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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I read it too and it was comforting thought when my mother died on my hands. Life is too short to look at empty half of glass and vacations are too short to worry about wasting money here and there or inevitable poor choice of companion from time to time. just go , enjoy and remember that in order to return we need to leave first.
  2. crowding bed with 2 different boys each night you call romance? I don't have feeling it was anything romantic in this trip, at least not for me but fun filled she was, days and nights with very little boredom, this is what I like on my vacations
  3. as mentioned above mono diet served me surprisingly well trying new things may cost more money but many things we don't know how they taste unless we try - this is my way of thinking. Last year I tried double night and it did not work because I did not consult boy whom to bring , I just did. This year I did not even think about it but for a change boys came with that idea , Not entirely sure I liked it and it cost much more money but it was something new and actually each of those 4 nights had a bit of different scenario. As for your trip report forget word 'maybe' please. Tears were stupid which I noticed very fast, why to cry at end of such pleasant and fun filled trip instead of smiling all the way to the bank to pay trip debts?
  4. Since wi-fi is very good and they can't care less about the joiners it must be safe, sometimes not working, you need to call reception to open it etc but for me it's not an obstacle lift the seat so won't be wet, if you place your money in the safe it will be too heavy to lift anyways, budget hotel must make money on something, never saw insects there but one room smelled foul with durian he is right because there no divider between shower and a seat but remedy is presented above
  5. what I'm supposed to do at 10 at night? leave 2 handsome boys watching TV and hunt for a towel ?
  6. American breakfast, 62 baht between 5.30 and 9, 78 baht at other times two eggs with choice of saussage , ham or bacon small glass of fruit juice / orange or guava/ tea or coffee two toasts with orange jam nothing fancy but filing and whenever I stay in Nantra, Pavillion, Take a nap or BBB Inn I go for breakfast to Foodland. They have full range of dishes available at all times and my boys are usually taking something more lunch / dinner like
  7. this is what usually happens to conversations. Staring with proposal of solution to Palestine crisis and finishing with quarrel of which Eros boy is better bottom
  8. Day 12, the last. Some may need tissues. Last day for me is always devoted to tourist program so I took canal boat to Talat Bobae market. Easy accessible and much, much smaller than Chatuchak , not very crowded makes good place to wander between stalls munching on some fruits and snacks. I did not buy anything but prices , specially for clothing there are very reasonable. Returned by the boat as well and walked according to sign on the pier 230 meters to a Jim Thompson house. He is a guy credited with reviving Thai cottage silk industry who disappeared into thin air in Malayasia in 1967 without a trace. House is actually few houses in a nice garden, sightseeing is with the guide only so I waited 20 minutes for start of my tour, entry 200 baht for foreigners. Quite interesting and due to compact size not tiring so worth trying, for lazy types there’s free shuttle tuk-tuk to and from National Stadium BTS. As with museums biggest part is souvenir shop and actually I splurged on some beautiful rag , spent 420 , thought I put it in my backpack but when I peeked inside while on the train thing was gone. Where, how and when I don’t know. Just disappeared , quite like Jim. Early afternoon I went to Senso, my first massage this trip was there and so it will be last thought I hoping Jack will be there this time but he was not. So I settled to Ton, tall guy with beard. Massage was Ok but went I tried to discover what is poking me from behind he turned out to be exceptionally well endowed. At first I thought silicon but under closer examination I did not see that being a case. WOW, wow, wow. So again Senso did not disappoint , my only concern is that at 4 they had only 4 boys available and when I was leaving at 5.30 it was the same number. But all very handsome and well built. I was a bit rushing home because at 6 I was expecting Alek for a last time, he came actually a bit earlier. He started with his ‘ you are my boyfriend ‘ but it was time to open eyes. I’m leaving , I will be very far and don’t even know when I will be back since for both this and next year I have some other trips to undertake. His eyes turned misty , then more and all of the sudden he burst into tears