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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. We all have our own taste, guess that's why some ice cream place (Howard Johnson or Baskin Robbins) had so many flavors.... I've went to Le Boy sooooo many times in the past and would pick the sauna boys over what I saw there..... if I want attitude and snobbishness at an over rated price, why fly to Brasil, there's plenty of that in NYC, MIA and LAX. Funny thing, I just had this conversation with someone I was showing my pictures from BKK tonight..... the most average looking guy (not ugly not handsome) was my best sex of the trip..... and it has happened this way more than not. the term , All show and no go comes to mind. Just my 2 cents Now back to the question..... I think Grindr, Hornet, Jackd', etc..... have made it easier for hustlers to hook up without having to go to a bar.... so closing or changing themes of the cruising bars is happening around the world.
  2. BTW leaving for Havana in 29 sleeps!! I'm leaving in 3 sleeps ,lol
  3. Down to my last 5 days for this trip in Thailand....met and hung out with Crayontt for his time here, we had fun (I Think). Was wondering if anyone had plans on going out tonight or the next couple of days and would like company to go see a gogo show or have a drink. Then i'm of to Monterey Mexico, Havana, Cancun and Veracruz Mexico.....
  4. That story took an unexpected turn, I thought the disappointment was going to be about the rooms at Fragata...they're horrible and noisy. Could've just pretended you were in Thailand or Cambodia..... btw, if size/shape is important..... why not check under the hood before making any deal... as easy as lifting the towel, no?
  5. Must have been the night I don't remember being there, lol Tough getting old and the mind (with the help of Bacardi) starts to go.... I was sure it was X-Boys, but after looking at the time of the video and youtube videos....was Boyz Boyz Boyz...... wtf else happened that I don't remember? Crayontt.... any Idea?
  6. Far from "new" to this site or Hooboys (or replacement Boytoy).... Just don't post much because of nonsense...... What is allowed is hypocrisy..... cock and ass pics are found on this site in many different Advertiser or member areas..... I mention GoGo bars and Thailand as a good Buddhist would never try to take advantage of another soul, lol
  7. Ok, I guess that makes sense..... Like the GoGo Bars being Illegal in Thailand
  8. hahaha, I thought it was going to end bad,lol
  9. The saunas, have 2 types..... either with or without working guys (money boys). So if you go to a sauna with working boys, Rio has 3 or 4 and Sao Paulo 2 (there are more, but these are the bigger ones). They are more like a bar with a sauna, not a typical sauna in my opinion. You are not required to change into a towel although you may. They have a bar that also serves food and the boys all will be in towels, walking around showing off the incredible bodies and cocks. Just like in Thailand, there is not only 1 body type.... many like the muscled porno type body builder or just the slim average boy next door. Even a few chunky, hairy, smooth, white, brown or black, short, tall, etc.... The saunas have rooms in them that they rent by the hour or you can make plans with the guy to go to your apt, hotel or sex motel. There is no off fee, drinks are normal bar prices and depending on the night or sauna they have promotions or shows. Most saunas are "known" for their busy nights where sauna 117 in Rio for example or Lagoa in Sao Paulo will have about 50 guys (maybe more). If they think you are new, will ask for more money but current going rate is $100 Reis (about 25usd) some will go as low as 50 or 60 depending...... Needless to say, there is no big cock show as almost all boys are working the saunas because they have one,lol Most will say they are tops only but when in the room you will find they do most anything....in addition to big dicks, you will see some of the most amazing bubble butts ever...you could put your drink on it and use it like a table. Now the sex , don;t know how they have the stamina (youth?) is some of the most passionate I've ever had. They love to kiss, suck, rim, fuck....pose for pics, videos....not shy whatsoever. Now besides the saunas, there are websites, apps, street cruising (a little risky).... just like here, if they are working in a bar they are known....same in brasil, if they work in saunas. There is also non commercial scene saunas and gay clubs as well as the apps, not all money boys..... if you feel confident or don't like to pay... there is a huge gay community. Here are just a few pics from my last trip....
  10. was XBoys.... I saw them at both places as well
  11. I am back the first week in December, but only spending a couple days in Rio after having a incredibly great time in Sao Paulo 2 months ago, so going to see if I can repeat the experiences! If I'm not going to be with you, how can you repeat the great time, lol
  12. What's the expression.... that's why Baskin & Robbins (Or Howard Johnsons) had 52 flavors, or something like that? Sao Paulo and Bangkok I mainly use Uber to mainly get around..... Cloning a credit card or ATM card doesn't even rate for me since it's the banks loss, not mine. In addition to plan B, I have a C, D & E, lol As far as language, I speak Portuguese & Spanish so isn't a problem.... and Thai, enough to converse with and Joke with the boys. I've been coming to BKK for about 17 years.... and wonder, how many gogo's will remain in the end, sooo many massage places, apps, internet that compete at a lower price. Like I've said before, I have fun in Thailand & Asia..... but the sex for me is just more amazing in Latin countries with Brasil being in the top spot and with the favorable exchange rate for the USD now, this translates to about 900 baht or less for sex with a guy in brasil..... and they are not shy. Taking pictures or even videos..... no problem.... they usually want to do more!
