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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. True, is what I tell my straight friends....how to explain why we like what we like
  2. For me Brasil #1 Mexico#2 Bkk #3 Colombia (with caution) #4 Barcelona #5 Although Thailand can be very inexpensive, rent, food, taxi....the sex scene is the most expensive out of the 5 I've listed, weird because on a % scale of good sex, it comes in at the lowest....for me anyway.
  3. nothing interesting posted...anyone been? I messaged them on Facebook, this was their reply: Sorry to answer you late and thank you for your enquiry. The concept is that every customer who get in the club can see our staff fetish performance in order to show you their skills, this performance takes 20 minutes , you can of course participate with them or just look. You can then continue a session with the boys in any area of the club, using all the accessories you want. He get his commissions on drinks and will be dedicated to provide you the service you want. Entrance is 900 Baths with three drinks of your choice included ( Low season promotion ) then staff drink is 280 / glass Please not that we are not a cabaret , a show place or a beer bar but a private club where you can pratice fetish and BDSM activities discretly Don t hesitate to contact us again if you need more details, we recommend our new customers to contact us first in order to know what they want / like in order to prepare everything for them when they arrive. Hope to see you soon Kind regards I told them I'll be by in Sept....., let us know before you come and we can prepare everything for you, if you have any prior requests let us know. See you soon Kind regards
  4. wow, what a thread,lol I feel like I watched a full hr soap opera...not the original story, just the replies. I don't read this board frequently, only when planning a trip to visit.... My take away: Boyfriend in Thailand from a sex worker....doubtful. Long ago, I used to hang out and drink with Hugh Miller (was the manager of Ambiance before opening his own restaurant)...the stories he had were both amusing/sad/depressing. Whenever I hear of tipping or what someone paid for st/lt.... I think of an old boss of mine that said, gotta take the bad with the good, can't win all the time. So whenever we hear of someone that tipped too little, I think of when someone tips too much, does the boy say...oh that's too much and gives some back? Nasty comments should be kept off here unless followed by a smiley face And as for Sambb getting a life....I think he's quite happy with the one he has (again, I hate his politics ) he already knows what it takes many a lifetime to learn......we're here for a short time, tomorrow may never come, enjoy it while you can . I've been paying for sex since I was about 18, in bars like Trix & Stella's in NYC. QUESTION: Which cost more, sex for free or sex for money....Sex for free ALWAYS ends up costing more, emotions, dinners, gifts, time, etc....
  5. Out of respect for Sam...I'll stay out of the immigration part (side more with Steve, Sam & I disagree on all aspects of politics)......but wow Sam, I leave you alone for a few months and you become the Jomtien Complex butterfly,lol
  6. Anyone been...comments? I just did a search,,,I'll go read the thread,lol
  7. just read this article today and reminded me of one time in MDE that happened to me..... what we do is like a casino, even a careful player can get beat,lol https://finance.yahoo.com/news/marine-officers-could-face-charges-223931150.html
  8. "Organized crime syndicates work behind the scenes. Their methods are varied" " In the developing world, people are kidnapped and used for their organs." " The urban legend is scary, if not a bit melodramatic. The reality, however, as it often is, is in some sense even more horrifying." So with such a demand for organs, they would leave an unsuspecting person alone...?? What country do you live in , btw??
  9. Yeah, lots of Americans...plus there is a joke that all the cuties have left the island. The hustlers used to be "honorable", was like a job to them. Now they try to rob people, not perform, constantly demanding things.... they think EVERY foreigner is rich and doesn't work for their money...so why should they...the list goes on.
  10. I've been to over 60.... for sex I like most Brasil, Mexico, Thailand (Cuba used to be high on that list). For tourism/beauty... French Polynesia (Bora, Bora), Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Italy, W. Samoa
  11. If you don't believe its going on....don't know what to say. http://bigthink.com/philip-perry/what-you-need-to-know-about-human-organ-trafficking And as far as hearing things that have happened 2nd hand....I've heard it from both sides, (not organ harvesting) a victim and people that do the beating/robbing..... a few people know me personally on this site....wtf do I gain by making stuff up, I hardly post here because of senseless arguments,lol
  12. I guess if it hasn't happened to you is invented or fake, smh...is referred to as organ harvesting and many countries hide reports/numbers as not to appear dangerous to tourism. Is NOT limited to S. America either....... Yes, was scopolamine, in the Holiday Inn Express....I went to security to find out what happened to my stuff.... they said I entered with "friends", was very lucid and they showed me the security videos. The drug makes you very open to suggestion with no recollection of the events. Worse than a good night Cinderella because you become a willing participant to do what they want.
