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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. Downtown vale todo is a great disco, met some cute guys there...also 80 divas (if it's still opened...was frequently raided/closed) and Sagitario downtown...dangerous at night but lots of cuties. Banos 240 in downtown was a little difficult for me to find, looks like a plain house from outside but is beautiful inside with massage guys for hire with ending. Not much info on Lima but in my several trips I always enjoyed it....even found a couple of potential "boyfriend" types.... Miraflores def has some awesome restaurants too
  2. Myself. probably.....thinking of just going to SP. Might see if Francisco's brother will come down..... And Kevin, yes...Sauna Mania had live sex show the other night and free food...but the admission was 380 baht, over 50, double....didn't see anyone over 50.
  3. Their site says no Garotos de Programa. And the party listing shows naked nights..theme nights, live sex shows..like Sauna Mania in Bangkok with naked nights...if it gets a fraction of what Sauna Mania gets, should be hot. I'm going next month...have been to similar places in SP, will check this place out
  4. KJUN12...are you in BKK or Pattaya.....I'm in Pattaya now and had my best sex so far on this trip last night for 1,000 baht (30usd)...tons of places in the Jomtien complex.....prices much lower here overall , including hotels...staying at the venue for 20usd a night
  5. Because I actually am here and come here, so I know what I'm talking about? I'll bet I'm younger than you are thinking and I've been coming here 18 yrs... There are quite a few people on this board that have met me, so my comments here are credible.....can we say the same about you, just curious.....
  6. I'm in BKK now but did think about going to Jakarta....I might have been in that place had I not come here, Finally my bad timing saved me on something.....
  7. So did the party happen....how did it go?
  8. I understand that foreigners come from other parts, That's why I specified westerners. Asians from other countries are asked for their passports at some places (DJ for example), but in my MANY yrs coming here, I've never been asked to show any ID....and I've been to sleazy bars., in between places and roof bars. Bank studio comes to mind , they had frequent raids many yrs ago, And even though foreigners were detained...I never had to show anything to get in.
  9. Yeah, but it was Fidel...and his brother mandated it. Otherwise, there would have been celebrations in the street,lol No liquor or music (not even subdued or on the black market) for the 10 days....Friends that usually can do/get anything behaved because they were that afraid of being jailed.....
  10. Foreigners (westerners) need a copy of passport to get in....??
  11. Someones aging themselves with a Sears reference,lol Is a funny image though ....
  12. I thought that happened years ago ....
  13. And since your memory is getting bad lately..... I'm willing to bet that you probably had sex with one of the police either sometime before this encounter or shortly after
  14. Two things..... how did you forget to tell this story??? And the mistake I see here, is your friends said "Americano"..... if they used the National term for Very Important Whore "TOM", the police would've bowed down to you.
  15. I'd be interested what happens when he arrives in Brasil on his next trip.... They almost always give 3 months on entry. But one time I was going to be in Brasil for nearly of the 3 months, had flights/rooms booked in various cities. When I entered, the immigration officer said I'll give you 10 days! I argued, politely back and forth for about 5 minutes until he finally gave up and gave me the 3 months. So, immigration (in any country) has total option once you arrive at their border....Brasil especially loves to fuck (reciprocate) whatever other countries do to their citizens....remember the cameras and fingerprints, or when they were sending people back to Spain when they arrived, lol
  16. EXACTLY what I do in any hotel with a mini bar ....also gives me space to put something because is usually the only fridge in the room....
  17. Not sure, does this apply to tourists too?? I was in Cuba when Fidel Castro died....was 10 days of mandated mourning, included EVERYONE, even tourists....most boring time I ever had there....
  18. I know that wouldn't be your last trip ,lol
  19. I'd pick Colombia....Panama has a lot of hot guys, but the gay scene is very underground ....or fly Copa and do a free stopover in Panama for a couple of nights on the connection.
  20. I disagree...I've met many clients that like this, even from this board I think. You'd be surprised what these guys are asked to do....just because you don't do it, doesn't mean it's considered "unusual"..... But lap dances, I don't recall ever seeing per se. They sometimes come out in the audience and grind on you by chance.
  21. If you're looking to bottom in the gangbang, I don't think you'll have any problem finding guys that will fuck you in front of other guys...it's "macho" being the top. I'm not shy, I'd go with you...worst case , we don't get along and I get my own place and you end up eating the cost of the apt...no? However, I would leave by the day or 2 after Christmas....high season in the saunas kick in and my least favorite time to be there. The weeks leading up to Christmas is a buyers market....
  22. One of these days I'll get this part right....
  23. I imagine he'll suffer through...how many programas on his 1st night?...I lost count ....where he gets this energy, I'll never figure it out.
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