  13. Tomcal is the resident expert on those 2 cities, IMO How he keeps track of which nights is good where and such is beyond me, lol
  14. Haven't been to Acapulco in a long time, but this is a good site generally for escorts in Mexico http://mx.mileroticos.com/escorts-gay/guerrero/acapulco/ why you going there?? Has been going downhill for many years... Manhunt and Grindr are popular there as well..... then for bars,I used to like Picante and Demas http://www.realacapulco.com/en/gay/nightlife
  15. Was a friend of mine last night here in BKK (from this board) and we went to Dreamboys.... So there was NOT a cover charge, like one of the doorman told me 2 weeks ago... was 450 baht 1st drink and 350 baht every drink after, Including the boys drinks.... Fair enough for the elaborate show they put on. I tried to off 2 boys, even though they were asking 2000 for a short time, I figured WTF, will be the only time on this month long trip I go in there..... They were trying to stick under 2 hours for a short time.... I wanted to go some places and drink some more...another bar or DJ station..... they were TOTALLY uninterested. Again, I hate to pounce on Thailand, because I have so many Thai friends (not boys) , a few people that work here and I just LOVE the thai food here.....But the scene in Brasil is SOOOO much more conducive if you are into sex, lol
  16. Ahhhhh Throb... I've been trying to remember the name of that place....use to be my favorite
  17. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1kar72v0hwdkr4c/20151109_002236.mp4?dl=0 Sorry about the shaky camerawork but I was in the back row with lots of people passing by... Is last night B-Boys show at X-Boys
  18. Bad experience at BBB Inn before, bedbugs... I know can happen anywhere, but a respectable hotel will deal with it, not deny it, which is what they did. I was only going to be a few more days on that trip so I went to Tarntawan, is a great hotel, great staff, good food. But too costly for me on long trips. I've been staying at Sanctuary House Apartments down the road from Ibis & Malaysia .... VERY happy here, Kitchen, A/c, Cable, WiFi, private... and on the roof is a patio to go to if you want to sit on the roof and have a drink or entertain someone...also has a washing machine you can use on the roof and hang the laundry out, dries in a couple of hours in the Bangkok sun. www.sanctuaryhousebkk.com For Pattaya, I've always stayed at Ambiance, never been disappointed... here now just for a couple of days, Hotels.com had it for $29usd a night. I did notice an increase in the coffee shop food price than I remember though.
  19. Maybe that's where the assumption that all Asians are mainland Chinese.... I may be guilty of that latino attribute that all Asians are Chinos, lol Just looked up countries with the most millionaires per capita, Hong Kong and Singapore lead the USA and Japan and Taiwan are right behind....
  20. I've been to Bogota, Cali, Cartagena and Medellin..... only the latter I ran into that...my experience, doesn't mean you will have the same outcome, but 2 things in 1 visit was a bad ratio. Time passes and what seems like last year, might have been 3 yrs ago....so not sure exactly, I'd have to look at passport or pics to figure it out, lol
  21. I'll just give my 2 cents.... TotallyOz, you know I like to thrive on danger and the dangerous types, lol.... God knows I've had my share of problems in Mexico, Cuba and Brasil. But MDE, was a little different. Many Taxi schemes you need to be aware of, I was almost kidnapped for ransom by an SUV with 4 guys trying to find out if I was European or American, Thank goodness I went into my best Cuban speaking Spanish accent telling them I just arrived and was looking for work... they were then uninterested, because what's the chances anyone would pay for me,lol.... but was a scary experience, hair raising, literally . Then I met, what seemed to be a nice guy but ended up getting my experience somehow, don't remember all the details with "Devils Breath" Scopolamine I guess is the medical name.... woke up after like 24-48 hrs of sleep to an almost empty hotel room. Hotel security showed me the video of who I entered with and he said I was very lucid, telling him that I knew these 3 people for a long time. You become very open to suggestions I guess and they left with my wallet, laptop, clothes .... but luckily those things can be replaced. I've only heard/read of stories of worse things happening, not only here but in Brasil as well. I'm not a nervous Nelly nor has it stopped my travels..... I still had a good time with some guys in MDE at the Sauna and some other bars.... but was enough to say...ummmm, there are other places to go, 2 bad experiences within a few days was enough, lol I'm not here to piss on anyones parade... I love Mexico City, many people think it is too dangerous.... to each their own. Just thought I'd pass on my experience.
  22. Maybe that's a myth or perception that American's or Europeans are wealthier. We've both gone through financial crisis recently and perhaps have a better than normal living style. I have seen mainland Chinese drop money like they are a rapper or rock star... and perhaps why many business look for the Chinese tourist? I'm not sure but being from USA and now living in Mexico, I just relate my spending justification to what seems to be standard in third work countries..... Cuba, Mexico, Central America, Peru and Brasil are much closer to us and the rates for working guys are within the same price range of each other with Thailand falling into the higher end of the spectrum, factoring in the off/massage fees. And I'm not complaining per se, my posts are my opinions... I know people that throw money at boys like crazy, but hey, it is their money.... they could throw it into the street or off a balcony if they wanted to ...it is theirs. Anyway, I'm going to Pattaya tomorrow with someone from this board for 2 days, he's never been and I haven't been in a long time.... I'll post my complaints...errr, observations later, lol
  23. I've stayed there multiple times... Hampton does a free wifi and a aid wifi, but if you are Diamond I think you get a faster internet. I've not had any problems and I stream all me TV shows to watch while I am away. There is a slow down at night when people are returning to their rooms after work/meetings and later at night when the usage is higher.... porn? But is a great hotel with very helpful staff.... I used to be in the hotel biz, so for a $29usd employee rate, I can't complain.
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