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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. This is what upset me as well when I had that request, I thought I'm cooked with such high fee and all boys will be demanding the same but to my relief and their credit it only happened twice more in the whole trip, handling will be reported in due course. So yes they talk and know what we paid / all my boys subsequently offed knew that I paid 4000 to #47 / and yes they accepted their 3000 baht fate. Two who wanted more at least did not use an argument that I paid that much to their friend. Fact that almost everybody was offed more then once and if was not, at least I was asking for them in bar in days of their absence probably did not escape their attention I guess. Most boys rather be offed twice for 3000 than once for 4000. As for agreeing up front - I always do beginning from second off on my trip nr 1 back in 2001. It's why additional requests are pissing me off immensely. Talking about overpaying 1000 per session in relation to Bill Gates wealth is going overboard. It's only 30$ times 12 =360, . lots of money but certainly not worth losing sleep over even for somebody of meager means like me. As for planning of paying - sometimes we need to weigh if we should stand by our principles , whatever they are and risk of creating scene or commotion or just let it go. I had a case back in 2013 when I stand my ground to lazy and greedy Dreamboy boy and I don't recall it fondly. Sure I saved money but standoff was upsetting enough to spoil vacations quite a bit. At end of day we need to make our own move when confronted by lazy or greedy boy, my option is to pay him to leave since it happens rarely enough. In 13 trips I recall 5 offs where I think my money was wasted, 15000 baht total, 1153 per trip, by sheer coincidence this is what taxi from my place to the airport costs.
  2. Whatever it was, left good long lasting feeling
  3. I think z909 meant if boys will return to their countries pool of them available THERE will improve.
  4. Day 5 After Alek left I packed up because staying in the same room 4 days was boring enough and moved across the corridor to treat myself with executive room size of my condo for next four night. After all it’s my birthday today . Then taxi to Platinum Mall inspired by xiluzer’s shirt purchased there yesterday. I’m not big on malls, shopping and clothing so actually upon arrival instead of immersing myself in the mall I walked to Bayioke Sky hotel hoping to get to the viewing platform at the top. I expected lines but it was very easy , got ticket right away , 350 baht including fruit buffet on 19th floor. It was quite clear day and vista from the top was exceptional , I spent good hour on the revolving platform up there enjoying not only view but also refreshing breeze . Fruit buffet nothing special but I like fruits and ice cream so had nice substitute for a lunch. On my way back went to the cavernous Platinum mall but nothing took my fancy and after hour or two of wandering there with great relief I marched all the way to Chit Lom BTS. At 5 p.m. I met Xiluzer and his friends also staying in Raya and we took taxi to Prince. I was suggesting just walking there but majority rules so we spent next hour in air-conditioned taxi snailing in the traffic. Prince was very busy and five of us added even more crowd. At one moment 5 clients were lining up at the counter to pay for a massage ! Some former Hero boys are already there . I picked up Mao, not THAT Mao though who delivered very good massage rewarded with 1500 tip, after we were all done it turned out we all were happy with our selections. Because of my birthday friends treated me with ice cream feast at Silom Centre where we mover after Prince. Then after two days of absence trek to Tawan where few boys sat at my table with birthday wishes, even to my surprise, #47 came to shake my hand and suggested that he may be my birthday ‘s night companion but sorry , no, thank you for reason already explained. I was not sure whom to off, was planning Tiger or Boy but they weren’t there , in meantime Od and Alek knitted new idea of offing both of them for sandwich , threesome and you name it. I’m not big fan of crowd in the bed but since I like both boys , why not ? I had extra towel in the room stolen from cleaner’s cart already after all. Idea was of both boys , not mine, hence no danger of awkward situation so Happy Birthday Vinapu , to cheer of bar boys three of us marched out to Raya buying some snacks as we walked to the room. Passing by reception I was so proud. Good time we had although no sandwich was prepared and consumed. Having no shame in the morning I went to reception to purchase extra breakfast, girl accepted request with wide smile not even asking why I’m so hungry. Not a single brew was raised in the breakfast room and it could be seen why. There was one Japanese with a girl and another one with a boy so we blended in nicely. I walked both boys down to a street level and this was end of day 5. I’m still smiling.