  13. Medellin was a bad luck spot for me too, got to experience "devil's breath" (google it) and woke up in my hotel with almost everything gone......Know a guy that in Lima had his worst experience, from someone he had known for a while...took him to meet his "family" actually turned out that his "friend" sold him to thugs that then beat, raped and emptied out his bank accounts. I'll never forget a guy in Brasil once told me.... NEVER trust anyone that sucks cock for money, if they are willing to do that, they are capable of anything.... And there are real stories of people waking up with missing organs, so material things can be replaced, what to do...
  14. Police in Guadalajara have been the most corrupt I've run into (and believe me, I have a way of having run ins with police, lol) No plans to go back the gay bars didn't interest me...the city is cool and has lots of culture, taller guys than most other parts of Mexico..... If you go def do the Jose Cuervo express train tour, was amazing and prob the only reason I'd head back to GDL...but find someone to go with on that tour, is what made it fun too.... Monterrey is a cool city with lots of options too for gay life , but just for a long weekend type of trip.
  15. I've had great luck finding guys in ANY Mexican city on this site: https://mx.mileroticos.com/escorts-gay/ In Mex, MTY didn't even leave my hotel room for up to 5 days...they came over, we drank and had fun. The bar/stripper scene in anyplace in Mexico seems shady, they know there days are numbered and only think about what they can make TODAY, so screwing over customers is normal....not feeling they'll be around for long and keeping repeat business, smh
  16. Help Disco that closed in 2010 used to be a straight female prostitute disco on Ave Atlantica (I used to cruise by looking for horny guys coming out unsatisfied) Looks like someone recreated/re-opened it .....using Le Boys old space http://www.helpdisco.com/
  17. why am I a "Dangling" member and Tomcal is "aroused" member....just seems wrong, lol
  18. a lesson to all.......don't get so CRAZY in love with a boy in another country that you blow everything you have for "imagined" love.......OPEN YOUR EYES..(my favorite expression in Thailand, btw)
  19. Representative of Tomcal's type......they all have a penis, LMAO Oz has a "type", I have a "type", Joe has a "type".....I've known Tom so long and his "type" has ...mmmm, evolved(?) so much I fear he's going to return to females before long
  20. was for both from Bangkok city to Pattaya, nice vehicle, tolls included, punctual. http://www.pttaxiservice.com/
  21. Believe me.... this isn't the 1st time this has happened to me in Thailand, however, it is the 1st time the guy apologized, put his clothes on and walked out the door without asking for money...I give him credit for that. The mamasan had said he had a big one (yeah I'm a size queen, why I favor Brasil) he was Thai average, I had spent money on his bar drink, 350, off 500, food and a beer....so it wasn't free in the end was it....?? As an 18 yr veteran here....some guys have tricks and schemes to lure the farang out of their cash AND sooo many willingly do so...... however, like many third world countries..... what they make compared to a "standard" job, is very different. I met someone, a non-board member at Dick's the other night. Has lived here for 12 yrs...... he asks the mamasans, who are the new arrivals..... says they haven't had time to learn the "tricks" and is never disappointed.
  22. I was with Sam on that night, was actually the boy that ordered the 2nd drink not the Mamasan,,,,and was a cola...so imagine paying that price just for a GLASS of cola, not the can. That's the same boy that spent more time on his phone than talking with Sam....probably a technique to make some money for doing nothing and sent away to try to get offed again, brilliant strategy and it worked. Another thing that pissed me off in Pattaya was in BBB, sign outside advertising drinks for 280.... I offered a boy a drink and the bill was 350 for his drink....just deceptive in my opinion, even the waiter agreed and was embarrassed. One positive out of a negative experience was the boy from BBB couldn't stay hard nor perform properly, even after trying a long time.... got dressed, apologized and left...didn't ask for any money. I always preface an off with the agreement, no power= no money...ok??? He lived up to his end in that respect. (a problem you will NEVER have in Brasil, btw) My best mamasan experience so far on this trip was in screw boys.....I was going to buy the boy I was taking off a drink, she told me save the money buy him a drink somewhere else, too expensive there... she didn't even ask/suggest a tip for her 1 time, smart girl.
  23. Were you taking notes... how the F*CK you remember all this stuff??? The rude waiter was at Cafe Royale.....I'd been eating there late nights for years..I guess the owners passed away, supposedly the Thai "mafia" owns the building now and rent it out....was I was told from a Farang that has lived in Thailand a looonnnggg time.
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