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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. there's always novel option of leaving whole thing till morning. Beauty of long time off among other things is that instead of bar hopping and splitting hair which boy is the most suitable to take home , one has boy , warmed up right there. And it goes even without saying then long time off provides much more economical boy-hour than short time one. One hour with Saranrom boy will cost minimum 500, the same than grossly overpaid 8 hrs at 4000
  2. Tea was mentioned in Pattaya part of report / ABomb /, at Tawan they don't serve hot drinks but many other bars in BKK and PTY do. While ago Christian mentioned that when bar hopping it's easier to drink a tea than get saturated with all those soft drinks or beer not to mention even water which is animal's domain to drink , not human's, but some still do. I borrowed that idea and executed. If going to one bar only I still stick to my beer
  3. I hope it does not leave readers with impression that I'm all those underscored things LOL
  4. I saw girls of different ages in all BKK bars at one point or another, once one at XBoys even complemented me on my choice of boy I had with me. In Tawan last Dec I witness scene of fisting female customer by one of their boys in full view of everybody in bar including her male companion, whoever he was / did not look as her father though/
  5. great job again Madman. I can sign the last paragraph of your statement above with both hands
  6. correct and rarely regretted, Tawan and other places. For those who think I'm Rockefeller's illegitimate son while 3000 long time is my normal rate, I crossed that threshold only 4 times over the years. There are 2 boys , one in BKK and another in PTY I'd gladly pay twice but so far I did not venture to off them or even try, savings of say 10000 -12000 baht as of today LOL.
  7. Relax , we all have our priorities, concerns and spending habits and what one of us considers thrifty it may be another one who may think our spending habits are too prolific. So everybody is welcomed to share theirs , non issue things. I'm neither rich nor free spender in real life but all my life treated vacation as time for leaving home concerns at home and worry how to pay for it later. Somehow it worked for me so far for many years. I know at one point it will stop, once and for good and that time is near but for now I'm still rolling because I can, chiefly because I'm low maintenance at home. Day 10 was probably most monetary wasteful day of this vacation , report is being cooked and will be ready in few hours. As for paying boys, no, sometimes I don't pay what I like, there are cases when I need to pay my way out of trouble or to get good next night sleep but there are also those when I'd gladly pay much more but boy is happy with what I force into his wallet. As firecat sensibly noticed above while I splurge on human capital, my accommodation, flight and food costs are not high , shopping almost non existing and I just like feeling that my money is going directly to somebody's pocket instead of lining pockets of fat capitalists in Kansas City owning this hotel or that restaurant. Last time I had a coffee in Starbucks was never for example.
  8. Day 9 After 8 nights in two different rooms and constant scandalizing folks on reception and in the breakfast room time to pack up and leave Raya. Well before agreed 11 a.m. Alek # 20 showed up all excited with the incoming trip and actually I was happy to see him happy even if whole idea of us going to Pattaya together was his. You made a merit Vinapu thought I. We went by bus from Ekkamai, we could take a van , slightly more expensive but delivering close to hotel but one just left so I opted for the bus. Fast and uneventful trip, in Pattya we were packed in one of songtaews waiting at bus station and for 50 baht per person delivered to Pattayaland , short walk to Ambiance and we settled in room on the 4th floor , nothing fancy and pretty small but so was price , fair deal and enough comfort for three of us / wait for developments /. I did not see much difference to a Le Café Royale where I always stayed so far, perhaps next time I need to check Copa to complete Boyztown accommodation. At night almost no bar noise seeping in even if we were facing soi. We were both hungry so at my suggestion we went to German restaurant on Beach road around the corner from Pattayaland, my regular dining place in PTY. I had my Wiener schnitzel, Alek some Thai fish treat. After lunch we went to Jomtien , took stroll along the beach and whenever we passed handsome