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Everything posted by floridarob

  1. no connections to gringos...invitation letters only work in cases of Student and family visas when they want proof that someone will be financially responsible for the visiting person and can prove it through tax returns.....so do it, what do you have to lose $160 usd.... he already has his passport from Brasil, no? Tix and other shit isn't bought until the visa is issued.....if you stick to the lies I said to have him tell.....depending on the interviewing officer, he might get it....but you'll never know if you don't try.. Worse thing that happens is they say no, and he can apply again after 6 months and the same officer that denied him can 't do the interview again.
  2. Fee is $160 usd for the appointment...non-refundable....don't buy tix ahead of time. If he is approved then get them (Like Ferrar said...when the economy was good, they were giving them to just about anyone that applied, not the case now). I've been through this in Mexico and the same "rules" follow. You'd think being somewhat honest is the best route to go...it is not. You have to tell them what they want to hear.....he lives at home and helps his family pay bills, he is going to Disney World or Las Vegas as a tourist, he doesn't know anyone there (they'll think they are staying if they say yes)...the application is quite long, online and has stupid questions....have him fill it out himself....why is he going alone...he asked his friends and they don't want to go but is his dream to see one of those places....how long is he planning to stay, 5-7 days, how is he paying for the trip...money he has been saving up..... will he return...of course, his family counts on him. No talk about knowing you or any other gringos.... this is only to get the visa, the roundtrip tix and other questions about funds will be when he arrives in the USA, Immigration will want to know that stuff to let him enter....still no mention of knowing gringos...even with a visa, he can be refused entry at that point...total discretion on the officer's part....so chose your airport of entry/connection wisely,lol
  3. Don't see Trix mentioned anywhere.....anyone remember that place on 48th Street?? Kathy from Stella's had a bar before Stella's...it was Trix or Cat's??
  4. I like the guys at Fragata, and the staff is super nice. The rooms are horrible though, so I always take someone back to my hotel usually, after a burger at Meats,lol I've been to Chili peppers hotel, decent place.....after being to the saunas and able to select who/what you want...you get spoiled....takes time to hook up with someone there, more cruising and usually someone you're not into, persists to try and be with you :-(
  5. He has no clue...I have soo many stories about this guy, makes my head spin.
  6. Did all except the burger...my FAVORITE burger place in SP is Meats, around the corner from Fragata.
  7. Couldn't agree more....Pope Francis, sorry to have interrupted your post...they are detailed, informative and a good read.
  8. Don't worry, My feeling don't get hurt easily....I'm not a bitchy queen, just a sarcastic Bostonian. Funny thing is that even though I don't post much, I've been a member of this board since its inception as well as from hooboy. Been going to Brasil nearly 20 years, back in the days when we organized parties on the roof of the Atlantico Hotel with members from here and boys from the sauna...Jr. from Point used to come as well (point was new and he had his other sauna Estacao). I lived in Rio & SP for a couple of years off/on, know the owners of all the saunas in those 2 cities, traveled through most of the big cities, speak Portuguese and still in contact with GP's going back 15 years. If you come to a message board and post your exploits, it's an open board....I'm never rude (sarcasm is sometimes interpreted as such, but is not) and I give my opinion , which is from many years of experience, my own and many that have come before us. So what I find odd is johnny come lately's, feeling some sort of "ownership" of threads or that somehow threads going off topic isn't to their liking.....too bad. There are some posters here that I regard as well traveled, level headed and people I like to hang out with. On the other hand (and I've seen you in the saunas) Wouldn't want to be seen walking down the street together...... and if using big words while trying to insult someone makes you feel better/more educated.....it just makes you look like an ass in my book ,lol
  9. ironic that you had to make an intermission to talk about others intermissions
  10. I had the opposite on my trip, SP guys were fine with 100 and Rio guys were asking 150 and sticking to it
  11. People have responded negatively to my posts, either here or other forums. I usually justify myself and end say something like, everyone's entitled to their opinions....I don't get offended, at least I don't think I do... If you look at my original reply, I said this was a very good read, however something stood out to me and it had nothing to do with Paulo's mental state or trying to kill himself.....just the line of him needing honesty, and that struck me as ironic. The real "sickness" that many/most of us suffer here is a sexual addiction, same as drug, coffee, cigarette, alcohol, gambling...etc addictions..... and that is obvious by the number of programas done just in one day, like binge drinking...but this is a completely different topic.
  12. Thanks Lucky for your input, no sense in beating a dead horse, I think you got it right.....But Tartegogo should go re-read his last comments and then analyze what I was saying....misconstrued every line, smh
  13. Didn't realize that it was the commercials that drew you to Thailand...
  14. Nice that you're still in Touch with him, he was funny.
  15. My comments were from my perspective and MANY years of being in Brasil, Thailand, Cuba to mention a few places. I am still in touch with guys I've met 15 yrs ago..in all those places. I speak Spanish, Portuguese fairly well (some Thai, but many Thai's speak English)....I've hung out with many guys, that I've never had sex with and listened to the stories of how they are like actors....crying, being sad, needing money for school or their kids (that they don't even have). There's just so much experience that's difficult to share......but , like I said, many times...If it makes you feel better, if you want to go throw 100 dollar (or Euro) bills of your balcony....do it, it's your money. Tom can attest to this, how many guys, down the road will email or text, call and say that they need money for ____________ fill in the blank. It's par for the course, imagine how many clients these guys have every week, month, year....is staggering. And just a small percentage agree and send them something........I flat out say no and most say ok, Thanks...others persist to a point I have to block them. In the end , I think it's cute when people think they are bettering someone's life with something materialistic.....Just think of this quote again " I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo. Paolo needs honesty"
  16. Great writing, I barely remember where I was , never mind names! Something stood out to me though... " I tell him that it was Paolo’s decision to cut himself, not Leandro's and allowing Paulo to stay in his bed is not being honest with Paolo. Paolo needs honesty" I'd say many here that think these guys are into them, or love them (even BF's)....could also use honesty.....money and presents that get thrown around has always amazed me, thinking that they'll like you more.
  17. There was an article that I read about 10 years ago that was about 10 things that won't be around in 10 yrs. On that list (that I remember), Pay phones, book stores, gay bars...it said: Gay bars: As The Orlando Sentinel noted in a recent article, around the country gay bars have been going out of business as gay men and women have been gaining greater acceptance in society. What used to be a hangout for people who felt unwelcome elsewhere is becoming less necessary.Odds of survival in 10 years: As with many industries, the very best of them will endure; the rest won't. Also on that list were, camera film, newspapers in print version...
  18. I'm easy...I can stay with almost anyone.... even Tomcal, the frigate bird, lol
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