hiding his face in the towel. It did not take long before I needed my own towel, what a drama! He is telling me that his heart was never so broken since his boyfriend left him few years ago. Then I had this sobering moment : why we are crying if we had such a good time in last 2 weeks , shouldn’t we be happy that it happened instead of crying that is over ? It worked as charm, smiles returned, hugs followed , hands started wandering here and there , towels are drying and we are back in fun business. It looks that shedding clothes made us smiling again , certainly it was residue of washing powder which made us crying before! We even become hungry so we went to soi 4 again for the last supper. I was already packed and when time came to leave he was insisting to go with me to the airport, idea I was trying to discourage because it was late and he will be forced to take a taxi and all I can give him is 1500 I put aside as short time tip . He even did not want to take this money but when I told him that if he was in bar instead here he could land a client he resigned to his fate and took notes. Familiar route – Phaya Thai , City Link . We arrived at 11.45 , I suggested that he takes last train so last hugs and kisses on the platform. No tears this time , we are too old for that I guess. Wave good bye and he returned, I went to departure hall with enough time just to pass through emigration without haste. With no money left no need to stroll through duty free shops. Actually I found 10 baht coin in one of pockets so as always gave my last money to a cleaning lady. Another fun filled trip is over. Despite of what some may think I almost managed to keep it within budget. New invention was so many nights / 4 / spent with 2 boys. Not really my idea , I just wanted to swim with the flow. I think I still like one on one encounters better but if we don’t try , we don’t know. Having another quasi boyfriend again , it just happened. At least Alek fully understood meaning of butterfly and not even once tried to stop me from “betraying” him. No, I’m not a boyfriend material. I don’t believe in long distance relationships, friendships yes but nothing more. It was fun and joy but at times I thought that part of my holidays are on somebody else’s agenda. It was price worth paying although on longer vacations it could become a bit tiresome for somebody like me who likes unplanned holidays. If other party is involved it becomes much harder to make decision in a second. Not even once he asked me for money or more money. Only glitch on the trip was second night with inflated request for a tip but I did not dwell on the issue. I remember that I had another boy asking for more but as much as I hate those surprises he did because he could. Tawan monodiet was not boring nor exhausting, it looks that their boys have what I’m looking for. I don’t know what it is but they have it. I think it may be some maturity and understanding what both sides of a deal are supposed to get out of it. I guess they are just, well, men. I have regrets too. I could take Tao from BBB Inn at least once more. I’m still dreaming about offing Tiger long time. I should take at least once Dit from Arena and have massage with his brother Fai. I was not brave enough to try to off Mekhin in Tawan and one of Jupiter stars but I guess in two weeks one can’t have it all. I think despite of long and tiring flights I like two weeks stays better than longer ones . Enthusiasm is undiminished and budget easier to control. I liked Raya although is not for everybody’s budget and I was thrilled with my notoriety when I was passing with different boys every so often. Nantra Silom is great place to stay and value for money. Just for their price don’t expect too much Other than breakfast included I did not see much difference between Ambiance and Le Café Royale. I still like Bangkok better than Pattaya but perhaps I should give her more chance and spend at least 1 week there? It was great pleasure to spent so much time with Xiluzer and his crowd and to meet Williewillie in Pattaya and Anddy in Bangkok. Always fun to meet face behind the name and posts. If somebody enjoyed those reports I’m glad to hear. If somebody found them boring and useless I don’t take any offence if he tells me why. My apologies for lack of graphics and pictures. Since I use boys numbers and nicks I think some things should be kept unsaid.
  9. on the last trip arranged with two boys to show up before bar hours , one at 12 noon and another at 5 and I did not pay off fees. Just talked to them , slipped them hotels card with room number and that was it. Just be discreet , you don't need mamasan's for this. I paid off fee for last day but boy was supposed to show up at 6 as stay till I leave soe it was fair and I also paid fee for those two days I removed him to Pattaya.