boy Alek sternly remarked “ I know what you are thinking”. Not that I was in mood to deny. Few boys with farangs at Bamboo bar, Jomtien complex quite quiet in the afternoon. Lots of bars there and well staffed but I’m not bar person even without an escort. Then we surveyed Sunee plaza, still sleepy. For somebody who claimed not to be in Pattaya 10 years Alek he seemed to be very well oriented where we are but I did not drill the issue – what difference it would made? Early evening we parted our ways as planned. He stay in the room to catch some sleep and I went down to Panorama Pub to meet with Williewillie as agreed few days ago. We recognized each other immediately and had a nice conversation over the beer .In meantime at 9 boys of BoyzBoyzBoyz started their singing and clapping , few familiar faces , among them #41 Win , my off from Dec trip but he did not notice me and I was not pressing the issue either since I was with boy already . After we parted way I returned to a hotel picked up Alek and we went to BoyzBoyz Boyz for a show , Scene was crowded , tons of boys , lots of familiar faces , quite a few new but really if one if for an off it’s hard not to find suitable company whatever your type may be. Win #41 was doing coyote dance , still did not recognize me. I was also looking for Bank, my quasi boyfriend from May of 2015 but he was nowhere to be seen either. But now Alek was tasked with finding somebody to accompany us tonight and turned surprisingly picky so mid-show I suggested we change venue to ABomb. It used to be bar to find muscled boys but at least tonight if was twinks and boy next door domain. #99 Cambodian mini body builder I offed in Dec apparently moved to BBB but I did not see him there. I had my tea, much better than all those soft drinks or beer when one is bar hopping, an idea I credit Christian PFC with inventing. In meantime Alek was busy combing through the offerings and finally settled on one who meet his specification and was willing to go long time, 2000 baht. I approved both choice and tip and invited both boys for a dinner to busy restaurant on Second Rd between Pattayaland sois 1 and 2. When our server came Alek again looked at me sternly and said “ I know what you are thinking” . It was charming young men and if you ever go there chances are you will notice who I’m talking about. But he became in a sphere of dreams for many reasons outlined above. Great and busy night, our guest was perfect, well behaved when it was required and bad boy when necessary. Long night too. At 10.45 I chased them both downstairs to catch our free breakfast which is served to 11 a.m. only. Gave 500 extra to our companion , three men of roughly three generations and all happy , what a day ! And a night ! So I finished day 9 smiling.
  9. vinapu

    Hero closing

    if everybody will be hesitant to stray that far to risk choice of one or two boys how we will get updates? Last time I was there choice was limited but all of 5 or 6 them were muscled and tall. Even choice of 1 may provide somebody you will like .
  10. in this case in a flash I decided I'm entitled to say yes for a few reasons main being he made me happy. Previous case was different - I sensed we may have a scene so I bought myself out of it for a 1000. As for throwing money we all do it to a big degree - 1000 $ on ticket, the same on hotels and wad on money spent on escorts be it 1000 or 4000 baht a pop, all this is just wasting money. If in doubt consult your siblings, parents , neighbors and co-workers. Why we do it? Because we like and we can. We are just sort of people who like to have a good vacation. Other like good jewels, good clothing , good concerts or gourmet meals. We like good cock , ass and biceps.
  11. They are all over the place, wherever you turn , twink galore including most of massage places. In BKK Tawan and Jupiter may be exceptions but all bars in Soi Twilight will be your delight. In Pattaya all bars would do including BoyzBoyzBoyz and ABomb previously better known for more muscly boys. Exploring all places will give you proper sense of what paradise is.
  12. actually #47 changed number to # 69, I should mention it in day 8 report but now I have a word from visiting dignitaries that he is back to #47. What reason it would be , I can only speculate but really I don't care. Also #3 Bos was using #23 when I saw him on the last trip. We are offing neither name nor number , we are taking home boy of interest, name and number irrelevant
  13. yes he also goes by that nick but to me he introduced himself as Soda, this is also name some other members know him by so it looks he is using them both.
