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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. nobody knows answer to those questions hence great uneasiness over the result which may turns out as trigger for monumental changes or big yawn or everything in between. Certainly European politics became more interesting overnight, only thing we know for sure
  2. same with me but I was never brave enough. Once I took motorsai to Jomtien and guy made few unnecessary shrap stops, with every one I was closer to his hips but due to heat I lost my brain and did not get a hint I guess. Once taxi driver from Don Muang offered girl right away , when I said thanks offer of young boy followed but clearly he did not mean himslef - he was worth a sin
  3. There's also Canadian approach to the ' leave or stay' problem. In 90' after Quebec referendum which almost resulted in separation of that province clear set of rules on leaving was set i.e. clear majority must respond 'yes' to clear question. Surprisingly perhaps this resulted in silencing , at least for now ' leave ' movement. In Britain nation has spoken clearly and there are only two options available , pack up and leave or call another sobering up referendum. In breakdown of relationship if one spouse decides to leave , other has only one option, open door wide but why to help packing? Hence voices to make leave option to look unattractive IMHO.
  4. looks tempting , specially that I woke up hungry this morning
  5. Calling Trump fascist is gross exaggeration but otherwise I agree with what both of you said. It seems Western world is slowly but surely getting into grip of populists, nationalists and demagogues and this in not a nice perspective if history is teaching us anything. But as they say , nation had spoken and nation will bear burden, if any, of that collective decision. Any politician can now say 'this is what you wanted". I wonder what Scotland will do but nationalists there would be stupid of not seizing the new opportunity and call another independence vote very soon.
  6. no , that was Pattaya boy on one of previous trips thank you for a report some of us were waiting for myself included
  7. we hope that after having a rest you will report on anniversary party at the bar
  8. you don't have sex with junk food, do you ?
  9. vinapu

    High season?

    I like that expression "Little Britain" if history is teaching us something it is that when patriotic feelings are on the rise, ,trouble brews, I hope I'm wrong
  10. Because with age they get wiser and know that free sex is much more costly? In their defense I must add that that being straight and wanting to do as little as possible not necessarily goes hand in hand. My experience with straight boys is overwhelmingly positive like they realize they need to try harder to please because lack of natural attraction. Sure I can point many exceptions but straights work for me.
  11. but looks great for body worship ans yes , smiles a lot even in bar. from what I was told actually quite a bit of attitude
  12. I rarely have any leftover baht other than handful of coins. I usually bust my budget toward the end and take money from ATM to tidy me over till departure. Usually I estimate pretty closely of what I need. Yes , when I stay in Tarntawan I do exactly the same, tip that guy 100 baht for his troubles.
  13. perhaps other have , I don't take boys pictures and I did not off #36 although I talk to him briefly
  14. yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ! already started and it seems first off on the next trip God knows when is already monetary secured.
  15. When comes to gay killings unfortunately recently it seems that USA is the worst, isn't it? Should we be afraid of going there too?
  16. watch what you are saying , there are some on this forum with very good memory so you better keep your promise
  17. just off him and stop tormenting yourself
  18. after all , like all other bars, Jupiter is a boy bar not a gay one. I like their show and look of their boys but I never saw girl offing boy from there. Tried their boys twice and need to second firecat's voice above but I'm not that easily discouraged and may consider wasting money in future on #'s 7, 44 ,55 and 60
  19. really? me? I never offed a men without a cock and only once one with single testicle. yes #36 was offed almost nightly when I was there. Growing star perhaps.
  20. It's a good form to buy boy a drink if he is sitting with you but if you already decided on an off and boy agrees just tell him to dress and don't bother with drink. This is formula I use when offing boys already known to me.
  21. In Tawan very often boys are approaching you, mamasans are really just to collect money but if you need translation or are just shy type sure you can enlist their help. Point is and any bar you don't need mamasan as intermediary
  22. I decided to shed some light on trip finances in view of your comments and those you mentioned. Your point is perfect. If I go to local go-go bar where I live I can have naked guy dancing in front of me for length of 1 song / aprox 5 mins / and it will cost me aprox 540 baht. Sometimes he will not even allow to touch him not to mention kiss, cuddle or hug. So 15 minutes of mostly viewing pleasure will cost me 1620 baht. Plus beer. so some boring statistics below: I was in Thailand 12 full days and 11 nights but paid for 12 nights since I wanted to have an access to a room on my last day when I was leaving just past midnight. Airfare was 800 USD this time , cheapest I ever pay to Thailand was 519 USD, most expensive 1380 USD so it varies wildly. Hotels: Raya 8 nights 538 USD, I could do it much cheaper / 412 / but for 4 nights I decided to splurge and treat myself to boost my self-esteem, breakfast for two included. Ambiance Pattaya 2 nights for less than 60 USD total with breakfast, Agoda had special and I grabbed it. It was 27.09 or 29.07 USD per night , I don't remember which one. Nantra Silom 70 something USD, I don't remember exactly but it was something between 71-79 for two nights and it was not their cheaper room, actually third from bottom in their scale whatever they call it. So on both Raya and Nantra it could be even cheaper without sacrificing much. I had 15 long time / 7 single and 4 double nights / and 3 short time offs plus 11 massages which cost: 6800 baht / 193 USD / in off fees, 8750 baht / 248 USD / in massage fees 69900 baht / 1985 USD/ in tips including tip for a boy from Toy Boys which we actually did not even take home. 6000 out of this amount I consider misspent because inflated boy demands / 2 times/ , non using boy's company and hiring boy who did not perform as promised. Other substantial expenses were 3500 speed boat / no idea if can be hired cheaper but trip to Koh Larn by ferry is just 60 / and 1600 for trip to Kanchanaburi which could be found chepaer /1200-1300/ in Silom area and probably as low as 800-1000 in Kao San area, not sure but people I met on the train told me they paid less than 2000 for two. Total tips in bars were probably well below 2000, I usually tip 100 best looking boy and some show performers, some boys are getting taxi money in the morning . On another hand I spent most of my time in Tawan and I don't tip nor buy drinks for boys I offed or I'm firmly planning to off on this trip so only one boy drink there , on the first night when Alek was great unknown to me. Drinks in bars were probably 4000-5000 max. total between me and boys in tow. I did not bother to even count No substantial spending on food even if I always invite boys for a dinner before going to hotel in most cases they were happy with street food including frogs and insects treats. I'm low maintenance and no substantial shopping / shorts, shirt , t-shirt and rag which I promptly lost /. 1300 went for cleaning teeth and 200 for haircut. So tips are most substantial part of expenses and biggest savings can be had there but reducing amounts and number of encounters but as Firecat said in his post above -why on such a short trip ? Hope it helps some to budget for their own trip.
  23. yes , with exception of night 3. no I'm not but fact that I got bonus at work equivalent of 10 long time off tips just 2 weeks before departure helped to a great degree. My reasoning is , I don't spent 18 hours flying to economize and spend lonely nights. I do it with great success at home, LOL
  24. Ambiance had breakfast included. It was my first stay there, so far I always used Le Cafe Royale but this time crossed the soi enticed by offer on Agoda website of less then 30 USD per night with breakfast for two. I don't remember exact figure but it was a steal. I found both hotels equally pleasant and very good value for money. I did not notice anything jaded about Ambiance but truth is , other than night we spent very little time in the hotel. A/C was working perfectly , room was on smallish side but comfortable enough. I recommend both hotels equally with clear conscience, ideal for somebody like me who likes to be close to the desired action and Pattaya biggest attraction, Boyztown in absence of Louvre and Colliseum
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