  5. yes I was on the fifth floor whole stay, this is where reception is
  6. Day 4 Today cultural day for me, after breakfast taxi to National Museum . Good deal, from Suriwong to Sanam Luang 80 baht. Museum itself quite interesting , Louvre it is not but I spent few hours wandering between exhibitions in various pavillons. Then through mayhem of buses offloading millions of mainly Chinese visitors to the Grand Palace to the river and boat back to Saphan Taksin. Always interesting sight to see life on the mighty Chao Praya river. Going home I felt a bit hungry so dropped at Madrid Tavern on Patpong, only place in the entire world where I like pizza. Praise and glory to ChristianPFC who introduced that place to me and where we dined together few times. Thank you Christian if you are reading those words. At 5 p.m. I was expecting visit of Od #14 from Tawan , my most offed boy from there but being Thai boy he showed up at 6 but we still had very enjoyable 2 hour discussion about world peace. People on reception barely could catch their breaths because seconds after they handed him back his ID elevator opened with next ’ friend’ visiting me, Alek #20 as agreed few days ago. I gave him money for off fee already so he was free to stay whole night. No jealousy because he saw Od leaving for simple reason, night before they both were offed by client for even more in depth world peace discussions along with class on sandwich preparation I presume. Not before long he made suggestion that I may repeat that feast tomorrow because he likes me and Od as well. Things to consider for sure. Even stronger suggestion was made upon learning that I’m planning to go to Pattaya that since I’m his boyfriend / that’s novelty for me/ I will take him with me there. He worked hard enough that by the breakfast I was sold on idea. Last May I took boy from Pattaya to BKK so why not to try other direction? It looks that I’m spending holidays realizing somebody else’s agenda but what the heck ! After hour or two we left for dinner in soi 4 at his suggestion / I don’t like soi 4 / , probably he wanted to show off his new catch to his friends over there working in Telephone bar. After that we went to see show at Hot male, quite a nice selection there so on departure I left not one but of 2 my customary tips to best looking boys . in my entire life I was not called boyfriend as many times as in last few hours but I let him to have it because I like him a lot and plenty although not enough to change my modified butterfly ways . Upon return to the hotel next series of knowing smiles and even more when we went for breakfast. My reputation in Raya is in ruins but at least I hope they can see my good taste when comes to boys, LOL . And day 4 finished in stolen kisses in the elevator.
  7. vinapu

    Exchanging Money

    yes, they do, you will find them just before escalator down to the train platform but in contrast to airport proper outlets they are not open 7/24 so if one is arriving late, tough luck
  8. you are right, it was great but unheralded place with cute boys always at front
  9. 2001 was also my first year in Thailand and in Bkk 2000 was standard rate for long time, at least this is what mamasan in my first bar , non-existing now told me . What he forgot to tell me is that it was also short time rate so i paid long time tip 2000 for short time encounter. To this day I remember boy';s happy smile and squeak of joy he made when given money. But then , as always in the past water was more wet than is now
  10. say whatever you wish and don't worry about an interruption, side comments always enliven the thread
  11. I agree, 2000 / 3000 is what I pay to Tawan beauties but nothing wrong with what what kid paid. Boys know very well that such generous customer will happen only from time to time. Kid 2729, I wonder who was your priceless boy ?