  14. we have no control about what they talk about with themselves but certainly they talk. What they tell their friends is up to them and it is not always truth. I know my cases when boys either overestimated or underestimated tips received when talking to friends. and often when I ask how much they want they answer ' same you gave to XXX' So I'm not concerned about that part. While ago I wanted to off long time one of the Arena boys but he was very reluctant to go because he never went out with clients. Then all of the sudden he agreed, he told others and they , namely James told him I'm a good guy As for case at hand I was told by one of the boys what he told about me and I hope what I had to say was transmitted to him but I left it at that. I didn't want to get involved in any intrigues 'he said this, he said that" Bottom line is performance was good but boy was greedy and I don't have much time for greedy people in my life. Since few boys were offed by me more then once on this trip he should get that I did not like something,
  15. Day 8 Sunday, lazy day for me . As mentioned Raya is to comfortable and sometimes I have problem leaving room. At 5 p.m. with friend from the same hotel but not our member we went to Arena. All in all this is my favorite massage place in BKK and usually I start every trip there but recently changed my ways. In December did not go there at all and on this trip only now. But I did not forget boys and certainly they did not forget me. Dit , my favorite from there come to say hallo right away and so did his brother Fai, an excellent masseur whom I immediately recommended to my friend. Art, the mamas an got a little weight and was curious why I was not there that long. Never ever since I started patronizing them on my first trip they disappointed me. There were several boys but of course first shot belongs always to Dit so off we went for usual 1.5 hr. session. Good massage and a lot of fun since I remembered his very ticklish spot and he knew very well how to defend himself. It ‘s good to feel like a kid once in a while. Tipped him generously as always, I was surprised he remembered our first long time off, what hotel we went to / BBB / and that in the morning he was walking me to BTS because I was going to Laos, it was 3 years ago ! Upon return to the lobby another smiling face recognizing me – James , quite muscular and very talkative boy I had massage with few times and offed him as well. Perhaps I should stop butterflying all over and park myself there like I did in Dec of 2014 ? I left all smiling as always. My friend was gone already , I strolled along Silom where street was closed today for Sunday market pretty well attended. In that crowd I met Tao from BBB Inn , my off from third night with their receptionist shopping for a supper treats. At 10 p.m. the same friend and I went to , surprise, Tawan. Yesterday I promised to off #48 Ton who was trying to extract that from me for a few nights but to my surprise, he passed by not even looking at me and hid himself at other end of bar where gym equipment is. WTF I thought, it was very strange. But it always helps to have friends in high places, Alek #20, whole excited about tomorrow escapade to Pattaya with me greeted me right away with reminder that he will be in the lobby at 11 and shortly after he came with news that #48 can’t do long time tonight for some reason. O Gee, couldn’t he just come and tell me that , after all I’m in Tawan?. There are a lot of substitutes and actually one was sitting just in front of me. No , not Alek, he got already a bit of business and will much more but #15 Boy. So no harm done Ton. But I guess he was trying to save a face pretending that he doesn’t see me so I went to his hiding corner , told him that it is Ok, slipped 100 baht deep in his briefs , hugged him and made a peace before even war started. It worked for me, truth is Boy is charming bastard, company of whom I adore. He is probably smallest of all Tawan boys but has this cheeky personality which I like. He was my first off from Tawan ever back in Dec 2014 , in May last year I offed him three times . I even suspect he may like me a bit. Even if he does not, I like him a lot, simply him more even that his lean body. He knows what he wants but also knows perfectly well why he is being offed. And he is OK with morning gymnastics I so like. So great time I had as always. But in the morning , on departure he tried to spoil my mood. Another request for 4000. With so many offs I did not even bother to ask him how much he wants in the bar but there he was. I gave him that extra 1000 without hesitation, he was worth that for me and possibly he even sensed it but I’m not that soft tough - I told him next time long time off will be 2000 and he kind of agreed. We will see in the future if I will hold to my promise, knowing me , I will. Quite possibly what z909 suggested earlier, he learned from #47 that he was successful so tried his luck, no doubt with success. After all that time another lesson learned, even if you know boy well make sure you repeat your terms before it’s too late. In contract with few nights before I was still happy, one of those cases where it’s better to overpay and smile than save and be forced to fake a grin. And so day 8 was over.
