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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. How is the selection at Nice Boys....was pretty lame when I was last there, and it's generally my fav place in Pattaya
  2. There are people that go grocery shopping and look at prices carefully to determine if they really want/need something (me).....then there are people that just throw stuff in the cart, without looking at or caring what the price is 😉
  3. 300 Euros an hour 😬
  4. I have a brief interview process....3 quick questions: Mooks, silicone, POWER? if it's no, no, YES.....if he's my type, it's a go ....been down that road too many times to find out later.....one I'll be adding is anal warts 😬
  5. They will
  6. I find this very difficult to believe, you are the LAST person, besides myself, that I could see doing this 😝
  7. from Mexico to USA are double, soo a 100% increase
  8. and wait for it......she doesn't care what you think
  9. I remember sitting in Lagoa one Easter with a friend I met from the board.....he said we should have brought checkers or scrabble with us so we had something to do , lol
  10. he was the OP....
  11. Mostly a parking lot ..... https://www.google.com/maps/@13.7284335,100.5302142,3a,75y,325.4h,83.64t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1ss9itJ8SPiP2Clv0d70CLxg!2e0!5s20110901T000000!7i13312!8i6656
  12. they pay her just to be in her presence .....🙄
  13. Unless you happen to "show up" unexpectedly 😉
  14. I went with other people 😳
  15. I've been 2 times.....that's 2 times too many , what we do looking for the greener pasture, lol
  16. Is that a shop for drag queens?
  17. Where's the fun in that 😬
  18. Google translate is rarely correct with Thai, but gets the point across....sometimes 😜 Screw Boy recruitment- - Many male receptionists - Mrs. Show - Dorman water bar - DA Qualifications 20 years old, no experience Apply at Khun Boom 099-172-5955 quote Con
  19. There's hope for me yet!!
  20. It's funny when the uncle is younger than the nephew 😝
  21. also, uma chuca
  22. Unless you're at the coast where they speak more like Cubans, Dominicans or Puerto Ricans, lol
  23. Generally, when you have such a good time and have withdrawals when you get home.....the trip planning begins 😝
  24. When is your next trip back?
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