  12. Day 3 After being hit in the pocket I decided to kill the morning by visiting Siam Paragon. I’m not big fan of malls but like MtSapola aftershave and they have a boutique there on 4th floor. Mission accomplished very fast and I decided to walk back to the hotel by way of Lumpini park where again I met Sokchai marching after his session in the gym. Arrived in my room at noon and few minutes later phone from reception announcing ‘your friend is here’. Sure – Tiger from Tawan. I like those knowing looks of my reception personnel. In December he was my best boy and did not disappoint this time either. I think it’s a bit of chemistry between us and he reads me well so we had very active and pleasant two hours together. After he left I went for lunch to Foodland Patpong of all places. At 4.30 I met Xiluzer and his crowd, we took taxi for last time to soi 11 to bid farewell to HERO. I was hoping I will see O, he was my masseur back in Nov 2013 , best ever from there and after that he disappeared for me but recently 1moRussian reported he saw him at Hero. Yes , he was there so fast decision and we are in the room. True professional, the same like last time, hard from beginning. Very impressive considering he is straight with girlfriend. Gave him 1500 as good bye kiss, well earned. Waiting for my friends to finish their sessions I could see that it is last day indeed, few boys were leaving saying good bye to their co-workers and whole Hero at soi 11 era. It was always so impressive that place was so busy without any advertising, word of mouth served it very well although it was some writing on the water – last summer two our members reported that Prince was much busier than Hero. I like others will miss the place, more their selection process though than massages which I had feeling were usually a bit rushed but if they manage to resurrect place somewhere else I will be patronizing them loyally like so far. Early in the evening I went to BBB Inn to pick up Tao, formerly from Banana. Great masseur and companion. We went to Jupiter to see the show , few new faces , all boys very handsome with 44, 55 and 60 being top of the line as far as I’m concerned. But since I had boy with me no need to worry about the off and performance , offed Jupiter boys twice in the past and it was waste of money and time but at one point in the future I may give them third and last chance. Not much sleep with such trusted and tested company as we founded chores to do. He left early as always but since it was agreed on it is no issue for me. I walked him down just to see face of people on reception but they smiled knowingly, smiles hiding fact that my reputation is rotten already and it’s just beginning with 5 more nights there at Raya. It was only day 3 which just finished for me.
  13. what they are asking and what they are getting is usually different thing. Nothing wrong with trying to get more and some punters either not knowing rate or used to paying much , much more at home may fork out amount requested. Quite a few boys asked me 4000-5000 but quickly went down to 3000 offered and who knows , may be would even accept less. It's marked economy for both , us and them. I don't have problem with that but if rate was agreed to it should be sticked to and requesting more is big no, no for me, even if it's just 100 baht for taxi.
  14. believe me , they all were
  15. it seems that US flag is fixed to some decent sized flag pole
  16. Day 2 After boy left I decided to tidy myself off, got a haircut next to just closed Playboy massage then went to Thai Smile on opposite side of Silom to do some dental work, incredibly good value in Thailand. Early afternoon I was waiting for Xiluzer to show up, he stays in the same hotel and after he settled, him , his friend and me took taxi to Hero to kiss them good bye on the second last day. An atmosphere inside was not funeral like at all, just business as normal , we tried to extract some information about moving and new location but mamasans and boys were mum on the subject. I took Bun, not much English but good massage , bit rushed as usual in Hero but I made sure we had full hour together. Being in farewell mode I gave him 1300 for just 1 hr session, I guess some boys may have some period of unemployment before they settle somewhere. On our way back to Silom we resolved to repeat visit tomorrow in even bigger company as more of Xiluzer friends are arriving tonight and tomorrow. Not long ago that area of Sukhumvit had 5 massage places and now all are gone, Body Club, Guy Spa, Uniman, Banana and now Hero. Oh , well, life goes on and so do we but it’s a bit sad. Supper at Maxi, my favorite from there Namu was nowhere to be seen but his brother recognized me and smiled. In the evening another trek to Tawan since I promised Soda, #47 yesterday to pick him up tonight. Surprise, surprise and all smiles- my favorites, Od #14, Boy #15 and Tiger #28 noticed me immediately and in a second I had 3 boys around me all smiling, I couldn’t be happier since yesterday I was not sure if I will see them again. Of course it was one unhappy face, my last night companion Alek in passing told me that his heart is broken. O Gee, I’m in trouble. Jealousy raised it’s ugly face already or what? Not that I felt any regrets, after all we have another meeting fixed already, right ? Since I committed myself to taking #47 all I could do was to promise my boys I will off them sooner or later and arranged some short times during day just to keep them in gainful employment and me warmed. After the show I took Soda home, guy on reception by now probably assessed me already as serial adulterer but such is my fate in Thailand. Great body and very pleasant night although he was a bit on a sandbag side but it worked for me quite well so in the morning I happily handed over my 3000 only to meet steely look and request for 1000 more. To underline his point he even sat down in a chair firmly waiting for that extra note. I paid up , first time that much for long time. Sure I tried to haggle but I did not want to create too much tension in the beginning of my vacations, 1000 is not going to spoil my mood. I was a bit concerned that other boys in future may request the same which could lead to my termination of visits there but we will see what will happen. Breakfast alone, considering circumstances I did not invite him to accompany me, I‘m soft hearted but not that soft. And so day 2 finished on a little sour note.