  16. yes, that's him. I'm not offing bulky bodybuilders - too big for me. He is Lao I'm not changing any names, they are recorded as they presented themselves to me. Some names may be distorted due to pronunciation or boys may be using more than one nick. Keep in mind their bar friends may know them by their real names, quite the same like here on the forum . To some members we are known by our nick , to others by real name. Since from post in another thread it looks you are there just call them over and ask their name, you can even tip Alek #20 if you want. Hope this cleared your concerns
  17. it's why my first 8 trips to Thailand were always combined with one of the countries in the region - Cambodia, Burma , Laos , Vietnam and Indonesia
  18. I agree , nice respite after hustle and bustle of big city
  19. few pictures from Kanchanaburi trip for those who are thinking about going there or never heard about the place attachment=16884:P1200078.JPG]
  20. Day 7 So Bos left and since it was 6 and breakfast at Raya starts at 7 I went to Foodland Patpong to east something, American breakfast is 62 baht there between 5.30 and 9 a.m. Nothing fancy but filing enough. At 7 van picked me up from Raya, we went to some other place in Sanam Luang where I was directed to change to another van and after about 2 hours of quite pleasant drive we stopped in front of Kanchanaburi War Cemetery where our guide met us. Not that she sweat much , just told us to go and see and be back in ½ hr. Place is very well maintained so I strolled among the graves wondering about idiocy of war and sacrifices those guys made sent that far by their governments. I was quite moved actually my those thoughts. Than we were taken to nearby Museum from where there’s good view to bridge over river Kwai of book and movie fame. With some spare time I surveyed market across the street, quite a few interesting t-shirts but mostly regular tourist junk we so love to buy and then wonder where were our eyes then. Next step was to board the train trundling over greenery of rural Thailand, I had nice conversation with my seat neighbors, my compatriots by sheer coincidence. It looks that they paid 600 less for the same trip but their guide was collecting 100 baht from for train ticket and mine was already included. After about 1 hr. we left train to jump to our van and after 10 minutes we were invited for a lunch in riverside restaurant. Food was simple but delicious light fare , just perfect for a heat. Wi-fi worked perfectly in such a remote spot and I was able to catch with forum postings . Our next step was a waterfall but courtesy of drought actually waterless at this time , interesting sight nevertheless. We managed to reach Bangkok just before afternoon rush crush and I was dumped in front of hotel. Pleasant and enjoyable trip , free of unnecessary guides chatter which I’m not big fan of, time and money well spent although certainly can be had for less than my 1600 I paid or rather overpaid.. No, I did not take any boy with me although an idea crossed my mind but I decided against. I like exploring new places and if boy is not interested in them we may get both upset. I had a taste of that last year when I took boy to Muang Boran and he became bored quite fast so I was forced to cut visit short. After such a hard day I decided to get a massage so went around the corner to Bangkok Massage in soi Twilight. My regular from there Namu was absent which I noticed few days ago, apparently he landed a boyfriend and according to his brother also working there he is happy. So I took Lek, 100 % gay , tall and muscular guy. It makes nice contrast , Tawan type men sounding and behaving very feminine but massage was excellent and fun even better. I like my men muscular and muscled one he is. Dinner at Maxi this time. On every trip I like to patronize at least once my favorite dining places :Dick’s . Maxi, Madrid , Oasis and of course Foodland Patpong. Everywhere I have my favorite dish, at Dick’s rice Casimir / chicken with marasquino cherries / , at Maxi Wienner schnitzel, at Oasis of course chicken with cashew nuts, at Madrid cheese/spinach white pizza and at Foodland their breakfast. In the evening I joined Xiluzer and his friends in an escapade to , you guessed rightly , Tawan, since on his trip I’m on serious bar monodiet. Tiger, Od and Boy were missing in action, #47 was trying to get my attention again but I went only for shaking hands and saying halloo, #20 Alek is scheduled to go with me to Pattaya so resigned to his fate of being sidetracked tonight but still was visibly happy about incoming foray. I thought Bos # 3 will not be inclined to suffer indignity of second sleepless night in row but I was wrong, “ I go with you?” , ‘yes’ said I but after the show , he was ready to go in no time. In meantime I was object of interest for # 48 Ton. He was around me yesterday , today he came to shake hands and flex muscles even more. Brown skinned, very muscular , 110 % my type. A bit reluctant to go long time but since I already fixed Bos for tonight I promised I will take him tomorrow. I always dispense an advice to go for boys who are at least a bit interested in us so I need to follow my own wisdom, we will see what happens. Again Bos and me marched to Raya on opposite sides of Suriwong, this time I was kind enough to suggest it myself to his visible joy. Fact is, again I saw him talking to few guys on his way so obviously he is well known on this stretch for one reason or another. He told me he was DJ at XBoys for a few years. Great gymnastics after such a busy day. Breakfast finished day 7, Bos went home to catch up on sleep and I started day 8 with stroll to Lumpini.
  21. I'm glad they were there , not chased back home by the recent raids. I miss them all
  22. Thank you, you have a good heart ! Some may find them boring for lack of graphics but there are parts i like to leave just to myself and boys. What standards you are talking about? Whoring? I may be a bit progressive when comes to number of visitors and length of their stay in my room but Raya people across the street from Patpong and beside soi Twilight likely saw it all and more. I saw plenty in my 8 days there. But yes , I recommend Raya as long as one is willing for fork out a bit more for an accommodation. I felt pampered there.
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