  10. Nantra Silom is good value for money. Some rooms can use more maintenance but generally over years I had only once issue there with room smelling durian. Location is great too- quiet corner but steps from Silom
  11. Your description of Alek fits, not bald though but very short cut. He is new, started mid April. I'm surprised with phone issue, I never had buy there sitting with me and playing on his phone. May be I'm picking up poor and ugly? If you have a trouble of getting boys attention my word would be - forget him until he actually smiles at you. One with fake interest in you is still better than one who likes his games more. There are exceptions but few and far between. The same goes with massage boys
  12. I hope he got good tip , then he can have good time with his friends. Balding sex turist likely had very good time and if he did not , it's his fault
  13. Day 11 After breakfast time to return to civilization. I stopped empty songtaew on the Second Road, he wanted 200 to Bus Station but quickly settled for 150. I know we could go for 20 per person using regular service but I like to travel in style it seems. Short wait for a bus, smooth trip to BKK and in early afternoon we were marching to Nantra Silom. Not as shiny as Raya but adequate enough, great location, comfortable room for a little bit over 1000, good value for money. No , boy did not stay with me. We agreed for farewell meeting tomorrow, I promised to drop by Tawan tonight to pay off fee and moment came him and no doubt some readers are waiting for: compensation. When he originally suggested going with me he said he will be happy if I pay off fee and his expenses but removing him from bar equals removing him from earning possibilities so I promised to give him my long time rate 3000/ day and gave him 1000 baht extra as a bonus. He seemed very happy , in fact he was happy all that time we were together. In contrast with Bank , my QBF last May he did not complain that I spoil other boys with excessive tips and did not ask me for anything other than small local treats for his sister and his friend from the bar. Taking extra boys was our mutual idea just for fun of it, this trip I tried crowded bed option. He went hope to get some sleep , I, after short rest decided to go again to Superhero. 40 minutes to Bearing , 15 minutes walk along Sukhumvit to soi 78 and another 2 or 3 in the soi – like Terminator I was back. It was about 5 , only few boys on duty , immediately I was promised few more will be coming in several minutes but no need since Charoon , boy I had few days ago was there flexing his impressive muscles so I went for a repeat. Again , place may be shabby and in need of sprucing out but service left nothing to improve starting with shower together all the way to showering together again. Since it was only few days from last time he remembered what I like and it was again better session that I recall from old Hero from all those years with possible exception of massages by O. So definitely worth such along trek for me , massage 550, tip 1500 and immediately after leaving I regretted that I did not try to invite him to my room for a my last night in LOS. Around 8.30 I was expecting knock in the door since Anddy from our forum and I agreed to have dinner together at Thai restaurant in Silom plaza. He recommended their signature dish, may favorite chicken with cashew nuts when they were in their old location in soi 9 . They are easy to find - several tables in the open on ground floor as on enters plaza on his was say to Arena. In fact they are right by escalator. I thought it’s perfect spying point if one wants to catch Arena boys going to work or even better ending their shift. We did not wait long to prove my assumption. Great company , interesting discussion and perfect food, now I’m not sure where to get my favorite dish, there or Oasis on Suriwong . It was great to meet another board member with good insight about life in Thailand. As suspected after a while familiar face showed up – James from Arena going home after his day. I had few massages with him and offed him long time as well but opportunity of another off was wasted by me because on this trip I’m fixated on Tawan monodiet. But thank you Anddy for recommending place and in future I’ll try to make is hunting spot just for fun . Short chat with James who is quite talkative and Anddy and I went back to Nantra where we parted ways. He went home and I for the last time this trip made very short trek to Tawan / Nantra is in the same soi but at Silom end while Tawan is at Suriwong end/ . I was hoping to off either Boy or Tiger but they were absent and for a good reason because of expected / gut feeling or tip / police raid . As we know from another thread it actually happened in soi Twilight next night. Od #14 joined me immediately with request that he wants to have breakfast with me so I seemed to be fixed for a night, familiar body and face offed 7 times already including 2 this trip. Ton # 48 , one who was circling around for a while and then all of the sudden couldn’t go few days ago also came down to offer his company but I told him I’m taking Od after the show. As far as I see he is