  17. what do you mean "I may ", you should say right away ' I will "
  18. report is being slowly cooked and posted , as for disappointments remember that what is acceptable for some is insufficient for others and other way arround. As far as last trip I have an issue with only one man and it was about greed , not performance. I could have with another one but he exploited skilfully soft spot in my heart I have for him.
  19. I always ask but he is 'up to you" variety, so I paid him my usual long time rate 3000 / my appologies to those who think I'm spoiling boys / but it needs to be said some Tawan boys are staring much higher and I have two cases this trip that I finished paying more, nursing revenge in my heart. Details in report.
  20. Day 1 After returning from trip in December, perhaps best of all my 12 trips to Thailand , it did not take long before inspired by Xiluzer and Cathay Pacific’s deep discount promotion on one frosty late January evening I booked my next one and 4 months later after long but quite bearable flight I landed for 13th time in Bangkok. It was morning arrival which I prefer to late evening ones, immigration lines weren’t long but what surprised me, this being Sunday morning, was very crowded airport train. But there is no indignity I can’t stomach to be close to Silom’s hunting grounds. For a change this time I decided to settle mainly in one hotel and acting on tip about Expedia members only early morning discount from again , Xiluzer , I secured 8 days in Raya impressed by their standards last time. But being me, I can’t stay 8 days in the same room so I split my stay between 4 nights in cheapest room and another 4 in very spacious “ executive “ or whatever they call it. Only problem with Raya is that usually they don’t let in before 2 p.m. but I dumped my suitcase in the lobby and went for a two hour stroll through vicinity including Lumpini park. Of course shortly I spotted very handsome men walking in front of me so for pure esthetic reason I just followed him and when at some point he turned his head back who he was? Sokchai, my favorite masseur from Bonny’s. I promised to visit him some day for session of mutilation. He is regular at Lumpini gym as it was not first neither last time I saw him there. I settled in the room finally , rested a bit and in the late afternoon I marched to Senso hoping I will see one of my favorites there Jack or M. Reverse bingo since neither one was there, Jack supposedly on vacations and M gone for good I was told. Only few boys there and place is no cheap but I have only good memories from Senso so I picked up new boy, Goon for no rush , usual 1.5 hr session. And it was good choice with very thorough massage which enlivened me after sitting so many hours on the plane. 1500 for the house and the same for the boy, not a cheap option but worth every penny for me. On my way back I passed by Playboy massage on Silom to find it closed for good which saddened me big time since I have good memories of their very adventurous guys . Wiping my tears and meandering through Patpong’s stalls I passed by BBB Inn to find familiar face of Tao from Banana , no longer there , though. He told me that at new location he did not have as many customers so decided to work at BBB where he was moonlighting before. Booked him for after tomorrow for a massage in the room in the middle of the night. Then I went to Oasis on Suriwong for my fix of chicken with cashew nuts, surprise , surprise. And from there to Tawan hoping all my favorites will be there. But shock, it looked as all of them took Sunday off and I found myself sitting in familiar bar but full of unfamiliar boys. It was not even very crowded and including me , only 5 farangs. Good part was that no boy paid any attention to me so I was left free to watch the show and contemplating lonely first night in BKK. Only familiar face , Soda #47, Lao boy , passed by few times not even looking at me and out of new boys , only #20, dark skinned hunk drew my attention but it was one way highway – he did not even look at me from the stage. This was not what I dreamed about my first night in Bangkok. After #20 was called over by some fossil I was sure that after the show I need to look for my luck somewhere else. But hope springs eternal. After the show fossil decided to go home alone abandoning #20 with 200 baht tip boy looked at me and smiled. Second later he was sitting beside me. In meantime Soda, #47 planted himself on another side but tonight belonged to #20, #47 was promised off next night. Shortly as midnight was drawing I made sure boy is interested in long time , we settled on tip expectancies and soon world saw us marching along Suriwong. He is half Malay, half Thai, well built but not body builder. Full lips, perky and firm buttocks, quite a catch and named Alek . Great company and fast starter – he wants to be my boyfriend, yeah, right. I told him that I will off him again in 3 days. Breakfast at Raya together, nobody blinked an eye, yet. And so day 1 was over.
  21. yes it is , best way is to go and check for yourself. On my last trip out of 11 nights, 10 had Tawan boys as bed warmers and with some exception they did good job
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