in between. one of biggest joys of vacationing there is visiting bars and massages in company of other members - fun comparing notes and opinions and eye opener as to what some see as attractive as opposite to what we do. One of members I proudly presented quite of few of my boys invariably classifies them as 'too fat ', another one who shares exactly the same taste like me still always seems to be attracted to different boy then me so it's obvious that there's so many nuances . No wonder, lots of average looking people are aroused in presence of other equally average looking , they may see and feel something others will not. Person settling for 20 y.o hot Thai boy instead of 40 y.o. average looking European in not settling for 10% of best, is just settling for 20 y.o. hot Thai boy who he thinks fits in 10% best. And we will not even start discussion of relation between looks and sex - average looking body may be sex machine , it's why we always wondered what handsome uncle Edgar sees in overweight and ugly faced aunt Edna. Or fact that sometimes beautiful face is attached to unattractive body or sexy built is topped by ugly face / guy who was or may be still is top in sex shows in XBoys Bangkok comes to my mind /.
  22. vinapu

    Turning 55 today

    ask 22 y.o. if he agrees
  23. last time in Dec, perhaps a memory doesn't serve me well?
  24. I place it under the pillow but if have a chance I give it directly to her, if you pout money in drawer she will not tough it as may be afraid she will be accused of theft
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