close to perfection body wise with steel muscles but not overbuilt like most of bodybuilders and I was a bit sad I’m leaving tomorrow so miss chance of hugging him closer. I don’t remember which one of them came with an idea, it was not me, that after all both can go with me. Even Alek who joined my table in meantime applauded an idea secure in knowledge that tomorrow belongs to him. Since Ton is new to me we discussed tip, he wanted more but fast agreed to my regular 3000 clearly asking boys what I paid them. So true to form , first and last night of this trip I was escorted by a boy new to me, well not entirely, because Od was just equaling all time record of 8th time off set by Bank from BBB Pattaya last May. But first the show. Today I saw Mekhin in the bar first time this trip , he was in the show in the sexy dance number together with #7 and at one point they went to the audience with Mekhin stopping in front of me so I had a chance of slipping 100 baht deep into his jeans and other boy was called over to get his tip as well. I have my sights on #7 in future , I like his biceps and height- he is one of tallest boys there. Od was in the number with parasols so only after the show/ another 100 baht for chuck wow contesters / we left. Hefty bar fine to be paid tonight, 1500 baht, two boys today and I paid for Alek for tomorrow as well. But life is short and so is supply of money but this is what lines of credit are for. Od and I walked and Ton followed us on his motorsai. We went to 7/11 to buy some supplies, on reception I paid 100 baht for an extra towel, no questions asked, I love Thailand. Busy night for me with being in the middle and only thing I could wish for was that every passing hour had 80 minutes , not 60. At least they could catch some sleep, no sandwich. While Od, s qualities are very well known to me I must say Ton was nice surprise , but I like straight guys and he sensed it very well. Another great boy from Tawan to return to. Sure time and money would be better spent to have them as a separate guests , unfortunately time become in short supply hence such an experiment. Breakfasts in Nantra are very basic with nothing to a Thai palate so Od and me walked and Ton went by motorsai to Foodland. In restaurants I tip 20 baht if bill is below 300 and 40 is its 300-600. Change of 13 baht came so I gave two twenties as a tip and wanted to pocket coins but Ton asked me to give to him so he will put in a piggy bank for his small baby. It was actually quite moving because it was not about money, 13 baht will not buy much so I dug into pocked and gave him all metal I had there and it was probably more than 100 since I like change and always have supply. Time to say good bye, last hugs with Od , 100 slipped for a taxi, Ton gave me a ride back to hotel so I slipped him also 100 and day 11 finished. Certainly I spent plenty today, not entirely efficiently but had that light feeling having just good time leaves us with. Typing that 10 days later I still smile.
  14. Thank you ,I'm not short of self-esteem but your comment actually made my day. I'm glad I spent those hours typing useful or enjoyable things. If I can inspire somebody to improve their own vacation time , even better. I grew up in a family which considered vacations more important than worldly possessions and I learned to cherish every moment of time off. I understand other may have different priorities, that is what makes life colorful and corporations rich stop swearing at me LOL
  15. I was brought to my attention that I should say: " once one at XBoys even complimented me on my choice of boy I had with me". my appologies , putting ash on my head right now and it will stay there till later
  16. It's probably the same like tattoos or facial hair on the boys - some don't notice at all, some find it off putting and others still actually very sexy. People care to a great degree about different things , this is what makes life colorful. I had an uncle in the family , since deceased, whose main worry upon moving into beautiful, brand new house was that when he dies it will be problem to move his coffin through a bend in the vestibule. His son sensible answer was ' we move you through door to the veranda'. When I pick fights I only care about price, waiting time at connection and times of departure and arrival. Rest is just small nuisance or unexpected bonus. But others may worry about the pitch between seats, points collected , access to the lounge etc. But I love Haagen Dazs on Cathay flights- that's my bonus
  17. thank you, blog highly unlikely but if you want I can send you links to all my trip reports placed in this forum since 2013 when i joined it is quite tempting , boy can be taken from PTY or even arranged to come by the ferry. Your comparison is spot on , monetary speaking I found Alek undemanding at all and with lesser appetite but Win has his advantages too - did not try to be my boyfriend no idea where Coral Island is but old Pattaya hands may help. We did not have problem with seasickness but sea was quiet that day. No doubt in my mind that money was well spent, it was fun.
  18. what do you mean 'after wake up'? do you go to Thailand to sleep?
