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Everything posted by vinapu

  1. I can recommend day trips to ruins of Tulum and Chichen Itza. Count your money when exchanging at the airport, I still keep printout from adding machine showing 200*8=1400 !!!!!! and this is what I got instead of 1600. It was back in 1997 but I doubt much changed in their "mathematics"
  2. I remember that post of yours. No doubt some are cheap charlies but probably some are fishing how low they can go and settling on higher tips While I have no intention of arguing how many offs boys have and how much they make, based on conversation with boys over the years for my personal use I believe that better than average boys are lucky if they have off every 4 days and massage boys are lucky if they get one massage every second day. Sure there are attractive and lucky ones who get repeat business daily but this rarely last long
  3. few hundred baht is cheap for us, not the boys as most of them are living hand to mouth as firecat eloquently and accurately argued above. I got lesson of this last month when was with Tawan boy in Pattaya. He wanted some fish treat Chonburi region is famous for for his sister. Small jar was 150 and more than twice as much bigger 250. It was eye opener for me to see how disapponted he was by such a difference in price. Of course I bought big one for him and the thanked me few times for that, even few days later on my day of departure. Did not point all those long time tips but he thought important to thank for that big jar. So those 100 baht companion tips are going long way for a boys.
  4. were we frugal when we were their age? remember you are saying that from perspective of person who has lots of life experience, at 19 chances are your budgeting skills were the same like ours at that age - non existing welcome to the forum but no need to be sarcastic on introduction. better way is to say what you think on the subject
  5. I like you way of doing things. Boy obviously is decent and did not take any advantage of being already in your room demanding who knows how much and more like some others mentioned previously. And since he quoted you what we suspected are going rates for higher shelf level boys in BKK , now we have a confirmation.And 1500/2500 must be still kicking and alive in soi Twilight, perhaps even less if there's drought.
  6. vinapu

    Gyms in BKK

    I can imagine G.W.Bush's comment ' you are underinformed"
  7. sounds like me in my younger years
  8. don't worry about length and keep typing. If you think post is too long just divide it into two. From my experience I suspect you have as much fun creating those reports as we have reading them , I have no doubt I speak for quite a few. too much planning may spoil experience if things are not going as planned. On my last trip which I planned and executed to visit Tawan on the first night for a first hour I was depressed since none of boys I wanted to see were there and two I noticed ignored me for a good while. You can off and whine/dine massage boy too. Naked boy is mutilating naked you and you call it impersonal ? Definitely there's need to 57 kinds of ketchup for all our various preferences
  9. for me is easy, I don't blame boys for trying to get more and I don't blame myself for not liking those tactics.It's why I fix price expectations before leaving bar everybody has own way of reporting. I think if we share names and numbers it helps good boys to get more business. From time to time I get PM's either thanking me for a lead or asking 'where you had eyes and what did you see in him". Even if we are not so happy lead is a lead . Others still may try to see if that's true and sometimes confirm , sometimes not. I'd not be surprised if Soda all of the sudden will become very busy recently because all this discussion above, after all our friend offed him after I reported that i was not exactly happy. like Thai boys say ' you think too much', trip reports are like boys cocks, for some too short , for some too long , for majority enjoyable and longed for we hope too, glad you found motivation to join in a good cause but best outcome is when one side contains both smiles, boy's and ours
  10. what , you don't like men? LOL
  11. and no hangover in the morning, just wide smile
  12. vinapu

    Gyms in BKK

    you may not be far from truth, generally my days and nights while in LOS are spent on the move and apart from other activities I like wrestling with my boys. Try to touch the ass of the straight boy-fight guaranteed and winner unknown
  13. while it may make sense from bar's point of view, they need performers for the show, those amounts are extortionate for Pattaya specially where 1500 may land long time off of boy in the same soi. I wish them good luck with those fees. I still consider BBB best bar in whole Thailand but while can envision paying 2 times going rate for a boy's tip, can't see paying that much just for a off fee. But no doubt it will be takers
  14. vinapu

    Gyms in BKK

    not all, very thought about going there makes me tired , LOL
  15. welcome to the forum and while I don't think we trashed him that badly, good came out of it because you were compelled to defend your friend. As mentioned few posts above , our statistic samples are small and all recommendations as well as warnings need to be taken with grain of salt. I don't think anybody speaking had intention of trashing him , rather our experiences with him acted as good illustrations of what pitfalls may potentially fall on unsuspecting and inexperienced, or in fact experienced too, customer
  16. you did , you did , just almost like describing my first time, addition being mamasan who stated "I will bring you boy " and called him over before I realized what is going on. Then he explained where short time rooms are and how much I'm supposed to tip overinflating figure of course. and before i could say 'God , help me", we were marching over to Suriwongse hotel short time rooms
  17. all boys are , just some are doing it with more charm I'd not be that radical
  18. waters will calm with time but question 'why' will remain. All this ' taking country back" BS was sound when colonies were fighting for an independence but certainly not a case here
  19. last The ECONOMIST from July 2nd has excellent article "the politics of anger" on page 9 relating exactly to questions you raised inculding Trump voters . I just read it this morning
  20. I'd not be that harsh. We heard that sex was good it just cost too much so 'offer ' got something in exchange. While it would be disgrace to take an advantage of newbie sometimes it's just communication "I go with you", nod of unsuspecting farang and boy thinks is offed. Such trick by the boy never happened to me but my first off ever was kind of forced on me by mamasan and I'm grateful to this day easy to say but were we all that brave when we entered bar for the first time? Certainly i was not, even now , all those years after sometimes when I climb stairs to Arena or walk over to Senso I surprise myself with feeling my heart pumping at higher pace. Nothing wrong with a little bit of thrill but of course we should stand out ground , on another hand what we will lose if boy is forcing himself upon us - 1500 but also chance of missing boy of out trip, who knows. Certainly it's beneficial subject was brought here so at least some may be warned and prepared for boy's antics. But you are right - offing is fun and easy and best done very often.
  21. Your assumptions are somewhat correct, Boy in fact is Tawan smallest boy I guess. Soda is more muscular but by no means bodybuilder. So both and few others are ideal for those who are not keen on massive boys but still curious about Tawan. As for affordability don't worry too much , if boys went home without off for awhile they may be open to the discounts and if they like you short time may be easily converted to long one for a bit more it at all. as for 'hungry ' issue , if you want avoid spending money on restaurant or even simply you are not hungry and it would be awkward just to sit and watch boy eating here's a prescription: When passing street food stall or 7/11 just ask boy if he wants something to eat, it will cost little but impression of being good hearted you make on the boy may pay off later in the room and will follow you to the bar. As for reputation remember that statistic sample is very small , fact that boy was greedy or lazy or passionate and heart warming, you name it , with one of us doesn't mean he will be the same with somebody else. It depends of client , boy and probably phase of the moon too. So if inclined go for it even if you did not get good feedback. I recall at least two cases when trusted sources advised me against the boy and yet I followed my gut and was very happy. Also recall Christian reporting on the boy he offed three times and one was excellent, one so-so and one not rewarding at all. I guess this happened to many who offed the same boy few times.
  22. well said, technically speaking if invited, guest has right to order whatever unless restrictions were placed up front / i.e. I only have 500 on me / but good manners dictate that host should be asked if this or that can be ordered . And for those who say ' you expect manners from moneyboys ? ' my answer is yes and my multitrip experience proves it. I always ask my offs if they are hungry and dine them very often, at least 2 times out of 34 and recall may be two cases when they wanted something expensive and even then asked , in one case I agreed , in another case I said I rather spent this money on you than your meal and message was well taken.
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