  19. it was kind of spur of the moment and I even may be inclined to repeat in the future. As for the mall, that's inconvenience of having boy in tow, at times he may have his own ideas of spending time / and my money/
  20. hope somebody from the board will be there to report on those special parties I never came that early but was at 9 on the last day of my Dec 2015 trip and it was quite a selection of boys available alreaduy outside of bar hours, arrange for a visit during day and make sure you release boy so he can be on time at work or ask him to come to your room after work be discreet in either case otherwise boy will ask you for 500 off fee he needs to pay for being late or absent
  21. I, on another hand had one of my most memorable massages here, guy was so skillful that I had honest impression that three , not two hand are working on my carcass. But never saw him there later so did not patronize since
  22. recorded already here , day 2 http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/topic/10161-december-2015-adventures-bangkok-and-pattaya-trip/
  23. Day 10 When boy left I suggested we go to a Central Festival mall since I never been there. During day Pattaya is quite boring for me , statement which seems to rile both firecat and 1moRussian. Both on a separate occasion s suggested that one way of fighting daytime spleen is to take boy / s/ for a trip to Koh Larn. As soon as we crossed Beach Rd to walk toward the mall along the sand I recalled it when tout offered speed boat to the island for a meagre 3500 baht waiting included. Steep in relation to 60 baht ferry costs but did I mentioned I was in good mood. Left Alek there , went back to the room since I did not have that much money on me and in few minutes we were speeding toward the sunset or whatever. Thank you both gentlemen , not my idea of fun exactly because I like mountains and ruins not water and sand but for a change it was great. From ChristianPFC’s blog I recalled there is some hiking option on the island and as soon as we approached landing beach I saw some statue high up there spoiling Alek’s mood immediately when I told him I want to go there . Beach is very pleasant and water much , much cleaner than in Pattaya so no wonder island is so popular. Walking along the beachfront Alek showed me some famous local treats liker durian toffees and some fish snacks and I got a hint that I should buy him some. In a sense it was an eye opener to watch when he weights if 200 baht package is not too expensive compared to smaller 100 baht one . We use to think nothing about 100 baht but for them is actually lot on money which was obvious. Even more toughing was to see that he really doesn’t want to stretch my expenses to a upsetting point but loosen up a bit when I told him that where I live bus ticket costs more than 100 baht. So we bought this and that for him and his friend in the bar he mentioned fondly as his mentor / #31/. At end of walkway his salvation come, motorsai rental for 300 a day. Immediately he suggested that we rent one and he will drive me everywhere / likely hoping I will not have a time for this stupid hiking to the local MT Everest/ Little knows he about me but I let him have it and shotly world saw us crossing tiny island here and there , stopping along the way for an ice cream and on another beach to get few ‘ I know what you are thinking ‘ reprimands. Great pleasure sitting close to his fit body and holding to his hips and at times below . And there was this side road I asked him to turn in. No, not to find bushes but to go to a statue on the hill. I left him there since he flatly refused to climb with me so I went alone to a peak to get a peek of the island, sea and Pattaya in the distance. We were both happy, me climbing and him not. It was an afternoon already so we called boat to be ready and soon we were speeding toward Pattaya. Not exactly cheap but nevertheless enjoyable trip, thank you firecat and 1moRussian for an inspiration. On the firm land we went to Wat Chai market to buy another local specialty, some kind of fish in a jar and again I could see that there’s big difference for boys between 150 and 250 but I was not keen on seeing my boy suffering and bought him bigger more expensive jar again to see him very happy at relatively low expense. Then I thought after all that climbing I deserve a massage so boy went to the room and I crossed soi to Copa where I spotted some muscular hunk and went for 450 / 1000 treat . I told boy just massage and I’m glad he did not pay much attention to my specifications. Then Alek and I went for a dinner to the same place not only because delicious food but to get another glimpse of cute waiter. Over the meal we decided to hire another companion for a night and I suggested Toy Boys for a change. Quite busy bar , several customers, boys quite lively on the stage and again I left to Alek to pick up suitable candidate. He found somebody , we called him over , bought him a drink and sealed deal unfortunately for a short time only since he couldn’t or did not want to stay till morning. When we were ready to go all of the sudden Alek had a change of mind since another suitor declared long time willingness. There I have problem, I left decision to Alek, he is dumping boy over technicality and I had a feeling that is not fair to the boy so I decided to slip him promised tip and tell him he is free tonight at no monetary loss. He accepted his fate with smile and likely I’d too in the same position but I wouldn’t feel well if we just dumped him and told him to leave. Waste of money for a piece of mind , worth 1500 trouble. But substitute boy did not work out even close to the one from last night, at least Alek did not like him after all so whole task of entertaining boy was left for me , not an unpleasant chore on my part. So night activities proven both expensive and only partial fun. Chalked it to experience , in the morning boy got his tip and left before Alek even woke up finishing day 10 for me.
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